irtr.org/cra IRTR Cultural Revolution Archive [email protected] November 17, 1972 — Chiao Kuan-hua's speech at U.N. General Assembly and "Renmin Ribao" Commentator's article More Works by Marx, Engels, Lenin And Stalin Published in China Scanned and prepared by It's Right to Rebel! IRTR Cultural Revolution Archive [email protected] irtr.org/cra PEKING Vol. 15, No. 46 November 17, 1972 REVIEW Published in English, French, Spanish, Japanese and German editions CONTENTS THE WEEK 3 More Works by Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin Published Albanian Friendship Military Delegation in Peking Kingdom of Cambodia's National Day Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Birthday Marked China-Algeria ARTICLES AND DOCUMENTS Soviet Disarmament Proposal Is a Fraud — Chiao Kuan-hua's speech at U.N. General Assembly opposing Soviet proposal 5 An Inglorious Performance — Renmin Ribao Commentator 6 At the U.N.: Disarmament — Point at Issue 7 Achievements Reviewed: The Cambodian People March On 9 "Ceasefire in Cambodia" Denounced 10 Victory of Chairman Mao's Concept of Strategy — Notes on studying "The Con­ cept of Operations for the Liaohsi-Shenyang Campaign" — Shen Chun 12 Cadres Studying Marxism-Leninism: Revolutionary Theory of Reflection 16 ROUND THE WORLD 18 South Viet Nam: Victories in October Pakistan: Withdrawal From SEATO Representative of PAC of Azania: Condemning Colonial Rule Japan: Demand for Return of Four Islands Latin America: To Form Union of Banana Exporting Countries U.S.A.: American Indians Protest Britain: Wage and Price Freeze Soviet Union: Mass Emigration of Jews to Israel New Underground Nuclear Test FRIENDSHIP LOG 21 ON THE HOME FRONT 22 Yinchuan: New Industrial City Szechuan's Small Hydroelectric Stations National Sports Competitions Hospital Doctors Go to Factories Published every Friday by PEKING REVIEW, Peking (37), China Post Office Registration No. 2-922 Scanned and prepared by It's Right toPrinte Rebel!d in the People's Republic of China IRTR Cultural Revolution Archive [email protected] irtr.org/cra THE WEEK More Works by Marx, tion and the Renegade Kautsky, won admiration and praise from the Engels, Lenin and Stalin "Left-Wing" Communism, an Infan­ people of various countries." Published tile Disorder, Problems of Leninism, Referring to the present interna­ On Opposition, Marxism and Prob­ tional situation, Comrade Li Teh- The Bureau for the Translation lems of Linguistics and Economic sheng said: "The world is now in an of Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin's Works Problems of Socialism in the U.S.S.R. era of great upheaval and the inter­ Under the Central Committee of the The Chinese translation of some of national situation is developing in a Communist Party of China has com­ these works has been revised and direction more and more in favour piled, translated into Chinese and, rechecked and some have been of the people of the world. The with the co-operation of publishing translated into Mongolian. Tibetan, people of the three Indochinese departments, published many of the Uighur, Korean, Kazakh and braille. countries are advancing courageously works of Marx, Engels, Lenin and The Foreign Languages Press has on the road to victory in their war Stalin to meet the needs of Party- printed 2.3 million copies of 19 against U.S. aggression and for na­ tional salvation. The Korean people members, cadres, workers, peasants, works by Marx, Engels. Lenin and are scoring continuous new successes soldiers and revolutionary intellec­ Stalin in English, French, German, in their struggle for the independent tuals throughout the country in their Persian, Russian and Spanish. study of Marxism-Leninism. Forty- peaceful reunification of their father­ land. The struggles waged by the nine titles (including complete works, people of Asian, African and Latin selected works and pamphlets) total­ Albanian Friendship Military American countries for winning and ling 190 million copies were published Delegation in Peking safeguarding national independence over the last two years. and state sovereignty are rising. Chinese leaders Chou En-lai, This year, seven more volumes More and more small and medium- (Vol. 23. part I of Vol. 26, Vols. 27, Yeh Chien-ying and other com­ sized countries have united to oppose 29. 31, 34 and 38) of the Complete rades on November 7 met the superpower politics and hegemony. Works of Marx and Engels were pub­ Albanian Friendship Military Dele­ Gone for ever are the days when lished to bring the total to 31. A gation headed by Beqir Balluku, imperialism could act like an over­ four-volume edition of Selected Member of the Political Bureau of lord in the world and do whatever Works of Marx and Engels was also the Central Committee of the Al­ it wished. brought out. banian Party of Labour. Vice- Chairman of the Council of Ministers But the nature of imperial­ The four-volume edition of Selected and Minister of People's Defence. ism and social-imperialism as ex­ Works of Lenin, first printed in 1960, The delegation has been visiting pansionists and contenders for has been revised and put on sale various places of interest in Peking world hegemony has not changed. throughout China since November 7. since its arrival. Flaunting the banner of socialism, This edition contains the important Soviet revisionist social-imperialism works written between 1894 and 1923 A grand rally was held on Novem­ is actually controlling other coun­ by the great revolutionary teacher. ber 11 by over 2.000 commanders and tries in the name of giving aid, These works show how Lenin in­ fighters of the Chinese People's pushing expansionism in the name of herited, defended and developed Liberation Army units stationed in supporting revolution, contending Marxism in the struggle against im­ Peking to warmly welcome the for spheres of influence in the name perialism, opportunism of every hue Albanian delegation. of collective security, and engaging and revisionism and pushed Marxism In his speech at the rally, Li Teh- in arms expansion in the name of forward to a new historical stage — sheng, Director of the P.L.A. General disarmament. It is arrogantly bran­ the stage of Leninism. Political Department, first of all ex­ dishing its claws and showing its In addition, more than 20 Marxist- tended the sincerest and warmest wel­ teeth, and is more deceptive and Leninist classics have been reprint­ come to the delegation. He said: "In dangerous than old-line imperialism. ed—Manifesto of the Communist international struggles, the People's The superpowers both contend and Party, The Civil War in France, Cri­ Republic of Albania upholds justice, collude with each other. They con­ tique of the Gotha Programme, defies brute force, firmly opposes tend unceasingly; their temporary Anii-Duhring, Dialectics of Nature, the policies of aggression, expansion compromise is only a prelude to even bigger contention. Their contention Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of and war pursued by imperialism and extends from the land to the seas Classical German Philosophy, What Is social-imperialism, and firmly sup­ and from the earth to outer space. to Be Done?, Materialism and Empirio- ports the revolutionary struggles of Wherever this contention takes Criticism, Imperialism, the Highest all oppressed people and oppressed place, there the sovereignly of coun­ Stage of Capitalism. The State and nations in the world. This proletarian Scanned and prepared by It's Right to Rebel!tries is violated. Wherever they Revolution, The Proletarian Revolu­ internationalist spirit of yours has November 17, 1972 3 IRTR Cultural Revolution Archive [email protected] irtr.org/cra collude with each other, there the ing flesh-and-blood relationship," he A reception in celebration of Cam­ people are suppressed. Therefore, declared. bodia's National Day was given by it is inevitable that the struggle the China-Cambodia Friendship As­ between aggression and anti-aggrcs- sociation and the Chinese People's sion. control and anti-control, inter­ Kingdom of Cambodia's Association for Friendship With vention and anti-intervention, and National Day Foreign Countries in the evening of subversion and anti-subversion will November 9. Vice-Premier Li Hsien- continue. In this protracted struggle, November 9 was the 19th National nien and leading members of depart­ the Chinese people will, as always, Day of the Kingdom of Cambodia. ments concerned attended the func­ closely unite with the Albanian With great joy, the Chinese people tion. Among the distinguished people and the people of other warmly greeted the Cambodian peo­ Cambodian guests present were Sam­ countries and fight shoulder to ple's glorious festival and hailed dech Penn Nouth, Prime Minister of shoulder with them to win victory." their splendid victories in the war the Royal Government of National against U.S. aggression and for na­ Union of Cambodia, and Ieng Sary, In his speech, Comrade Balluku tional salvation. Special Envoy of the Interior Part of said: "The development of the inter­ Cambodia. Samdech Penn Nouth national situation as a whole is more Acting Chairman of the People's Re­ and Vice-President of the Chinese and more favourable to the struggle public of China Tung Pi-wu and People's Association for Friendship of the people of the various coun­ Premier Chou En-lai on November 8 With Foreign Countries Yang Chi tries for freedom and independence, sent a message to Samdech Norodom spoke on the occasion. Both praised and favourable to revolution and so­ Sihanouk and Samdech Penn Nouth, the great friendship and militant cialism. The system of capitalism has extending the warmest congratula­ unity of the Cambodian and Chinese found itself in a general and grave tions on the anniversary. Renmin peoples. crisis, with its inner contradictions Ribao's editorial on November 9 more intensified. Class struggle and said that the Cambodian people the struggle for national liberation were a heroic people with a Dr.
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