SOUTH GATE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, March 8, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. I. Call to Order/Roll Call with Invocation & Pledge CALL TO ORDER Jorge Morales, Mayor Pastor Bobby Scott, Community Faith Bible INVOCATION Church PLEDGE OF Esther L. Perez, Ed.D., Executive Director of ALLEGIANCE Valiente Charter School ROLL CALL Carmen Avalos, City Clerk II. City Officials MAYOR CITY CLERK Jorge Morales Carmen Avalos VICE MAYOR CITY TREASURER W.H. (Bill) De Witt Gregory Martinez COUNCIL MEMBERS CITY MANAGER Maria Belen Bernal Michael Flad Maria Davila Gil Hurtado CITY ATTORNEY Raul F. Salinas III. Meeting Compensation Disclosure Pursuant to Government Code Section 54952.3: Disclosure of compensation for meeting attendance by City Council Members is $600 monthly regardless of the amount of meetings. IV. Proclamations, Certificates, Introductions and Ceremonial Actions 1. Introduction Of Esther L. Perez, Ed.D., Executive Director Of Valiente College Prep Charter School, Located At 8691 California Avenue In South Gate The City Council and the public will be introduced to Esther L. Perez, recently hired as the Executive Director of Valiente College Prep Charter School. (ADMIN) Documents: ITEM 1 REPORT 03082016.PDF 2. Certificate Of Appreciation To South Gate Resident Edwin Saucedo In Recognition Of Becoming The New Student Body President For The University Of Southern California a. The City Council and the public will be introduced to Edwin Saucedo, resident of South Gate and newly elected Student Body President for the University of Southern California; and b. The City Council will present Edwin Saucedo with a Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of his accomplishment. (ADMIN) Documents: ITEM 2 REPORT 03082016.PDF 3. Certificates Of Appreciation To South Gate High, South Gate Middle And Southeast Middle School Students Who Completed The Students Run LA Marathon On February 14, 2016 The City Council will present Certificates of Appreciation to South Gate students who completed the Students Run LA Marathon on Sunday, February 14, 2016. (ADMIN) Documents: ITEM 3 REPORT 03082016.PDF V. Public Hearings 4. Resolution Approving Conditional Use Permit No. 822 Allowing The Sale Of Beer And Wine For Off-Site Consumption For Freddy's Market Located At 3433 Tweedy Boulevard Will Be Continued To The Regularly Scheduled City Council Meeting Of July 12, 2016 The City Council will consider continuing the Public Hearing for consideration of Conditional Use Permit No. 822 to allow the sale of beer and wine for off-site consumption for Freddy's Market located at 3433 Tweedy Boulevard to the regularly scheduled City Council meeting of July 12, 2016. (CD) Documents: ITEM 4 REPORT 03082016.PDF 5. Citizens Advisory Committee's List Of Recommended Projects And Funding Amounts To Be Appropriated From Community Development Block Grant Funds For Fiscal Year 2016-2017 The City Council will conduct a Public Hearing to consider: (CD) a. Selecting and approving from the recommended Citizen Advisory Committee's list of proposed projects and allocations; and b. Determining the amount to be appropriated per project from the $1,673,132 Community Development Block Grant funding for Fiscal Year 2016-2017. Documents: ITEM 5 REPORT 03082016.PDF VI. Comments from the Audience During this time, members of the public and staff may address the City Council regarding any items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council. Comments from the audience will be limited to five (5) minutes per speaker; unless authorized by the Mayor, the time limit may not be extended by utilizing another member's time. There will be no debate or action on items not listed on the agenda unless authorized by law. Note: The City Council desires to provide all members of the public with the opportunity to address the Council. Nevertheless, obscene language, comments intended to disrupt or interfere with the progress of the meeting or slanderous comments will not be tolerated and may result in ejection and/or may constitute a violation of South Gate Municipal Code Section 1.04.110. VII. Reports and Comments From City Officials During this time, members of the City Council will report on matters pertaining to their service on various intergovenmental boards and commissions as a representative of the City pursuant to Assembly Bill 1234. City Council Members will also have an opportunity to comment on matters not on the agenda. Following the City Council Members, reports and comments will be heard by the City Clerk, City Treasurer, City Manager and Department Heads. VIII. Consent Calendar Items Agenda Items 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 are consent Calendar Items. All items including Ordinances, Resolutions and Contracts, may be approved by adoption of the Consent Calendar, individually and collectively by one (1) motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless Members of the City Council, the public, or staff request that specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion and action. Any Motion to introduce or adopt an Ordinance on the Consent Calendar shall be: (1) a motion to waive the reading of the Ordinance and introduce the Ordinance or (2) a motion to waive the reading of the Ordinance and adopt the Ordinance, as appropriate. 6. Resolution Amending Resolution No. 7666 Extending The Mandatory Water Conservation Measures Through November 8, 2016 The City Council will consider adopting a Resolution ______ amending Resolution No. 7666 extending the mandatory water conservation measures through November 8, 2016 in compliance with Emergency Regulatory Action 2016-0203-01 EE approved by the State of California, Office of Administrative Law (OAL) under the guidance of the State Water Resources Control Board. (PW) Documents: ITEM 6 REPORT 03082016.PDF 7. Amendment No. 2 To Contract No. 2604, Second Amendment With LAUSD For Additional Public Improvements Benefiting The Community And Legacy High School The City Council will consider: (PW) a. Approving the Amendment No. 2 to Contract No. 2604, Second Amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding and Public Improvements Agreement with LAUSD (LAUSD South Region High School #9), to secure $425,000 from LAUSD to fund certain additional Public Improvements that benefit both the community and Legacy High School; and b. Appropriating $75,000 in Gas Tax Funds to a new account number to be assigned by Administrative Services/Finance; and c. Authorizing the Mayor to execute the Second Amendment in a form acceptable to the City Attorney and Special Counsel. Documents: ITEM 7 REPORT 03082016.PDF 8. Agreement With EnerNOC, Inc., Securing Services Needed To Participate In Southern California Edison's Energy Management Through Demand Response Program The City Council will consider: (PW) a. Approving an Agreement (Contract _______) with EnerNOC, Inc., at no cost to the City, securing services needed to participate in Southern California Edison's Energy Management Through Demand Response Program (Program); and b. Appropriating any incentive funds received from the Program to the Water Energy Savings, Grants and Reimbursement Account (Account No. 411-731-71-4907) to be utilized for maintenance of the City's water system; and c. Authorizing the Mayor to execute the Agreement in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. Documents: ITEM 8 REPORT 03082016.PDF 9. Amendment No. 1 To Contract No. 3069 With Vali Cooper & Associates, Inc., Adding Construction Management And Inspection Services For The Miller Way Street Improvements Project The City Council will consider: (PW) a. Approving Amendment No.1 to Contract No. 3069 with Vali Cooper & Associates, Inc., to add Construction Management and Inspection Services for the Miller Way Street Improvement Project from Garfield Avenue to I-710 Undercrossing, City Project No. 454-ST, in an amount not to exceed $26,447; and b. Authorizing the Mayor to execute Amendment No. 1 in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. Documents: ITEM 9 REPORT 03082016.PDF 10. Agreement With The Los Angeles County Flood Control District For Construction, Operation, Maintenance And Use Of Property Known As The East Compton Creek Drainage System No. 1 For Landscaping Improvements As Part Of The Firestone/Atlantic Intersection Improvements The City Council will consider: (PW) a. Approving a Use Agreement (Contract ______) with Los Angeles County Flood Control District (County) for the construction, operation, maintenance and use of the property known as the East Compton Creek Drainage System No. 1 - Parcel 3, Assessor's No. 6216-009- 900, to accommodate the landscaping improvements that were a part of the Firestone Boulevard/Atlantic Avenue Phase 2 Intersection Improvement Project; and b. Authorizing the Mayor to execute the Agreement in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. Documents: ITEM 10 REPORT 03082016.PDF 11. Agreement With National Auto Fleet Group For The Purchase Of Four Police Pursuit Vehicles And The Required Emergency Equipment To Outfit The Vehicles; And Appropriation Of Funds The City Council will consider: (PD) a. Approving an Agreement (Contract ______) with National Auto Fleet Group for the purchase of four Police pursuit vehicles and the required emergency equipment to outfit the vehicles for a total amount not to exceed $169,489.82; and b. Appropriating $43,573.84 from the unassigned Asset Seizure fund balance to Account No. 235-570-21-9005 to purchase the emergency equipment; and c. Authorizing the Director of Administrative Services, or her designee, to purchase the vehicles and emergency equipment; and d. Authorizing the Chief of Police to act as agent for the City under the Agreement and to execute any subsequent documents on behalf of the City as required, in forms acceptable to the City Attorney. Documents: ITEM 11 REPORT 03082016.PDF 12. Amendment No. 1 To Contract No. 3094, MOU With The South Gate Division Management Association The City Council will consider: (ADMIN SERVICES) a. Approving Amendment No.
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