Zhong Guo Gu Sheng Wu Di Li Qu Xi

Zhong Guo Gu Sheng Wu Di Li Qu Xi

S0006066 # ^ 4 3375 o » " " " + tin! 4* # ik A Jt W » 137 & + (8^$ ft«f ^ ^ 1983 6 787 x 1091 1/10 1983 6 W1 12 3/4 0001—4,000 2S9.00S R— 13031 • 2273 *tt 3113 • 13—16 2.00 V •••••• ) ) ' ) ^! " "/ . " 17 " " 1980 6 ») plate tectonics, Gray, J. and Boucot, A. J., eds, 1976, Historical biogeography, and the changing enviroument: Oregon state university press, 500pp. Hallam, A., ed., 1973, Atlas of palaeobioft?OKraphy: Amsterdam, Elsevier, 531 pp. Hughes, N. P., ed., 1973, Organisms and continents through time: Spec, papers palaeontology no. 12, 334pp. Middlemiss, F. A., Rawson, P. P., and Newall, G., eds" 1971 Faunal provinces in space and time; Liverpool, Seel House Press, 236pp. Ross. O. A., ed., 1974. PalacoReographic provinces and provinciality: Soc. Econ. palaeontologists and mineralogists spsc. pub. 21, 233pp. S 1 ) 16 ) ' f 32 ) 43 ) ' 53 > 64 ) 74 ) 83 ) 91 > —— 100> jj^g^^ L21> 5 131> H2> 152 164> 178> " • &(185> PALAEOBIOGEOGRAPHIC PROVINCES OF CHINA Cements Preface The Cambrian of E. Guizhou and W. Hunan and its bearing on the provincialism of the Cambrian faunas in China Lu Yanhao and Qian Yiyuan ( 1 ) Ordovician ecostrarigraphical types and biogeographical regions of China Mu Anzhi ( 16 ) Silurian rugose coral assemblages and palaeobiogeography of China Wang Hongzhen and Ho Xinyi ( 32 ) Silurian cephalopod provincialism Chen Junyuan ( 43 ) Yukiangian (early Emsian) brachiopod zoogeography Wang Yu and Rong Jiayu ( 53 ) Palaeozoogeographic provinces of the Lower Carboniferous brachiopods of China … Yang Shipu ( 64 ) Carboniferous and Permian floral provinces in East Asia Li Xingxue and Yao Zhaoqi ( 74 ) Geographic distributions of the Permian bryozoa and its fossil assemblages in China Yang Jingzhi and Lu Linhuang ( 83 ) Prelimnary study on the Permian phytogeography of Xinjiang Wu Shaozu ( 91 ) Late Triassic and Early Jurassic bivalve assemblages and palaeogeography of Southe- ast China, with a bivalve-biogeographjc division in China Chen Jinhua (100) On the Late Triassic, Lower and Middle Jurassic floras and phytogeographic prov- inces of China Wu Shunqing (121) Jurassic and Cretaceous conchostracan biogegraphic provinces of China Chen Peiji and Shen Yanbin (131) Microfloral areas of Eae.y Cretaceous in China Li Wenben (142) Early Cretaceous no-marine ostracod biogeographic provinces of China • Ye Chunhui (152) Note on phytogeographic provinces and ecologycial environment of Late Cretaceous and Tertiary floras in China Guo Shuangxin (164) Miocene floristic regions of China - Song Zhichen, Li Haomin, Zheng Yahui and Liu Gengwu (178) Biogeographic divisions of Quaternary marine bivalves along Eastern Coastal China Lan Xiu (185) X , . ( . " " Plate tectonics) (Wilson, 1966 Dewey et al. 1970) " - " (Bio-tectonics) (Wilson 1957 Lochman-Balk et Wilson, 1958) " " WhiUington et Hughes, 1972), " " Latitudinal Con- trol Hypothesis) (Palmer, 1972), <t Temperature bar- rier) et Cook Taylor, 1975) , Paia- eo-magnetic Analysis) Runne- gar, 1977 9 11 lb) 1974 1976) "- " 1974) " 1976)- " 1979) " 1959 505 1961 1963 1966 1977, 1978), - 1977) - - 1. Redlichia chinensis ( Walcott) , R- murakamii Resser et Endo, Yuehsienszella sp. c Panxinella angustilimbata, P. xiunaoensis RedZichia murakamii Resser et Endo, Megapalaeolenus deprati (Mansuy) , Pseudoichangia, Palaeolenus Poo- kannia sp. 2. Ar^iricocephahis, Arthricocephalus (Arthricocephalites) Balangia, Changaspis , 1) ifimanocep/mZus, Eodisciidae 2) 300 Me- Hunanocephalus Hupeidiscus, Sinodiscus , Szechuanaspis, taredlichia Huaspis, Chengkouia, Neocobboldia Tsunyidiscus f , , ( : *c 3. P 2 1 4 5) 1. Kaotaia, Meitania, Sinoptychoparia, Hemicricometopus 2. Ptycha- gnostus, Peronopsis, Hypagnostus, Goniagnostus, Linguagnostus , Diplagnostus, Phalacroma, Lejopyge, Fuchouia, Lisania, Dorypyge, Pinaspis, Stigmatoa Diplagnostus, Phalacroma, Linguagnostus, Goniagnostus, Stigmatoa, Doirypy' ge, Fuchouia, Lisania 5) , 3. 6), 1. Enshia typica Chu Liaoningaspis sichuanensis Chu, Saukia enshiensis Chu , 1974) 2. ^ —M Charchaqia, Diceratopyge, Hedinaspis, Jegorovaia, Olen- us,—Parabolinella Glyptagnostus, Lotagnostus Hedinaspis, Lotagnostus 1977) OZenidae Hunanolenus 90 — 120 "" 1955) "" " "" " 3. 50 —60 45 70 —80° , Prosaukia, Saukia, Faracoosis, Tellerina, Mansuyia, Kaolishani ella () Proceratupyge, Niobella ' Lotagnostus, Charchaqia, Onchonotina, Hedinaspis,Pro- ceratopyge ( ) 1954 1956, 1961; 1963) Lofagnostus sanduensis Lu et Chi en, Homagnostus sp. Pseudagnostus cf. chinensis (Dames), Olenus guizhou- ensis Lu et Chien, Jegorovaia lanceolata Lu et Chien, J. pyriformis Lu et Chien, Hermosella sanduensis Lu et Chien, ProtopelturaCi) sinensis Lu et Chien Daizhaisaukia nitida Lu et Chien, Proshukia sanduensis Lu et Chien, Palaeoharpes primicjerdus Lu et Chien, P. daizhaiansis Lu et Chien, Dicerato- pyge agnor Lu et Chien, Calycinoidia convexa Lu et Chien, Parabolinella la- tilimbaia Lu et Chien ll Lotagnostus, Protopeltura(l) , Olen- us, Proceratopyge, Diceratopyge |§ Saukiidae Saufcia, Prosaukia Damesellidae BZacfcweZderia, BergeTonitesC?) Kaolishaniidae Prochuangia, 1 6 1 7 8) Kueichoda, Zhenbaspis Gtiiarhottdiscus, Tsunyidiscus . Hunanocephalus Hunanocephalus (Doutingia) Hupeidi- scus, Sinodiscus, Tsunyidiscus, Neocobboldia(i) ffunanocep/iahts, H. (Doutingia) Hunanocepha- s EB Boundary of the lrat\sllhnti and {he Jlongaoff rtqton ^-a; Yangtzi fa •(H) Tronsitionol fourtO Jiangnan fauna 1 Hunanocephalm 1 Redlichia 3 O Protospongia Ichangia 4 d Eodisciidae Hupeidtscus 1 (3 Hunanoccphalus Hunanoccphalus Hunanoccphalus 2 m Redlichis 2 <3 'Ncocobboldia 5 (3 Hupeidtscus Hupeidtscus Eodiscidae Hunanoccphalus 3 • Redlichia Szechuanaspis 6 d Hupeidtscus Hunanoccphalus 7 d Neocobboidia Tsunyidiscm Hupeidtscus Hunanoccphalus 1 O Protospongia 3 <3 Hupeidtscus Hunanocephalus 2 O Protospongia Hsu aspi 8 9 lus Ecdisciidae ^, 400 —500 II 2 7 8) 2 u) ] • Chengk^outa 4 Chengkpuia ProtoUnella 5 • Kootenia 1 O Protospongta 2 • Palaeolenus Redlichta 2 O Protospongta 3 • Paokannia 6,7 • Kootenta 3 O Protospongta Szechuanolenus Redlichta Vrotolenella Szechuanolenus Chengfcottia, Protolenella, Palaeo- lenus, Paokannia, Szechuanolenus III 3 7, 8) a Megttpa^ieoZemiS, Ar^ricecephaZus (Arthricocepha E3 Boundary of the Tronsifionof onrf iht .Tiongnoa rejionf ^(l) Liraeslone and Yangtzi fauna '(in) g E ^ Transitional Jiangnan., iuna 3 m) Redlichsa Balangia Changaspis Redltchia Changaspis Arthricocephalus Mcgapaiaeolcnas Feslongshama Balangia Redltchia 3 (3 Arthricocephalus Changaspis Megapaiaeolenu% Balangia Arthricocephalus Changaspis Balangia 1 o Protospongta 4 3 Arthricocephalus Changasprs 2 Protospongia Balangia Arthricocephalus Protospongta Changaspsx Balngra 5 C9 Arthricocephalus Changaspts Megapalaeolenui 6 3 Changaspis 12 Arthricocephalus Arthricocephalus 7 CB Arthricocephalus Changaspis Arthricocephalus Bala fig/ lites) penctina Qian, A. (A) xiaosaiensis Qian , Arthricocephalus MegapciZa- eolenus, Arf/iricocephaZus, Balangia, CTiangaspi^ MegapaZaeoZenus, Arthricocep?iahs Cfcangasp & Qnd W. Hunan » ^^^^^ ^ E:^ ^ ^ Boundary of the Yangtz'r end Boundary of the Transitionol the Transitional reqloft ond the Jiang nan r eg Tom ^ ^ . Carbonate Liffiestone and Marli re #• en ^ Yongtzi fauna Defrifaf RocRS o(ffl) E Transitional favna Jiananan fauna 4 IV) 1 • Redire hia Panx'tnella 1 9 Redlichta Probowmanta Yuehsrenszella Protoryctocephalm 2 • Redlichta Redlichta 2 9 Bathynotus 3 Redlichta Chuchiaspts 4 • Redlichta Redlichta 1 O Protospongsa Yuehsienszella Probowmama 2 O Protospongia 5 Redlichta 5 Diplagno$tus 1 Hemicricomctopus Pianaspts 2 Fuchouia {Farajuchou Peronopsis Fuchouia Xingrenaspis 2 A Kaotaia Dorypyge Majiangia Pagetia Lisania Oryctocephalus 3 Hemicr'tcometopus Oryctocephalus 19 Kaotaia Elrathtnella ^Proasaphtscus Kaotaia A Fuchouia (^Parafuchou ia) 7 A Fuchouta a Proas apkiscus 7* Lejopyge Hypagnostus Kaotaia Phalacroma Ptychagnosttis u Lejopyge- Proas ap/irscus n A Fuchot4ta 8 A Hemicricometopus Goniagnostus Ptychagnostus Hypagnostus 6 Kaotoia Pianaspts u Lisania Pro as aphiscus 10 Proceratopyge Manchurtella Dorypyge Fuchouia u 9 Pagetia Proasaphisct4s A Fuchouia A Dorypyge 10 A Hypagnosfns Diplagnostus 1 Vrotoipongia Pagetia Vrotospongsa Oryctocephalus Pianaspts 6 A Lejopyge Usania an asp/ Fuchouia 1 f Hchoti'ta Pi 6 Sau\ia Homagnostus Stigmatoa Glyptagnostus Danzhaisau\ia Sandus pis Yuepingia 6 a Charchaqia Pagodia Acrocephalina Proceratopyge Hedtnaspis Tellerina Parabolinella Bergeronites Tellerina Tellerina Olenus Blac\welderia Prosaukia Mon^aspis Protopeltura Glyptagnostus Tsinania Saukta Frosaukta Pagodia Proceratopyge Diceratopyge Prochuangia Pseudagnostus Onchonotina Jegorovaia Prochuangia Lotagnostus Charchaqia Proceratopyge Chuangia Acrocephalina 2 d Proceratopyge Geragnostus Olenus Hedtnaspis Charchaqia Pseudagnostus Homagnostus Lotagnostus Geragnostus Homagnostus Cydolorenzella Pseudagnostus BlackjUfelderia Blachjvelderia 3 B Chuangia Shengia Onchonotina 1 a Lotagnostus Prochuangia Teinistion Acrocephalina Pscudagnostus Phalacroma Uaoningaspis 11 * * 4 mi^m ( , 7 8) ' i ia Redlichia, Antagmus, Chuchiaspis Eopiychoparia, Pro- bowmania Ptychopariidae PanarineUa xiu- naoensis, P. ansfus^imbafa ( 1974) ProforycfocephaZus) Bathy no^s Protospongia) Y 5 6 7 8) ifemicHcomefoptis, "Proasaphiscus" , Lisania, Fuchouia, Luia, Pinania, Goniagnostus, Diplagno- stus Saukiidae Saufcitr, DaiTizhaisaufeia, Pro- Pagodia saukia, Eosaukia, Olenus, Parabolinella , Wujiajiania, Hedinaspis f Acrocephalina, Proceratopyge, Charchaqia, Chekiangaspis Olenidae 20 1 6 I , II 20 HI 20 • 12 • 5 3N01S3WH 3E e r t 31 TIVHS

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