Duxbury Free Library DVD list Call Num Title Pub.Date DVD ABA Abandoned 2016 DVD ABO About Schmidt 2003 DVD ABO About a boy 2002 DVD ABO Above and Below 2016 DVD ABO DISC 2 About time 2014 DVD ABR Abraham Lincoln 2012 DVD ABS Absence of malice 1997 DVD ACA A collection of 2005 Academy Award nominated short films 2006 DVD ACE DISC 1-2 Ace in the hole 2007 DVD ACR DISC 1-2 Across the universe 2008 DVD ADA Adam & Steve 2006 DVD ADA Adam's rib 0 DVD ADA Adaptation 2003 DVD ADA Adam resurrected 2009 DVD ADE Adele's wish. 2012 DVD ADJ The Adjustment Bureau 2011 DVD ADM Admission 2013 DVD ADO Adoration 2009 DVD ADO Adore 2013 DVD ADV The adventures of Don Juan 2007 DVD ADV Advanced style 2014 DVD ADV DISC 1-2 The adventures of Robin Hood 2003 DVD AFF Affluenza 2005 DVD AFF Afflicted 2014 DVD AFF DISC 1-4 Studio classics 2010 DVD AFR The African queen 2009 DVD AFT After the end 2013 DVD AFT After the dark 2014 DVD AGE The age of Adaline 2015 DVD AGE DISC 2 The age of Adaline 2015 DVD AIR Air Force One 1998 DVD ALA DISC 1-4 The Alan Bennett collection 2011 DVD ALB Albert Nobbs 2012 DVD ALF Alfie 2005 DVD ALF Sabotage 2001 DVD ALI Alien 2004 DVD ALL All the king's men 2006 DVD ALL All quiet on the western front 2007 DVD ALL All about Eve 2002 DVD ALL All is bright 2013 DVD ALL All is lost 2014 DVD ALL All yours 2015 DVD ALL All roads lead to Rome 2016 DVD ALO Along came a spider 2001 DVD ALO Aloha 2015 DVD ALP Alpha dog 2007 Updated 9/9/16 Duxbury Free Library DVD list DVD AMA Peter Shaffer's Amadeus 1997 DVD AMA Amazing grace 2007 DVD AMA The amazing Spider-Man 2012 DVD AMA DISC 2 The amazing spider-man 2 2014 DVD AME American beauty 2000 DVD AME An American in Paris 1999 DVD AME Amelia 2010 DVD AME The American 2010 DVD AME American teacher 2012 DVD AME American reunion 2012 DVD AME Americano 2012 DVD AME American graffiti 2011 DVD AME American hustle 2014 DVD AME American idiots 2013 DVD AME American sniper 2015 DVD AME American sniper 2015 DVD AME American Ultra 2015 DVD AME The American friend 2016 DVD AME DISC 1-2 American gangster 2008 DVD AME DISC 1-2 America in primetime 2012 DVD AME DISC 2 American Ultra 2015 DVD AMI Amistad 1999 DVD AMR Amreeka 2009 DVD ANA Analyze this 1999 DVD ANC Anchorman. 2 2014 DVD AND And while we were here 2013 DVD AND And so it goes 2014 DVD AND DISC 1-2 And then there were none 2015 DVD ANE Anesthesia 0 DVD ANG An angel at my table 2005 DVD ANG Angels & demons 2009 DVD ANG The angriest man in Brooklyn 2014 DVD ANI Animal kingdom 2011 DVD ANN Anna Karenina 2013 DVD ANN Annie Hall 2011 DVD ANO Anonymous 2012 DVD ANO Another country 2013 DVD ANO Anomalisa 2016 DVD ANO DISC 2 Another year 2011 DVD ANO DISC 2 Another Earth 2011 DVD ANT Antarctica : a year on ice 2015 DVD ANT Ant-Man 0 DVD ANY Any given Sunday 2000 DVD ANY Any day now 2013 DVD ANY DISC 1-2 Any human heart 2011 DVD ANY DISC 2 Any given Sunday 2014 DVD APA The apartment 2007 Updated 9/9/16 Duxbury Free Library DVD list DVD APO Apocalypse now redux 2001 DVD APO DISC 1-2 Apocalypse now, the complete dossier 2006 DVD APR April morning 2011 DVD ARA Arabian nights 2007 DVD ARB The Arbor 2011 DVD ARB Arbitrage 2012 DVD ARE Are you here 2014 DVD ARG Argo 2013 DVD ARM The Armstrong lie 2014 DVD ARO DISC 1-2 Around the world in 80 days 2004 DVD ART Art of the short film 2005 DVD ART The art of getting by 2011 DVD ART The artist 2012 DVD ART Arthur Newman 2013 DVD ART Art and craft 2015 DVD AS As cool as I am 2013 DVD AS As I lay dying 2013 DVD AS As above, so below 2014 DVD ASH Ashby 2016 DVD ASI Asian connection 2016 DVD ASS The assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford 2008 DVD ASS Assassination games 2011 DVD AT At Middleton 2014 DVD ATL PART 1 Atlas shrugged. Part I 2011 DVD ATL PART 2 Atlas shrugged II 2013 DVD ATO Atonement 2008 DVD AUG DISC 2 August: osage county 2014 DVD AUR Aurora borealis 2007 DVD AUS Austenland 2013 DVD AUS Austin Powers 1999 DVD AUT Autism, the musical 2008 DVD AUT Autumn hearts 2008 DVD AVI The aviator 2005 DVD AWA Away from her 2007 DVD AWA Away we go 2009 DVD BAB Baby mama 2008 DVD BAB Babies 2010 DVD BAB The babadook 2015 DVD BAC The back-up plan 2010 DVD BAC Back to the garden 2009 DVD BAD Bad lieutenant 2010 DVD BAD Bad teacher 2011 DVD BAD DISC 2 Bad words 2014 DVD BAG DISC 2 Baggage claim 2014 DVD BAL Ballets russes 2005 DVD BAL Verdi: un ballo in maschera 2014 DVD BAN The bank job 2008 Updated 9/9/16 Duxbury Free Library DVD list DVD BAN The bangbang club 2011 DVD BAN A band called Death 2013 DVD BAR Barney's version 2011 DVD BAR Barry Lyndon 2007 DVD BAS Basic instinct 1998 DVD BAT Batman v Superman 2016 DVD BAT DISC 1-2 The Battleship Potemkin 2007 DVD BEA Beat the devil 2003 DVD BEA A beautiful mind 2006 DVD BEA The beaver 2011 DVD BEA Beautiful boy 2011 DVD BEA Beasts of the southern wild 2012 DVD BEA Beatles stories 2012 DVD BEA Beautiful creatures 2013 DVD BEA Beautiful darling 2011 DVD BEC Because I said so 2007 DVD BEC Becoming Jane 2008 DVD BEF Before sunrise 1999 DVD BEF Before sunset 2004 DVD BEF Before midnight 2013 DVD BEF Before I go to sleep 2014 DVD BEG Beginners 2011 DVD BEG Begin again 2014 DVD BEH Behind the labels 2003 DVD BEH DISC 1-2 Behind the wall 2013 DVD BEI Being John Malkovich 2000 DVD BEI Being mortal 2015 DVD BEL Bel ami 2012 DVD BEN DISC 1-4 Ben-Hur 2005 DVD BER Bernard and Doris 2008 DVD BER Bernie 2012 DVD BES The best of the Tony Awards 2005 DVD BES The best years of our lives 2000 DVD BES The best exotic Marigold Hotel 2012 DVD BES The best of me 2014 DVD BET Between the folds 2009 DVD BET A better life 2011 DVD BEV Beverly Hills cop 2001 DVD BEW Beware of Mr. Baker 2013 DVD BEY Beyond the lights 2015 DVD BIB DISC 1-2 The Bible 2013 DVD BIB DISC 3-4 The Bible 2013 DVD BIG Big fish 2004 DVD BIG Big fan 2010 DVD BIG The big year 2011 DVD BIG Big miracle 2012 DVD BIG The big wedding 2013 Updated 9/9/16 Duxbury Free Library DVD list DVD BIG Big eyes 2014 DVD BIG Big night 1997 DVD BIG The big short 2016 DVD BIG DISC 1-2 The Big Lebowski 2008 DVD BIG DISC 2 The Big Short 2016 DVD BIG DISC 2 The Big Short 2016 DVD BIL Bill Cunningham New York 2011 DVD BIL DISC 2 Billy Elliot 2012 DVD BIO Bionicle 3. Web of shadows 2005 DVD BIR Birdman of Alcatraz 2001 DVD BIR The birds 2000 DVD BIR Birdman 2015 DVD BLA Black Narcissus 2010 DVD BLA Black swan 2011 DVD BLA The Blair Witch project 1999 DVD BLA Blackfish 2013 DVD BLA Black or white 2015 DVD BLA Black mass 2016 DVD BLA Black mass 2016 DVD BLA DISC 2 Black sea 2015 DVD BLE Bless me, Ultima 2013 DVD BLI Blindness 2009 DVD BLI Blind date 2009 DVD BLI The bling ring 2013 DVD BLO Blood diamond 2007 DVD BLO Blow-up 2004 DVD BLU Blue Jasmine 2014 DVD BLU Duke Bluebeard's castle 2009 DVD BLU Blue ruin 2014 DVD BOB Bobby 2007 DVD BOB Bobby Fischer against the world 2011 DVD BOB DISC 1-2 No direction home 2005 DVD BOD The bodyguard 2005 DVD BOD DISC 1-2 Body and soul 1997 DVD BOND CAS DISC 1-2 Casino Royale 2007 DVD BOND DIA Ian Fleming's Diamonds are forever 2007 DVD BOND DIE Die another day 2008 DVD BOND DR Dr. No 2007 DVD BOND FOR For your eyes only 1999 DVD BOND FRO From Russia with love 2006 DVD BOND GOL Goldeneye 2007 DVD BOND GOL Goldfinger 2007 DVD BOND LIC Licence to kill 1999 DVD BOND LIV Live and let die 1999 DVD BOND LIV The living daylights 2007 DVD BOND MAN The man with the golden gun 2012 DVD BOND MOO Moonraker 1979 Updated 9/9/16 Duxbury Free Library DVD list DVD BOND ON On her majesty's secret service 1969 DVD BOND QUA Quantum of Solace 2015 DVD BOND SKY Skyfall 2013 DVD BOND SPE Spectre 2016 DVD BOND SPY The spy who loved me 2000 DVD BOND THU Thunderball 1999 DVD BOND TOM Tomorrow never dies 2012 DVD BOND VIE A view to a kill 2007 DVD BOND YOU Ian Fleming's You only live twice 2007 DVD BOO The book of Eli 2010 DVD BOO The book thief 2014 DVD BOO The book thief 2014 DVD BOR Born into brothels 2005 DVD BOR Borat 2007 DVD BOR Born to win 2016 DVD BOS The Boss 2016 DVD BOT DISC 1-2 Bottle rocket 2008 DVD BOU The Bourne identity 2002 DVD BOU The Bourne ultimatum 2007 DVD BOU The bounty hunter 2010 DVD BOU The Bourne legacy 2012 DVD BOW Bowling for Columbine 2003 DVD BOY The boy in the striped pajamas 2009 DVD BOY The boys are back 2010 DVD BOY Boy 2013 DVD BOY Boyhood 2015 DVD BOY The boy next door 2015 DVD BOY The Boy 2016 DVD BRA Brazil 2006 DVD BRE Breaker Morant 1997 DVD BRE The break-up 2006 DVD BRE The breakfast club 2008 DVD BRE Brewed in Brooklyn 2013 DVD BRE Breaking away 2011 DVD BRE DISC 1-3 Breakfast at Tiffany's 2007 DVD BRI Bridget Jones's diary 2001 DVD BRI Brian's song 2000 DVD BRI Bringing down the house 2003 DVD BRI Bridesmaids 2011 DVD BRI Brideshead revisited 2009 DVD BRI Bridget Jones 2005 DVD BRI Bridge of spies 2016 DVD BRI Bridge of spies 2016 DVD BRI DISC 1-2 The bridge on the River Kwai 2000 DVD BRI DISC 1-4 Brideshead revisited 2011 DVD BRI DISC 2 Bridge of spies 2016 DVD BRI DISC 2 Bridge of spies 2016 Updated 9/9/16 Duxbury Free Library DVD list DVD BRO Broken flowers 2006 DVD BRO The brothers Bloom 2009 DVD BRO Brothers 2010 DVD BRO The brother from another planet 2003 DVD BRO Broken city 2013 DVD BRO Brooklyn Castle 2013 DVD BRO Broken 2013 DVD BRO Brooklyn 2016 DVD BRO Brooklyn 2016 DVD BRO Brooklyn 2016 DVD BRO DISC 1-2 The Brontees of Haworth 2012 DVD BUG Bug 2007 DVD BUL Bully 2013 DVD BUR The burning plain 2010 DVD BUR Buried 2011 DVD BUR Burlesque 2011 DVD BUR The 'burbs 1999 DVD BUR Burning man 2012 DVD BUR Burnt 2016 DVD BUT Lee Daniels' the butler 2014 DVD BUT DISC 1-2 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 2006 DVD CAD Cadillac Records 2009 DVD CAF Cafe 2011 DVD CAI Cairo time 2010 DVD CAK The cake eaters 2009 DVD CAK Cake 2015 DVD CAL California dreamin' 2010 DVD CAL The call 2013 DVD CAL California suite 2010 DVD CAL The calling 2014 DVD CAL Calvary 2014 DVD CAM The campaign 2012 DVD CAN The canyons 2013 DVD CAP Capote 2006 DVD CAP Captain America 2011 DVD CAP Captain Phillips 2014 DVD CAP Captain America.
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