I STREET FAIRS FAIRS CIRCUS PARKS BILLPOSTERL MUSICAL THE BILLBOARD Volume XIV^ No. 51. Prte, lO Cmm CINCINNATI, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, (902. P«r Ymt, $4.« O. S. CHESSMAN, Popularly Identified with the Consolldalton of Salem Concessions. THE BIELBOARD later; the big tent shows hare come and D.; Smlth-Ijlchty-HIIUnan Co., Waterlo- gone.” la., and many others." Walker & Co., of Detroit, Mich., report I Consnovo A Cheshire write as follo\«-' as follows : "Business is exceptionally from Mobile, Ala. : "Our business, sin< < good with us. We are putting up a big Securing control of the plant, has Increase.i mnimmA paint display of ’I’resto’ for the (). J. a hundriMl fold at Mobile, and we hope Jus' Glide Co., of New York, and also a big 'as soon as plant Is In proper shape to showing of ‘Malta Vita.’ We have given (more than double It. We have dune, and up the use of lunilier for bilibuards, and are now carrying on our boards paper ad are now using nothing but galvanized sheet vertlsing Force, R. A G., Bull Durham. iron.” Schnapps Tobacco, Juicy Fruit Chewing ALLIANCE and what does the advertisinent cost? It From 1*. Halloran, Moberly, Mo.: I hare Gum, CocoaCola, Old 4 Fathers’ Rye, R.d costs $3.36, or eleven and one-fifth cents on my iKiards at present 20 8 sheets “Cre- Top Rye, together with a large display of OF BILLI'OSTEKS’ AND HILLEUS’ a day, consequently we will get ir>0,(KK) mo” cigar, 20 8 sheets "Sloan’s Liniment, * matter fur local concerns, consisting of UNIONS FOUMEU AT CHICAGO people to read this advertisement for such 8 8 sheets "I’aracamph,” 15 8-8he*‘ts one and three sheet displays. a small amount as eleven cents a day. "Force,” 15 8 sheets "I’resto,” 10 20 sheets From F. E. Ash, Edgerton, Wls.: "My CONVENTION. Now, let us figure on the cost of print¬ "D. V.” cheroots, 5 12 sheets and 5 S-sheets btllposting has been light for the past Chicago, 111., Dec. 13.—An alliance ol ing matter. Twenty-four sheets can be "D. V.” cherxtts. Business has been very month from outside parties, but have had Billposters’ and Billers' Unions, represent¬ printed in a brilliant array of colors and good this fall; have done distributing late¬ boards covered with local paper. Have had ing thirteen cities, was formed at a conven¬ made into thoroughly effective posters for ly for "I’eruna” and W. H. Hill & Co. posting for a large clothing bouse In thi- tion which was held In Chicago, Dec. 1, 2, 3 about four cents a sheet. Four times twen¬ W. A. Carter and Sou write from Sey city ; also sixteen and eighteen sheets stand- and 4, at the Saratoga Hotel. ty-four Is ninety-six; add ninety-six cents iiiour, liid. : "We have now on our bill of Christmas goods from Myers Blllpostlng In response to a call for a convention and $3.36 and you will get at the absolute boards, Santa Claus posters advertising Co., of Janesville. Wls.. and have posted issued by the Chicago I,ocal, delegates to cost of this display. holiday goods for one of our merchants; 8 sheets for Never-Sllp Horse Shoe Co., for the number of fifty responded. A four days' 3 sh. overcoat and suit posters advertising month of December. My space for 4x2. an t session was held, during which everything Drop out of the big cities and take a small city, with say 10,lHH), and the same one of our clothiers; 6 sh. cloak posters larger. Is limited at this season, on account of interest which might prove beneficial to advertising one of our merchants In dry of theatrical advertising, but I am trying the advancement of the craft was thorough¬ poster and thirty days’ showing on the goods; 3 sh. cloak aud fur posters adver¬ boards would cost $2.44. to Increase my plant. Will put up more ly discussed, resulting in mutual satisfac¬ tising another dry goods stqre; 8 sh. Cre- 8 sheet bi>ards If 1 can get locations.” tion to all, and the Alliance is now an as¬ How many people would read an ad. that ino Cigar paper; 12 sh. Did Va. Cheroots. Notes from Newman A Ehrman, Helena. sured fact. cost eleven cents published In a news¬ The following is from Charles E. Smith, Ark.: "We have bad quite a succesaful fall An entertainment and banquet was ten¬ paper whose circulation was 150,000. 1 of Crown IHiint, Ind: "1 have bad con¬ here, boards being kept pretty well nile<l dered the visiting delegates at Uhlich’s Hall don’t know. Who does? Yours truly, siderable work, but am sorrv to say that We have a twelve months’ contract with by the Chicago Bocal. All the advertising M. L. Levtxe. 1 have not sent it in to yon, but at present the Force Food Co., through O. J. Gude A agents of the city were present, and Toast¬ I have on the boards 8 8-sheet8 ana 80 2- Co., of New York; a six months* contract master Martin called to a good many pres¬ DAUBS. sheets Tolar Bear Tobacco and 10 8-sheets for Gold Dust, through N. W. Ayer A Son. ent to address the assemblage. Among those and 50 2-8heet8 Cremo Cigars and 6 6- Philadelphia; a six months* contract from who responded were Charles and A. G. The billposter is the man behind the gun sheets Mandle Bros. I have also dlstrlbn- Strauss. Prlts A Co.. Cincinnati. Have Uingliug, of Kingling Bros.’ Circus; Eman¬ in advertising. ted 26.000 pieces this year. 1 will try and had posting for Singer Machine Co., Para- uel Friedlander, attorney for the Alliance; E. O. Burroughs, of Winamac, Ind., has send you list of work monthly.” camph Co., of IxmlsvTlIe, Ky.; A. J. KVleberg Charles Joseph, of Flttsburg, the newly room for 150 sheets of paper. of Cincinnati. O.; C. B. Coe A Co., of Mem elected I’resldent; Sport Herman, General From Richard Conners, Gloucester, Edward Oulloway has accepted a po¬ Mass.: Have been doing some good com¬ phis, Tenn., through A. Van Buren A Co., Manager of American I'ostftig Service; sition with the Barnum Billposting and James Wingfield, Advertising Agent, Grand mercial work. Including Treato, Force. Crr and Presto.’* ^ . Distributing Co., at Knox, Ind. mo Cigars, Gold Dust, Walkover Shoe and Mr. Fenton, of Detroit. Mich., will In Upera House; J. J. McCormick, National John Claridge, of Newport, Ark., has on the spring open a blllpostlng plant in Secretary of the Alliance; Geo. Taylor, Greyer hat paper. Distributing for Dr. his boards 35 3-sheets, 34 8 sheets, 4 24- Miles, Lydia I’inkbam and Dr. Green’s Ner¬ Rochester. Mich., and the surrounding Great Northern, and Logan I'earson, Alham¬ sheets, 8 12-sheets, 6 IG-sheets, 3 20 sheets. bra Theater. vine. M e have bad a good run of weather. towns, Remo. Clarkstown, Oxford and Royal The Billposters’ Itall, given at the Ger¬ 'Ihe above firms are all first-class people to Oak, employing sheet Iron boards exclus During the course of the speeches It was mania Hall, fndianapolis, was well patron¬ easily discemable that the Alliance meets work for. We have had quite a lot of work Ively. Rochester Is a booming town, with with the thorough approval of the theatrical ized. and a large sum was realized for the also for local parties. a population of over 3,000, supporting a and circus employers. association. Carl Stuny has the following paper on his big paper mill, sugar beet factory, knitting The Chicago Local was presented with Shows are pouring in so fast at Fort boards at Eau Claire. Wls.: Never-SIlp mills, buggy factory, and three machine a beautiful Ivory Gavel by the visiting dele¬ Dodge, la., that Billposter W. 1*. Dermer Horseshoe, from A. Van Buren & Co.; Old shops. Over 2,000 men and women are em¬ gates, and Pittsburg Ijocal presented the ployed In the mills. Rochester is thirty Chicago Local with a beautiful silk Ameri¬ three miles from Detroit, and Is reached can fiag. by the Grand Trunk Railroad and the elec¬ The following officers were elected; Vlce- tric cars. The firm will be known as the I’residents—Ist, Nick Petit, Minneapolis; Rochester Blllpostlng Co. 2nd, Gus. Chapelle, New York; 3rd, Frank H. W. Mort writes from Halstead. Kan.; Harvey, Philadelphia; 4th, Joe Howard, St. I have only a small plant In a small town, Louis; 5th, it. B. Springer, Denver; tith, J. and am ambitious to make every Improve¬ H. Donovan, Cincinnati; 7th, 1. Kline, ment I can, both In methods and facili¬ Omaha ; Board of Trustees—F. It. Sander¬ ties. Aside from theatrical attracUons, son, Cleveland; Thos. Cahill, Chicago; the Continental Tobacco Co. is my best cus Harry Drury, Indianapolis; Delegate to A. F. of L.—P. F. Murphy, Chicago; Sergeant- toraer. Their traveling represenutlve vis¬ at-arms—George Schlehiein, Milwaukee; ited me last week and informed ms that Executive Board—Augustus Chapelle, New the company had shipped me 5 H-shseta and York; George Abernethey, Ifittsburg; W. J. •JO 2 sheets, to be posted Immediately. The Murray, New York; It. B. Springer, Denver; Pearllne man was here on Nov. ‘20. Ucklng F. J. Harvey, Philadelphia; George Grif¬ signs, and on the 28th and 29th ths IIol fith, Indianapolis; President—Charles Jo¬ land Rulck Yeast Co., of Wichita, Kan., seph, I’lttsburg ; Vlce-l’resident—Nick I’etlt, had a man distributing and tacking.
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