Vol. 184 Tuesday, No. 1 13 June 2006 DI´OSPO´ IREACHTAI´ PARLAIMINTE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES SEANAD E´ IREANN TUAIRISC OIFIGIU´ IL—Neamhcheartaithe (OFFICIAL REPORT—Unrevised) Tuesday, 13 June 2006. Business of Seanad ………………………………1 Death of Former Taoiseach: Expressions of Sympathy ……………………1 Business of Seanad ………………………………8 Order of Business …………………………………8 Health (Repayment Scheme) Bill 2006: Committee Stage …………………18 International Criminal Court Bill 2003: Second Stage ……………………50 1 2 SEANAD E´ IREANN DI´OSPO´ IREACHTAI´ PARLAIMINTE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES TUAIRISC OIFIGIU´ IL OFFICIAL REPORT Imleabhar 184 Volume 184 De´ Ma´irt, 13 Meitheamh 2006. Tuesday, 13 June 2006. ———— Chuaigh an Cathaoirleach i gceannas ar 2.30 p.m. ———— Paidir. Prayer. ———— Business of Seanad. Deputy Charles J. Haughey, who was Taoiseach for many years. It is proper that we should do An Cathaoirleach: Before the House begins its that. business we will take tributes to the late former Taoiseach, Deputy Charles J. Haughey. The Writers over the next few weeks, and ulti- Leader of the House will contribute to the trib- mately history, will balance the scales of justice utes, as will Senator Mansergh, because of his in respect of the late Taoiseach’s career. As close association with the former Taoiseach down someone who served in Cabinet with him for six the years. The tributes will be confined to those years — five as Minister for Education and some Senators as well as to the leader of each group in months as Minister for Health — I can confirm the House. that many of the statements made about him in the conduct of his daily business were, quite sim- Ms O’Rourke: This will be done before the ply, not correct. It was said that he was autocratic Order of Business. in Cabinet and people were not allowed to have their say. He certainly cut off waffle. If anyone attempted to proceed with waffle, he or she was An Cathaoirleach: Yes. told where to get off, and why not? Waffle does not serve anybody well. However, he certainly Death of Former Taoiseach: Expressions of allowed everyone to have a voice. Sympathy. For me in particular, the former Taoiseach Ms O’Rourke: I thank the Cathaoirleach for his gave me my political chance. He opened the door. judgment in this matter. As Leader of the House, I had no experience of Cabinet. While I had I wish, first, to do the proper and homely thing, Front Bench experience, I had never served at which everybody does in such circumstances, Cabinet. A fellow Minister who was disquieted particularly the Irish, and that is to pass sympathy by my elevation said to the Taoiseach, “But Mary to Mrs. Maureen Haughey and her four grown- has no experience”. He replied, “She is sound”, up children, and particularly our colleague in the and I got my chance to serve in Cabinet. other House, Deputy Sea´n Haughey, on the There are many other features to the former death of her husband and their father, former Taoiseach, which will emerge in the days and 3 Death of Former Taoiseach: 13 June 2006. Expressions of Sympathy 4 [Ms O’Rourke.] both positive and negative, over those years and weeks ahead. Be that as it may, that is the busi- they have done it with great dignity. I sincerely ness of political writers and commentators. I pre- sympathise with them today on the loss of a fer to look at the man in his full rounded person- father, husband and grandfather. ality. For me the good certainly outweighs the not The Leader is right to state that it is too early so good. I recall his endeavours when we were in to judge the political legacy and career of Charles Opposition when he ran the party Front Bench Haughey. He dominated Irish politics for 40 as if it were a Cabinet. We reported on time for years. It is rare for someone to be elected in the meetings and we had our memoranda and ideas 1950s and work all the way until 1992, serving as ready. He ran matters in same way as he was later Minister for Finance, Health and Social Welfare, to run the Cabinet and it ill-behoved anyone to leader of his party and Taoiseach. We should not be late. Matters were conducted quickly, the busi- forget that he was elected by the other House as ness was done and we went on our way. Taoiseach on four separate occasions, which is a It was also good that his brother, Fr. Eoghan seminal honour. Not since the time of de Valera Haughey, was with him when he died. Death is has any Irish politician been elected on four sep- awful, but it is a fine matter to die surrounded by arate occasions by the Da´il to the office of one’s relations and those who love one. Taoiseach. We need to remind ourselves of that I think of Charlie Haughey’s pursuit of the fin- office. I was very happy when the Government ancial services industry and the legislation per- offered a State funeral to the Haughey family taining thereto when we were in the shadow who graciously accepted it. Whatever one’s view Cabinet, as well as his creative activity and his of the legacy of Charlie Haughey, the fact is that genuine interest in the arts. I think of his interest he was Taoiseach of this country. As Taoiseach, in education and his interest in the North of we need to honour the office and those who held Ireland. The beginnings of the boom in Ireland it for such a long period of time. It is right, fitting were no doubt sown between 1987 and 1989. and proper that a State funeral would be offered Everyone will remember his speech about tight- and accepted. ening our belts and wonder if he was tightening It is also right that the funeral mass of Mr. his own. That is for others to comment on. There Haughey will take place in his beloved is no doubt that the period from 1987 to 1989 set Donnycarney, a part of Dublin I know well, as the scene for the later economic boom. my godmother lives opposite the church to which I recall personal family matters as well, but at he will be brought next Thursday. There is great the end of the day, Charlie Haughey and Brian affection among the people of Donnycarney for Lenihan shook hands and wished one another the Haugheys, particularly Charlie Haughey, who well before my brother died. I am happy in my heart that was done and that the ills were forgot- was one of them, grew up among them and was ten. His head was demanded and was given, but a local boy who did very well. That he is going if I start on that I will never stop. home to Donnycarney on Thursday and Friday of As Leader, I wish to give public expression to this week and that the State funeral will take the sympathy on this side of the House for the place there is welcome. Haughey family. As was said so eloquently this The Haughey years were defining ones in terms morning on the radio by Catherine Butler, of our attitude to Northern Ireland, the ability of Maureen Haughey was not just a woman — she this State to manage its affairs economically in a was a lady. She was wonderful to her late hus- sensible and sane way, the way in which standards band. They do not make taoisigh, potential or in politics have changed and in which politics is real, like Mr. Haughey anymore. Many will say viewed among the Irish population. There is no that that is a good thing, but I do not think so. doubt Charlie Haughey was one of the most tal- He showed charisma to people who flocked to ented politicians, if not the most talented one, him and wanted him. It was another era and since the foundation of the State. I say that another time. God rest his soul. because he was utterly pragmatic. He came from a community which helped him to understand Mr. B. Hayes: On behalf of the Fine Gael what ordinary people thought. He understood group in Seanad E´ ireann, I offer our sympathies what people wanted. He had great foresight in to the Fianna Fa´il Party and to all colleagues in trying to see how ordinary people lived their lives the House who served with the former Taoiseach, and he responded to that. He was a talented poli- Charles Haughey. Senator Daly was a Cabinet tician but, as the Leader said, there was another Minister, along with Senator O’Rourke and side to him and that is probably for another day. others. Senator Mansergh also served with him in Whatever we say in this House today of the life another capacity over many years. They will feel and times of Charlie Haughey, I am convinced of his loss greatly today. I also pass on our sympa- one thing, namely that the Irish people have thies to the Haughey family in particular. I am made up their minds about Charlie Haughey, be not aware of any family in Irish public life who that positive or negative. Nothing we say here have had to suffer the ongoing glare of publicity today or nothing that is written about him in the over 40 years in the way the Haughey family has. weeks and months ahead will change the collec- They have had to bear the brunt of that publicity, tive view the Irish people have of this political 5 Death of Former Taoiseach: 13 June 2006.
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