Elclltll s.t•• Vol. LIII. No.2 ThundaYt october 12. 1989 As,IDa 20, 1911 (Sat.) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Fourteenth Session - Second Part (Eightb Lok Sabba) (Vol. LIII contains Nos. 1 to 3) LOK SABHA. SECREl'ARlAl' NEW DELHI P,l. I lb. 6.00 {()&1OIML BNcJt.a PaCQ8)INOI ~ ........ V_ AJID OalODlAL lIDrDt P&QOBIJDINOII'NCUJI)m 1M HIMDt V_ WILL • "'.... M AUT,,1T4Tm AMI» lIOf 1'IIftAMLATI01C rAIl... ) CONTENTS [Eighth Series, Vol. LIII, FOuI1genth Ssssion-Second Part, 1989/1911 (Saka)) Thursday, October 12, 1989/Asvina 20, 1911 (Saka) COlUlANS Papers Laid on the Table 6 Messages from Ralya Sabha 7 Nagalano U"i'v'erslty Bill 7 As passed by Rajya Sabha---Lald Public Accounts Committee 8 Hundred and Sixty-sixth Report--Pre~enfed Business Advisory Committee 8 Seventy-fIfth Repor1-Adopted Bills-Introduced 9-10 (1) Governors (emoluments, allowances and privileges) 9 Amendment 8111 (2) Scheduled castes and Scheduled tribes orders 9-10 (amendment) bill Matters Under Rule 377 11-15 (I) Need to provide llecessary assIstance to the State Government 11 of Orissa for construction of a stadium at Oeogarh In memory of late Pnme M'nlster Smt. Indira Gandhi Shn Snballav Panigrahl (II) Need to supply adequate quantity of sugar and rice to Orissa 11-12 for distribution through Public Distribution System Shn Chlntamam Jen'=\ (IIi) Need to take measures for early payment of crop Insurance 12 dues to the farmers of GUlarat Dr. Dlgvijay SInh (II ) COLUMNS (IV) Need to ensure adequate compensation to the farmers of Deihl 12-13 whose land had been acquired by the Government Shrt Sharat Singh (v) Need to take steps to re-dp.velop Azhlkkal port In Cannanore, 13-14 Kerala S~rr Mullappally Ramachandran (VI) Need to take st!-1pS to revitalIse small sc,ale industrial units In the 14 Country Shn A Charles (VII) Need to streamline the procedure regarding Issue of sugar factory 15 Itcences In the country particularly In backward areas Shn Uttam Rathod Statutory resolution (€:I continuance In force presidential proclamation 15-:~2 In respect of Karnataka for a further penod of SIX months from 21 st October. 1989 Shn P Chldambaram 16-14 30-32 Shn P Kolandal'Jelu 17-20 Dr G S RaJhans 20-21 Shn Ram Bhagat Paswan 21 Shn G S BasavaraJu 21-22 Shn Syed Shahabuddm 22-23 Shn Asutosh Law 24 Kumar! Mamata Banerjee 24-27 Shn Yogeshwar Prasad Yogesh 27-29 Shn T V Chandrashekharapa 29-30 (til) COLUMNS Statement by the Pnme MinIster re: Agricultural package 33-40 Shn RiJlv Gandhi Statutory Resolution re continuance In force of the presldent,,",1 40-87 proclamation In respect of Punjab for a further penod of SIX months from l' th November, 1989 Shn P. Chldambaram 40-43 78-87 Shrt Syed Shahabuddtn 43-47 Shn V,rdhl Chandar Jain 47-49 Shr K 0 Sultanpun 49-52 Prof. Salfuddtn Soz 52·55 Shn N Tombl Singh 55-60 Shn Kalt Prasad Pandey 60-62 Shn Srtballav Panlgrahl Shr, Abdul Ra~hld Kabull 66-70 Shrt Jagannath Pattnalk 70-71 Shn Janak Raj GJpta 71-73 Shn Glrdhan Lat Vyas 73-76 Shn Shantaram Nalk 76-78 St'atement b~ mlnl~ter ra malrtenance of a bank account 87-89 In St Kitts. Shn Eduardo Falelro D,SCUSSion under Rule 193 89-121 Communal SituatIOn In the Country-Contd. 133·144 Shn Naresh Chandar Chaturvedi 89-96 (IV) CoLUMNS Shn P Selvendran 96-102 Shn Zalnul Basher 103-; 08 Shrt Syed Shahabuddln 108-118 Prof Ntrmala Kumart Shak1awa1 118-121 Shn K J AbbasI 133-137 Shn P Chldambaram 137-144 Supplementary demands for grants (General). 1989-90-Contd 122-131 Shn A K PanJa 129-131 Shn G M Banatwalla 129-130 Appropriation (No 5) Bill, 1989 131-133 MotIOn to consider Shn A K PanJa 131-132 CICluset> 2, 3 and 1 132-133 Motion to Pass Shn A K PanJJ 133 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA PROF. SAIFUDDIN SOZ: I have given a Calling Attention notice. MR. SPEAKER: I think we have dis­ cussed It yesterday. [ Translation] Thursday, October 12, 1989/Asvina 20, 1911 (Saka) SHRI ABDUL RASHID KABUL! (Sri­ nagar): Mr. Speaker, Sir, the Government has conferred on the people of Ladakh of the status of scheduled tribes and it is causing a lot of tension In various parts of Kashmir Valley and inthe backward areas like Poonch, The Lok Sabha met at two mmutes past Rajoun and Gulgulabgarh In Jammu which Eleven of the Clock was a population of lakhs of people. In view of the mounting violence and tenSion, the [MR SPEAKER m the Chair] Government has conferred thiS status on the people of Ladakh. ThiS IS very unfortunate. f [Eng/ish] think that it is a case of discrimination. It should have been given an impartial vIew. SHRI G.M. BANATWALLA (Ponnani): Shrimati Gandhi had also made a commit­ Mr. Speaker, Sir, I have given a Caning ment in this regard and It was also de­ Attention notice on the exorbitant price rise. manded that Gurjars and Bakarwals should be covered under it. I would like you to gUide MR SPEAKER: We will discuss it. us in thiS regard ... (lnterruptlons) SHRI G.M. BANATWALlA: There IS so [English] much artifiCial shortage of essential com­ moditIes Justice should be meted out of the people of the State. Otherwise, thIS IS gOing to MR. SPEAKER. I think we are 1aklng it create tension and crrsls We are already up. suffering from thiS problem. SHRI G.M. BANATWALLA: Please do [ Translation] it. Thank you very much. MR. SPEAKER' Please give it In writ­ ) PROF. SAIFUDDIN SOl (Baramulla): ing. Sir, in drugs like Glucose, they have found fungus. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS MR. SPEAKER: No problem. 11 there is (SHRI P. NAMGYAL): f would like to say that time I we will take It up it was a long standing demand. It is not 3 OCTOBER 12, 1989 4 based on communal hnes. Muslims, Bud· to request th~ Government through you to dhist8 and Christians atso hve there. People launch a special drive for general category belonging to almost all the castes live there. people also because the Central Govern­ You are saying baseless things. Please Sit ment notHled vacancies should be filled and down, you should not say such ban on recruitment should be withdrawn. thrngs .. ( Interruptions) ( Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER Why are you making [ Translation] nOise? SHRI BALKAVI BAIRAGt (Mandsaur)' (InterruptIons) Mr. Speaker, Sir, from time to time I have been raIsing thiS Issue here that In view ofthe MR. SPEAKER Please Sit down Don't condItion of the Naslrabad Mhow sectton of make no.se Jalpur-Bombay highway which passes through Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. (InterruptIons) ThiS highway should be declared a National HIghway [English] There IS heavy traffic load on thiS road SHRI ABDUL RASHID KABUL! every You have also see that road and you know It body knows that In Ladhak, there IS commu­ very well that It IS very dlff,cultto pass through nal tensIon and violence and after that you the heavy traffiC on thiS road So, I would like have conferred thiS status on the people to make an appeal In thIS House through you there I do not oppose Ladhakls They are that It should be declared a NatIonal High­ part and parcel of the State (InterruptIons) way MR SPEAKER Why are you shouting ( InterruptIons) unnecessarily? [EnglJsh] SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK (PanaJI) Sir, what action Government proposes to take SHRI T BASHEER (ChlraYlnktl) About with respect to US $ 21 million deposited In Mr, AJeya Stngh's assets and bank deposits, St Kitts Bank b, Mr AJeya Singh on five the MInister Mr Eduardo Falelro made a different accounts? Even passport docu­ statement In the other House I would re­ ments of Mr V P Singh and his son were quest him through you to make a statement submitted to Mr Me Lean. the functionary ot In thiS House also. We must know the facts the bank regarding his assets and regarding hIs de­ POSIts In the foreIgn account ThiS IS a very MR SPEAKER I do not know I am not serious thing and we want a diSCUSSion on concerned with Individual cases that subject also (InterruptIons) SHRI SHANT ARAM NAIK Where does the money come from Sir? May be some [ TranslatIOn) money IS being provloed by CIA Ale we to take action against CIA? lInt~rruptJons) SHRI RAM NAGtNA MISHRA (Salem~ pur) Mr Speaker, Sir, recently, the price of KUMAR I MAMATA BANERJEE sugar was sky-rocketing In the country (Jadavpur) I want to congratulate our Government on the special dnve programme MR SPEAKER. What happened? for recrUitment of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Trrbes to the Central Govern- SHRI RAM NAGINA MISHRA. Sir, price ment services At the same ttme. I would like of sugar was sky rocketing Please listen to 5 ASVINA 20, 1911 (SAKA) Papers Laid 6 me Just for a minute. On the pressure from SHRI RAM NAGINA MISHRA. Mr. the Government, the rate was slightly re­ Speaker, Sir, I would again request you to duced. But it was fixed at Rs. 9 per kg. Sir, in direct the Government to fix price of sugar· view of this price rise, the sugarcane grower cane also on the basis of the existing price of IS also eager to know above the price he is sugar. going to get for his sugarcane. Through you,l would like to urge the Government to an­ MR. SPEAKER: We will take It up also nounce the price of sugarcane for 1he next during the discussion on price-rise.
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