Title of the course : Insect pests of Fruits, Plantation, Medicinal & Aromatic Crops Class : 2nd Year 2nd Sem Title of the topic : Insect pests of Apple,Fig, Ber & Aonla & their Management College : College of Horticulture, Rehli Name of Teacher : Dr S K Mishra (Plant Protection) PESTS OF APPLE Malus pumila Apple ( ) is commercially the most important temperate fruit and is fourth among the most widely produced fruits in the world after banana, orange and grape. However, the production and quality of apple is poor as compared to that of the developed countries because of several factors including insect and diseases. Although a large number of insect pests attacks to apple crops but some of them are very serious and needSr. attentionCommon for their Name control. Scientific Name Family Order No. Cydia pomonella Tetranychus urticae 1 Codling moth Panonychus ulmi Tortricidae Lepidoptera 2 Spider mites Tetranychidae Acarina 3 European red mite Codling moth Tetranychidae Acarina Cydia pomonella Distribution Host range : It is widely distributed throughout Europe, Noeth America, Australia, MarksPakistan of and identification India. : Apple, pear, quince, walnut, citrus, peach and many wild species of Pyrus. : Moths are greenish to dark brown with chocolate brown or copper-coloured circular markings near the tip of forewings. The hind wings are pale grey. BioThe- ecologyfull grown larvae are pinkish or creamy white in colour with a brown head and 8 pairs of legs and measure 16-22 mm in length. : The female lays eggs on young fruits, leaves and twings. A female lays about 100 eggs. The incubation period is 4-12 days. The larvae become full fed in 21-30 days. The grown up larva burrows its way out of the apple fruit and falls to the ground. It spins a Naturesilken cocoon of damage and pupates inside. The pupal period lasts for 8-14 days. In colder region, there is only one generation while in warmer region, there are two generations in a year. : The freshly hatched caterpillars feed on the leaves for a while then burrow inside the fruits and feed on the pulp. The infested apples become brighter in Managementcolour and also pra ripectices prematurely. These fruits can not be marketed and are unfit for human consumption.. Collection and destruction of eggs at the time of pruning. Install pheromone traps. Spray Cypermethrin or Quinalphos @ 10 ml/10 lit. water. European red mite Panonychus ulmi Distribution Host range Marks of identification: This mite occurs on many deciduous fruits but is most injurious to apple. : Apple, pear, plum, prune and cherry. Bio-ecology : Adults are is velvety brown to brick red in colour. Nymphs are light orange in color. : The first generation generally requires about 3 weeks developing, while summer generations may develop in 10 to 14 days. Reproduction can be both sexual and parthenogenetic. Unfertilized eggs give rise to males only, while mated females produce both sexes. The average preoviposition period of females is about 2.5 days. Although some Naturefemales ofin damageinsectary studies have lived 39 days, the average life span is 18 days. The oviposition period averages 12.5 days with 18.8 eggs produced per female. Management practices: European red mite feeds on leaves. Severe mite injury produces browning. and loss of colour in the leaves i.e. bronzing. Spray thiacloprid 21.7% SC @ 4-5 ml/10 lit. water. PESTS OF FIG Ficus carica, Fig, is one of the ancient fruits known to mankind. Fruits are consumed freshSr. No. as wellCommon as in the Name dried form. ScientificThe major Name pests are as below.Family Order Velu caricae Eutetranychus hirsti 1 Jassid Jassidae Hemiptera 2 Mites Jassid Tetranychidae Acarina (Velu caricae) Host range : Marks Itof is identification one of the most: destructive pests of fig. It is specific pest of fig only. Bio-ecology : Adults are small, wedge shaped, reddish brown with blackish compound eyes, walk diagonally. About 36 eggs are laid singly inside the leaf tissues. Egg hatching occurs in 6- Nature13 days. ofNymphs damage growth: complete in 9-12 days. The activity of pests coincides with the period when young foliage is produced i.e. the first week of October. Both nymphs and adults suck the cell sap from ventral side of leaves. ManaAs a resultgement leaf practices margins: turn yellow, curl and become reddish brown producing typical “hopper. burn” symptoms. Fruiting capacity is adversely affected. Spray with Dimethoate 30 EC @ 10 ml/10 lit. water. First spray should be given in the first week of October when new flush appears and subsequent sprays as and when infestation noticed. Mite (Eutetranychus hirsti) It is widely distributed species and is of a regular occurrence in the state. The pest is observed to breed throughout the year. Heavy infestation however, is noticed from mid HostJanuaryrange to March.: In case of severe infestation fruit do not develop properly and drop down Marksprematurely. of identification : It is specific pest, found on fig only. Adult female is minute greenish yellow to yellow with a few grey Bioblotches.-ecologyMales: are comparatively narrow at acudal extremity. Egg is spherical and dirty white. Freshly hatched nymph is almost sphericals and yellowish green. Female lays about 24 eggs within a period of 7 to 11 days on leaves. The egg period lasts for about 4 days. The average duration of nymphal period is about 9 days Natureduring whicof damagh it moultse : twice. The life span of the adult is 9 to 19 days. A generation occupies 10 to 21 days. Nymphs as well as adults suck the cell sap and as a result of feeding, white patches develop on fruits, leaves and shoots, ultimately dry and fall down. Mites Managementusually found practiceson ventral: surface of leaves, which are covered with fine webs. In severe cases, fruits do not develop properly and drop down prematurely. Spray within Dicofol 18.5 EC @ 10 ml or Sulphur 80 WP @ 25 g/10 lit. water.. PESTS OF BER Ziziphus mauritiana Ber or Indian jujube ( ) is one of the hardy minor fruit crops suitable for cultivation in arid conditions. It is native to India. Though as many as 130 species of insect pests have been recorded in India, only few species have attained the pest statusSr. No. and causeCommon substantial Name economicScientific damage Name to ber. Family Order Meridarchis scyrodes Carpomyia vesuviana 1 Ber fruit borer Carposynidae Lepidoptera 2 Ber fruit fly Ber fruit fly Trypetidae Diptera (Carpomyia vesuviana) DistributionIt causes severe damage to fruits to the extent of 75%. Fleshy and late maturing varieties are more susceptible. Host range : It was reported in India, Pakistan, Iran, Bangladesh, Turkey, Turkumenia, MarksMauritius, of Uzbekistan,identification temperate: Asia, South Europe and Oman. : Ber Adult flies are small, brownish yellow, longitudinal strips on thorax and wings transparent. Maggot is creamy white. Bio-ecology : A single female lays abiout 12-18 eggs inside the epidermis of ripening fruits which hatch in 2-3 days. Maggot grows in 9-12 days and pupates in soil, 5.0 - 7.5 cm deep Natureunder the of tree.damagePupal: period is 11-13 days in summer and 45-87 days in winter. There are 3 generations in a year. Pest is active in winter, maximum damage during February-March. Management practicesMaggots: feed on fleshy and juicy pulp. The infested fruits turn dark brown,. rot and give offensive smell. Remove and destroy infested fruits. Rake soil around trees frequently during summer to expose and kill pupae. Spraying with Chlorpyriphos 20 EC @ 15 ml/10 lit. water as soon as infestation noticed. Application of spray baits (20 mlBer malathion fruit borer + 200 g jaggery + 20 litre water). (Meridarchis scyrodes) Host rangeMost :destructive pest of ber. Losses to the extent of 70% are noticed in susceptible Marksvarieties. of identification : Ber, jamun and olive. Bio-ecology : Adult moth is small and dark brown. Caterpillar is small, dark pinkish to reddish, cylindrical, slightly tapering to both sides. About 11-34 eggs are laid singly in depression near the stalk of fruit and hatch in 4-7 days. Larval development takes place in 13-17 days and pupates in soil. Pupal period is 5-8 days. Adult lives for 3-4 days. Life cycle is completed in 1 month. Pest is carried through shed fruits from one season to other in hibermating larval stage. Activity of Naturethe pest ofis damagein fruiting: season, from September to January and infestation reaches at its peak in middle of November. Management practicesCaterpillar: enters the fruit by puncturing a hole in rind and feeds on pulp.. Infested fruits drop down, ferment and emit disagreeable odour. Removal and destruction of shed fruits. Spray with Chlorpyriphos 20 EC @ 15 ml/10 lit. water as soon as pest appears. Growing of less susceptible varieties eg. Surati No.l, Kashi, Mehroon and Mehroon khirani. PESTS OF AONLA Aonla is an important fruit and has high medicinal and therapeutic value. The major insectSr. pestCommon is as below. Name Scientific Name Family Order No. Inderbela tetraoris Bark eating caterpillar 1 Bark borer (Inderbela tetraoris) Inderbellidae Lepidoptera Marks of identification : Bio-ecology : Eggs are spherical. The larva is brown to black, shiny, sparsely hairy. Moth is creamy white with brown markings on the forewing. A female lays about 350 eggs on bark in May-June and hatch in about 8-11 days. Larval period is 8-10 months till about third week of April. Pupation takes place Natureinside larval of damage tunnel,: pupal period is about 21-41 days. Moth longevity is 3 days. Only one generation is completed in a year. The attack of this pest may be identified by the presence of irregular tunnels and patches covered with silken-web consisting of excreta and chewed up wood Managementparticles, on the practices shots, branches, and trunk.
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