Folia conchyliologica , n°17 , Mars 2012 Weyrauch’s type localities: a clarification; with illustrations of types of Orthalicoidea (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Stylommatophora) in the Tucumán museum 1 by Abraham S.H. BREURE Abstract. — Additional, more precise locality data are provided for the species described by Wolfgang K. Weyrauch from South America. Most of the holotypes in the Tucumán museum pertaining to the Orthalicoidea are illustrated. Additionally, a list is provided of new species described by various authors and based on Weyrauch’s material, illustrating the importance of the Weyrauch collection. Key words . — Weyrauch, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, georeferenced localities. Introduction Wolfgang K. Weyrauch worked for many years in Peru and Argentina. He collected many shells, especially in central and northern Peru; based on his collection he described 197 new taxa, which have been listed by BARBOSA et al. (2008). However, the type localities mentioned in that paper only give “C. Peru”, etc., and are too vague to be useful for further references. During revisionary work I found that a more precise (geo)reference to these localities is often needed to interprete the status of these taxa. The following list is therefore an addition to the publication mentioned; only those (164) taxa are herein mentioned for which Weyrauch published type localities (thus excluding new names and taxa above the species level). A best guess has been added in notes (bold numbers in parenthesis; see last section) whenever I was unable to locate the type locality with certainty, e.g. when Weyrauch used local names for places that are not included in the gazetteers used. The localities as given by Weyrauch are all translated into English. Additonally, most of the holotypes of the Orthalicoidea (sensu BREURE & R OMERO , in press) present in the collection of the Tucumán museum are illustrated (referred to by a figure number in parenthesis at the end of the data for the taxon); these species were classified with the families Amphibulimidae and Orthalicidae by BARBOSA et al. (2008). For the types in the Senckenberg collection, see NEUBERT & J ANSSEN (2004). The Weyrauch collection remains an important source of material for our understanding of Neotropical snails, especially species from Peru, as is shown by the section listing 55 (sub)species based on his material but described by others, and other papers which made use of his collection ( e.g. , PILSBRY , 1944a-c, 1945, 1949; HAAS , 1947, 1948, 1951, 1952, 1955, 1959, 1966; ZILCH , 1954; LOOSJES , 1957; LOOSJES & L OOSJES -VAN BEMMEL , 1966; BREURE & E SKENS , 1977, 1981; BREURE , 1978; SALAS -OROÑO , 2007; PIZÁ & C AZZANIGA , 2009). Moreover, Weyrauch has distributed many shells under manuscript names to various museums in the world. Some of this material has been revised (BREURE , 2008; BREURE & N EUBERT , 2008). In the Tucumán museum additional, unpublished material has been found which awaits a further, critical review. Coordinates are according the GNS gazatteer (http://geonames.nga.mil/ggmagaz/ ); in some cases the Fuzzy Gazetteer (http://isodp.hof-university.de/fuzzyg/query/ ) has been used. Elevations, if not given by the author, have been extracted from Google Earth (v5.2.1.1588, http://earth.google.com ). Abbreviations used for type depositories are: ANSP, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, U.S.A.; FML, Fundación Miguel Lillo, Tucumán, Argentina; FMNH, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, U.S.A.; MACN, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires, Argentina; MRCN, Museu Rio-Grandense de Ciências Naturais, Porto Alegre, Brazil; SMF, Senckenberg Natur-Museum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Taxa belonging to the Orthalicoidea are re-classified according to the systematic arrangement presented in BREURE & R OMERO (in press). Shell heights in the legends are abbreviated with H. 1 A.S.H. Breure, Netherlands Centre for Biodiversity Naturalis, P.O. Box 9517, NL-2300 RA Leiden, the Netherlands ([email protected] ) 4 Folia conchyliologica , n°17 , Mars 2012 Published names by Wolfgang K. Weyrauch acobambensis, Drymaeus WEYRAUCH , 1967b: 482, pl. 3 figs 24-25. Type locality: Peru, [Dept. Junín] Río Tarma valley, between Tarma and Arcobamba, Huailahuichán [11°21'30" S 075°36'11" W], 2900 m. Holotype SMF 155694. Bulimulidae. aequistriata, Gracilinenia WEYRAUCH , 1956a: 110, pl. 6 fig. 2. Type locality: Peru, [Dept. Junín] Chanchamayo valley, on the road from Hacienda Naranjal [11°08'37" S 075°24'00" W] near the village of San Ramón to the mine “Pichita-Caluga” (1) ; elevation not measured, but probably about 1300 m. Holotype FML 1531. agitata, Pseudoglandina WEYRAUCH , 1967b: 486, pl. 4 fig. 53. Type locality: Peru, [Dept. Junín] Chanchamayo valley, between La Merced [11°03'21" S 075°19'43" W] and San Ramón [11°07'17" S 075°21'11" W], 1100 m. Holotype FML 1066 (2) . Bulimulidae. agueroi, Bostryx (Peronaeus) WEYRAUCH , 1960c: 126, pl. 12 figs 39-41. Type locality: Peru, [Dept. Lima] right margin of Río Cañete, road from Cañete to Yauyos, Fundo Yacca [12°30'41" S 075°55'04" W], 2300 m. Holotype SMF 162150. Bulimulidae. aguilari, Bostryx (Bostryx) WEYRAUCH , 1967a: 349, pl. 1 figs 2-6. Type locality: Peru, [Dept. Lima] ‘lomas’ de Amancaes [12°00'38" S 077°02'25" W], 200-250 m. Holotype SMF 162163. Bulimulidae. albicolor, Peruinia WEYRAUCH , 1957a: 13, pl. 1 fig. 11. Type locality: Peru, [Dept. Huánuco] left margin of Río Tulumayo, 23 km NE Tingo Maria, near bridge in the road to Pucallpa, 670 m [09°11'25" S 075°57'26" W (3) ]. Holotype SMF 155719. albocostata, Temesa (Temesa) WEYRAUCH , 1964b: 270, pl. 1 figs 1-2. Type locality: Peru, [Dept. Lima] right margin of Río Alis, near Alis [12°16'43" S 075°47'13" W], 3300 m. Holotype SMF 162108. altispira, Euglandina WEYRAUCH , 1960a: 25, pl. 4 fig. 21. Type locality, Peru, [Dept. Cajamarca,] 25 km NE Cajamarca [sic, (4) ], on path from Sócota [06°18' S 078°44' W] to San Andrés [de Cutervo; 06°13' S 078°40' W], 2400 m. Holotype SMF 162003. altorum, Mesembrinus (Mormus) expansus WEYRAUCH , 1958: 129, pl. 7 fig. 12-13. Type locality: Peru, [Dept. Junín] Chanchamayo valley, right side of Río Chanchamayo, between La Merced and San Ramón, above Puente Herrería, Quimiri Sur [11°05'01" S 075°17'24" W, 1430 m], 1100-1300 m. Holotype SMF 156295. Bulimulidae. altorum, Systrophia (Systrophia) WEYRAUCH , 1967a: 428, pl. 6 fig. 80. Type locality: Peru, [Dept. Junín] Chanchamayo valley, Pichita Caluga (1) , 2200 m. Holotype FML 10668. andivagus, Naesiotus WEYRAUCH , 1956b: 56, pl. 1 fig. 2. Type locality: Peru, [Dept. Lima] Río Huaura valley, between Huaura and Cerro de Pasco, Cabracancha [10°49'55" S 076°53'23" W], 2200 m. Holotype FML 1461 (2) . Bulimulidae. angelmaldonadoi, Bostryx (Bostryx) modestus WEYRAUCH , 1960a: 31, pl. 3 figs 11-12. Type locality: Peru, [Dept. Lima] left side of Río Lurin, ‘lomas’ E of Pachacamac [12°15'14" S 076°47'38" W], 450 m. Holotype SMF 155595. Bulimulidae. angiportus, Newboldius WEYRAUCH , 1960b: 53, pl. 8 figs 5-6. Type locality: Peru, [Dept. Junín] tributary of Río Chanchamayo, 2 km of Pichita Caluga Mine (1) , 2200 m. Holotype SMF 162045. Bulimulidae. angispira, Bostryx (Bostryx) obliquiportus WEYRAUCH , 1960c: 123, pl. 11 fig. 19. Type locality: Peru, [Dept. Lima] left side of Río Cañete, 5 km of Laraos, [Cerro] Quichao [12°20'45" S 075°48'53" W], 3450 m. Holotype SMF 162183. Bulimulidae. angustus, Bulimulus (Bulimulus) vesicalis WEYRAUCH , 1966: 45, fig. 5. Type locality: Brazil, Edo. Rio Grande do Sul, São Leopoldo, near “Clube Airmore” stadium [29°46'52" S 051°09'25" W]. Holotype MRCN 1576a. Bulimulidae. araozi, Bulimulus (Bulimulus) WEYRAUCH , 1956c: 149, pl. 11 fig. 8. Type locality: Peru, [Dept. Huánuco] left margin of Rio Huallaga, near Tingo Maria [09°19'17" S 076°00'55" W], 670 m. Holotype SMF 155304. Bulimulidae. argentinus, Pupoides (Ischnopupoides) chordatus WEYRAUCH , 1964a: 37, fig. 1. Type locality: Argentina, Prov. Jujuy, near Tilcara [23°34' S 065°22' W], Garganta del Diablo, 2900 m. Holotype FML 522a. bambamarcaensis, Naesiotus (Naesiotus) WEYRAUCH , 1960a: 37, pl. 6 fig. 38. Type locality: Peru, [Dept. Cajamarca] Río Llaucan valley, 4 km NW Bambamarca [06°41' S 078°32' W], Cerro Machaipungo, 3000 m. Holotype SMF 156220. Bulimulidae. 5 Folia conchyliologica , n°17 , Mars 2012 basiplanata, Epiphragmophora WEYRAUCH , 1960a: 43, pl. 6 fig. 39. Type locality: Peru, [Dept. Pasco] road from Cerro de Pasco to Huánuco, valley of Río Payanchan, 3800 m (5) . Holotype SMF 162033. beltrani, Bostryx (Peronaeus) agueroi WEYRAUCH , 1964a: 52, figs. 9-10. Type locality: Peru, [Dept. Lima] left side of Río Cañete, between Laraos [12°20'48" S 075°47'11" W] and Tintín [12°18'10" S 075°48'40" W], 3450 m. Holotype SMF 162152. Bulimulidae. bequaerti, Drymaeus WEYRAUCH , 1956c: 154, pl. 11 figs 12-14. Type locality: Peru, [Dept. Huánuco] near Tingo Maria, right side of Río Monzón near its confluence with Rio Huallaga [09°19'17" S 076°00'55" W], 670 m. Holotype SMF 155309. Bulimulidae. bequaerti, Temesa (Neniatracta) WEYRAUCH , 1957: 25, pl. 1 fig. 12. Type locality: Peru, [Dept. Cajamarca] 1 km NE Bambamarca [06°41' S 078°32' W], 2800 m. Holotype SMF 155720. bermudezae, Bostryx (Pseudoperonaeus) WEYRAUCH , 1958: 111. pl. 9 figs 38-40. Type locality: Peru, [Dept. Lima] Rio Cañete valley, Laraos [12°20'48" S 075°47'11" W], 3600 m. Holotype SMF 156350. Bulimulidae. bicolor, Naesiotus (Naesiotus) WEYRAUCH , 1967a: 408, pl. 6 fig. 83. Type locality: Peru, [Dept. Cuzco] Sicuani [14°16'10" S 071°13'34" W, 3500 m], 3200 m. Holotype FML 3987 (Pl. 2 figs 17-18) . Bulimulidae. birabenorum, Bostryx (Lissoacme) WEYRAUCH , 1965a: 71, figs 1-3. Type locality: Argentina, Prov. Tucumán, near Tafí del Valle [26°51'10" S 065°42'35" W], El Infernillo, 3042 m.
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