Number 120 compiled by Veronica M. Cornel Department of Chemistry, Reedley College, 995 Reed Avenue, Reedley, California 93654 [email protected] Reviews are listed in order of appearance in the sources indicated. In multidisciplinary review journals, only those reviews which fall within the scope of this Journal are included. Sources are listed alphabetically in three categories: regularly issued review journals and series volumes, contributed volumes, and other monographs. Titles are numbered serially, and these numbers are used for reference in the index. Major English-language sources of critical reviews are covered. Encyclopedic treatises, annual surveys such as Specialist Periodical Reports, and compilations of symposia proceedings are omitted. This installment of Recent Reviews covers principally the early part of the 2016 literature. Previous installment: J. Org. Chem. 2016, 81(7). Additional Information Available: A file containing this Recent Review compilation in Microsoft Word and the data in plain text that can be imported into Endnote (using Refer style) and Reference Manager databases. Regularly Issued Journals and Series Volumes Accounts of Chemical Research Development and Application of Two-Chamber Reactors and Carbon Monoxide Precursors for Safe Carbonylation 1. Wang, C.; Luo, L.; Yamamoto, H. Metal-Catalyzed Reactions. 2016, 49(4), 594-605. Directed Regio- and Enantioselective Ring-Opening of 11. He, G.; Wang, B.; Nack, W. A.; Chen, G. Syntheses Epoxides. 2016, 49(2), 193-204. and Transformations of α-Amino Acids via Palladium- 2. Bures, J.; Armstrong, A.; Blackmond, D. G. Explaining Catalyzed Auxiliary-Directed sp3 C–H Functionalization. 2016, Anomalies in Enamine Catalysis: "Downstream Species" as a 49(4), 635-45. New Paradigm for Stereocontrol. 2016, 49(2), 214-22. 12. Tejedor, D.; Lopez-Tosco, S.; Mendez-Abt, G.; 3. Sears, J. E.; Boger, D. L. Tandem Intramolecular Diels- Cotos, L.; Garcia-Tellado, F. Propargyl Vinyl Ethers and Alder/1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Cascade of 1,3,4-Oxadiazoles: Tertiary Skipped Diynes: Two Pluripotent Molecular Platforms Initial Scope and Applications. 2016, 49(2), 241-51. for Diversity-Oriented Synthesis. 2016, 49(4), 703-13. 4. Depres, J.-P.; Delair, P.; Poisson, J.-F.; Kanazawa, A.; 13. Tantillo, D. J. Speeding Up Sigmatropic Shifts–To Greene, A. E. Diverse Natural Products from Dichloro- Halve or to Hold. 2016, 49(4), 741-9. cyclobutanones: An Evolutionary Tale. 2016, 49(2), 252-61. 14. Lam, Y.-h.; Grayson, M. N.; Holland, M. C.; 5. Dale, E. J.; Vermeulen, N. A.; Juricek, M.; Barnes, J. Simon, A.; Houk, K. N. Theory and Modeling of Asymmetric C.; Young, R. M.; Wasielewski, M. R.; Stoddart, J. F. Catalytic Reactions. 2016, 49(4), 750-62. Supramolecular Explorations: Exhibiting the Extent of Extended 15. Sameera, W. M. C.; Maeda, S.; Morokuma, K. Cationic Cyclophanes. 2016, 49(2), 262-73. Computational Catalysis Using the Artificial Force Induced 6. Roy, S.; Mondal, K. C.; Roesky, H. W. Cyclic Reaction Method. 2016, 49(4), 763-73. Alkyl(amino) Carbene Stabilized Complexes with Low 16. Mayr, H.; Ofial, A. R. Philicities, Fugalities, and Coordinate Metals of Enduring Nature. 2016, 49(3), 357-69. Equilibrium Constants. 2016, 49(5), 952-65. 7. Shi, Y.; Teng, P.; Sang, P.; She, F.; Wei, L.; Cai, J. γ- 17. Halskov, K. S.; Donslund, B. S.; Paz, B. M.; AApeptides: Design, Structure, and Applications. 2016, 49(3), Joergensen, K. A. Computational Approach to Diarylprolinol- 428-41. Silyl Ethers in Aminocatalysis. 2016, 49(5), 974-86. 8. Lash, T. D. Out of the Blue! Azuliporphyrins and 18. Hansen, E.; Rosales, A. R.; Tutkowski, B.; Norrby, Related Carbaporphyrinoid Systems. 2016, 49(3), 471-82. P.-O.; Wiest, O. Prediction of Stereochemistry using Q2MM. 9. Zhou, S.; Li, J.; Schlangen, M.; Schwarz, H. Bond 2016, 49(5), 996-1005. Activation by Metal–Carbene Complexes in the Gas Phase. 19. Sunoj, R. B. Transition State Models for 2016, 49(3), 494-502. Understanding the Origin of Chiral Induction in Asymmetric 10. Friis, S. D.; Lindhardt, A. T.; Skrydstrup, T. The Catalysis. 2016, 49(5), 1019-28. 20. Peng, Q.; Paton, R. S. Catalytic Control in Ubiquitin Chains and Polyubiquitinated Peptides and Proteins. Cyclizations: From Computational Mechanistic Understanding 2016, 16(1), 509-19. to Selectivity Prediction. 2016, 49(5), 1042-51. 21. Wheeler, S. E.; Seguin, T. J.; Guan, Y.; Doney, A. C. Chemical Reviews Noncovalent Interactions in Organocatalysis and the Prospect of Computational Catalyst Design. 2016, 49(5), 1061-9. 39. Mahadevi, A. S.; Sastry, G. N. Cooperativity in 22. Balcells, D.; Clot, E.; Eisenstein, O.; Nova, A.; Noncovalent Interactions. 2016, 116(5), 2775-825. Perrin, L. Deciphering Selectivity in Organic Reactions: A 40. Candeias, N. R.; Paterna, R.; Gois, P. M. P. Multifaceted Problem. 2016, 49(5), 1070-8. Homologation Reaction of Ketones with Diazo Compounds. 2016, 116(5), 2937-81. Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis 41. Tiwari, V. K.; Mishra, B. B.; Mishra, K. B.; Mishra, N.; Singh, A. S.; Chen, X. Cu-Catalyzed Click Reaction in 23. Liu, J.; Chen, G.; Tan, Z. Copper-Catalyzed or - Carbohydrate Chemistry. 2016, 116(5), 3086-240. Mediated C–H Bond Functionalizations Assisted by Bidentate 42. De Risi, C.; Pollini, G. P.; Zanirato, V. Recent Directing Groups. 2016, 358(8), 1174-94. Developments in General Methodologies for the Synthesis of α- 24. Day, D. P.; Chan, P. W. H.; Gold-Catalyzed Ketoamides. 2016, 116(5), 3241-305. Cycloisomerizations of 1,n-Diyne Carbonates and Esters. 2016, 43. Yoshimura, A.; Zhdankin, V. V. Advances in 358(9), 1368-84. Synthetic Applications of Hypervalent Iodine Compounds. 25. Huple, D. B.; Ghorpade, S.; Liu, R.-S. Recent 2016, 116(5), 3328-435. Advances in Gold-Catalyzed N- and O-Functionalizations of 44. De Bruycker, K.; Billiet, S.; Houck, H. A.; Alkynes with Nitrones, Nitroso, Nitro and Nitroxy Species. Chattopadhyay, S.; Winne, J. M.; Du Prez, F. E. Triazoline- diones as Highly Enabling Synthetic Tools. 2016, 116(6), 3919- Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 74. 45. Hong, L.; Sun, W.; Yang, D.; Li, G.; Wang, R. 26. Wrackmeyer, B. A Cyclotriborane Dianion and the Additive Effects on Asymmetric Catalysis. 2016, 116(6), 4006- Triboron Cation: "Light Ends" of the Hueckel Rule. 2016, 55(6), 123. 1962-4. 46. Mailyan, A. K.; Eickhoff, J. A.; Minakova, A. S.; 27. Coombs, J. R.; Morken, J. P. Catalytic Enantio- Gu, Z.; Lu, P.; Zakarian, A. Cutting-Edge and Time-Honored selective Functionalization of Unactivated Terminal Alkenes. Strategies for Stereoselective Construction of C–N Bonds in 2016, 55(8), 2636-49. Total Synthesis. 2016, 116(7), 4441-557. 28. Iacobucci, C.; Reale, S.; De Angelis, F. Elusive 47. Goossens, K.; Lava, K.; Bielawski, C. W.; Reaction Intermediates in Solution Explored by ESI-MS: Binnemans, K. Ionic Liquid Crystals: Versatile Materials. 2016, Reverse Periscope for Mechanistic Investigations. 2016, 55(9), 116(8), 4643-807. 2980-93. 48. Becucci, M.; Melandri, S. High-Resolution 29. Barboiu, M.; Stadler, A.-M.; Lehn, J.-M. Controlled Spectroscopic Studies of Complexes Formed by Medium-Size Folding, Motional, and Constitutional Dynamic Processes of Organic Molecules. 2016, 116(9), 5014-37. Polyheterocyclic Molecular Strands. 2016, 55(13), 4130-54. 49. Biedermann, F.; Schneider, H.-J. Experimental 30. Bueschleb, M.; Dorich, S.; Hanessian, S.; Tao, D.; Binding Energies in Supramolecular Complexes. 2016, 116(9), Schenthal, K. B.; Overman, L. E. Synthetic Strategies toward 5216-300. Natural Products Containing Contiguous Stereogenic Quatern- 50. Frey, J. A.; Holzer, C.; Klopper, W.; Leutwyler, S. ary Carbon Atoms. 2016, 55(13), 4156-86. Experimental and Theoretical Determination of Dissociation 31. Chung, W.-j.; Vanderwal, C. D. Stereoselective Energies of Dispersion-Dominated Aromatic Molecular Halogenation in Natural Product Synthesis. 2016, 55(14), 4396- Complexes. 2016, 116(9), 5614-41. 434. 51. Kacprzak, K.; Skiera, I.; Piasecka, M.; Paryzek, Z. 32. Li, Y.; Hari, D. P.; Vita, M. V.; Waser, J. Cyclic Alkaloids and Isoprenoids Modification by Copper(I)-Catalyzed Hypervalent Iodine Reagents for Atom-Transfer Reactions: Huisgen 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition (Click Chemistry): Toward Beyond Trifluoromethylation. 2016, 55(14), 4436-54. New Functions and Molecular Architectures. 2016, 116(10), 33. Ghavre, M.; Froese, J.; Pour, M.; Hudlicky, T. 5689-743. Synthesis of Amaryllidaceae Constituents and Unnatural 52. Simeonov, S. P.; Nunes, J. P. M.; Guerra, K.; Derivatives. 2016, 55(19), 5642-91. Kurteva, V. B.; Afonso, C. A. M. Synthesis of Chiral Cyclo- pentenones. 2016, 116(10), 5744-893. The Chemical Record Chemical Society Reviews 34. Singh, A. S.; Sun, S.-S. Structurally Flexible C3- Symmetric Receptors for Molecular Recognition and Their Self- 53. Estager, J.; Holbrey, J. D.; Swadzba-Kwasny, M. Assembly Properties. 2015, 15(6), 1021-44. Halometallate Ionic Liquids - Revisited. 2014, 43(3), 847-86. 35. Kawase, T.; Nishida, J.-i. π-Extended Pentalenes: 54. Iyoda, M.; Shimizu, H. Multifunctional π-Expanded The Revival of the Old Compound from New Standpoints. 2015, Oligothiophene Macrocycles. 2015, 44(18), 6411-24. 15(6), 1045-59. 55. Li, S.; Ma, J.-A. Core-Structure-Inspired Asym- 36. Kuck, D. From Fragmentation to Construction – metric Addition Reactions: Enantioselective Synthesis of From Void to Massive: Fascination with Organic Mass Dihydrobenzoxazinone- and Dihydroquinazolinone-Based Anti- Spectrometry and the Synthesis of Novel Three-Dimensional HIV Agents. 2015, 44(21), 7439-48. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. 2015, 15(6), 1075-109. 56. Butt, N. A.; Zhang, W. Transition Metal-Catalyzed 37. Komarova, B. S.; Tsvetkov, Y. E.; Nifantiev, N. E. Allylic Substitution Reactions with Unactivated Allylic Sub- Design of α-Selective Glycopyranosyl Donors Relying on strates. 2015, 44(22), 7929-67. Remote Anchimeric Assistance. 2016, 16(1), 488-506. 57. Vanjari, R.; Singh, K. N. Utilization of Methyl- 38. Meledin, R.; Mali, S. M.; Brik, A. Pushing the arenes as Versatile Building Blocks in Organic Synthesis. 2015, Boundaries of Chemical Protein Synthesis: The Case of 44(22), 8062-96.
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