Great Basin Naturalist Volume 45 Number 2 Article 2 4-30-1985 Utah's rare plants revisited Stanley L. Welsh Brigham Young University L. Matthew Chatterley Brigham Young University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/gbn Recommended Citation Welsh, Stanley L. and Chatterley, L. Matthew (1985) "Utah's rare plants revisited," Great Basin Naturalist: Vol. 45 : No. 2 , Article 2. Available at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/gbn/vol45/iss2/2 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Western North American Naturalist Publications at BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Great Basin Naturalist by an authorized editor of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. UTAH'S RARE PLANTS REVISITED Stanley L. Welsh' and L. Matthew Chatterlev' .Abstract.— Presented is a current evaluation of the status and distribution of Utah's rare plant species, including those officially listed as endangered or threatened, those under review for listing, those recommended by the Utah Native Plant Society, and those which recently have been removed from consideration. Taxa are discussed alphabetically. Information on status, distribution, habitat, elevation, and specimens deposited at Brigham Young University are included in the discussion of each species. Maps showing the state distribution of each listed or candidate plant are also provided. New combinations include Daica flavescens (Wats.) Welsh var. epica (Welsh) Welsh & Cliatterlev and Sclioowrainhc stiffnitesccns (Rollins) Welsh & Chatterley. As a result of the Endangered Species Act eral Register by the acting director of the of 1973, a list of proposed endangered and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Lamberton threatened plant species was compiled under 1980). This publication placed species in cat- the direction of the Smithsonian Institution. egories indicating their readiness for listing. The Smithsonian list was published in 1975 Category 1 plants were those species for (Greenwalt and Gehringer 1975), and since which the Service had sufficient information that time information concerning rare plants to support the appropriateness of their being in the United States has continued to ac- listed as threatened or endangered. Category cumulate. Available information concerning 2 plants were those species that required fur- the rare plants of Utah has steadily increased. ther biological research and field study to de- A few months following publication of the termine the appropriateness of their being Smithsonian Ust a critical examination of listed. Category 3 plants were those species each rare taxon found in Utah was also pub- no longer being considered for listing as en- lished (Welsh, Atwood, and Reveal 1975). dangered or threatened. There were three Data from this more detailed and concen- subheadings in this category. 3A plants were trated survey of rare Utah flora was in- taxa considered probably extinct. 3B plants corporated into the proposed federal rule- were those with unsure taxonomic status. 3C making published in 1976 by the director of plants were those taxa that had proven to be the Fish and Wildlife Service (Greenwalt more widespread than originally believed, or 1976). Since then two additional publications that were no longer subject to any threats. In have attempted to evaluate and summarize November 1983 an updated list with current the status of rare plants in Utah according to statvis evaluations was published in the Fed- the most up-to-date information. A reevalua- eral Register by the assistant secretary of Fish tion of Utah's endangered and threatened and Wildlife and Parks (Arnett 1983). plants was published in the Great Basin Nat- It is not the purpose of this paper to dupli- uralist (Welsh 1978), and an illustrated man- cate the information previously presented in ual was published by the U.S. Fish and Wild- the literature. However, five years have life Service (Welsh and Thorne 1979). Since passed since the last publication summarizing that time eight species occurring in Utah or evaluating the status of Utah's rare plants, have been determined as threatened or en- including those which by statute are consid- dangered, and several others are in the final ered threatened or endangered. Since that stages of the listing process. time new taxa have been described from the In December 1980 a review of plant taxa state, and their status has not been consid- considered for listing as endangered or ered. Several major rare plant inventories threatened species was published in the Fed- have also been conducted within the state, 'Life Science Mi: nd Department of Botany and Range Science, Brigfiam Young University, Provu, Utah 84602. 173 ) 174 Great Basin Naturalist Vol. 45, No. 2 Table 1. County distribution of Utah's rare plants. Table 1 continued. Nanit Distribution Name Distribution Arctomecon hiDuilis (L) Washington Eriogonum lancifolium (2) Carbon, Emery Asck'pim cutleri (2) Grand. San Juan Eriogonum loganum (2) Cache, Morgan Asclepias welshii (1) Kane Eriogonum natum (1) Millard Astragahis amptiUarius (2) Kane, Washington Eriogonum smithii (1) Emery Astnifidhis bamcbiji (2) Garfield, Wayne Eriogonum soredium (2) Beaver Astniffihis (ronqiiistii (1) San Juan Festuca dasijclada (2) Emery, Sanpete, A.sti(i<i(ihis dcsrificus (2) Sanpete (?), Utah Wasatch Asti(i<^(iliis eiiiiisniensis (2) Uintah Gaillardia flava (2) Emery, Grand Astr(i<:,(iliis lunuiltonii (1) Uintah Gf/ff/ caespitosa (2) Wayne Astragalus hanisonii (2) Wayne Glaucocarpon suffrutcscens Uintah Astrag,ahis isehji (1) Grand, San Juan (1) Astra^,alus lentifiinosits var. Iron Hedysarum occidcntatc \ar. Carbon, Emery ursinus (2°) canodc (1) Astni'^alus montii (1) Sanpete, Sevier Heterotlieca joncsii (2) Garfield, Kane, Astraiifihis prihiniis (L) Garfield, Iron, Kane, Washington Piute Htpncnoxtjs dcprcssa (2) Duchesne, Emery, Astragalus sahiilosiis (2) Grand Sevier Astragalus striatiflorus (2) Kane, Washington Ihpncnoxiis hclcnioidcs (2) Emery, Garfield, Astragalus suhcincrcus var. Enierv, Sevier Sanpete, Sevier hasalticus (2) Lcpidiiiin Ixirnchiiiuuini (I) Duchesne Astragalus umialis (2) Millard Lcpidiuiu iiiDnlanunt vnr. Garfield Castilleja acjuaricnsis (2) Garfield, Wayne neeseae (2) Castilleja rcicalii (1) Garfield, Iron Lcpidium niontinunn vav. Kane CirsiuDi lirginensis (2) Washington stellac (2) CorijpJiantha luissouricusis Garfield, Kane Lepidium ostlcri {!) Beaver var. ntarstunii (2) LesqucrcUa tumulosa (1) Kane CrijptantJia harnehiji (1) Uintah Lomatium latilobum (2) Grand, San Juan Cnjptantha compacta (1) Beaver, Millard. Tooele Mentzclia argillosa (2) Sanpete, Sevier Crijptatitlia crcutzfehltii (2) Carbon, Enierv Wijas caespitosus (2°) Sevier Cnjptantha data (2) Grand Oenotltera acutissinui (2) Daggett. I'intaii ('nij>tantlia joncsiana (2) Enierv Pediocactus despainii (2) Emery Cnjptantha ochrolcuca (1) Garfield Pediocactus uinkleri (2) Wayne Ciiscuta warncri (2°) Millard Penstcmon atuoodii (2) Garfield, Kane Cijrladrnia huniilis var. Emery, Garfield. CJrand Penstemon bracteatus (1) Garfield joucsii (1) Penstcmon conipactus (2) Cache C\jinoptvrus hcckii (2) Wayne Penstcmon concinnus (2) Beaver. Iron. .Millard C'tjnioplcrus higjiinsii (1) Kane Penstcmon goodrichii (2) Duchesne. I'intah Cipnoptcrus niininuis (2) Garfield, Iron, Kane Penstcmon grahamii (1) Uintah Dalea flavesccns var. Garfield. San Juan Penstemon Icptanthus (2) Sanpete p/j/crj (2) Penstemon nanus (2) Beaver, Millard Draha uiagtiirci \ar. Box Elder. Welier Penstcmon parvus (2) Garfield, Piute /j»r^-ei (2) Penstemon scariosus var. Uintah Echinocereus cngchnainiii Washinuton albifluLis (1) var. purpuniis (L) Penstcmon tidestromii (2) Juab, Sanpete Echinocereus triglnchidialus rcnslcmon udrdii (2) Sanpete, Sevier var. inennis (L) Vhacclia argillacca (L) Utah Epilohium nevadense (2) Millard. W ashiiiat I'hacclia iiulccora (2) Enierx, San |uan, Erigcron cromptistii (1) Cache Wa>'ne Erigcron kachinensis (2) San Juan Priuuda maguirei (1) Cache Erigeron maguirei var. Emery Psor(dca cpipsihi (2) Kane Diaguirci (1) Psoralen pariensis (1) Garfield, Kane Erigcron maguirei var. Wayne Psorothamnus pohjadenius Emery h(uris(>uii (2) var. joncsii (2) Erigeron mancus (2) Grand, San juan Ranunculus acriformis \ar. Garfield Erigeron prosehiticus ( 1 Iron, Kane (icsliialis (2) Erigeron sionis (2) Kani-. Wasliiniiton Sclcrocactus glaucus (L) Duchesne. Uintah. San Erigeron iinterni(mnii (2) Ducluvsuc juau Eriogonuni anunophihini (1) Millard Sclcrocactus puhispiniis (2) Beaver, Juab. Millard, Eriogonum aretioides (1) Ciarfield Sevier, Tooele Eriogonum crompiistii (2) (Jarfield Schrocailiis urightiae (L) Emery, Kane, Wayne Eriogonum humiiagans (2) San Juan Sclaginclla utahensis (2) Washington April 1985 Welsh, Chatterley: Utah's Rare Plants 175 Table 1 continued. species threatened by (1) the destruction or modification of its habitat, (2) overutilization Name Distribution for commercial or scientific purposes, (3) dis- Senecio dimorphophijUus San Juan, Sanpete ease or predation, (4) the inadequacy of exist- var. intermedins (2) ing regulatory mechanisms, and (5) other Silcne petersonii var. minor Garfield, Iron factors. listing classifications (1) man-made Two Silene petersonii var. Garfield, Sanpete are provided. The term endangered is given petersonii (2) to a species in danger of extinction through Splmeraleea caespitosa (2) Beaver, Millard all or a significant portion of its range. The Spluieralcea psoraloides (2) Enierv,
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