THE PAPERS OF HENRY MORGENTHAU, Jr., 1866-1960: Series Description 1. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1933-1945 a. Alphabetical File (people and Subjects) Containers 1 - 319 b. Contributions, Containers 320 - 325 c. Staff Meeting Minutes Containers 326 - 351 d. Replies to Letters Addressed to Secretary Handled Elsewhere Containers 352 - 353 e. Outgoing Letters - Chronological Containers 354 - 370 £ Letters at Time ofMorgenthau's Resignation Container 371 g. Incoming & Outgoing Teletype Messages Container 372 h. Research and Statistics Containers 373 - 383 i. Confidential Reports about People Containers 384 - 390 j. Appointments Containers 391 - 393 k. Bretton Woods Conference Containers 394 - 395 I. GERMANY IS OUR PROBLEM Containers 396 - 398 m. Speeches and Writings Containers 399 - 413 n. Miscellaneous Containers 413 - 419 o. Treasury Bills, Upham Reports, etc. Containers 420 - 439 2. Accomulated File of Joseph Gaer, Biographer of Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Includes Morgenthau letters, 1891-1940 Containers 440 - 454 3. Subject File, 1930-1933 Containers 455 - 466 4. Newspaper Clippings, 1913-1936 Container 467 5. Papers of Henry Morgenthau, Sr. Containers 468 - 493 6. Additional Papers of Henry Morgenthau, Jr. Containers 494 - 510 1881-1945 7. Papers of Mrs. Henry Morgenthau, Jr. Containers 511 - 513 8. Presidential Diaries, 1938-1953 Containers 514 - 516 (See microfiche in Research Room) 9. Correspondence-The President, 1933-1945 Containers 517-520 10. State Department Cables, 1934-1942 Containers 521 - 555 11. Press Releases and Press Conferences, November 15, 1933-July 23, 1945 Containers ~56 - 619 12. United Jewish Appeal, 1946-1960 Containers 620 - 781 13. Postwar Correspondence of Henry Morgenthau, Jr., 1945-1960 Containers 781 - 811 14. Clippings Containers 812 - 813 15. Speeches and Writings, 1946-1953 Containers 814-825 16. Clippings and Printed Materials, 1933-1947 Containers 826 - 869 17. Treasury Reports (includes Secretary's annual Containers 870 - 899 report and daily statements, and Exchange Stabilization Fund), 1933-1945 18. Morgenthau Diary Materials retained by Dept. Containers 900 - 912 of the Treasury and returned to the Roosevelt Library in 1995. \ 19. Morgenthau Diary Bound Index Containers 913 - 922 1 20. Fishkill Farms and Financial Materials Containers 923 - 995 21. Notecards based on Morgenthau Diary Containers 996 - 1008 22. Morgenthau Chronological Clippings File, 1933-June 1945 (order volume by date) Containers 1009 - 1187 Container Contents Aa-Ak (General) 1940 1941 Aa-Ak (General) 1942 1944 Aa-Ak (General) 1945 Aa-Ak (General) 1933 1939 Address Changes, Notices of 1934 1945 2 Agricultural Adjustmen Admin. 1935 1937 Agriculture, Department of 1933 1939 Agriculture, Department of 1940 1945 Air Raid Warden - Correspondence 1942 1943 3 AI (General) 1942 1944 AI (General) 1945 AI (General) 1940 1941 AI (General) 1933 1939 Alcohol Tax Unit 1934 1940 4 Am (General) 1933 1939 Am (General) 1940 1941 Am (General) 1942 1943 5 Am (General) 1944 1945 American Agriculturalist 1933 American Agriculturalist 1933 1941 American Agriculturalist 1942 1945 6 American Agriculturalist 1934 1936 American Agriculturalist - Financial Statements, 1934 1935 etc. American Red Cross 1934 1945 7 Amherst College 1937 1945 Amherst Speech 0614 1941 Container Contents 7 An thm Aq 1933 1939 An thru Aq 1940 1944 An thru Aq 1945 Anniversary (Wedding) Congratulations 1945 8 Annual Reports of Secretary Henry Morgenthau, 1935 1939 Jr. Annual Reports of Secretary Henry Morgenthau, 1940 1943 Jr. Annual Reports of Secretary Henry Morgenthau, 1944 Jr. AnnuaJ Reports Received by Henry Morgenthau, 1941 1945 Jr. 9 Apartments and Residences for Sale or Rent 1933 1935 Apples 1940 1941 Apples 1938 1939 Apples 1933 1934 Apples 1937 10 Apples 1942 Apples 1943 Apples 1944 II Apples 1945 12 Apples, General 1933 1945 Applicants - National Defense 1933 1945 Applicants - Under-Secretary 1933 1945 13 Appointments of Henry Morgenthau, Jr. 1934 1936 14 Appointments of Henry Morgenthau, Jr. 1937 1938 15 Appointments of Henry Morgenthau, Jr. 1939 1940 16 Appointments of Henry Morgenthau, Jr. 1941 Container Contents 17 Appointments of Henry Morgenthau, Jr. 1942 18 Appointments of Henry Morgenthau, Jr. 1943 19 Appointments of Henry Morgenthau, Jr. 1944 1945 20 Ar (General) 1945 Ar (General) 1933 1939 Ar (General) 1940 1942 Ar (General) 1942 1944 Architects Advisory Committee (Suggestions) 1933 1945 Art - Painting - Sculpture 1936 1941 21 As-A:z. (General) 1933 1939 As-A:z. (General) 1940 1942 As-A:z. (General) 1943 1944 As-A:z. (General) 1945 22 ASSOCIATIONS - Invitations to Join: A-B 1933 1945 ASSOCIATIONS - Invitations to Join: C-I 1933 1945 23 ASSOCIATIONS - Invitations to Join: J-N 1933 1945 ASSOCIATIONS - Invitations to Join: O-Z 1933 1945 Autographs of Secretary Requested 1933 1945 24 Autographed $1 Bills - by Secretary 1936 1937 Axelrod, Morris H. Baa-Baj 1933 1939 Baa-Baj 1940 1945 Babcock, H. E. 1933 1944 Bailey, James 1935 1941 Bailey, James 1945 25 Bailie, Earle 1933 1935 Container Contents 25 Bailie, Earle 1936 26 Bailie, Earle 1937 Bailie, Earle 1940 Bailie, Earle 1939 Bailie, Earle - and Family 1935 1944 Bailie, Earle - Personal Letters Only 1938 27 Bak-Ban (General) 1933 1939 Bak-Ban (General) 1940 1942 Bak-Ban (General) 1943 1945 Baker, Anne - Landscape Architect 1934 1945 28 Bankers Trust Company Bar (General) 1933 1939 Bar (General) 1940 1945 29 Barnard, Chester 1941 1943 Banelt, E. F. 1935 1945 Barth, Alan 1941 1945 Bas-Bay (General) 1933 1939 Bas-Bay (General) 1940 1945 30 Bea-Bem (General) 1933 1939 Bea-Bem (General) 1940 1941 Bea-Bem (General) 1942 1945 Beacon Ice and Cold Storage Company Beans Bell, Charles S. Bell, Daniel W. 1933 1941 Bell, Daniel W. 1942 1945 Container Contents 31 Ben-Bh (General) 1940 1941 Ben-Bh (General) 1942 1944 Ben-Bh (General) 1945 Ben-Bh (General) 1933 1939 Bemey,E.E. 32 Birthday Gifts and Greetings Received by the 1941 1944 Secretary Birthday Gifts and Greetings Received by the 1935 1940 Secretary Birthday Letters 1935 1939 Birthday Letters 1940 1944 33 Bi-Bk (General) 1943 1945 Bi-Bk (General) 1933 1939 Bi-Bk (General) 1940 1942 Bi-Bn (General) 1933 1939 Bi-Bn (General) 1940 1942 34 Bi-Bn (General) 1943 1945 Blackberries 1938 1944 Blagden, F. Meredith 1934 Blough, Roy Blueberries 1939 1944 Bo (General) 1937 1939 Bo (General) 1933 1936 35 Bo (General) 1945 Bo (General) 1940 1941 Bo (General) 1942 1944 Board of Tax Appeals 1933 1940 Container Contents 35 Board of Tax Appeals Decisions 1942 36 Board of Tax Appeals Decisions 1943 Boeltiger, Mr. and Mrs. John Bonds, J. B. Boms Bari: of the Month Club 37 Boyce, F. J. (Atlantic Commission Company) Boysenberry Bra,Bm (General) 1933 1939 Bra,Bm (General) 1940 1941 Bra,Bm (General) 1942 1944 Bra,Bm (General) 1945 38 BraIIer, Herbert M 1934 Brazil, Pamphlets on 1939 Bretton Woods Conference 1945 British - United States Tax Comparison 0308 1941 39 Bm (General) 1933 1939 Bm (General) 1940 1945 Broughton, William S. (Commissioner of Public 1933 1940 Debt) Brp-Brz (General) 1933 1939 Brp-Brz (General) 1940 1945 40 Bs-Bug (General) 1933 1939 Bs-Bug (General) 1940 1945 Budget Bureau 1935 1944 Bullington, George BulIitt, William C. Container Contents 40 Bur (General) 1933 1939 Bur (General) 1940 1945 41 Burgess, W, Randolph 1933 1939 Burgess, W. Randolph 1940 1944 Burnside Avenue Poperty Shrem Corporation 1935 1938 Bus-Bz (General) 1933 1939 42 Bus-Bz (General) 1940 1942 Bus-Bz (General) 1943 1945 Business Situation, November 1933 II 1933 Caa-Caq (General) 1940 1942 Caa-Caq (General) 1933 1936 Caa-Caq (General) 1937 1939 43 Caa-Caq (General) 1943 1945 Cables 1933 1945 Cables Sent to and from Henry Morgenthau, Jr. 08 1937 While in Hawaii Calling Cards Left Canada Canadian Trip 1941 Car-Cg (General) 1933 1936 44 Car-Cg (General) 1945 Car-Cg (General) 1942 1944 Car-Cg (General) 1937 1938 Car-Cg (General) 1939 Car-Cg (General) 1940 1941 45 Cars 1933 1940 Cartoons 1936 1941 Container Contents 45 Cartoons 1942 1944 Cavanagh, George B. 1936 1939 Central Hanover Bank 1933 1935 46 Central Hanover Bank 1936 Central Hanover Bank 1937 Central Hanover Bank 1938 Ch (General) 1937 1938 Ch (General) 1933 1936 47 Ch (General) 1945 Ch (General) 1942 1944 Ch (General) 1939 Ch (General) 1940 1941 48 Chauncey, N. M. - Memos 1935 1936 Chauncey, N. M. - Miscellaneous 1938 1944 Chauncey, N. M. - Personal 1939 1944 Cherries 1935 1944 China 1935 1940 49 Christmas Gifts 1933 1937 Christmas Gifts 1941 Christmas Gifts 1940 Christmas Gifts 1938 1939 50 Christmas Gifts 1942 Christmas Gifts 1943 Christmas Greetings 1933 1935 Christmas Greetings 1936 51 Christmas Greetings 1937 Container Contents 51 Christmas Greetings 1938 1939 Christmas Greetings 1940 1941 52 Christmas Greetings 1942 1944 Christmas Greetings (Samples) 1933 1941 Christmas Greetings to Treasury Officials 1937 1940 Christmas Greetings to Treasury Officials 1941 1944 53 Chrysler Car 1935 1938 Ci - Cn (General) 1933 1936 Ci - Cn (General) 1938 1939 Ci - Cn (General) 1940 1941 Ci - Cn (General) 1942 1945 Civil Aeronautics Board 54 Clippings Clippings Sent to Family and Friends 1933 1940 Cloister Hotel 1935 1942 55 Clubs and Lodges - A-B 1933 1944 Clubs and Lodges - C-M 1933 1944 Clubs and Lodges - N-R 1933 1944 56 Clubs and Lodges - S-Z 1933 1944 Coa - Com (General) 1933 1935 Coa - Com (General) 1936 1937 Coa - Com (General) 1938 1939 57 Coa - Com (General) 1940 1941 Coa - Com (General) 1942 1944 Coa - Com (General) 1945 Coast Guard Radiograms to and from the 1936 1939 Secretary Container Contents 58 Coast Guard Radiograms to and from the 1940 1942 Secretary Coast Guard, U.S. 1935 1935 Coast Guard, U.S. 1936 1937 Coast Guard, U.S. 1933 1934 59 Coast Guard, U.S. 1938 1939 Coast Guard, U.S. 1940 1941 Cochran, H. Merle 1935 1936 Cochran, H. Merle 1937 1940 60 Cochran, H. Merle 1941 1943 Cochran, H. Merle - Folder I Cochran, H.
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