Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Monday, June 30, 2003 Volume 39—Number 26 Pages 795–832 Contents Addresses and Remarks Interviews With the News Media See also Meetings With Foreign Leaders News conferences Biotechnology Industry Organization June 24 with President Musharraf of Conference—800 Pakistan at Camp David, MD—807 Black Music Month—810 June 25 with European Union leaders—814 California, Bush-Cheney luncheon in San Joint Statements Francisco—826 President George W. Bush and European Congressional leaders, meeting—813 Council President Konstandinos Simitis Corporate Council on Africa’s United States- and European Commission President Africa Business Summit—820 Romano Prodi Georgia, Bush-Cheney reception in Hydrogen Cooperation—817 Greensboro—795 Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Medicare reform legislation—813 Destruction—818 National Do Not Call Registry, creation—825 Transatlantic Aviation Negotiations—820 New York City, Bush-Cheney reception—803 Meetings With Foreign Leaders Radio address—799 European Union Communications to Congress Commission President Prodi—814, 817, 818, 820 Colombia, letter transmitting report on U.S. Council President Simitis—814, 817, 818, individuals involved in the antinarcotics 820 campaign—795 Pakistan, President Musharraf—807 WEEKLY COMPILATION OF Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu- PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $80.00 per year Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg- ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing- $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents, ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing). materials released by the White House during the preceding The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also week. available on the Internet on the GPO Access service at http:// The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub- www.gpo.gov/nara/nara003.html. lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg- ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under There are no restrictions on the republication of material regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607; ments. 1 CFR Part 10). Proclamations Deaths Black Music Month—812 Bob Stump—813 Strom Thurmond—830 Statements by the President Supreme Court decision on the Michigan Congress affirmative action cases—803 Congressional passage of the Keeping U.N. International Day in Support of Victims Children and Families Safe Act of of Torture—824 2003—820 House of Representatives action on Supplementary Materials homeland security legislation—813 Acts approved by the President—832 House of Representatives action on Checklist of White House press releases—832 Medicare reform legislation—829 Digest of other White House Senate passage of Medicare reform announcements—830 legislation—829 Nominations submitted to the Senate—831 Editor’s Note: The President was in Los Angeles, CA, on June 27, the closing date of this issue. Releases and announcements issued by the Office of the Press Secretary but not received in time for inclusion in this issue will be printed next week. Week Ending Friday, June 27, 2003 Letter to Congressional Leaders Remarks at a Bush-Cheney Transmitting a Report on United Reception in Greensboro, Georgia States Individuals Involved in the June 20, 2003 Antinarcotics Campaign in Colombia The President. Thank you all very much. June 20, 2003 Thanks a lot for coming out tonight. So I’m walking up on the stage, and Saxby says, ‘‘If Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:) you keep it short, we might be able to get Consistent with section 3204(f), title III, a round of golf in.’’ [Laughter] chapter 2 of the Emergency Supplemental I want to thank you all for being here. I Act, 2000 (the ‘‘Act’’), as enacted in the Mili- came without my wife, unfortunately. tary Construction Appropriations Act, 2001, Audience members. Aaahh. Public Law 106–246, I am submitting a re- The President. I know it. There’s a lot port prepared by my Administration that pro- of good, discerning people out here in the vides ‘‘the aggregate number, locations, ac- crowd who understand who the real star of tivities, and lengths of assignment for all tem- our family is. She was in Chattanooga today porary and permanent U.S. military per- working. You drew the short straw. [Laugh- sonnel and U.S. individual civilians retained ter] But I can’t tell you how proud I am of as contractors involved in the antinarcotics the job she is doing. She is a fabulous First campaign in Colombia.’’ Lady for our country, and she sends her best This report is classified because of force and her thanks. protection considerations and the high level Standing up on the stage here with Sonny of terrorist threat in Colombia. However, the and Saxby reminded me about what it means aggregate numbers given below are unclassi- to offer a hopeful and optimistic vision, be- fied. cause that’s precisely what we did last fall. The report indicates that as of May 13, In this State, we said, ‘‘If you elect these good 2003, the end of this reporting period, there people, you’ll get good government for every- were 358 temporary and permanent U.S. body.’’ And thanks to your hard work and military personnel and 308 U.S. civilians re- your efforts, you elected the first Republican tained as individual contractors in Colombia Governor in 130 years. And he’s doing the involved in supporting Plan Colombia. This job you expect him to do. He’s a straight report further indicates that during March, shooter. He does in office what he said he April, and May 2003, these figures never ex- would do. ceeded the ceilings established in section And that’s the same with Saxby. I’ve got 3204(b) of the Act, as amended. no stronger ally in the United States Senate Sincerely, than Saxby Chambliss, and I want to thank you all for sending him. George W. Bush And thanks to your help, starting tonight, we’re going to build on what you did last fall and deliver a strong nationwide victory next fall. And I’m getting loosened up. NOTE: Identical letters were sent to J. Dennis [Laughter] I’m getting ready, but I’m going Hastert, Speaker of the House of Representatives, to have to count on you all to energize the and Richard B. Cheney, President of the Senate. grassroots, to make the phone calls, to put This item was not received in time for publication the signs in the yard, and to spread our mes- in the appropriate issue. sage, which is a positive and hopeful message 795 796 June 20 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2003 for every single citizen who lives in this coun- creased the defense budget to prepare for try. the threats of a new era. And today, no one The political season will come in its own in the world can question the skill and the time. But right now, I am focused on the strength and the spirit of the United States people’s business in Washington, DC. We’ve military. got a lot on the agenda. We’ve got a lot to Two-and-a-half years ago, we inherited an do before the political season. But I can as- economy in recession. Then the attacks on sure you that we will keep earning the con- our country occurred, and then scandals in fidence of Americans by keeping this Nation corporate America and war affected the peo- secure and strong and prosperous and free. ple’s confidence. But we acted. We passed Along with Sonny, there’s a lot of State tough new laws to hold corporate criminals officials here, and I want to thank you all to account. And to get the economy going for coming. again, we have twice led the United States And along with Saxby came a—members Congress to pass historic tax relief for the of one of the finest congressional delegations American people. in Washington, DC: Congressmen Jack King- Here’s what we believe, and here’s what ston, Johnny Isakson, Mac Collins, Charlie we know: When Americans have more take- Norwood, Max Burns, and John Linder, and home pay to spend, to save, and to invest, I want to thank you all for coming. I appre- the whole economy goes, and people can find ciate you being here. work. I want to thank my close friend Mercer We understand whose money we spend in Reynolds for agreeing to be the national fi- Washington, DC. It’s not the Government’s nance chairman of the Bush-Cheney cam- money. It is the people’s money. And we’re paign. I want to thank Jamie—that would be returning more money to people who are try- Jamie Reynolds—for hosting this event to- ing to raise their families. We’re reducing night. I want to thank all the cochairmen who taxes on dividends and capital gains to en- have helped. I want to thank Harold Rey- courage investment. We’re giving small busi- nolds. I want to thank my friend Fred Coo- nesses incentives to expand and to hire new per. But most of all, I want to thank you people. With all these actions, we are laying all. You put the wind at my back.
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