SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Table of Contents Welcome Message .................................................................................... 003 Organizing Committee ............................................................................... 006 General Information ................................................................................... 007 Registration ................................................................................................ 008 Transportation ............................................................................................ 009 Floor Plan ................................................................................................... 010 Program at a Glance .................................................................................. 014 SERDF & Prof. Lu Memorial Lectureship ................................................... 017 International Society of Dermatology (ISD) / Taiwan Dermatological Association (TDA).................................................. 020 ISD/TDA Speakers ................................................................................. 035 ISD/TDA Abstracts .................................................................................... 057 Medical Mycology Training Network (MMTN) ............................................ 098 MMTN Speakers ........................................................................................ 101 MMTN Abstracts .................................................................................. 105 Taiwan Dermatopathology Conference (TDPC). ....................................... 112 TDPC Speakers ......................................................................................... 116 TDPC Abstracts .......................................................................................... 121 Free Papers ............................................................................................... 125 Case Reports ............................................................................................. 132 E-posters .................................................................................................... 138 Sponsors .................................................................................................... 147 2 Welcome Message Dear colleagues, It is with great pleasure that we assemble in Taipei for this important and prestigious meeting. The International Society of Dermatology (ISD) is proud to participate in the 6th Continent Congress of Dermatology 2018 and to share this honor with our colleagues from the Taiwanese Dermatological Association. This is our first meeting together and it is with great anticipation that we attend. Many of the Society’s executive board will be here and together wish to thank the organizing committee and especially Dr. Ji-Chen Ho, Honorary Congress President, Dr. Wen-Hung Chung, Honorary Congress President and Dr. Jason, CH Yang, Congress Chair for their hard work and dedication. The ISD is supporting this Congress through scholarships, travel grants and speakers which contribute to its international exposure. For me, this is also a prized opportunity to see and meet colleagues and make new friends while enjoying the culture, hospitality and history of this extraordinary country. These experiences and contacts are at the heart of a meeting’s success and an opportunity for new and seasoned dermatologists to network and learn. I also wish to welcome our new members to the Society The ISD is already represented by members from Taiwan and is stronger because of their contributions. This meeting will be a lasting bridge between your country and global dermatology. This Congress will communicate some of dermatology’s cutting edge ideas while highlighting Taiwan’s role in international medicine. We are grateful for this opportunity to come to Taipei and learn from our colleagues, each of us leaving richer for the experience. Let us enjoy these next few days of learning and international fellowship. Sincerely, George Reizner, MD President, International Society of Dermatology 3 Dear Colleagues and Friends, On behalf of the organizing committee of the Taiwan Dermatological Association (TDA), we are pleased to welcome you to the 6th Continental Congress of Dermatology (CCD), incorporating the 44th Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Dermatological Association (TDA), that will be held at the Taipei International Conference Center (TICC) in Taipei, Taiwan from November 16-18th, 2018. Over the last 10 years, the TDA annual meeting has become synonymous with WKHKLJKHVWFDOLEHUVFLHQWL¿FPHHWLQJLQ'HUPDWRORJ\DFURVV$VLD,WLVRXUKRQRU to host the 6th CCD with the International Society of Dermatology (ISD). The highlights of this year are Nail, Dermoscope, Skin Surgery, Drug Immunology and Fungal Infection. With an overriding theme of “Expanding Horizons,” this conference will provide an extensive program, including plenary VHVVLRQVLQYLWHGOHFWXUHVLQWHUDFWLYHVHVVLRQVDQGZRUNVKRSV7KHVFLHQWL¿F program will cover the spectrum of dermatology, dermatology surgery, and aesthetic subspecialties. Renowned international and regional experts will be sharing their latest discoveries, practice pearls, and up-to-date lectures. Given that Taipei is a distinctly cosmopolitan city with a truly welcoming people, coupled with superior conference venues, we expect the 6th CCD, held in conjunction with the 44th TDA Annual meeting 2018 to be a resounding success. The congress venue is the Taiwan International Conference Center (TICC), a world-class conference center situated in the heart of Taipei, Taiwan’s most vibrant and stylish city, right next to the famous Taipei 101. Last but not least, we would like to thank the International Society of Dermatology (ISD), as well as the organizing committee, scientific committee, speakers, participants, and sponsors for making the meeting a resounding success. We wish you a pleasant and memorable stay here in Taipei, and a fruitful time at the conference. Get ready to inspire and be inspired. Yours sincerely, Honorary Congress President, Ji-Chen Ho Honorary Congress President, Wen-Hung Chung Congress Chair, Jason, CH Yang Ji-Chen Ho Wen-Hung Chung Honorary Congress President Honorary Congress President Jason, CH Yang Yao-Yu Chang Congress Chair Congress Secretary 4 ⏫ἴ䚕冁䦸⏳Ẩ⎱凮㛪憒⸒Ɲ 嬠Ị塏凡䁊䚕冁䦸憒⭟㛪䰳₀⦻Ⓢ㛪媇㑖㭈徵⏫ἴ⎪⊇凡䁊䚕冁䦸憒⭟㛪 䬓 44 Ⱝ⹛㛪Ə⏳㘩凮䬓⅔Ⱝ Continental Congress of Dermatology ᷧ⏳Ḣ徍Ə 㜓㬈⤎㛪⯮㛪凰徍㖣 2018 ⹛ 11 㛯 16 凚 18 㗌✏⏗⋾⛲暂㛪字Ḕ⾪˛✏怵⎢ ⌨⹛敺Ə凡䁊䚕冁䦸憒⭟㛪ᷧ⹛ᷧ⺍䙫⹛㛪℣䄝ⷙㇷ䂡✏㩒巏㕛ῲẅ㴙✗ ⌧檿㰛㹽䙫䚕冁䦸⭟⤎㛪˛ὃ䂡ẅ㴙✗⌧楽Ⱜᷧ㋮䙫⛲暂❲㛪字ƏㇸῸ䛟䕝 㦕僤⤇䈔⎽∗凮 International Society of Dermatology (ISD) ᷧ⏳Ḣ徍䬓⅔Ⱝ CCD˛ 㜓Ⱝ㛪字䙫Ḣ栳㶜咲 Nail˚Dermoscope˚Dermatopathology˚Skin Surgery˚ Drug Immunology ⑳ Fungal InfectionƏ岒䩦Ḣ栳䙫Ḕ⾪〄ペ䂡˥㓛ⰼ好憵Ə ⰼ㜂㜑Ὥ˦˛ㇸῸ奶≪ṭᷧῲ䛟䕝⻊斱䙫字䧲䮫䕮Ə⋬㋓Ḣ栳㻻嬂˚恧媲㻻嬂Ə 恫㛰ṹ⊼『䙫媙䧲⎱ⷌὃ✱ƞ媙䧲ⅎ⮠∮⋬㋓ṭ䚕冁⭟˚䚕冁䛟旃㈲堺⑳憒⭟併 ⮠䛟旃⯯㥔˛䟌⏴䙫⯯⮝Ọ⎱⯯敧柿⟆䙫⭟俬⯮㛪⇭Ẓ㛧㖗䙫䟻䩝䙣䏥˚㛧徸㜆 䙫㜆⇱㕮䍢Ọ⎱悊ẂẽῸ䙫⯝岛䵺樾˛ ⏗⋾ⷩ孤㛰㛧⎲╫➵ⷩḲ䨘Əⅴ⊇ᷱ⛲暂ᷧ㴨䙫㛪字Ḕ⾪ƏㇸῸ㜆⽬⛇䂡㛰わ䙫 ⎪凮Ə䬓⅔Ⱝ CCD 凮䬓 44 Ⱝ凡䁊䚕冁憒⭟㛪⹛㛪⯮㛪⛺㻦ㇷ⊆˛怀㬈㛪字 凰徍✗滅⺎吤㖣⏗⋾ⷩⷩḔ⾪䙫⏗⋾⛲暂㛪字Ḕ⾪ƋTICCƌƏ凮⏗䁊㛧檿䙫 ✗㨀⏗⋾ 101 䂡愗Əㄆ⎾⏗⋾䙫㴢⊂凮㘩Ⰱ˛ 㛧⽳Əㄆ嬄 ISD 恫㛰㈧㛰䙫䰳₀⦻Ⓢ˚⭟堺⦻Ⓢ˚嬂⸒˚凮㛪俬⎱峱⊐┭⎪凮⤎㛪˛ 㜆㜂Ὥ⏗⋾⎪㛪䙫わ惤僤⤇䕀ᷲヰ⿒᷻曊⾿䙫䵺㭞Ƅ 䬓 44 Ⱝ凡䁊䚕冁䦸憒⭟㛪⹛㛪 㦕孤㛪敞 Ἴ⮃㉦ 㦕孤㛪敞 揿㕮⭶ Ḣ⸔ 㤱⾾⋂ 㕓ᷱ Ji-Chen Ho Wen-Hung Chung Ἴ⮃㉦ 揿㕮⭶ 㦕孤㛪敞 㦕孤㛪敞 Jason, CH Yang Yao-Yu Chang 㤱⾾⋂ ⼜㛃⭮ ⤎㛪Ḣ⸔ ⤎㛪䦿㛟敞 5 Organizing Committee Organizer: Taiwanese Dermatological Association (TDA) Co-organizer: Dermatology Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan Society for Dermatological and Aesthetic Surgery (TSDAS), Taiwanese Society for Investigative Dermatology (TSID), Taiwanese Photomedicine Society, Asia Fungal Working Group (AFWG), Asian Society of Dermatopathology (ASD) Honorary President: Ji-chen Ho ( Ἴ⮃㉦ ), Wen-hung Chung ( 揿㕮⭶ ) Chairman: Chih-hsun Yang ( 㤱⾾⋂ ) Conference Secretary: Yao-yu Chang ( ⼜㛃⭮ ) Academic Research Section: Hassan Galadari, Evangeline B. Handog, Yu-huei Huang ( 溪㮺デ ), Nellie Konnikov, Cheng-che E. Lan ( 喴㔦ⓙ ) , Pei-hsuan Lu ( ὐ䑮 ), Margaret Mann, Pei-lun Sun (⭒⟠‒), Shyam Verma, Yen-jen Wang (䍲䟻ạ), Yu-hung Wu (␚備) Finance Section: Ya-Ching Chang ( ⼜暬厨 ), Hsin-pei Chen ( 晚㬊ὐ ), Hua-en Lee ( 㜵取ぐ ), Jing-Yi Lin ( 㝾权〈 ), Documentation Section: Rosaline Chung-yee Hui ( 娘ộ䑋 ), Chien-yio Lin ( 㝾〉⎯ ), I-hsin Shih ( 㖤ᷧ㖗 ), Ming-Ying Wu ( ␚㗵䨵 ) Logistic Section: Yung-yi Lee ( 㜵⊮㮬 ), Chun-wei Lu ( 䛎ᾱ䐲 ) Activity Section: Pei-han Kao ( 檿䏕又), Charlene Chau-yee Ng ( 溪㘔䑃), Sze-wen Ting (ᷨ〄㕮), Jennifer Wu(␚⏰⦕) Information Section: Chun-bing Chen ( 晚ᾱ岺 ), Hsi Yen ( 栶䒤 ) Conference Secretary: Chia-jung Lin (㝾咰), Min-jyun Luo (佬㔶␂), Yu-han Wu (␚曏㶜), Mamie Hao-an Chao (嶀㙎⭰) ⟥㗁᳹塔塸䐩⩴ Conference Artist 䫟ᶉ Brief Introduction 㙕⩕䪂 Tsung Fan Lin 1979 ⹛䔆㖣⏗䁊⏗⋾Ə䕉㥔㖣⾐凯┭ⷌ⻊娔姯䦸⎱㨠⾞⤎⭟⮋ⅎ娔姯䳢˛䔘㖣䈝妑䆘併堺ḍ㒬敞㰛⢏ⱘ㰛䕒ὃƏ ⾅⯶Ⱈㇷ敞✏嗄堺䒗⡪Ə⛇㭋ὃ⒨ⅎ㶜⸟ℬ㺉吾㝘㖠㰛⢏䫇㲼⟡Ə㖣ὃ⒨Ḕₚ总⇡┖併䩡敺䙫噂⯍䧐ㄆ˛⯴㖣 ䷁㢄Ə䩡敺⑳剙⠱拑晚Ə䙭桖䏥⇡䛟䕝ㇷ䆆俳䩐⁌䙫㍳㏈ . 䕒ὃḔᷧ㙖ᷧ䉐䙫䴫⏯Əῄ㛰吾ᷧ䈮恣斱䙫权嫷Ə✏䰈㼻 ⛽₶塏⾜Ḕ , Ẵ嗱㶜吾䄈昷⻝䙫併⭟⍗屈 . 忶怵≜ὃὭₚ总ẽ忤⯲䥶䙫㞷ᷧ㮜㖬䧲Ə⇄䴷‣⽾ᷧⅴ⛅䙫㘩ℰƏ Ọ⎱⯴惰✆䙫䆘 . ὃ⒨Ḕ㴨朙⇡ᷧ䨕䲥䄰䙫乑⛽㈲㲼Ə⯮䑗湾䙫䳬˚喴˚䴒˚䶇䬰剙媦廼㞻⋽Ə䏥⇡⯎权俳ょ敹 䙫㖬怱⾪⡪˛ Tsung Fan Lin was born in 1979 in Taipei, Taiwan. He studied advertising design at Fu-Hsin Trade and Arts School and majored in interior design at Shu-Te University. Because his father had a passion for the arts and specialized in landscape ink paintings, Lin grew up in an environment that was intimately connected with art. As a result, his works often have a foundation in Oriental ink paintings, and convey an awareness of virtual order in an aesthetic space. Linćs use of lines, spaces, and colors in his paintings highlight his mature and steady mastery, in which he preserves a sense of vast tranquility with his combination of scenes and objects. Linćs image characterization is FRQFLVH\HWHYRNHVWKHDHVWKHWLFLPSUHVVLRQRILQ¿QLWHH[WHQVLRQ7KURXJKKLVZRUN/LQVKDUHVKLVMRXUQH\IRUWKH
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