Cutaneous Hyperpigmentation Due to Chronic Quinine Ingestion Ted Rosen, MD; Carol Aponte, MD Striking hyperpigmentation developed on the nails, and previously traumatized or inflamed skin.2 arms of a 66-year-old man following protracted Melasma is a well-recognized and common side oral ingestion of quinine. Although this phe- effect of oral contraceptive use. Also well docu- nomenon is well described in conjunction with mented is the hyperpigmentation associated with other similar drugs, including quinidine, it has many of the cancer chemotherapeutic agents, the not been well documented following exposure to appearance varying with the agent used. Among quinine. This adverse event is cosmetic in nature the drugs known to produce hyperpigmentation, and is not associated with functional impairment. the antimalarials as a class are well described; qui- Cutis. 2005;75:114-116. nine, however, has only rarely been reported in this regard in the readily available medical literature. utaneous hyperpigmentation may vary in We report a case of cutaneous hyperpigmentation shade, ranging from dark black to bright due to quinine use and review this phenomenon as C yellow. The differential diagnosis is quite it relates to structurally similar drugs. extensive and most prominently includes genetic disorders (café au lait and mongolian spots, lenti- Case Report gines, incontinentia pigmenti); metabolic disorders A 66-year-old white man presented to the derma- (hemochromatosis, Wilson disease, porphyria, tology clinic for routine biannual examination for Gaucher disease, alkaptonuria); endocrine disorders actinic keratoses. Prominent, nonblanching, macu- (tumors that produce adrenocorticotropic hormone lar, blue-black hyperpigmentation was noted on or melanocyte-stimulating hormone, pregnancy); the dorsum of the patient’s forearms with sparing of inflammatory disorders (lichen planus, discoid lupus the wristwatch area. The patient stated that the erythematosus, tinea versicolor, postinflammatory asymptomatic discoloration had occurred over sev- hyperpigmentation); nutritional causes (kwashiorkor, eral years but had become more prominent during pellagra, vitamin B12 deficiency); neoplastic diseases the past year and a half. The patient’s medical his- (melanoma, acanthosis nigricans); and physical tory included a cerebrovascular accident in 1983 causes (irradiation, trauma).1 and a long history of leg cramps for which he had Also included among the causes of cutaneous been ingesting oral quinine 975 mg/d for the past hyperpigmentation is a long list of drugs, some that 10 years. There was no historical indication of produce a characteristic pattern and others that do recurrent bouts of solar purpura. not.2-4 Arsenic has been described as producing a Results of a physical examination revealed large, “rain drop” appearance of diffuse macular bronze blue-black, well-demarcated patches covering both pigmentation on the trunk.2,3 Ingestion of silver forearms and the left lower limb (Figure). Diffuse can produce argyria, typically characterized by gen- actinic changes also were seen. The sclerae and pin- eralized blue-gray pigmentation with accentuation nae were normal in appearance, and the patient’s of exposed areas.3,4 The tetracycline antibiotics are urine did not darken spontaneously upon standing. known to cause hyperpigmentation on the teeth, Results of histopathologic examination showed severe solar elastosis, telangiectatic vessels, and an absence of inflammation. Marked yellow-brown, Accepted for publication May 11, 2004. granular, pigmentary deposition was present in the From the Department of Dermatology, Baylor College of Medicine reticular dermis, both within macrophages and and Veterans Administration Medical Center, Houston, Texas. The authors report no conflict of interest. between collagen bundles. Results of special staining Reprints: Ted Rosen, MD, 6560 Fannin, Suite 802, procedures were positive for both iron and melanin. Houston, TX 77030 (e-mail: [email protected]). The quinine level in the skin was not measured. 114 CUTIS® Cutaneous Hyperpigmentation Comment is a related compound whose gluconate and sulfate Quinine is an alkaloid derived from the bark of the salts are used as cardiac antiarrhythmics because of cinchona tree. Its basic chemical structure is a sodium channel blockade selective for cardiac mus- quinoline group attached to a quinuclidine ring cle. All these structurally related drugs can cause through a secondary alcohol linkage. It was the hyperpigmentation involving the oral mucosa,6-9 first antimalarial drug and the only effective treat- face,6-10 forearms,10,11 pretibial areas,8,11,12 and ment of malaria until the early to middle part of nails.6,9,10,12 The typical clinical appearance consists the 20th century. During World War II, with the of blue-gray macular lesions involving one or more quinine supply interrupted, synthetic antimalarials of the above-mentioned locations. In one patient were developed. Quinacrine, chloroquine, and taking quinidine, lesions were limited to sun- hydroxychloroquine are all variations of the same exposed areas11; this pattern also was described in basic aminoquinoline ring structure. Their unique another report involving amodiaquine9 use but, to chemical properties are related mainly to substitu- our knowledge, has not been described elsewhere. tions on side chains. These drugs are now com- Lesions involving the hard palate usually demon- monly used in the treatment of various disorders strate a characteristic sharp line of demarcation other than malaria, including giardiasis, nocturnal between the hard and soft palate.8 Nail lesions con- leg cramps, rheumatoid arthritis, discoid lupus sist of either transverse bands6,10,12 or diffuse6 hyper- erythematosus, polymorphic light eruption, solar pigmentation. Diffuse lemon-yellow coloration of urticaria, and porphyria cutanea tarda.5 Quinidine the skin has been described only in patients receiv- ing quinicrine.6 Development of hyperpigmen- tation does not appear to be greatly influenced by gender. However, Campbell9 described decreased density of pigmentation among female patients as com- pared with male patients. Age does not appear to be a factor in antimalarial-induced hyperpig- mentation among adults, with patients ranging in age from late teens and early 20s8,13 to older than 80 years.10 However, a study of A children receiving antimalarial therapy noted only palatal hyper- pigmentation without involve- ment of other characteristic locations.9 An increased inci- dence in white patients as com- pared with Hispanic or black patients was described by Tuffanelli et al.8 The cases cited did not report any specific correla- tion between the drug, the dosage, and the appearance of hyper- pigmentation. Duration of treat- ment with antimalarial drugs may be an important factor in the development of pigmentary changes. Although hyperpig- mentation has been described 7,8 B after both short-term and pro- longed6,8,10,11 courses of antimalar- Hyperpigmentation on the dorsal forearm (A and B). Note the sparing of ial drugs, Hendrix and Greer2 and the area routinely covered by a wristwatch. Campbell9 noted that the incidence VOLUME 75, FEBRUARY 2005 115 Cutaneous Hyperpigmentation of this phenomenon increased directly with the for quinine and its related compounds, the primary duration of therapy. care physician and selected specialists need to rec- The histologic findings in quinidine-induced ognize this potential, though benign, complication. lesions include deposition of yellow-brown to brown granules within dermal macrophages and REFERENCES free within the dermis, with positive staining for 1. Fitzpatrick TB, Eissen AZ, Wolff K, et al, eds. Dermatology both melanin and iron.10-12 Chloroquine produced in General Medicine. 4th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill lesions with a similar histologic pattern8 but also Book Co; 1993:908-909. with increased melanin in the epidermis.7 In one 2. Hendrix JD, Greer KE. Cutaneous hyperpigmentation patient, elevated levels of chloroquine were caused by systemic drugs. Int J Dermatol. 1992;31:458-466. detected in lesional skin as compared with unin- 3. Levantine A, Almeyda J. Drug induced changes in pigmen- volved areas.8 A prior reported case of quinine- tation. Br J Dermatol. 1973;89:105-112. induced hyperpigmentation involved isolated 4. Granstein RD, Sober AJ. Drug- and heavy metal-induced bluish-black macular lesions on the buttocks of a hyperpigmentation. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1981;5:1-18. patient who had received intramuscular injections 5. Koranda FC. Antimalarials. J Am Acad Dermatol. of quinine for the treatment of malaria decades ear- 1981;4:650-655. lier.13 The results of a pathologic examination 6. Lutterloh CH, Shallenberger PL. Unusual pigmentation showed yellowish-brown irregularly shaped bundles developing after prolonged suppressive therapy with within connective tissue consistent with exoge- quinacrine hydrochloride. Arch Dermatol. 1946;53:349-354. nous ochronosis.13 The present case differs in the 7. Levy H. Chloroquine-induced pigmentation. S Afr Med J. route of administration and in the sun-exposed 1981;62:735-737. accentuation of pigmentation on the limbs as com- 8. Tuffanelli D, Abraham RK, Dubois EI. Pigmentation from pared with isolation of pigmentation to areas sur- antimalarial therapy. Arch Dermatol. 1963;88:419-426. rounding injection sites. 9. Campbell CH. Pigmentation of the nail beds, palate and Our case is a dramatic example of cutaneous skin occurring during malarial suppressive
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