.. Monday, March 4, 1996• Vol. XXVII No. 102 · THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Peace Corps service impacts alumnae lives By MAUREEN HURLEY pared with only 33 percent in Development Volunteers are Saint Mary's News F.diror 1961. ~~$!~~!/:·:_<: ·-\f~f now working with," Wilson Leslie Wilson, a 1976 Saint 50%38% said. Since its conception, Saint Mary's alumna, said, "I decided . Peace Corps . ··8% 10% f "My job is to support them­ Mary's women have been in­ I needed and wanted a big turns 35, the agency · · 11% 16% administratively, programmati­ has volunteers_;_· volved in the Peace Corps. As change of pace and direction in 7,000 cally, and emotionally- so they an all-time high. N.A. 14% the good-will organization cele­ my life," so at age 35, she A look at the corps: N.A. 17% can go about the incredibly brated its 35th anniversary last joined the Peace Corps. challenging work of helping Friday, many Saint Mary's Wilson earned a social work 1961 1996 *Prograrnnamedidnotexistin 1961 people who have lived and alumnae reflected on their ex­ degree from Saint Mary's Col­ -li-o-ta_l_v_o_l_u_nt_e_e-rs~--=;;.~;,;,~;,;y~""";·~,=!1~""'11;"'Lo~,.,,, Countries served functioned in a communist so­ periences with the service­ lege, a master's degree in non­ ciety make the mental and fi­ based organization. profit management from the Average age 22'' · 29 · Africa nancial transition to a free The Peace Corps began in University of Notre Dame, and Volunteers 50+ 6 527 Asia/Pacific Islands 5 18 market economy and demo­ 1961, with only 96 volunteers, a degree in women's studies Female 33% 54% Centrai/S. America 3 24 cratic society." Looking back on her diverse and has grown to the point that from Northwestern. Married 15% 8% Eastern Eur./ it currently has 6,586 people This academic background Mediterranean 0 21 experience with the Peace serving around the world. As landed her a volunteer position College degrees 81% 97% Corps as both a volunteer and a serving in community devel­ Some graduate work 15% 23% New countries 12 36** staff member, Wilson said, "I the number of volunteers has **Since 1990 grown, so has the proportion of opment projects in Thailand in loved my Peace Corps experi­ women. Women are taking a 1990, after the area was devas­ AP ence. I was constantly chal­ more dominant role in the tated by a typhoon. ager for Small Business Devel­ "In my current role, I have lenged mentally, emotionally, Peace Corps, as they compose Currently, Wilson is a staff opment in the Republic of Mul­ helped create the programs spiritually, physically and intel- 54 percent of individuals serv­ member for the Peace Corps, dova, of the former Soviet and job placements that the ing in the Peace Corps; com- serving as the Program Man- Union. first group of Small Business see CORPS I page 4 Saint Mary's Sib Fest '96 Security plans storage program during break By TRACY ALLEGA when this service has been of­ News Writer fered in the past include televi­ sions, VCRs, stereos, and com­ With the large number of puters. Sikorski emphasizes burglaries that occurred in off­ that any item that is important campus apartment areas dur­ to a student will be stored. He ing Christmas break, Notre said during one break, a stu­ Dame Security/Police will offer dent only stored his hockey a Spring Break Storage Pro­ equipment. gram. Students may bring in as Off-campus students may many items as they want, as bring anything they consider storage capacity has never valuable to the Campus been reached, so there has Security Building on March 7 been no reason to set a limit. or 8 between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. During the past Christmas Items should be picked up after break, when a series of bur­ break on March 18 or 19 glaries in off-campus apart­ between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. ments occurred, only 15 stu­ Lieute.nant Irv Sikorski en­ dents brought their valuables courages students to take ad­ to the Security Building. The vantage of this free service. storage service is not usually "The only thing it costs is your offered during breaks shorter time," he said. than one week, but Notre Dame Students may bring in any Security projects that more stu­ item that is boxed or securely dents will show an interest as a packaged and clearly labeled result of the recent burglaries. with the student's name and Although Notre Dame Secu- phone number. Popular items put in storage see STORAGE I page 4 HCA offers service The Observer/Margaret Kensinger alternative for grads By MATTHEW LOUGHRAN Oregon, Arizona, Colorado and News Writer California," said Pinter. "We ittle kids were seen all place them in areas where the around campus, as Saint While the majority of Holy Cross order already has Mary's College hosted its graduating seniors are plan­ an established institution be­ Lannual Little Sibs weekend ning for graduate school and cause that way the students March 1-3. jobs, for the past 18 years, the are expected and have places "It was a nice weekend, and a Holy Cross Associates (fiCA) to live and service jobs estab­ great chance for us to bond with have offered another option lished for them." our little sibs," said freshman Lisa through their year-long post­ Students interested in the Zacharias, whose 9-year-old broth­ graduate program of service. program must turn in applica­ er, Bobby, (left) showed off his "The program is meant for tions before spring break. This Fighting Irish spirit by sporting individuals to live out their year's applications are due Fri­ Notre Dame apparel and a four-leaf faith," said John Pinter, Direc­ day, March 8. The applicants clover on his face. Bobby, a third­ tor of HCA. "We take people then go through an interview grader, came from Lockport, and place them in six areas process that takes place the Illinois, to spend the weekend at across the United States for first full weekend after spring the College. one year of service." break. Activities were offered throughout They also offer a two-year in­ The actual program work the day, including music lessons ternational program in Chile. begins on July 27, with a week from older sibs (above), face paint­ "Opportunities available of orientation at Notre Dame. ing, tie-dying, finger painting and through the program range The students are then sent out various arts and crafts projects. from teaching in schools to to their respective cities where "All the activities were geared for helping out in drug and alcohol they will live and work for just little kids my brother's age," said rehabilitation. under a year. Zacharias. "We place students into Holy "We start and end it right in Cross parishes or schools in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, see SERVICE/ page 8 page 2 The Observer • INSIDE Monday, March 4, 1996 • INSIDE COLUMN • WORLD AT A GLANCE Redefining GOP hopefuls square-off in debate before next primary ATLANTA Sunday night's hour long WSB-TV Grasping for an urgent Southern debate was a relatively staid affair, March our revival, Pat Buchanan defended his with a few contentious exchanges but controversial trade views and past edi­ nothing rivaling the bristling encoun­ madness • •• • ters of recent debates in Arizona and torial writings in a televised GOP can­ The Republican presidential race pnonttes didates' debate Sunday night. He South Carolina. careens through a dozen states directed most of his fire at the absent "This is charity night," Forbes said The soap on my hands Bob Dole. at one point, after Alexander, using an was tinged a pale blue Sarah Cashore Trying to derail Dole's gathering opportunity to question his rivals, as I turned on the water Assistant Accent Editor momentum among Christian conserva­ asked Forbes to name one thing he !\cif~~i?:~· t:•F~l"'4 { . ~-~4.~.} to rinse the foam ofT my tives, whose vote the two candidates liked about the Alexander and \~::.:::: Not to hands. The words were still there, fainter split in South Carolina's Saturday pri­ Buchanan campaigns. scale than they had been before, covering my left mary, Buchanan called Dole a Not that there weren't disagree­ ···-~ palm, extending even to the other side of my "Beltway insider who has collaborated ments as the three sought an edge - No. of hand. Ironically, I felt like Lady MacBeth: with Bill Clinton time and time again" and a formula to slow Dole - heading delegates would this hand never be clean? on abortion issues. into Tuesday's ·"Junior Tuesday" vot­ The ink on my hands eventually faded, but Steve Forbes and Lamar Alexander ing in Georgia and nine other states. March 2 South Carolina 37 the words I had hurriedly written remained also joined in the courting of Georgia Forbes and Alexander, for example, Wyoming 12 with me. Perhaps it had not been the most conservatives, with all three candi­ took issue with Buchanan's call for intelligent decision to write a variety of statis­ dates promising to support prayer in tariffs on Chinese and other foreign­ March 3 Puerto Rico 14 tics in permanent marker on my own body, schools. made goods, arguing they would but finding myself without paper while listen­ As the campaign entered a week of amount to tax increases for American March 5 Colorado 27 ing to Professor Steven Bright of Yale Law rapid-fire voting in nine states, each consumers but do nothing to create Connecticut 27 School, it had seemed an appropriate action.
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