The mmalacological己ユ aoologioal societysooiety of Japan VENUS ap . Jour. Malac . 貝 雑 σ − ) Vol.55, No.4 (1996):2S1 297 日本 産 サ ザ エ 亜 属化石の 分類 学 的研究 小 澤 智 生 ・冨 田 進 (名古屋 大学地球惑星科学教室 ・中京 学院大学経 営学 部) Systematic Study of Fossil Turbo (Batillus)from Japan Tomowo OzAwA and Susumu ToMIDA (Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Nagoya UniΨ ersity, Nagoya,464−0正 Japan and Chukyo 509 − Gakuin University,Nakatsugawa , 91 Japan) Abs £mc 重3Fossi1 speciInens of 乃ご厂加 (Bat’〃翼∫)from the Neogene and Quaternary of Japan are described, Three taxa are recognized , Tu 厂わo (8 α”〃us )co 〃 褶 !us Ligh[foot,1786, Turbo (Ba 躍 ’μ3 )c ゐ’nensis Ozawa and Tomida,1995, and 跏 厂加 (Bat”伽∫)priscus n ,5p . Tu 厂ω (Bat’〃us )ρ厂な‘us n . sp . is described on the basis of the specimens coUected from th僧 upPer Mioccne and the lower Pliocenc formations in so 腿 thwestern Japan . The new species exhibits morphologic characteristics that suggest that ancestral to bot瓱 乃 君’加 (Bat’〃甜の ω 厂朋 ’婚 and Turbo (βα ”〃 の ‘カ’nensis 、 The stratigraphic and geogτaphic distributions of 山 c thrcc fossil species of Turbo (fiati〃us ) are also su π1皿 arized . Introduction Occurrences of fossil molluscs from rocky shore habitats are much rare than those soft turbinid 孟nstance from bottom habitats.This iscertainly true for the gastropods .For , there are very few fossil records of Turbo (βロ ”〃us ) co 厂η μ’躍 r in the upper Cenozoic of although this species rocky southern Japan , today isquite abundant in shore habitatsfrom Hokkaido to so ロ thern Kyushu . specimens of Turbo Bat 〃 u were collected the tuffaceous sand − Recently, fossil ( の from stone of the upper Miocene Maja Formationin Kume Is正and , Okinawa Prefecture, and from conglomeratic sandstones of the upper Miocene and the lower Pliocene formations in the southern Kwanto region , Japan . Study of this fossil materiai suggests that it represents a 興ew species of Turbo closely rela !ed to both Turbo(βα ”〃us )cornutus Lightfoot a 且 dTurbo (Bat 〃 us ) chinetzsis Ozawa and Tomida , The purpose of this report is to describe the new species of Turbo (Bat”如 5 )and to revlew fossil record of Turbo (BatiUus)from the Neogene and Quaternary of Japan . The phy 匡ogenetic reIationships among the three species are also discussed. SYSTEMAT 夏CS Family TURBINIDAE Genus Tuめ o Linnaeus, 1758 一 NII-ElectronicN 工 工 Eleotronio Library Service The inaiacoioUlcalmalacological societysoci/6ty ofJapanof Japan 282 VENUS: Vol. S5, No.4(1996) Subgenus BatiUus Schumacher, 1817 Type species: TUrbo cornutus Lightfoot, 1786 Subgeneric diagnosis: Species of litrbo eharacterized by having a body whorl most corn- monly with 2 series of hellow spines (sometimes open spines) and a spiral marginal rib on operculum. Distribution: late Miecene to Pleistocene: central to southern Japan; Recent: Japan sea sicle of northeast Japan, central to soutljern Japan, southern Korea, and East and South China seas. 1letrbo (Batilbts) priscus n. sp. (Fig, 1; PI, 1, figs. 1-9; PL 2, fig. 8) 1973 Ttirbe (BatiUus) aff. cornutus Gmelin: Shikama, p. 197, Pl, 1, figs 12, l3, 7)lpes: Holotype (reg. no. ESN2570: Furukawa Museum, Nagoya University), a mature specimen from the pumiceous sandstene of the middle part of the Maja Formation (upper Miocene, Blow's N17 Zone) exposed at a small cliff by the side of a sugar cane field, approximately 520 m SSE of Mt. Fusakina-san, west of Maja, Nakasatp-mura, Shirnajiri-gun in Kume Island, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan (26e20.8' N, 126e47.7' E). Coilected by T. Ozawa. Paratypes- A rnature specimen (ESN2571), two immature specim ¢ ns (ESN2572, ESN2573), a fragment of a body whorl of a mature shell (ESN2574), three opercula eSN2575, 2576, 2577), all from the same locality as the holotype; a rnature shell (YCM- GP864: Yokosuka City Muselim) from the lowerrnost Pliocene Ochiai Formation, Susugaya Subgroup, Tanzawa Group (Zone N18), in Ochiai, Kiyokawa-mura, Aiko-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture. Material: In addition to the type-material, the following specirnens from various localities in Japan are used in the species description. A mature shell (Kamiya's collection, Pl. 1, fig. 8) from the lowermost Pliocene Osozawa Mernber of the Shizukawa Group (Zone N18), in Osozawa, Nakatomi-cho, Minamikoma- gun, Yamanashi Prefecture; an immature shell eSN2578), from the uppermost Miocene Tokawa Conglomerate (Zone N17), in Inuwaka, Na-arai-cho, Choshi City, Chiba Prefec-. ture; an immature shell (YCM--GP525--2: Shikama, 1973, figs. I2, 13), from the upper- most Miocene Shimoyamaguchi Member of the Zushi Formation, Miura Group (Zone N17), in Daimyoji-danchi, Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture; a mature shell, from the upper Miocene Tano Member of the Higashimorogata Formation, Miyazaki Group (Zone N17), in Takaoka, Takaoka-cho, Higashimorogata-gun, Miyazaki Prefecture (coll. by Y. Nakamura). Diagnosis: Medium-sized species of 7hrrbo (Batiltus) characterized by a moderately high spire and a large body whorl that has an.angulated shoulder and usually three rows of short hollew spines. Oper ¢ ulum with a coarsely granulose central hurnp encircled by a spiral rib. Description: Shell is medium in size and turbiniform. The largest specimen attains a height of about 85 mm and a width of more than 70 mm. Spire is moderately high and is composed of five rounded teleoconch whorls that are separated by moderately impressed NII-Electronic Library Service TheThemalacologicalsociety malacological society of Japan Ozawa & Tomida: Systematic Study of Fossil Tletrbo {BatiUus) 283 sutures. Shoulder is slightly angled and is situated above mid-whorl, The protoconch is srnooth, and consists of about 1.5 whorls. The first two teleocench whorls are ernamented with raised and rounded spiral eords and interstitial threads whieh are finely scaled. The succeeding two whorls are ornamented with distinct primary spiral cords, weak secondary spiral cords and interstitial threads. The body whorl is very large and approxirnates 2/3 of the total shell height. It is sculptured with weak irregular spiral cords and usually has three rows of srnall hollow spines that are rather closely spaced and sometimes open at their tips. The first row of spines occurs at the shou!der, the second row at the periphery, and the third row at the basal periphery. The spines positioned on the shoulder are the strongest and are prorninent ebliquely. The base is sculptured with two or three rows of short spines. The whorls are also sculptued with fine scaly axial threads. The aperture is large and nearly circular. The shell is anomphalous and has a columella that is projected anteriorly and flattened broadly at the ventral side. The operculum is slightiy ovate, convex on the outside, and fiat inside. The fine granulose eperculum has a rnore coarsely granulose central hump whieh is encircled by a spiral rib. Fig. 1. A mature shell of TLtrbo (Batil:us) prisctts n. sp, reconstructed based on the specimens examined. MigAhYV'-JtX <supt) O ntmeoffme. xct-Jwt-4i3cm l:NY -g-6e Mbasurements (mm): Height Max.W. Min.W. HBW HAP Holotype: 52.4 35.6 ESN2570 (Pl. 1, figs. Ia-c) 69.5(60.0+) Paratypes: 31.2+13.529.612.8 ESN2571 (Pl. 1, figs.2a,b) 52.0+ SO.2 14.1 ESN2572 (Pl. 1, figs. 3a,b) 20.0 16.3 ESN2575 (Pl. I, figs. 6a,b)- operculum 18.8 17.0 53.0 YCM-GP864 (Pl.2, fig. 8) 81.2 NII-Electronic Library Service The malaoologioalmalacological societysooiety of Japan VoL 284 VENUS : 55, No .4 (1996) Other specimens : ESN2579 (P 監.1, fig. g) 30.0 22.047 , K 邑 miya s colL (PL 1, fig,8) 63.0 ± 59.6 .4 (W : width , HBW : helght of body whor1 , HAP : height of aperture ) ノ σ ゜O O 享 ー ★ ダ避 び . boe Fig.2. Map showing collecting lecalities of Turbo (Batiltus ) priscus n , sp . in the upPerrnost Miocene io the lowermost Pliocene formations of Japan,日 本の 最上 部 一 中新統 最 下 部 鮮新統産新種 ム カ シ サ ザ エ の 化 石 産 地 .1.Maja , Nakasato −mura − (Kume Island), Shimajirigun , Okinawa Prefecture(uppermost Miocene ).2. ・ Takaoka , Higashimorogata gun, Miyazaki Prefecture (upper Miocene ).3, − Osozawa, Nakatomi cho , Minamikoma −gun、 Yamanashi Prefecture(lowermost Pliecene、4.Ochiai − − ) , Kiyokawamura , Aiko gun , Kanagawa Prefecture(lowe;most − P 且iocene).5. Daimyeji danchi, Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Pゴef ピcture (uppermost − − Miocene),6. Inuwaka , Na arai cho , Choshi City, Chiba Prefecture〔uppermost Miocene ). 一 NII-ElectronicN 工 工 Eleotronio Library Service The malncologicalsocietymalacological society of Japan Ozawa & Temida: Systematic Study of Fossi1 7leirbo (Batillus) 28S Cbmparison: 7letrbo (BatiUus) prisetrs n. sp. rnost closely resemb!es 71trbo (BatiUus) cornu- tus Lightfoot. However it is distinguished from the latter species by having a smaller adult shell and shorter hollow spines which are more prorninently projected adapically on the body whorl. It also differs frorn the latter species in having an operculum that possesses finer and more rounded granules, a more smooth spiral rib, and a distinct central hurnp. It is also closely similar to Titrbe (BatiUus) chinensis Ozawa and Tomida, but differs from the latter species in having a body whorl that is sculptured with weak irregular spiral cords and hollow spine$, and also in having an operculurn that has a distinct spiral rib and central hurnp. Remarks: In the upper Miocene formations, the present new species occurs along with many warm water molluscan fossils such as Suchium koyuense Shuto, Ethalia mexima (Shuto), Chtorostoma narusei Shibata, Omphatius sp,, Tberbo (Lunatica) n. sp., Titrbo (Mbrmarostoma) sp., Astraea omorii Shibata, Botma virgata (Ozaki), Conus spp., Glycymeris formosana (Yekoyama), Amussiopecten spp., C7lrlatrrys (Mimachlampts) satoi (Yokoyama), 6lycydonta marica (Linnaeus) and Megacardita sp. Most of these molluscs are members of the Zushi Fauna proposed by Ozawa and Tomida (1992).
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