The Final Frontier Podcasts Aplenty Culture Club Danielle Maynard interviews solar scientist Jordan Margetts welcomes you to Night Vale Daniel Vernon reflects on the rebirth of āM ori Lucie Green; steers clear of Star Trek references and other places representation in pop culture [1] ISSUE FOUR CONTENTS 8 10 NEWS COMMUNITY HOUSING HANG-UPS FLEEING AMERICA We’re still talking about those An American seeks sanctuary in pesky foreign investors Auckland 20 22 FEATURES LIFESTYLE A BETTER DONALD RAW Nikki Addison is madly in love Like the food at Little Bird with Donald Glover Unbakery, not like the wrestling 25 33 ARTS COLUMNS GARY OF THE PACIFIC PRESCIENT POPULAR CULTURE An interview with lead actor, Josh Thomson Michael Clark discusses finding solace in the surreal Got a legal problem e.g. Tenancy or Struggling to pay Employment? your bills? Dissatisfied with your course or grades? We can help! Have a dispute with a student or staff member? Facing a disciplinary meeting? Having a personal crisis? We offer free support, advice and information to all students. Student Advice Hub Free // Confidential // Experienced // Independent[4] Old Choral Hall (Alfred St Entrance) [email protected] 09 923 7299 www.ausa.org.nz Got a legal problem e.g. Tenancy or EDITORIAL Struggling to pay Employment? your bills? Catriona Britton Samantha Gianotti Dissatisfied with your course or grades? In Virginia, high school football is a way of life We at Craccum are very fond of finding ways to care about, or accepting free trials of things that when well-known characters are white and di- distract ourselves from the crushing weight of their followers might be interested in. Hell, we’d versity is displaced in favour of actors with box ignoring course readings, bed times, and the fact accept and promote the shit out of a stack of Ev- office pull. But on the flipside, we can shape We can help! that we haven’t met our 5+ A Day requirement erlasting Gobstoppers, or tiny airplane-portion the trajectory of film or music or art or litera- since 2008. Such means of distraction often Cookie Time cookies, or some schweet Remem- ture by demanding more, and abstaining from manifest in the form of watching Shrek 2 clips ber the Titans memorabilia. Whether we’re see- the things that don’t serve to deliver us with on YouTube, licking the flavour from Woodfire ing promotions for Tinder, or concealer, or that enough. We can stand steadfast in our calls for Have a dispute BBQ Copper Kettles, or weeping while watch- black charcoal mask that’s all over Facebook and greater diversity, or more effective representa- ing Remember the Titans on Netflix for the sev- is terrifying and genuinely looks like it would tion in the movies we watch and the music we with a student or enth time in a month. During one particularly rip out your nasal cartilage faster than you can listen to; we can hold onto our hard-earned feverish YouTube spell, in between watching the say “Denzel Washington”, the point is this: the dollars and allow our abstention to amplify staff member? music video for “Footloose” and “Ten Hours of corporate fat cats are working really, really hard our voices when we speak out and say that what Facing a Kill Bill Siren Sound”, we stumbled across a vid- for your money. Your time. Your approval. (Al- we’ve got now is not good enough. Platforms eo where a well-known vlogger sat down to do a most as hard as the TC Williams racially-inte- like Patreon and Kickstarter give us a direct disciplinary paid advertorial for Tinder, giving her followers grated high school football team worked under line to donate to content producers we wish to the skinny on how the app helped her meet her Denzel Washington’s tutelage in an early 2000s support, allowing those out of the mainstream, current boyfriend. banger-of-a-football-film, amirite?) They seek privileged zeitgeist to receive direct support meeting? Paid advertorials offering cheeky promotion out celebrity endorsements, targeting individu- from fans, unconstrained by corporate concerns Having a for a product are of course nothing new. Yet ev- als with thousands of followers, having the peo- or agendas. ery man and his dog surely already knows what ple you love promote products they like in the We get to decide where we draw the line, personal crisis? Tinder is for—an app to help you find a date, or hope that you might like them too. where we place our passions, where and how we meet new people, or to be downloaded in a fit And in doing this, they’re giving us power. spend our money. Whether it be taking a stand of desperation after watching the cast and crew The bigwigs want us to buy certain things and against films that partake in whitewashing and commentary on your DVD copy of The Social watch certain things and listen to certain things. undermine the representation of minorities (@ Network and realising that Andrew Garfield and And it can be difficult to use this power wisely. Ghost in the Shell, 2017), or supporting a film Jesse Eisenberg were so in love with each other (Great responsibility, and all that.) When we where high school football serves to heal a ra- and did they know that they were both so in love see films likeManchester by the Sea we may find cial divide (@Remember the Titans, 2000), we with each other and if those two can’t make it ourselves giving tacit approval to a man accused can show what we care about through what we We offer free support, work then honestly what is the ? point of seedy and gross acts against women; when we choose to consume. Denzel Washington de- There’s certainly nothing wrong with people contribute to Dr Strange grossing $677 million manded perfection from his players—we stand advice and information being paid money to promote products they worldwide we suggest that we don’t really mind entitled to demand the same. ◆ to all students. Student Advice Hub Free // Confidential // Experienced // Independent [5] Old Choral Hall (Alfred St Entrance) [email protected] 09 923 7299 www.ausa.org.nz NEWS The Family Carers Case Resurfaces BY MEG WILLIAMS The “Family Carers Case”, which may Golriz Ghahraman, one of the lawyers Rights of Disabled Persons, which the Act ring bells for some, is officially back in the working for Shane Chamberlain’s case. does not appear to be opting out of.” Auckland High Court. “[Palmer] was interested in the fair- “We say the application of the Funded The case first appeared in 2012, when ness argument, and in particular in the Care policy in this case creates a system the courts ruled in a landmark decision argument that there was a ‘legitimate ex- that is discriminatory and degrading, in that the Ministry of Health’s policy of re- pectation’ that not only fair process would breach of the convention. We also argued fusing to pay family members to provide be followed in making the funding de- that if the Government wants to opt out support services to their disabled family termination, but an expectation as to the of an international obligation it must do members was in conflict with the NZ Bill substantive outcome (that 40 hours of care so by explicit act of Parliament.” of Rights Act, as it was an unjustifiable dis- would be funded).” “The Judge may rule on this point, crimination on the basis of family status. “This is a new legal argument in terms which would be novel for NZ law.” In response to this, the New Zealand of New Zealand law, and His Honour Paul Dale, one of the legal team mem- Public Health and Disability Amendment asked that we address him on develop- bers for Chamberlain, said, “The Crown Bill was passed under urgency. However, ments in this area in the UK.” say in this document that there is great fis- many viewed this as unsatisfactory as it The Crown fought for the Ministry’s cal consequence to making the payments still prohibits payments from being made right to pay the family carers only for sought.” to family members except in accordance specified tasks. When asked by the judge “But what is of great fiscal conse- with Funded Family Care policies. Ef- whether this was a case about care or min- quence is having this very senior and well fectively, the Bill as it stands only allows utes and hours, the Crown said care could paid team of Crown lawyers fighting over payments to some family members (but only be measured in terms of minutes and whether this lady should get paid $15 per not spouses or partners) in very narrow hours because only certain tasks could be hour or not.” circumstances. paid for—not the full care provided by The judgment will take at least a few The legislation also blocks any future family carers. months, and it is expected that the Crown claims being taken to the Human Rights “For the plaintiffs,” Ghahraman says, will likely appeal any decision against Commission, the Human Rights Tribunal, “another significant point was that NZ is them rather than advise the Ministry to or to the courts on the basis of the new leg- a signatory to the UN Convention on the reverse its policy. ◆ islation being discriminatory. The issue has resurfaced, however, with a case being brought to the Auckland High Court to judicially review the deci- sion to refuse to pay family members for hours they need to care for their disabled loved ones.
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