Tr,Ies for Members of the Military Force.S and Their De,Pe,Nde,Nts

Tr,Ies for Members of the Military Force.S and Their De,Pe,Nde,Nts

U. S. DEPARTMENTOF LABOR CHILDREN'S BUREAU JULTA C. LATHROP, Chiel GCVERNMENTALPROVISIONS IN THE, UNITE,DSTATES AND FOREIGNCOUN- TR,IESFOR MEMBERSOF THE MILITARY FORCE.SAND THEIR DE,PE,NDE,NTS PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF CAPT. S. HERBERTWOLFE, Q. M., U. S. R. DETAILED BY THE SECRF.TARYOF WAR MISCELL-A,I\]EOUSSERIES No. | | BureauPublication No. 28 'fi/ASHIf"IGTON CO\/I]RNMENT PRINTIIT]GCFFICE' t9t7 Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, Georgetown University ADDITIONAL COPI!]S OE TEIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCUBED FROII TEE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVEP"NT'IENT PRII\ITING OFFICE WASHINGTOI.I, D. C' AT 2t' CENTS PER COPY Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, Georgetown University CONTENTS. t' prrge. Lefter: of transmittal- -. I Introduction---- 11 Pensions in thc llnited States- 75-26 A. Army anC Nar'_vletiremcnt, 15 R. Genelal pension laws- - v-24 DisabiUli' pt.rrsions 18 P,.,trsionsfol tleper rdt-i)t-* - . 19 tl. Service pensions- 20 Tendencies in foreign pension leqislatiorl 26 Austria- 33-41 oo .rr.llowanc<'s ..) i) Pensions- 36-.11 Disability pensions- 36 Depcnclents' Peusions 36 l.lethi,d of pr1'rncnt- . - - 39 France- .+2_67 Separati,.rnand other allolvances for families of ofEcers and rrr-enin ae[,ive B€IYr Cr'- 44_50 Assigrrcdpay-- 44 Septrrrtional lr '1ys11pp +t I{atcrnitl' br:nefits- 49 Indemnity for large faurilies l-r0 Indemnit;r for ilepenclentehildrrrr. - - - 50 I{ilitary pensionsand disabjlit_vallorva,nces- -_ 5rf60 Disability pensions- .51 Allorvancesfor temporary disabiliry. 58 Pension righls of wiclorvs and orphanfi- - - - - 60 Proposed legislation" 6C Government reiief - - .. 62-63 fmmerliate rr:iief . 62 Pelmanent relier- 62 Special or occasional relief (secouls 6r'entuel) 62 Other relief - 63 CiriideBar'6me.--- 6:i Referenccs 66 Germany- ". 67-113 Provisiors for depcndentsof rrlenjn activtr sr:rvicr: ... 6:_72 Separation allowances 67 Assigned pay- - Tndemnity to farnilies for sonsin 1;herr^r. ll,.fy,o. Coioo;utF";;;;- i3 n-l Maternity bensfits. IL Pensions- ..._ 73-111J Disabilitypensions- --.-- 73 95 I{inimurn disability pensionfor a private- - - - 75 Maximum disability pension for a private. - - - 76 3 Providedby the Maternal and Child Health'Library,Georgetown Ufiversity Jf CONTENTS. Germanl -Continuecl. Pensiorrs-Continuc,:1. ltage. I)ependents'pensions -- 1i:131^n Xlinimuin rrar pcnsion for the u'idolv oi a private-. - - , 97 Ilaxirnum pension for the 'rvidow of a privatc- . - - - 97 \{inimum war pension for cirild of a privatc. -. - - 97 Maximum pension for child of a private... -. {i8 Maximun pension for a parent or granclpareni,- 98 Saurple calculation oi general pension foi'a witlon' and orphans- - - 99 l)i.*crission of forntula for a ividow's genet'lrl pcnsit.,rt- 108 l,urnp-sum pilyments 1t,19 Atjrni:ristratir-.'n-- il() ll3 Disability pensions- 1t0 l)epenclents' pensicns I 11 f,untp-surn paytnents- 111 Length of service- lI2 Itelert, r13 Great ]lritain ancl liritish coionies. - - - 113-151 GreabBritain- lt:i,136 Iriti.oduction-_-- It3 Army and Nar']' separation allol'ances I i{i Aimy and Navy disability pensions 122 l:.]0 Pcn-"ions for ofrcers t28 Pensions to clependentsof rnen deceasedin conscquenceof the rvar- l:l()-136 Depenclents of officers 134 Australia- ._._ l:l; 1.14 Sepalation allowances 137 Disabilitv pensions- 141 Pensions to depenclents of rnen rleeeasedin consequence of war- - - - - - 143 Ne,w.Zealand..- -_... 1{,+149 Separation allowances 114 Pensions for disabled men arid fcr the dependents of merr deceased in consequence of n'ar- 145 Lltrion of South -,tfrica- 149 Printipal soulccs of information concerning thc pension svstent" of Great Llritain and coionies of Great Britain 150 Ital1.- lll-181 Scparatiorr allox'ances 151 pe*sio's- .---- l,r.l 181 llistory and genelal statement lir4 Iletirement pensioirs - 156 Disability pensions- 158 Pensions i,o rvidows and otlrer dcpelrdelrts- - - - . f64 Other sout'cesof maintenanco- 174 A drninistration - - 174 Referencc-q t81 Netherlands----- -. tf t_lg5 g2 Inii.oduction-. -. l Separation allowances 182 Iletiremcnt pensions and pcnsions for disability- I 84 Pensions to u.idox's and children- - - - tBG Miscellaneorisprovisions--- 188 References lgg Provided by the Maternal and Child Health'Library, Georgetown Unio.rsity CONTENTS. 5 , Page. Ru-ria- ----:- 196-206 Se'parationaliowances 196 Pensions- 797-24',r Disabiiity pensions- 197 Pensionsto widows and other dependents-- - - - 200 Adninistration - Ofrciai committees-...- .: - - -- 295 Referenccs 205 Srrrtzeilancl----- -- 206-211 llilitary insulanee- %A{i tlir-il in-qurance. 2IA Apr-.enclixes:Pensions in the United Siates . 2LB-237 -\. Piesent pension prcvisions for men disabted in service and for widows a,ndother dependents of men killed or dy'ing in service 213 B. Ilonthly pension rates flxed by law for pelmanent specific disabilities- 21it C. ]Ionthly pension rates fixed by administratirre ruiings for eertain dis= abilities noi specified by law- - - 2i7 D. llonthly pension rates for widows or other dependents of men killed or dy'ing as a result of seruice - 21S E. Army retirement system. Regular Army only- - - - - -: - 219 F. l{avy retirement system- 22r G. Present provisions for service pensions for survivors specifie<i ' of wars and for their w.idowsand children--.--. 227 H. Serwicepensions for Civil-War survivors under act of May 11, 1912-- - - 229 I. Principal changessince 1860in pensionsgranted for disability or death - in service 229 J. Principal changessinee 1860in pensionsgranted for service in specified wars_ 230 K. Annual disbursements(including Treasury settlements) for pensions to United States Army and Navy, 1860-1916- 233 L. Number of widows, other dependents. survivors, and Army nurses on the pension roll at the close of each fiscal year, 186O-1916-- 234 lL Disability and service pensions (excluding Treasury settlements) paid to snrvir.ors and to dependents--number of pensioners qnd annual disbursements,1860-1916- - - 236 SCEEDULES. United States: -schedule1. Ilonthly pension rates fixed by law for permanent specific ciisabilities tl Schedule 2. Pensions under public and special laws, 1911-1916 t) ta Tenclencies in fox.ign pension legislation: Schedule 3. Comparative schedule of miliiary pay of enlisted raen (lowest oo rank) and of scpaiation allowances to their depend.ents- - . - - L() Schedule 4. Comparative schedule of pensions to disabled enlisted men (lorvr:si, rank) and their clependents- - - - - 3i Scheciule 5. Comparative scheduie of pensions to dependents of enlisted men (lowest rank) killed in battle- .-r .) Austria: Schedule 6. Allorvances granted for duration of prescnt war and for six months after its conclusion .1i) Schedule 7. Army, disability pensions (anntal amctnts) to noncommis- sioned officers and enlistecl men- al Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, Georgetown University 4 CONTENTS. Ausbria-Continued. Page. Schedule 8. Navy, disability pensions (annual amgunts) to noncommis- sioned officersand enlisted men- 38 g. Schedule Pensions (annual amounts) to widorvs and.dependents of non- eommissionedofficers and enlisted men I,'rance: Schedule10. Summaryofprovisionsforthornainteilanceofsolcliers'families. 42 Schedule11. Military pay. 45 Schedule 12. llilitary pensions 52 Schedule 13. Schedulo of indemnities (annual amounts, renewable or permanent) for temporarv or minor disabilities 58 schedule 14. Present and propostd provisions for ascenclants 6r Gcimany: Schedule 15. Pensionsfor disability or service '7 '.i schedule 16. Pcnsionable salariesof officersof the rmperial Arm.v 8tl Schedule 17. Pensionable salaries of officers and pett1, officers oi th" I*_ periai Navy- Schedule 18. Pensionablesalaries of Army officersand the annlal amolnts of pensiondue them, bonusesnot included- _- - 87 schedule 19. service pensionsfor noneommissionedofficers- 94 Schedule 20. Pensions for partial disability for noncommissioneil officers and enlisted men- Schedule 21. The general pension to widows and children of olficers and enlisted men - Schedule 22. \Yar pensions(annual amounts) to rviclowsand other depend.- 'war- ents of men dving as result of I {)0 Scheclule23. Grattiities granted to dependents of officersand enlistecl merr d-vingin the service or lvhile in rcceipt of pension 102 Schedule24. Generalpcnsion of a sergeantmajor's widow- 10s Great Britain: Schedule25. Armv, classificationof rank fcrrseparation ailorvances-..-.... l1f.) Schedule26. fu'my, rveerl<lyseparation allowance to rrives and children- -. 120 Sclreduie27. Army, speciai rveekly allowance for children lncler 14 years of age (in addition to orciinary weekiy amount r-.fseparation allowance forchildren)---. t:t schcdule 28. Navy, classifieation of naval and marine ratings for separa- tion allorvances-- l2l Schcdule 29. l{avy, weekly separationallowanees to wives and children- - iZl scheduie 30. Nar,ry,special weekly allowance for children und.er14 ycars of age (payable in addition to ordinarv amounts of separation allowance for rvives and children) - - . IZz Schedule 31. Army, ailotment from pay and separ.ationalion'ance for de- pendents other than rvives and children - - . LZz 'Schedule32. Comparative rating of specific injuries for cnlistt-.c1me1 in the Army and Nav1, tZ,L Schedule33. Army, classificationof ranks of enlisted men for plrposes of pensions l}b schedule 34. Pensionsto enlisted men for total disability- t26 Schedule 35. Army and Navv, v'eekly pensions for childr.eri of clisablecl enlisted men- - tz7 schedule 36. Army, retired pay to rvhich

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