Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1935-1936 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1935 Eastern Progress - 1 Nov 1935 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1935-36/4 ■■*-V-'--r*r t> .1 y '■•■•'■ ■ -' ■-■■■ _ • .«..- MOBILIZE FOR PEACE THE EASTERN PROGRESS Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College . VOLUME 14 RICHMOND, KENTUCKY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1935 NUMBER 4 DR. CADMAN TO RETURN NEXT WEEK Chapel Speaker To Speak Here STADIUM WILL ATTENTION! PLAN SPORTS NOTED PASTOR A play by play broadcast of PROVIDE MANY the Eastern-Morehead game will FOR WOMEN WILL DELIVER be announced direct from the CONVENIENCES field at Morehead over the pub- Inaugurate Inter-mural Com- ADDRESS HERE lic address system in the Hiram petition for College Women Brock auditorium beginning at To Have Dispensary, Dormi- 2:00 p. m. Saturday. The play and High School Students Radio Minister Again In- tory and Class by play report will be received vited to Speak At a special leased telephone wire rooms and will be heard over the loud PROGRAM ANNOUNCED Assembly speakers on the stage of! the auditorium. To cover the cost CALLED UNIQUE Mr. T. E. McDonough, head of INTERNATIONAL FIGURE of the telephone service 10c ad- the physical .education department, mission will be charged. is promoting inter-mural'athletlcs By CHARLES E. BULL Let's show the members of the for women and has organized six The Reverend S. Parkes Cadman, Picture, a combination "Field - football squad we appreciate the volley ball teams from his recrea- pastor of the Central Congrega- Gymnasium" and stadium which creditable showing they have tion classes and the high school. tional Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., will will seat 3,800 sport (ans but yet, made this year by being at the The teams Include women who are speak at the Hiram Brock Audi- at the same time a stadium wita broadcast if not at the game. interested In this division of the torium on Wednesday, November 6. subterranean-like chambers, honey Let's all go! inter-mural program. at 8 p. m. This will take the place ■ combed with locker-rooms, offices, The teams are: of the regular morning chapel on shower-rooms, study-rooms^ tmd Co-Eds: E. Campbell, L. Bower, Wednesday. Z athletic dispensaries—to say noth- E. Hill, N. McCollum, H. Schorle, ing of an "open dormitory" for vis- PARK, JONES P. Stephenson, V. Winters. Dr. Cadman is radio minister of iting team's use—and you will have Collegians: A. Best, R. Carrier the Federal Council of Churches a miniature picture of the Eastern H. Gaines, H. Short, N. Lusk, S. The Reverend S. Parkes Cadman, of Christ of America, and his ser- State Teachers stadium as it will IN BROADCAST Mr. W. Gale Staroes, above, spoke Karrlck, V. Grider, N. Covlngton. noted pastor of the Central Con- mons are broadcast every Sunday appear when completed on or be- at chapel hour Wednesday morn- Maroons: H. Goldenburg, N. gregational Church, Brooklyn, N. over a nation-wide hookup. He fore March '1, 1936. ing on "Visual Education." Mr. Stewart, T. Campbell, J. Stroud. Y., will speak here in the Brock was president of the Federal Coun- "Questions About The Heav- Seniors: D. Dorrts, F. Kennamer, Auditorium on Wednesday, Novem- cil of Churches from 1934 to 1938, This combination gymnasium and Starnes is a graduate of Eastern and has been pastor of the Brook- stadium will set In line with the ens" To Be Discussed from the class of '32, and formerly P. Denny, 8. Culton, E. Lusk, L. ber 6, at 8:00 p. m. Borders, J. Wiggins. lyn church since 1901. He has j Weaver Health Building, and al- held the presidency of the Alumni been president of the British though it will have two ends, the By Dr. Park Association. While at Eastern Mr. Juniors: D. Brock, J. Willis, J. Baxter, D. Baxter, W. Hendren, C. Schools and Universities Club since structure could be said to have no Starnes was prominent in campus 1930. back portion, since the seats will activities, and is at present the as- Muncy, E. Floyd, S .Noland, and EASTERN TO BE face the field and provide entrances GLEE CLUB WILL SING sistant Director of Extension at the M. Anderson. Born at Wellington, England, In for students, and the so-called back University of Kentucky. Soph-Frosh: M. Hughes, M. 1864, Dr. Cadman Is internationally part of the stadium will In reality Strong, R. Bowles, J. Rogers, G. REPRESENTED know as minister, lecturer, educa- The sixth broadcast of Eastern Hale, and M. Lusk. be the face of the three winged Teachers College will be heard over tor, and author. He was named building which is to provide en- radio station WHAS Wednesday, Each team plays three times and Alpha Zeta Kappa Sponsor- American representative to Great trance to its many rooms nnd wards. GLEE CLUBS plays three games each time in or- Britain for the tercentennial of the November 8, from 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. der to win. ing Preliminaries to Se- Mr. T. E. McDonough, head of Dr. Smith Park will speak on Mayflower's sailing held In 1930, the Physical Education Depart- The schedule is as follows: lect Representative and was chairman of the Ameri- "Questons About the Heavens" and Wednesday, October 30 ment and Director of Athletics, has Dr. W. C. Jones will discuss the IN PROGRAM can section of the Stockholm con- been instrumental as director and Seniors vs. CoEds ference on life and work in 1939. subject "Do You Want Your Birth- Collegians vs. Juniors supervisor of the "blue-print" plan day Changed?" Madrigal Club Makes First NEW MEMBERS TRY OUT Dr. Cadman was educated at in augmenting the accommoda- Maroons vs. Soph-Frosh Wesleyan College, Richmond, Sur- tions o f the three wings. Music for this broadcast will in- Appearance of Year .Monday, November 4 clude: "In These Delightful Pleas- Seniors vs. Collegians Plans for the peace oratorical rey, England, and was acting presi- The West End Wing will Include ant Groves," by Purcell; "The In Broadcast dent of Adelphl College from 1911 varsity locker room of one thou- Co-Eds vs. Maroons contest and the debating team Breeze," a Mexican folk song, ar- Juniors vs. Soph-Frosh were the chief topics of discussion to 1913. He has lectured at* many sand square feet, with fifty lockers, ranged by Manney; an Indian of the leading universities of the each of which will have a connec- Wednesday, November 6 of the Alpha Zeta Kappa Thurs- song, "Wi-Um"; a Pueblo lullaby, MANY JOIN MEN'S CLUB Seniors vs. Juniors day evening, October 24. United States. tion drying room. A freshman arranged by Thurlow-Lleurance, The distinguished speaker will locker room, with thirty-five lock- Co-Eds vs. Soph-Frosh The state peace oratorical con- and a Southern medley by Deems Collegians vs. Maroons be remembered for his previous ad- ers; a large equipment room and Taylor. These numbers will be The Women's Glee Club, directed test will be held at Berea, Decem- an athletic dispensary; shower by Miss Mary C. Murphy, will par- Monday, November 11 ber 4. Prior to that time the Al- dresses at Eastern in 1933 and 1934. rooms, and a first-aid, theurapeu- sung by the Girls' Glee Club. ticipate in the broadcast Novem- Seniors vs. Maroons pha Zeta Kappa will sponsor pre- His speeches have become an ob- tic haven with all modern equip- "Allegretto," by Beethoven-Kreis- ber 6 by Eastern. They will ren- Co-Eds vs. Juniors liminary contests to select the per- ject of annual anticlatlon, and this ment. ler, will be played by Mr. Stone on der the following numbers:. "In Collegians vs. Soph-Frosh son who will represent Eastern in announcement will no doubt be The East Wing will contain four the violin. "Andante," a flute solo, These Delightful, Pleasant Groves, Wednesday, November 13 the state competition. welcomed by many. large study rooms, which can be will be played by Harold Rigby. The Breeze, Indian Bong, "Wi-TJm," Seniors vs. Soph-Frosh The question for debate' for col- Among the books written by Dr. converted Into offices or used as The fifth in the series of broad- Pueblo Lullaby, and Southern Med- Co-Eds vs. Collegians leges thruout the nation this year Cadman are: The Victory of study quarters for "skull practice" casts sponsored by Eastern, was ley. This' win be the first time . Juniors vs. Maroons will be, Resolved, That the Con- Christmas, 1909; Charles Darwin classes; one large 18x12 open dorm, given October 30, with Dr. T. C. this year that the Glee Club has gress should be permitted to over- and Other English Tinkers, 1911; equipped with double deck beds and Herndon discussing "Frontiers of been heard by an audience of any ride any five-to-four decisions of k.i-Williamslird shrd sh etaoshrd accommodations for visiting tteanis Science" and a talk by Miss Jane kind. PLAY GIVEN the supreme court declaring a law William, Owen, a Biography, 1913; and many shower rooms. Campbell on "Paris As I Saw It." The Men's Glee Club, directed unconstitutional." A number of Ambassadors of Odd, 1930; Three The Middle Wing will enclose a Music for this broadcast was fur- by Mr. Van Peurscm, takes great inter-scholastic debates on this Religious Leaders. 1916; Christian- space 84x40 feet which will be used nished by members of the music pleasure in announcing that the BY L T. C. topic are being scheduled for the ity and the State, 1934; Questions as a "runway" practice room, or department.
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