JGIM PERSPECTIVE Eradicating Jargon-Oblivion—A Proposed Classification System of Medical Jargon Michael B. Pitt, MD1,2 and Marissa A. Hendrickson, MD1,2 1Department of Pediatrics, University of Minnesota School of Medicine, Minneapolis, MN, USA; 2University of Minnesota Masonic Children’sHospital, Minneapolis, MN, USA. J Gen Intern Med 35(6):1861–4 language—both the formal disease names and the informal DOI: 10.1007/s11606-019-05526-1 shortcut slang. Under the guise of promoting efficiency and © Society of General Internal Medicine 2019 professionalism, we are encouraged to demonstrate our grow- ing mastery of this language when we present our patients, discuss our plans, write our notes, and call consultants. Even- tually, we may simply forget there was a time when we did not From the standpoint of medicine as art for the preven- know the meaning of language we now use with ease. Medical tion and cure of disease, the man who translates the hieroglyphics of science into the plain language of English becomes our primary language and we forget our mother tongues. healing is certainly the most useful. Clearly, it is not effective to tell providers to stop using -Sir William Osler jargon if we are not even aware we are using it in the first place. We introduce the term “jargon-oblivion” to describe this discrepancy between our self-rated skill in clear communica- ’ I never write metropolis for seven cents because I can tion and our patients ability to understand the terms we use. In order to address this disconnect, we must first identify the get the same price for city. problem. As a step toward doing so, we propose a classifica- -Mark Twain tion system for common types of jargon in Table 1 and in detail below. This classification is based on a review of the literature and our work trying to eradicate inappropriate jargon INTRODUCTION from our own practice. Our goal is to provide a framework for None of us went into medicine to confuse people. Yet, studies medical professionals to use as a tool to diagnose and address on our use of jargon—the technical terminology of a given the epidemic of iatrogenic confusion perpetuated by our jar- group—reveal that we consistently do precisely that. While gon-oblivion. healthcare providers overwhelmingly agree that using plain language is essential for effective communication, it has been shown that we use terminology not understood by our patients SEVEN CATEGORIES OF MEDICAL JARGON – as often as seventy times per encounter [1 6]. Even more — problematic is the fact that, despite this tendency to confuse, Technical Terminology Classic Jargon werateourselveshighlyinourabilitytospeakplainlywith The most obvious category of jargon is technical terminology, patients and consistently overestimate their ability to define terms we were unlikely to know before our medical training. the terms we use [3, 4, 7]. There are a number of reasons we may use jargon with our patients, ranging from an innocent misjudgment of patients’ Your jaundice, which is due to elevated bilirubin, could level of understanding to a more pretentious desire to sound be caused by cholecystitis. We are waiting for the knowledgeable on a subject. We believe our jargon usage is radiologist to read the abdominal ultrasound to see if likely the result of the progression through the developmental you may need a cholecystectomy. communication milestones inherent to our training. As we navigate through medical school, we start to learn another Technical terminology includes the names of diseases, symptoms, procedures, labs, and imaging studies that are well This work has been presented at multiple grand rounds seminars, but known within the field of medicine but lack universally un- otherwise has not been shared previously in abstract or written form. derstood meanings outside of this arena. Many times, for Received August 8, 2019 example, even our job titles fall into this category. In one Revised September 24, 2019 Accepted October 28, 2019 study, less than half of the patients being seen in a breast clinic Published online November 11, 2019 knew what an oncologist was, and only one in four could 1861 1862 Pitt and Hendrickson: Eradicating Jargon-Oblivion JGIM Table 1 Jargon Classification Framework Table 1. (continued) Technical Words likely learned Disease names with unknown Oral intake (eating and terminology in medical school Myocardial infarction synonyms drinking) including disease Bronchiolitis Erythema (redness) names, symptoms, Symptoms Ecchymosis (bruising) anatomy, procedures, Dysphagia Fracture (break) treatments, and Ataxia Euphemisms Attempts to soften Cautious coding laboratory tests Syncope language we may find Spot on the liver Anatomy difficult to say, but Seedlings Adenoids which provide less Shadows on the X-ray Prostate clarity Death avoidance Procedures/treatments Passed On Coronary artery bypass Expired graft Coded Upper gastrointestinal Waste management endoscopy Vo id in g Tests Stooling Bilirubin Judgmental Phrases which may Loaded lingo Urinalysis jargon reflect bias or appear Deny (drug use, sexual Alphabet soup Acronyms and Acronyms for technical derogatory activity) abbreviations terminology Chief complaint CABG Failed treatment CBC Internal codenames UA Rock Lost in translation Bounce-back acronyms Flea NPO (for nothing by GOMER mouth) EKG (for electroCardiogram) LFTs (for liver function tests, which actually do not indicate liver function) define a radiologist [8]. Studies that demonstrate the need for Abbreviations Cath providers to use plain language tend to highlight this type of Coags jargon, but using this description alone excludes a number of Endo Medical Words that may be Disease names key areas of misunderstanding [2–4]. vernacular familiar to most but Sepsis are not universally Ulcer — known or understood Anatomy Alphabet Soup Acronyms and Abbreviations Scapula Lymph nodes A sub-category of technical terminology is the use of acro- Treatments/tests nyms or abbreviations. Steroids Cultures Descriptions Inflammation Mental status changes Your EKG was concerning for an MI, but before you Acute vs. chronic go to the cath lab we’ll get a CBC and coags and make Sexually active Vital signs/terminology you NPO. Febrile Saturations Blood pressure At times, providers may try to mitigate abbreviations Medicalized Words which are Accidental antonyms by immediately adding the spelled out terminology. English known but have a Negative (negative blood different meaning in culture) However,qualifyinganabbreviationwiththefullterm the context of Positive (positive nodes) may merely trade one type of jargon for another. Clar- medicine than in Progressing (tumor is everyday use progressing) ifying that an MI means myocardial infarction, for ex- Different meanings in ample, does little to improve understanding. To add to medicine the confusion, the full term in English may not reflect Tenderness (Do you have any tenderness?) the acronym’s letters. The abbreviation used for electro- Appreciate (I do not cardiogram maintains the Germanic K, and NPO reflects appreciate your murmur) Focus/focal (So the the Latin origin of “nothing by mouth.” These substitu- primary focus of your pain tions make it even more difficult for patients to decipher is your knee?) Impressive (The rash is their meaning, not to mention the fact that the phrase not impressive to me) “nothing by mouth” is an unduly complicated way to Unnecessary Universally Upper/lower extremity synonyms understood terms we (arm/leg) tell someone they should not eat or drink. Additionally, overcomplicate by Pruritus (itching) many abbreviations have multiple meanings, which can replacing known terms Ambulating (walking) lead to confusion. For example, ASD may mean atrial (continued on next page) septal defect to a cardiologist or autism spectrum disor- der to a developmental pediatrician. JGIM Pitt and Hendrickson: Eradicating Jargon-Oblivion 1863 Medical Vernacular—Familiar but not Known While it can be difficult to avoid jargon usage when there is no readily available phrase to exchange for the medical term, Many medical terms may be familiar from outside the clinical at times we overly complicate things by using medical syno- setting. It is a false assumption, however, to equate familiarity with nyms for simple, universally understood terms. Arms become understanding. Some terms may be common on medical television upper extremities, redness becomes erythema, walking be- shows (e.g., afebrile, coding, electrolytes, metastasis, blood culture) comes ambulating, and the right eye is abbreviated as OD. or may have been covered in a high school biology class (gall- Jargon theoretically exists to serve as a shortcut within a bladder, immune system, inflammation), but this does not mean community, but replacing words we all already know with patients truly understand them. For example, only half of cancer new ones fails to meet this conceptual metric and adds unnec- patients in one study knew what the word remission meant, and essary confusion. In some cases, our patients will find differ- less than half could point to the general vicinity of the liver [7]. We ences in these unnecessary synonyms when none exists. For must not equate our patients’ recognition of the terms we use with example, in one study of patients in an orthopedic clinic, eight their understanding. Asking ourselves the rhetorical question, “Did in ten patients thought there was a difference between a I know this before my medical training,” or asking a non-medical fracture and a break [9]. friend to define the words in question can be a helpful tool for self- auditing of this type of jargon usage. Euphemisms—Attempts to Soften the Blow Medicalized English—Known but Different One way we may attempt to minimize discomfort is to use Meaning euphemisms, replacing words with ones we feel are less distasteful or difficult to hear [10]. Compared with other categories of jargon, these substitutions are usually intentional. However, asking if someone has “moved their bowels” or I don’t appreciate any focal tenderness in your abdo- “voided” rather than using plain language risks introducing men and the CT scan was negative.
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