Kl* ALL-ELECTRIC FARMING FOUNDED 18 7 2 Vol. CXXXVII. No. 3S33 AUGUST 10. 1945 9d. WEEKLY LOOK CLOSELY AT THIS PHOTOGRAPH HE girls are working under Mazda Fluorescent Lamps, in open-top Tfittings. Only fluorescent lighting can provide this Note the almost complete absence of amazing result. shadows — even under the benchfesT^X Mazda Fluorescent Lamps are available in “ Daylight ” colour for most industrial lighting purposes, and also in the new “ Warm White ” colour for situations requiring a warmer light. Managements of essential factories and businesses which can and should have better light NOW — as well as those who FLUORESCENT LAMPS I plan for the future — are invited to com- and MAZDALUX EQUIPMENT ' municate with :— The British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd. LIGHTING ADVISORY SERVICE : Bridle Path, Watford, Herts. Telephone: Watford 5811 M 4054 11 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w August 10, 1945 Manufacturers of Sheets, Rods, Tubes and machined VULCANISED VIBRE ETD 'Cl#7 GTIIDFORD ......................EWGLAKD August 10, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 1 A faim e ietkes ¿ke We have realised for a con­ siderable tim e the need for eliminating the bugbear of re-tinning furred-up Water Heaters. The use of Monel is the answer, fo r this metal needs no tinning. That’s why we are concentrating on ALL- MONEL construction, as in­ creasing supplies of this metal become available. leaders in eleclric w aler healers HEATRAE LTD., NORWICH - PHONE : NORWICH 2SI3I - GRAMS : HEATRAE, NORWICH WE MAKE TAG TERMINALS ELECTRIC WELDING MACHINES SPOT, SEAM AND BUTT FOR WIRELE8S WELDERS AND SIMILAR A WIDE RANGE OF 35 years’ experience CONNECTIONS SIZES IN STOCK Automatic or Non- ROSS COURTNEY & Co. Ltd. Automatic ASHBROOK ROAD, LONDON, N.I9 With or without Electric Control The quickest and most economical method of Welding Oil Drums, Bars, STEERING BALLS Tyres, Wheel Rims, II k V A Spot W e ld er Tubes and Angles. to the specific requirements of T.. WESTMINSTER EN6. C o.U our customers Victoria Road, Willesden Junction, N.W.IO Mahers of all ty­ pes of Repetition Dynamos, Motors, Alternators and products from th e b a r in all Transformers Rewound and Re-constructed. m e t a ls “ W estm inster” Brush Holders. Process Arc Lamps Telephone: Telegrams: M C LandREPETITIQN LTD E lgar 7372 (2 lines) “ Regency, Phone, London." Pool Lane , Langley , Birmingham. A E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w August 10, 1945 PRODUCTS ' MOTORS GENERATORS TRANSFORMERS SWITCH ^CONTROL GEAR ELECTRIC MERCURY-ARC &METAL-PLATE TELEPHONE 2 1 4 5 5 RECTIFIERS Wolverhampton. August 10, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 3 FROM SECRECY TO BROADCASTING ‘The Ambush' hy V. Kowianason A p a r t from the fame of its salt springs, Droitwich ranks in history ^with those localities which provided secret asylum for survivors of lost causes. At Hindlip Hall in its vicinity, Gunpowder Plot conspirators defied search for eight days, and, later, Westwood Hall was the hide-out of many a Royalist during the Commonwealth. To-day Droitwich has reversed its role — it has become informative ; for there stands the great Regional Transmitter of the B.B.C. Altogether three Alton batteries have been installed at this station — two for trans­ mitter purposes, the third as a stand-by against generator failure. A notable tribute to Alton reliability. ALTON BATTERIES OF MERIT THE ALTON BATTERY COMPANY LTD., ALTON, HANTS Sole Suppliers of Fuller Stationary Batteries Telephone : Alton 2267 and 2268 Telegrams : ‘ Battery, Alton ’ A10 /4 5 1945 August 1° ’ E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w . A COMPACT AND PRECISE WAVEMETER FOR USE IN ALL CLIMAl _S E VERY ship and shore radio station must have, as an essential part of its equipment, a wavemeter that is absolutely reliable under all conditions. The Rediffusion 6 0 5 A W avem eter has been constructed to have a discrimination of 0.1 per cent, over CIRCUIT OF THE REDIFFUSION a range of frequencies from 100 to 60j A WAVEMETER 43,000 kilocycles (3,000 to 7 meters!. functioning of a very low-power This range is covered by using radiating circuit. eight interchangeable coils, which are The wavemeter unit is light and carried in a separate case and are compact, weighing only jh pounds, used in conjunction with a graph and is 5"x8"x8". The construction card made out for each individual throughout has been designed to coil. Timing is by means of a variable resist severe variations of climate in condenser. most parts of the world. The eight The 605A Wavemeter is normally coils are carried in a case of similar used for frequency measurement of a size weighing 4 pounds. In use the transmitting station, and as a stan­ coils are attached to two terminals dard by which to tune a transmitter placed on the side of the wavemeter. output. It can also be used to-in­ This instrument is available now. dicate the resonance of modulated Further details can be sent on carrier waves, and to indicate the request. REDIFFUSION Ltd. Designers and Manufacturers of Radio Communication and Industrial Electronic Equipment (SUBSIDIARY OF BROADCAST RELAY SERVICE LIMITED) VICTORIA STATION HOUSE, LONDON, S.W.I Telephone .'Victoria 8831 August 10, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 5 HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER PLANT The BTH Company has had a wide experience in the manufacture of Water-wheel-driven Alternators Transformers and Switchgear for Hydro-electric Systems BTH RUGBY THE BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTON COMPANY LIMITED. RUGBY. ENGLAND ¿ f i f e A 3502 6 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w August 10, 1945 V tS K R tN G S CLOSE-UPS Observe ! A “ VISKRINGS ” Cable marker is taken from the jar. It is slipped over the cable. It shrinks. It’s tight. Is that all? Absolutely! No machine .... no skill required . no failures. No wonder the “ VISKRINGS ” method is so widely specified. •NO TOOLS REQUIRED • INDELIBLY PRINTED • N O RUBBER USED • SELF FIXING BY SHRINKAGE • IMPERISHABLE, IMPERVIOUS-TO • DO NOT INCREASE DIAMETER OILS AND PETROLFUM OF CABLE CABLE MARKERS VISCOSE DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD. W oW him Road, Bromley, Kent. ’Phone : Ravensbourne 2641 August 10, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w Sturtevant T.L. Cyclone on a rotary dryer The Sturtevant T.L. Cyclone Dust Collector solves many Industrial Dust Problems • The salvage of processing losses • Collecting the dust caused in machining processes or material handling plant • Collecting the dust from chemical plant and metallurgical furnaces • Cleaning gases from stoker fired boilers Full details are in our post free publication U .II6I St u r t e v a n t engineering Co. Lt d . 25.W 0RCESTER ROAD, SUTTON.SURREY. TELEPHONE: VIGILANT 2275 V 8 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w August 10, 1945 The reliability of the generating plant is the same as that of its dis­ tributive cable. And the reliability of the cable is that of its insulation ! That is why leading cable manufacturers use Tullis Russell Rothm ill Cable Insulating Papers. Rothm ill is renowned for its uniformly high quality, and isguaranteed free from metals and g rit. R O T H m i L L A complete range is manu­ CABLE INSULATING PAPER factured. W rite for details. T iU U t ‘¡ ¡ u n t i l i C o .i t d The Pioneers of Twin-wire Papers for Printers * ROTHES PAPER M'LLS, MARKINCH, SCOTLAND LONDON MANCHESTER BIRMINGHAM I Tudor Street, E.C.4 372 Corn Exchange Bldgs., 116 Colmore Row Corporation Street August 10, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 9 BRITISH INSULATED CALLENDER’S CABLES LTD. PRESCOT, LANCASHIRE. Telephone : PRESCOT 6571 10 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w August 10, 1945 ( j n w G t d .5 G - k t e t l / i c t o t y y y H E N the National effort has been crowned with overwhelming success in WAR production British factories must swing back to no less intensive production for the re­ habilitation of the Nation and the World. Electrical cables, essential for war, are no less essential for the arts of PEACE, and the lessons learned in war call urgently for devel­ opment and application by the best brains in Rend. Trade Mark the Industry. N ot. 566, 585-6-7 Users of C.M.A. Cables MEMBERS OF THE C .M .A . can rest assured that they The Anchor Cable The India Rubber, are served by unsurpassed C o . L td . G utta-Percha& Tele­ graph W orks Co. Ltd. British Insulated (TheSilvertown Co.) Cables Ltd. products of Research and Liverpool Electric Callender’s Cable & Cable Co. Ltd. Construction Co. Engineering. L td . The London Electric W i r e C o . a n d S m ith s Connollys (Blackley) L td . L td . The Macintosh The Craigpark Elec­ Cable Co. Ltd. tric Cable Co. Ltd. The Metropolitan CromptonParkinson Electric Cable & H e and Ltd. (Derby Cables Construction Co. L td .) L td . Enfield Cables Ltd. Pirelli-General Cable W orks Ltd. Edison Swan Cables (General Electric L td . C o . L td .) W .
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