APPENBIX G Publications Resulting From National Science Foundation Grants Fiscal Year 1957 This bibliography of some 850 items the results of a great deal of fiscal year lists all grantee papers for which the 1957 research will be reported in papers Foundation received publication informa- appearing in later lists. tion during fiscal year 1957. Notification The arrangement of entries is designed of publication usually was in the form of to facilitate reference use of the com- a reprint or copy of the grantee’s paper or pilation. Items are grouped by National book. Approximately 190 grantee insti- Science Foundation divisions or offices, by tutions are represented. Because of time- programs within each division, and alpha- lags between completion of research and betically by grantee institution within each publication of results, much of the experi- program. The table of contents lists the mentation covered by these papers was divisions and subject programs under carried on prior to fiscal year 1957, while which research grants are made. Division of Biological znd Medical Sciences Anthropological and Related Sciences We&, Paul B. Experiments on the Initiation of Division in Stentor HARVARD UNIVERSITY, G. R. WILLEY Coeruleus. Journal of Experimental Willey, Gordon R. The Structure Zoology, 232: 137-162 (Feb. 1956). of Ancient Maya Society: Evidence from the Southern Lowlands. Amer- UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, ican Anthropologist, 58: 777-782 R. Y. STANIER (Oct. 1956). Griffiths, Mary, W. R. Sistrom, Ger- maine Cohen-Bazire, R. Y. Stanier, UNIVERSITY OF OREOON, L. S. CRESS- and M. Calvin. Function of Caro- MAN tenoids in Photosynthesis. Nature, Miller, Loye. Bird Remains from 276: 1211-1215 (Dec. 1955). an Oregon Indian Midden. Con- dor, 59: 59-63 (Jan. Feb. 1957). Griffiths, Mary, and R. Y. Stanier. Some Mutational Changes in the WENNER-GREN FOUNDATION FOR AN- Photosynthetic Pigment System of THROPOLCKXCALRESEARCH, INC., W. L. Rhodopseudomonas s p h e T o i d e s. THOMAS, Jr. Journal of General Microbiology, 24: Thomas, William, Jr., Ed. Man’s 698-715 (June 1956). Role in Changing the Face of the Earth. 1,193 pp. Chicago, Ill., Sistrom, W. R., Mary Griffiths, and University of Chicago Press, 1956. R. Y. Stanier. A Note on the Porphyrins Excreted by the Blue- Developmental Biology Green Mutant of Rhodopseudo- BROWN UNIVERSITY, P. B. WEISZ monas Spheroides. Journal of Cel- We&, Paul B. Chemical Inhibition lular and Comparative Physiology, of Regeneration in Stentor Coeru- 48: 459472 (Dec. 1956). leus. Journal of Cellular and Com- Sistrom, W. R., Mary Griffiths, and parative Physiology, 46: 5 17-527 R. Y. Stanier. The Biology of a (Dec. 1955). Photosynthetic Bacterium Which 222 SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT 223 Division of Biological and Medical Sciences-Continu~ Developmental Biologyi-Continucrd tation of Phenylalamne to the Neural Lacks Colored Carotenoids. Jour- Crest by Archenteron Roof Meso- nal of Cellular and Comparative derm. Journal of Experimental Zo- Physiology, 48: 473-515 (Dec. ology, 233: 409-440 (Dec. 1956). 1956). LICP: INSTITUTE, R. V. TALYAOB, AND UNIVERSITY OF CHICAOO, S. L. WASH- i. C. ENDERS BURN Buchanan, G. D., A. C. Enders, and Mednick, Lois W., and S. L. Wash- R. V. Talmage. Implantation in bum. The Role of the Sutures in Armadillos Ovaricctomized During the Growth of the Braincase of the the Period of Delayed Implantation. Infant Pig. American Journal of Journal of Endocrinology, 24: 12 l- Physical Anthropology, 14: 175-19 1 128 (1956). (June 1956). 5~. AMBROSE COLLEOE, W. F. LYNCH GRINNELL COLLEGE, G. MENDOZA Lynch, William F. Experimental Mendoza, Guillermo. Adaptations Modification of the Rate of Meta- During Gestation in the Viviparous morphosis of Bugula Larvae. Jour- Cyprinodont Teleost, Hubbsina nal of Experimental Zoology, 133: Turneri. Journal of Morphology, 589-612 (Dec. 1956). 99: 73-95 (July 1956). SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF DEVELOP- MARQUETTE UNIYERSITY, J. W. SAUN- DENT OF GROWTH, V. C. TWITTY DERS, Jr. Rudnick, Dorothea, Ed. Cellular Saunders, J. W., L. C. Saunders, and Mechanisms in Differentiation and M. T. Gasseling. The Morpho- Growth. 236 pp. Princeton, N. J., genetic Role of Cell Deaths in the Princeton University Press, 1956. Origin of the External Contours of UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE, R. C. FRASER the Limbs in the Chick. Anatomi- Fraser, Ronald C. The Presence and cal Record, 227: 360-361 (1957). Significance of Respiratory Metabo- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, N. E. KEMP lism in Streak-Forming Chick Blasto- Kemp, Norman E. Differentiation derms. Biological Bulletin, 2 2 2 : 77- of the Cortical Cytoplasm and In 91 (Aug. 1956). elusions in Oocytes of the Frog, Fraser, Ronald C. Somite Genesis in Journal of Biophysical and Biochem the Chick. 1. Partial Characteriza- ical Cyotology, 2: 187-190+ (July tion of Stimulatory Factors in Egg 1956). White, Growth, 22: 29-43 (1957). Kemp, Norman E. Electron Micro Fraser, Ronald C. Studies on the scopy of Growing Oocytes of Ram Hypoblast of the Young Chick Em- Pipiens. Journal of Biophysical anC bryo. Journal of Experimental Zo- Biochemical Cytology, 2: 281-292-t ology, 226: 349-399 (Aug. 1954). (May 1956). TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STA- Kemp, Norman E. Localization OI TION, J. N. WEAVER Glycine-204 Injected into Adult Weaver, Nevin. Ovarian Develop- Female Frogs. Journal of Experi ment of Worker Honey Bees. Jour- mental Zoology, 233: 227-239 (Nov nal of Economic Entomology, 49: 1956). 854-857 (Dec. 1956). UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, C. E, UNIVERSITY OF V~OINU, M. S. MC- WILDE, Jr. KEEHAN Wilde, Charles E., Jr. The Urodelc McKeehan, Morris S. The Relative Neuroepithelium. III. The Presen Ribonucleic Acid Content of Lens 224 NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Division of Biological and Medical Sciences-Continued Developmental Biology-Continued of Stannius in the Osmoregulation and Retina During Lens Induction in of Teleosts. Biological Bulletin, 222 : the Chick. American Journal of 399-409 (Dec. 1956). Anatomy, 99: 131-155 (July 1956). Rasquin, Priscilla. Observations on UNIVERSITY OF WASHINOTON, SEATTLE, the Metamorphosis of the Bonefish, W. S. Hsu Albula Vulpes (Linnaeus) . Journal Hsu, W. Siang. Oogenesis in the of Morphology, 97: 77-l 17 (July Bdelloidea Rotifer Philodina Roseola 1955). Ehrenberg. La Cellule, 62: 283-296 CARLETON COLLEGE, J. B. GUYSELMAN (1956). Guyselman, J. Bruce. Solar and UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN, K. B. RAPER Lunar Rhythms of Locomotor Activ- Raper, Kenneth B. Dictyost~Zium ity in the Crayfish Cambarus Virilis. polycephalum n.sp.: a New Cellular Physiological Zoiilogy, 30 : 70-8 7 Slime Mould with Coremiform (Jan. 1957). Fructifications. Journal of General DARTMOUTH COLLEGE, F. H. BORMANN Microbiology, 24: 716-732 (June Bormann, F. H. Moisture Transfer 1956). between Plant through Intertwined RAPER, KENNETH B. Factors Af- Root Systems. Plant Physiology, 32: fecting Growth and Differentiation 48-55 (Jan. 1957). in Simple Slime Molds. Mycologia, DUKE UNIVERSITY, P. J. KRAMER 48: 169-205 (Mar.-Apr. 1956). Kramer, Paul. Some Effects of UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING, C. S. THORN- Various Combinations of Day and TON Night Temperatures and Photope- Thornton, Charles Stead. The Re- riod on the Height Growth of Lob- lation of Epidermal Innervation to 1011~Pine. Forest Science, 3: 45-55 the Regeneration of Limb Deplants (Mar. 1957). in Amblystoma Larvae. Journal of STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA, G. E. FOLK, Experimental Zoology, 233: 281-299 (Nov. 1956). Jr. Farrand, Richard L., G. Edgar Folk, YALE UNIVERSITY, J. P. TRINICAUS Jr., and Marvin L. Riedesel. Types Trinkaus, J. P. The Differentiation of Mammalian Hibernation. Pro- of Tissue Cells. American Natural- ceedings of the Iowa Academy of ist, 90: 273-288 (Sept.-Ott. 1956). Science, 63: 724-728 (Dec. 1956). Trinkaus, J. P., and John W. Drake. Exogenous Control of Morphogene- Riedesel, Marvin L., and G. Edgar ais in Isolated Fundulus Blastoderms Folk, Jr. Serum Magnesium by Nutrient Chemical Factors. Jour- Changes in Hibernation. Nature, nal of Experimental Zoology, 232: 277: 668 (Apr. 1956). 3 1 l-347 (July 1956). UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, II. B. MOORE Moore, Hilary B. The Effects of Environmental Biology Temperature, Illumination, and AMERICAN GEOORAPHICAL SOCIETY, C. J. Pressure on the Vertical Distribution HEUSSER of Zooplankton. Bulletin of Marine Heusser, C. J. Third National Science of the Gulf and Caribbean, Pollen Conference. Geographical 6: 73-363 (Dec. 1956). Review, 46: 579-580 (1956). AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HIS- NEW MEXICO HIGHLANDS UNIVERSITY, L. TORY, C. M. BREDER,Jr. M. SHIELDS Rasquin, Priscilla. Cytological Evi- Shields, Lora Mangum. Zonation of dence for a Role of the Corpuscles Vegetation within the Tularosa SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT 225 Division of Biological and Medical Sciences-Continued Environmental Biology--Continued Types of Two Species of Cypriped- ium, C. calceolus var. pubescens and Basin, New Mexico. Southwestern C. acaule. Virginia Journal of Sci- Naturalist, 2: 49-68 (Apr. 1956). ence, 7: 176-188 (July 1956). Shields, Lora Mangum, and Joe Harman, Walter J., and John 0. Cor- Crispin. Vascular Vegetation of a liss. Isolation of Earthworm Setae Recent Volcanic Area in New by Use of Histophagous Protozoa. Mexico. Ecology, 37: 341-351 Transactions of the American Micro- (Apr. 1956). scopical Society, 75: 332-333 (July UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO, C. C. HOFF 1956). Hoff, C. Clayton. Pseudoscorpions Holz, George G., Jr., and John 0. of the Family Chernetidae from New Corliss. Tetrahymena setifera n. sp., Mexico. American Museum Novi- a Member of the Genus Tetrahymena tates, No. 1800, Oct. 1956, 66 pp. with a Caudal Cilium. Journal of STANFORD UNIVERSITY, W. C. BROWN Protozoology, 3: 112-l 18 (1956). Alcala, Angel C., and Walter C. Hutchison, Victor H. Notes on the Brown. Early Life History of Two Plethodontid Salamanders, Eurycea Philippine Frogs with Notes on Depo- Eucifuga (Rafinesque) and Eurycea sition of Eggs. Herpetologica, 22: longicauda longicauda (Green). Oc- 241-246 ( 1956). casional Papers National Speleologi- Brown, Walter C. A Revision of the cal Society, No. 3, Nov. 1956, 24 pp. Genus Brachymeles (Scincidae) , with WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITU- Descriptions of New Species and Sub- rroN, G.
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