Supplementary Data – Invertebrate Biology Phylogenetic distribution of regeneration and asexual reproduction in Annelida: fission evolves in regenerative clades Eduardo E. Zattara1,2, 3 and Alexandra E. Bely3 1Department of Invertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, 10th and Constitution Ave, NW Washington, DC 20560‐0163, USA 2Department of Biology, 915 E. Third Street, Myers Hall 150, Bloomington, IN 47405‐7107, USA 3Department of Biology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 U.S.A. Literature references for regeneration and agametic reproduction in Annelida Basal and incertae sedis families Oweniidae: (Oliver 1984, Coulon et al. 1989, Dupin et al. 1991) Chaetopteridae: (Potts 1914, Berrill 1928, Schroeder & Hermans 1975, Nishi & Arai 1996, Bhaud 1998) Sipuncula: (Rajulu & Krishnan 1969, Rice 1970) Amphinomidae: (Kudenov 1974, Müller et al. 2003, Cosentino & Giacobbe 2011, Arias et al. 2013a, Ahrens et al. 2014) Dinophilidae: (Schultz 1902, Ruebush 1940) Aeolosomatidae: (Herlant‐Meewis 1950a, b, 1953, 1964, Brinkhurst & Jamieson 1971, Lasserre 1975) 1 Errantia Protodrilidae & Saccocirridae: (Dawydoff 1954) Dorvilleidae: (Czwiklitzer 1905, Pfannenstiel 1973, 1974, Åkesson & Rice 1992, Müller & Henning 2004) Eunicidae: (Hofmann 1969, 1974, Pfannenstiel 1974, Bely 2006) Onuphidae: (Pflugfelder 1928, Fauchald 1982, Bailey‐Brock 1984, Paxton 1993, Safarik et al. 2006, Budaeva & Fauchald 2008, Berke et al. 2009, Pires et al. 2010, 2012) Syllidae: (Langerhans 1879, Malaquin 1893, Mesnil 1901, Allen 1923, Okada 1929, 1933, Abeloos 1952, Kudenov 1974, Schroeder & Hermans 1975, Heacox & Schroeder 1982, Franke 1999, Glasby et al. 2012, Aguado et al. 2014) Polynoidae: (Daly 1973) Polygordidae: (Dawydoff 1954) Nephtyidae: (Michel 1898, Sayles 1936, Abeloos 1950a, b, Clark & Clark 1959) Hesionidae:(Morgulis 1909) Nereididae:(Michel 1898, Harms 1948, Casanova 1955, Durchon 1956, Hauenschild 1960, Brusca & Brusca 1990, Niwa et al. 2013) Phyllodocidae:(Michel 1898, Brusca & Brusca 1990) Glyceridae: (Neillis 1965) Sedentaria – non-Clitellata Orbiniidae: (Michel 1898, Probst 1931, Meyer et al. 2007) Siboglinidae: (Miyamoto et al. 2014) Cirratulidae: (Caullery & Mesnil 1898, Mesnil 1901, McIntosh 1915, Martin 1933, Berkeley & Berkeley 1954, Berrill 1961, Knox 1971, Schroeder & Hermans 1975, Petersen 1999, Weidhase et al. 2015) Ctenodrilidae: (Scharff 1887, Monticelli 1910, Korschelt 1919, Schroeder & Hermans 1975, Petersen 1999) Sabellidae: (Krøyer 1856, Vaney & Conte 1899, Watson 1906, Caullery & Mesnil 1920, Rioja 1929, Berrill 1931, 1952, 1978, Stone 1933a, Herlant‐Meewis 1964, Hill 1972, Knight‐Jones 1983, Jones‐Knight & Bowden 1984, Gambi et al. 2000, Fitzhugh 2003, Tovar‐Hernández & Pineda‐Vera 2008, Licciano et al. 2012, Arias et al. 2013b, Kolbasova et al. 2013, Murray et al. 2013, Tovar‐Hernández & Dean 2014, Mastrototaro et al. 2015) 2 Serpulidae: (Kupriyanova et al. 2001, Zeleny 1901, Faulkner 1930, Cresp 1952, George 1974, Kudenov 1974, Schroeder & Hermans 1975, Uchida 1978, Pernet 2001, Jones‐Knight & Bowden 1984, Ben‐Eliafiu & Ten Hove 1989, Berrill & Mees 1936, Licciano et al. 2015, Pillai & Hove 1994, Wells 1952, Vannini 1950, Malaquin & de Lacaze‐Duthiers 1895, Cresp 1953) Spionida: (Michel 1898, Mesnil 1901, Herlant‐Meewis 1964, Schroeder & Hermans 1975, Blake 1983, Tzetlin & Britayev 1985, Zajac 1995, Radashevsky 1996, Blake & Arnofsky 1999, Williams 2000, 2004, Bick 2001, Gibson & Paterson 2003, Bely 2006, Lindsay et al. 2007, Lindsay 2010, David & Williams 2011, Dualan & Williams 2011) Opheliidae: (Hyman 1940) Capitellidae: (Eisig 1887, Sayles 1936, Bely 2006) Echiuridae+Bonelliidae: (Gislén 1940, Agius 1979, Brusca & Brusca 1990) Terebellidae: (Berrill & Mees 1936, Herlant‐Meewis 1964) Arenicolidae: (Wells 1966, de Vlas 1979, Bely 2006) Maldanidae: (Sayles 1936, Moment 1951, Wilson 1979, Clavier 1984, Lindsay 2010) Sedentaria - Clitellata Naididae: (Galloway 1899, Abel 1902, Harper 1904, Stephenson 1907, 1910a, b, 1930, Krecker 1910, Hyman 1916, 1938, Mayhew 1922, Consoli 1923, Stone 1932, 1933b, Van Cleave 1937, Chu & Pai 1944, O’Brien 1946, Sperber 1948, Stout 1958, Brinkhurst & Jamieson 1971, Bilello & Potswald 1974, Lasserre 1975, Harman & Loden 1978, Naidu & Naidu 1979, Casellato 1984, Timm 1984, Nemec & Brinkhurst 1987, Finogenova & Arkhipova 1994, Armendariz 1999, Bely 1999, Bely & Wray 2001, Collado & Schmelz 2001, Kathman & Wetzel 2003, Bely & Sikes 2010, Zattara & Bely 2011, 2015) Enchytraeidae: (Bell 1958, 1959, Christensen 1961, 1964, Herlant‐Meewis 1964, Lasserre 1975, Bouguenec & Giani 1989, Christensen et al. 1989, Myohara et al. 1999, Schmelz et al. 2000, 2013, Müller 2004, Niva et al. 2012, Boros 2012, Collado et al. 2012, Myohara 2012, Schlaghamerskỳ 2013) Crassiclitellata: (Morgan 1897, Michel 1898, Tirala 1912, Hunt 1919, Gates 1927, 1949, Kropp 1933, Liebmann 1942, Moment 1949, Herlant‐Meewis 1964, Gallissian 1971, Saussey 1974, Timm 1984, Alonso‐Bedate & Sequers 1985, Fragoso & Lozano 1992, Pal et al. 1992, Okrzesik et al. 2013) Lumbriculidae: (Bonnet 1745, Randolph 1891, Morgulis 1907, Hyman 1916, 1940, Timm 1984, Christensen 1994) Hirudina: (Hyman 1940, Lasserre 1975, Schroeder & Hermans 1975, Bely 2006) 3 References 1. 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