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EUCALYPTUS GROVES 8Ul.l"Q ··.c" put' c:: o_ ~ '41 JO su.8p?dUl'E:> U'E"OUJ •41 Bu·.z .... p S.:r~" lUO.lJ .; pr~Ufio ~San Francis~ Car!ft1111ia 6. EL POLIN SPRING \ 7. INSPIRATI ON POINT 8. THE ARGUELLO GATE . .\·. ..... _____ -.... 9. MOUNTAIN LAKE · AMP SAN FRANCISCO EARTHQUAKE REFUGEE c 10. " 11. ". ---- ...... --.....~ }jl$toric frail BATTERY McKINNON & BATTERY ST~~~~~~u~~KUME. "T 12 . WEST COAST MEMORIAL AMERICAN 13. PRESIDIO NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICERS ' OPE.~ MESS 14. OLD COAST ARTILLERY GUN EMPLACEMENTS ' 15. GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE PLAZA "' 16. BATTERY EAST . "30 ..• ~nproximate J~ s:.e~ce o ~i l es 17. FORT POINT (FORT WI NFI ELD SCOTT) 18. VIEW AREA E;t imated Wa. ':<:..~ :..:.:::e ~ hours 19 . PET CEMETERY . ---u-;PliR~ 20 . OLD STABLES .--- 21. SAN FRANCISCO NATIONAL CEMETERY 22. PRESIDI O SERVICE CLUB 23. PRESIDIO PL<\ZA 24 . PRESIDIO OFFICERS ' OPEN MESS 25 . TENNESSEE HOLLOW 26 . FUNSTON AVENUE OFFICERS ' QUARTERS Slods A1n~aq ~n.p JO ouo ~ •.-.:d ~l ~?l!"'W 27. HEADQUARTERS SIXTH UNITED STATES ARMY luawaAo.rdw! T'E .J aua3 .I .... ?U' 28 . POST GYMNASIUM 29. POST DISPENSARY 30. HEADQUARTERS PRESIDIO OF SAN FRANCISCO ·o 31. BUS STATION ·~, 'lt81 'LZ 4 j ~ e doo .i:i U1?:>1.z awy O!P!Sd.td dt{L ·..._,or u u .::...,,,. ;>q1 ;o - .1~:t.{<!"r"~ • 1 •:nqd senb'~rd azu 1..1~ q p~~.rew 1 .. u?.:p~ b p]O ~u... • .. ?.'YI. ;xi\~- pl?sH-ed l? .(q p<)puno.z.i:n ...Il?l'.bs Sp.le.{ "10 2' .'\ ..:e1JTxo.1dde ;o dw-e:> P~ne.'l\ ..,. S~/l'\ O!P!Sd.Id reu18uo •nu. dwe::> p .. YJI!.ZOJ 1? JO uosu.rl?~ l? 8cau-eaw ,, 1 um~ p1sae.r d ' p.toM uewoH 1 11 ~ : :.UQ.lt p ....... u~p sr otp1r.-,.:;:d 11 • ..·..uni n.L ·o!pJsa.rd Jpn.11 l"''O P,.vt Sp.llr"t:!!d~ .1tp •;sod u e·..u •lfl JO .J •lU~:> 4: -v u S! l'Et.{l iu;od -e -:y " .)Sl:>U'e.l.,j' U1?S ; OtptSd.ld d t{l S"eM SlSod asa~l JO .:sowu.r~t.flJOU ~4.L · u1~5 •o Ul"P.'U -"jt{l u~ pu--ey ot.p JO uoISs ~ssod UYYV'l PU Sl id . .:; f"l'rt .u pu t.: ~ s- ..ll 8ur4snq-e+S;) 'lSl?O:) l?tU.lOJ -tp."J a4l U"ft? p .I e.~tp.triu B~"1..t'ed iuuo1dxa +uas 0::>1xaw JO s.i~1n.1 qs•ul"ds ~np ' a::>uapuadapur Ju uone .I t:{:>~a iit{l l=>ana DlU! ~urund ~ .x ;>.'\\. """::> j pU'1!]1V aqi uo •~tuo Oj u2ju wy a q1 ar!'l"' '9LL I uy O::>sr::JN\11r,3 NVS .30 OlaIS31fd - X~O .LSIH . (· ---/ / . ·,./ . ., : ·j . HISTORIC TRAIL / ·: : 1 .· ·) GUIDE I .· IOO - -.:::r- - Prepared by: Co::.:::t.I:lity Relat i o Iofor-...ation Of fice Headq arters, Presi o o San Franc· sco PRESIDIO OF AN FRANCISC O~ CALIFOR~IA SA · -6 · . A 72 HISTORIC TRAIL , PRESIDIO OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA The Corps of Engineers is symbolized by the tr<;1ditional triple turreted t he site of Fort Point . The Castill o t.13S built in t he form o f a horseshoe Baker and Baker's Beach a r e named in hi s honor. He was k ille d in a c t ion i n a t Fort Or d , For l Lewis and Fort Carson; an d 17 , 000 civilian employees. castl e which r elates t o t heir role of construc t ion of field f o rti fications wt th 10- f oo t t h i ck palisade- t ype walls . Eight br onze cannon , c ast in Lima, 1861 at Bal l 's Bluff , Vir ginia. and close suppor t t o the combat f or ces. Peru in t he 17 t h century , ·••ere placed in t he embrasures t hat pie r ced the Thi s headquarte r s controls or s upervises the training o f more t han 250,000 The Presidio of San Fr anci sco is ope n to the public . Nume r ous areas f o rt wall s . Six of t hese cannon remain today: two flank t he entrance t o Pauline Cush:ian Fryer, a n a c tress and f amous Union spy dur ing the Civil members of the Ar my Na t ional Guar d, the Ar my Rese r ve , t he Reser ve Officer a re available for the public ' s enjoyment and pleasur e . The Histor ic Trail The seal of the Department of t he Army and t he Gr eat Seal of the United t he Officers' Club , two flank t\ie main flag pole. and two are at Fo rt Mason . War, was awarded t he r ank o f Bre ve t - Maj or for he r service t o t he Uni on cause. Tr ai ning Corps, an d t he Nationa l Defense Cadet Cor ps. ' was established primar ily for the of youth o r ganizations ; never theless , St a tes also are seen on t hese col umns. all visitor s a r e welcome to en j oy the park- like atmosphere and the histo r ic In 1847, whe n the U.S . Army occupitd the Presidio , t he Casti llo was Gen e ral Freder ick Funston, who c ap t ur e d Aguinaldo during the Phili ppine The Sixth U. S. Ar my ColDllan de r i s a l s o r espons ibl e f or coor d inating a ll sites of this Army installation. falling into r uin . During 1854 the old Castil l o was r azed by t he U. S. Army , I nsurrection and 'J ort the Medal o f Honor . He directed Army r eli ef during t he military eff o r ts in t he 12 we s t ern states, includi ng planning f o r de fense STATION 89 - fiJUNTAIN LAKE and the 100- foo t clif f on wh ich it had stood was cut away t o a s olid rock period of the 1900 San Fr an cisco earthquake and fir e. mobilization, domestic eme r gency , and c i vil def e nse . As a par ticipant in the The trail f eatures some rugged hiking wit h t he opportunity t o a cquire foundation 16 feet above t he water. Work on Fort Point beg an t he s a me year de fense o f wes tern Nor th America, t he Si xth Army s har e s as a. planning a gency a broade r knowl edge o f the historical significance of the Presidio of San Captain Juan Bautis ta de Anza , Lieutenant Mor aga , Father Fo n t and o t her and in 1861 it was garrisoned by two coripanies o f the 3rd U.
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