HABL SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION laboratory National Test House (N.R.), Kamla Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad. Uttar Pradesh Accreditation Standard ISOIIEC 17025: 2005 Discipline Electrical Testing Issue Date 12.08.2016 Certificate Number T-4088 Valid Until 11.08.2018 last Amended on 10.10.2016 Page 1 of 34 S. No. Product I Specific Test Performed Test Method Specification Range of Testing I Material of Test against which tests are limits of Detection performed I. POWER CAPACITORS 1. ACMotor Visual Examination IS 2993: 1998 (RA 2006) Qualitative Capacitors Clause. 2.6 Upto 25 MF Checking Marking IS 2993: 1998 (RA 2006) Qualitative Clause. 5.1 Check of Dimension IS 2993: 1998 (RA 2006) 1 mmt0250mm Clause. 2.10 Mechanical Test. IS 2993: 1998 (RA 2006) I Nto20N Clause. 2.11 Sealing Test IS 2993: 1998 (RA 2006) 20 'C to 100 'C Clause. 2.12 Endurance Test IS 2993: 1998 (RA 2006) 1 flfd to 20 "fd Clause. 2.13 Soldering Test IS 2993: 1998 (RA 2006) Qualitative Clause. 2.11.2 Damp Heat Test IS 2993: 1998 (RA 2006) 60 % to 95 % Humidity Clause. 2.14 At 40 °C Voltage Test Between IS 2993: 1998 (RA 2006) IVtolooOV Terminals Clause. 2.7 Voltage Test Between IS 2993: 1998 (RA 2006) I kV to 6 kV Terminals & Case Clause. 2.8 Self Healing Test IS 2993: 1998 (RA 2006) lOVto 1500V Clause. 2.15 \!-sl1ok Kumar N. Venkateswaran Convenor nABL SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION laboratory National Test House (N.R.), Kamla Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh Accreditation Standard ISOIIEC 17025: 2005 Discipline Electrical Testing Issue Date 12.08.2016 Certificate Number T·4088 Valid Until 11.08.2018 Last Amended on 10.10.2016 Page 2of34 S.No. Product f Specific Test Performed Test Method SpeCification Range of Testing f Material of Test againat which tests are Lim Its of Detection !!erformed ACMoior Destruction Test IS 2993: 1998 (RA 2006) Qualitative Capaeilors Clause. 2.16 Uplo 2SMF Measurement of Capacitance IS 2993: 1998 (RA 2006) 1 "fd to 80 "fd Clause. 2.9 Tangent of Loss Angle IS 2993: 1998 (RA 2006) oto 0.01 Clause. 2.5 2. Capa<ilor for Visual Examination IS 1709: 1984 (RA 2(06) Qualitative Eleclric Fan Amd. 1 & 2 Clause. 7.2 MOlors UplO25 MF Checking Marking IS 1709: 1984 (RA 2006) Qualitative Amd. 1.& 2 Clause. 1.2 Appendix A Check ofDimension IS 1709: 1984 (RA 2006) 1 mm to 250 mm Amd. 1 &2 Clause. 1.1 Mechanical Test. IS 1709: 1984 (RA 2(06) 1 Nt020N Amd. 1 &2 Clause. 7.7-7.11 Sealing Test IS 1709: 1984 (RA 2006) 20'C to 100'C Amd.l &2 Clause. 7.12 Endurance Test IS 1709: 1984 (RA 2006) J "fd to 20 "fd Amd. 1&2 Clause. 7.16 Soldering Test IS 1709: 1984 (RA 2006) Qualitative Amd.l &2 Clause. 7.11 shokKumar N. Venkateswaran Convenor Program Manager HABL SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Laboratory National Test House (N.R.). Kamla Nehru Nagar. Ghaziabad. Uttar Pradesh Accreditation Standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 Discipline Electrical Testing Issue Date 12.08.2016 Certificate Number T-4088 Valid Until 11.08.2018 Last Amended on 10.10.2016 Page 3 of 34 S. No. Product I Specific Test Performed Test Method Specification Range of Testing I Material of Test against which tests are limits of Detection performed Capadtor for Damp Heat Test IS 1709: 1984 (RA 2006) 65 % 10 95 % Humidity Electric Fan Amd.l &2 5"C to 60 "C Motors Clause. 7.15 Upto15 MF Insulation Resistance IS 1709: 1984 (RA 2006) I MOto I m (Terminals & Conlainer) Amd.l&2 At 500V Clause. 7.3.1 Insulation Resistance IS 1709: 1984 (RA 2006) IMfl to 1 TO Between Terminals Amd.l &2 At 500V Clause. 7.3.2 Voltage Test Between IS 1709: 1984 (RA 2006) 1 VlolOOOV Terminals Amd. 1 & 2 Clause. 7.4.1 Voltage Test Between IS 1709: 1984 eRA 2006) I kVt06kV Terminals &Case Amd. I & 2 Clause. 7.4.2 Self Healing Test IS 1709: 1984 (RA 2006) lOVto1500V Amd.1 &2 Clause. 7.14 Destruction Tesl IS 1709: 1984 (RA 2(06) Qualitative Amd.l &2 Clause. 7.17 Measurement of Capacitance IS 1709: 1984 (RA 2006) I !lfd to 80 IlFd & Tan 6 Amd. I & 2 min 0.00001 Clause. 7.13 shok Kumar N. Venkateswaran Convenor Program Manager SCOPE OF"ABL ACCREDITATION Laboratory National Test House (N.R.), Kamla Nehru Nagar, Ghazlabad, Uttar Pradesh Accreditation Standard ISOIIEe 17025: 2005 Discipline Electrical Testing Issue Date 12.08.2016 Certificate Number T-4088 Valid Until 11.08.2018 Last Amended on 10.10.2016 Page 40f34 S. No. Product I Specific Test Performed Test Method Specification Range of Testing I Material of Test against which tests are limits of Detection performed 3. Capacitor for Visual Examination IS 1709: 1984 (RA 2006) Qualitative Electric Fan Amd. 1 & 2 Motors Clause. 5,4 Amd.l&2 Upto25MF Sealing & Heating Test IS 1709: 1984 (RA 2006) 27 'C to 100 'C (*)5 'C Amd.l&2 Clause. 5.5 Voltage Proof Test IS 1709: 1984 (RA 2006) 010IOOOV*5% Amd.l &2 0106kV*5% Clause. 5.6 Voltage Test Between Case IS 1709: 1984 (RA 2006) 1 V 10 1000 V (*)5 % . Amd.l & 2 1 kV to 6 kV (±)5 % Clause. 5.7 Capacitance Measurement IS 1709: 1984 (RA 2006) 10VtolOOOV Test Amd. 1 & 2 1 "fd to 80 "Fd Clause. 5.8 Discharge Resister Test IS 1709: 1984 (RA 2006) Qualitative Amd.1&2 Clause. 5.9 Thennal Stability Test IS 1709: 1984 (RA 2006) 27 'Cto 300'C Amd.l&2 Clause.SJO Self Healing Test IS 1709: 1984 (RA 2006) 10 V to 1500V Amd.l &2 Clause. 5.11 Damp Heat Test IS 1709: 1984 (RA 2006) 1 % to 98 % Humidity Amd.I&2 At 40 °C Clause. 5.12 N. Venkateswaran Convenor Pro ram Mana er HflBL SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Laboratory National Test House (N.R.), Kamla Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh Accreditation Standard ISOIIEC 17025: 2005 Discipline Electrical Testing Issue Date 12.08.2016 Certificate Number T·4088 Valid Until 11.08.2018 Last Amended on 10.10.2016 Page 5 of 34 S. No. Product I Specific Test Performed Test Method Specification Range of Testing I Material of Test against which tests are limits of Detection eerformed CapacitOlr fOlr Endurance IS 1709: 1984 (RA 2006) 100 ·C,IOOO V,50 Hz Electric Fan Amd.l &2 Motor. Clause. 5.13 Amd.l&2 Upto25MF Destruction Test IS 1709: 1984 (RA 2006) Qualitative Amd.1 &2 Clause. 5.14 4. Capacitor For Visual Examination IS 1569: 1976 (RA 2001) Qualitative Fluorescent Amd.1 Lamp Clause. 5.4 Upt025MF Scaling & Heating Test IS 1569: 1976 (RA 2001) 27 ·Cto 100 ·C±.5·C Amd.l Clause. 5.5 Voltage Proof Test IS 1569: 1976 (RA 2001) oto 1000 V (±) 5 % Amd.1 oto 6 kV (±)S % Clause. 5.6 Voltage Test Between Case IS 1569: 1976 (RA 2001) oto 1000 V (±)5 % Amd.l oto 6 kV (±)5 % Clause. 5.7 Capacitance Measurement IS 1569: 1976 (RA 2001) Oto 1000 V Test Amd.l I I1fd to 80 IIFd Clause. 5.8 Discharge Resister Test IS 1569: 1976 (RA 2001) Qualitative Amd.1 Clause. 5.9 Thermal Stability Test IS 1569: 1976 (RA 2001) 27·C to 300· C Amd.l Clause. 5.10 s ok Kumar N. Venkateswaran Convenor Program Manager "ABL SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Laboratory National Test House (N.R.I. Kamla Nehru Nagar. Ghazlabad. Uttar Pradesh Accreditation Standard ISOIIEC 17025: 2005 Discipline Electrical Testing Issue Date 12.08.2016 Certificate Number T-4088 Valid Untlt 11.08.2018 Last Amended on 10.10.2016 Page 60f34 S. No. Product I Specific Test Performed Test Method Specification Range of Testing I Material of Test against which tests are Limits of Detection performed Capacitor For SelfHealing Test IS 1569: 1976 (RA 2001) Oto 1500 V Fluorescent Amd.1 Lamp Clause. 5.11 Upto2SMF Damp Heat Test IS 1569: 1976 (RA 2001) 1 % to 98 % Humidity Amd.l AI400C Clause. 5.12 Endurance IS 1569: 1976 (RA 200 I) 100 'C.1000 V,50 Hz Amd.1 Clause. 5.13 Destruction Test IS 1569: 1976 (RA 2001) Qualitative Amd.l Clause. 5.14 II. TRANSFORMERS AND REACTORS 1. Distribution & Lighting Impulse Voltage Test IS 2026 (Part 3): 2009 20 kV to 1400 kV Power Clause. 13 & 14 Peak Distribution IS 3156: 1992 Clause. 9.6 Tl: 1.2 lIS Transformer. IS 2075: 1992 Clause. 9.8 T2: 50 f.ts Current Transformers Winding Resistance IS 11 80: 2014 1 mO to 10000 Potentlal lEC 60076: 2011 Transformers IS 11171: 1985 Reactors (Transformer of Voltage Ratio & Voltage IS 1180: 2014 2 turns 10 2000 turns upto 33KV,20 Vector Group Test lEC 60076: 2011 All vector group as per of MVA;CT,PTupto IS 11171: 1985 lEC 60076-1 : 2001 400KV) Annexure D No Load & Current IS 1180:2014 Uplo I MVA IEC 60076: 2011 110 V to 2 kV IS 11171: 1985 (10 W to 100 kW) A hokKumar N. Venkateswaran Convenor Program Manager HflBL SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Laboratory National Test House (N.R.), Kamla Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh Accreditation Standard ISOIIEC 17025: 2005 Discipline Electrical Testing Issue Date 12.08.2016 Certificate Number T-4088 Valid Until 11.08.2018 Last Amended on 10.10.2016 Page 70f34 S.No. Product I Specific Test Performed Test Method Specification Range of Testing I Material of Test against which tests are Limits of Detection I!erformed Distribution & Short Ckt Impedance & Load IS 1180: 2014 10WtoiookW Power Loss IEC 60076: 2011 Impedance Upto 50 % Distribution IS 11171: 1985 Transformers Current Insulation Resistance IS 1180: 2014 lrotolOTll Transformers IEC 60076: 2011 500 V to 5000 V DC Potential [S 11171: 1985 Transformers Reactors Temperature Rise IS 1180:2014 Loss: 10 W to 100 kW (Transformer of IEC 60076: 2011 Temp.
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