Private and not for publication BR30018/2 Persons supplied with this Section must make themselves acquainted with it and will be held responsible for the observance of all instructions contained therein so far as they concern them. NETWORK RAIL LNE TERRITORY SECTIONAL APPENDIX TO THE WORKING TIMETABLE AND BOOKS OF RULES AND REGULATIONS SECTION NO. 2 Published by Network Rail LNE Territory (York), Operations & Safety Publications, for and on behalf of all Businesses having lines covered within the boundaries of this Section. YORK Operations and Safety Publications JUNE 2005 N e t w o r k Rail LNE Territory, i s t F l o o r 0 Block, Hudson House, York CONTENTS Pages Line diagrams (the numbers shown are the page numbers in Table A) 2 . 2 List of lines in the sequence used throughout the section 2 . 3 TABLE A D e t a i l s of running lines, maximum permissible speeds and permissible speed restrictions, etc. 2.4 B Special Working Arrangements 2.37 C W o r k i n g of Passenger Trains over Goods lines or Goods Loops 2 . 3 7 E S e c t i o n s of Running Line where a Track Circuit Operating Device 2 . 3 8 (TCOD) may be used In accordance with Rule Book Module T2 F Diesel Multiple Unit Route Clearance 2.39 Fl Electric Multiple Unit Route Clearance 2.41 G Locomotive and Coaching Stock Route Clearance 2.43 J Locomotives assisting in rear of trains 2.46 Local Instructions 2.47 BR30018/2 (04.06.05) 2.1 LINES COVERED IN SECTION 2 SHAFTHOLME JN TO RESTON GSP AND BRANCHES RESTON GSP 2.33 Forth N e w c a s t l e West Jn Banks I - 2 Newcastle East Jn ' 3 6 2.35 K.E.B. North Jn 2.36 K.E.B. South Jn 2.35 High Level Bridge i n K.E.B. East i n (See Section 7) (See Section 7) Skelton i n (See Section 6) 2.34 H o l g a t e Jn 24 SHAFTHOLME JN (See Section 1 and 6) Arrow Denotes Down Direction BR30018/2 (04.06.05) 2.2 Line Headings in sequence TPWS Fitted Page throughout this Section LN600 Shaftholme Jn to Reston GSP Y 2.4 LN618 Holgate Jn to Skelton Jn Y 2.34 * Newcastle East Jn to King Edward Bridge South Jn Y 2.35 (Composite Table) LN620 King Edward Bridge East Jn to King Edward Bridge Y 2 . 3 6 North Jn (East Curve) LN622 Forth Branch Y 2.36 Y = Some or all signals on this route have been fitted with TPWS. N = No signals on this route have been fitted with TPWS. The fitting of TPWS on any route does not restrict the type of traffic allowed over that route. Restrictions for any class of train on any route are given in the DMU, EMU and Locomotive and Coaching Stock tables later in this publication. *This Line Heading comprises : all of LN674 part of LN676 and part of LN627. BR30018/2 (04.06.05) 2.3 Location Mileage Running Lines & Speed Restrictions Signalling & Remarks LN600 SHAFTHOLME IN TO RESTON GSP AC York ECR NRN Channel UM DM 410 5haftholme i n 160 16 11001 (see Section 1) # * I To/From Scunthorpe see Section 6 160 30* 25 Joan Croft i n and LC 30, 160 48 Controlled by Doncaster (D) Signal box 15' 125 Dormer Green LC 161 23 Noblethorpe LC 161 35 Barcroft LC 162 14 Heyworth LC 162 55 Moss LC 163 02 Fenwick LC 164 14 Balne Low Gate LC 165 22 Balne LC 165 74 Heck G.F. 167 19 Controlled by York (Y) Signal box ## / 1# To/From Plasmor Sidings Temple Hirst Jn 169 16 # # # I I I To/From Selby see Section 6 , 7 0 Sectional Appendix Table A Section 2 Page 4 ELJR—ECM2 Dated 4th June 2005 Location Mileage Running Lines & Speed Restrictions Signalling & Remarks UM DM AC York ECR 125 Hambleton South Jn 174 15 0 Controlled by York (Y) Signal box OHNS 174 58 7 I To/From Leeds via Micklefield see Section 6 (Hambleton Jn ISC) /fir's-- 40 #11 To/From Selby/Hull see Section 6 Hambleton North Jn 174 75 40 NRN Channel Change A f at 178 39 •itto , Y I I I To/From Leeds/Sheffield see iSection 6 t U - - - _125 Colton Jn 25 - - - ' Class 373/2 trains must not exceed 182 79 DM 110 mph on the Down Main line between 6 UL 1 0 0 Colton Jn 182 75 and York 186 20 a (No lineside signs are provided for this .------ DL-- speed restriction.) UN = Up Normanton 183 50 70 ON = Down Normanton L Colton North Jn 183 65 70 D 183 77 , I _____________ ___ 4,___ t[?1 i A Eartit Lane LC 184 05 LEe eds line at 184 04 R/G l=t i D vUi a i l 125 100 c Po t Dated 4th June 2005 Sectional Appendix Table A Section 2 P a g e 5 ELR—ECM3/ECM4 w n p e L c n t e g e e L o l n e a s a e n d d s D o w n Location Mileage Running Lines & Speed Restrictions Signalling & Remarks UM DM UL D L AC York ECR 100 NRN Channel •I • , Copmanthorpe No2 185 19 it t Controlled by York (Y) Signal box LC VG 125 , * UL = Up Leeds 186 20* 1l0' 0 100 100 DL = Down Leeds * * * * 186 43* , Class 373/2 trains must not exceed 90 90 110 mph on the Up Main line between York 186 20 and Colton Jn 182 75 (No lineside signs are provided for this speed restriction.) 187 25* * * 60 60 \ 25 \ 187 43 25 \1 I To/From Ho!gate Reception Sidings 11 D/UHGL D/UHGL = Down and Up Ho!gate Goods \ Loop 505m / 1 659 feet /2 5# 90 ) Y / 187 78* 50 - __30A1 90 * * * Holgate Jn 188 07* ,.301 C 1 N Qk S ## To/From Skelton Jn via Slow Lines 40 V see page 2.34 40 t 3 03 4 Sectional Appendix Table A Section 2 P a g e 6 ELR—ECIA41 Dated 4th June 2005 S # # Location Mileage Running Lines & Speed Restrictions Signalling & Remarks UM DM UL AC York ECR A E E A 'WC' NRN Channel 1 T t '31 3 N, Controlled by York (Y) Signal box LSO,T 's# 0 # To/From Parcels Sidings 188 28* „„...1,5V * 1 5 ...— 30 6 , v ,30 l o l l N ,,, , g ,,,, r, V I •V • • • Ki A N NV ;•;•:*•) 4S0 4- - .N A SI e•••• : * , • 4 4 ..4 PP is authorised on Platform : ,,• •VA*4 4•:••, • • * 6.4 lines 3, 4, 5, 9, 10 and 11 for Class 1, 2, 5 York (Y ) 188 38 k I 0 , • •• ••••••4 4.4 PV•V A •'•!****4 NV during service disruption anct for booked YORK 188 40 •••• •••4 ' ON NV and 0 train. i :44 'A• N NV attaching. booked stabling s authonsea in 00 00 N* 4• A• •*4 4•4 platforms 9, 10 and 11 only. 4 •••••• A4,4 e6 •.•• 0 •••• v4 •••, 0 0 • ot14* * •V•• ,N 30 ## Maintenance Siding x • •4 1 5 7 , : 30 1 5 , * -3-0, ### To/From Scarborough see Section 6 i i i i # : , / 1 5 t 300 ' 0 26* * 8 0 7 3 0 1 5 # # # # #### = Loco Line f 1 042 *550 * , 0 60 60 Y Y Sectional Appendix Table A Section 2 P a ge 7 ELR—ECM4/ECM5 Dated 4th June 2005 Location Mileage Running Lines & Speed Restrictions Signalling & Remarks UF OF AC York ECR 1601 NRN Channel 60 !,3 • 1 09* 1 0* 1 23* 5 Controlled by York (Y) Signal box US D S 1 25* # = To/From Ho!gate Jn )fia Slow lines 30 see page 2.34 5 - 30 Skelton J n 1 50* 2550 (L 1 60* * I ## To/From Harrogate see Section 6 2 04 . 0 FyHogsFS) 5.0 3 02* ,30 3 11 - 3 TOWS between 3 00 and 3 20 does Skelton Bridge Jn. 3 0 T not cover Down Slow Line. ° z 3 I 3 17 \0 30 323 3 25* 30 * 3 28* 70 US DS 70 125 Sectional Appendix Table A Section 2 Page 8 ELR—ECM5 Dated 4th June 2005 1 Location Mileage Running Lines & Speed Restrictions Signalling & Remarks US U F OF O S AC York ECR i 125 7 0 NRN Channel 4. Beningbrough 7 01 Footpath LC R/G Controlled by York (Y) Signal box Tollerton 9 39 ti , 7 0 25 1 \ 9 48 i 70 70 I To/From Tollerton Sidings 955 l 9 60* l - 50 10 18 30 7 Hot Axle Box Detector on the Down Slow line, Down Fast line a 65 125 lSessay Wheelchecks on the UF and US at 16 65 l Sectional Appendix Table A Section 2 P a g e 9 ELIR—ECIA5 ) Dated 4th June 2005 i F i s 5 l i n e , U p S l o w l i n e Location Mileage Running Lines & Speed Restrictions Signalling & Remarks US U F I O S AC York ECR 125 OHNS (Dalton I S O 19 09 NRN Channel G ! Controlled by York (Y) Signal box * 20 40* 65 1 * 21 03* 60 21 72 65 / 50 40 21 79 / \ 22 03* * THIRSK 22 16 1 22 18* I # I To/From Thirsk Sidings 22 30* 22 35 ) 5 * 22 60 r1 22 65 30I5V 90s No 81 LC R/G 22 73 ) No 82 LC R/G 23 33 TOWS between 23 60 and 24 60 80 90s 11251 Sectional Appendix Table A Section 2 Page 10 ELR—EC1A5 Dated 4th June 2005 Location Mileage Running Lines & Speed Restrictions Signalling & Remarks US U F DF DS AC York ECR A 11251 80 NRN Channel 90s • i t No 89 LC R/G 27 58 E Controlled by York (Y) Signal box 28 50* 70 28 58 _70' Longlands Jn (Down) 28 68 80 903 28 71* * 28 7 6 '50, 28 77* 50 29 01 Longlands Jn (Up) r 70 29 56 #T5 # To/From Eaglescliffe see Section 7 501 40 ! - NORTHALLERION 29 76 *1: 29 7 8 , 15 I f To/From Northallerton Up Sidings 30 0 9 ## ' 2 High Jn 40 g 40 5i do , / ### igH I To/From Castle Hills see Section 7 Castle Hills Jn 30 5 9 t 15 M 30 6 3 r RL et 31 0 9 —1 RL = Reversing Line mi 1 Hot Axle Box Detector on the Up 125 cgMain Line at 33 50 ?N Sectional Appendix Table A Section 2 P a g e 11 ELR—ECM5 Dated 4th June 2005 o4 hr no mV ur a nl fl eJ in m s s u m o t h s e p r e v e l t s d e i n s h o w w m n n l e L o c a l I n s t r u c t i o n s Location Mileage Running Lines & Speed Restrictions Signalling 8c Remarks UM DM AC York ECR 125 Controlled by Tynesige (T) Signal box OHNS Bi Directional signalling N o r 35 05 to Low Fell Jn 50 mRh maximum (Hutton Bonville FS) .
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