FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 31 • NUMBER 158 Tuesday, August 16, 1966 • Washington, D.C. Pages 10873-10909 Agencies in this issue— Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service Army Department Atomic Energy Commission Civil Aeronautics Board Commodity Credit Corporation Consumer and Marketing Service Customs Bureau Federal Aviation Agency Federal Communications Commission Federal Reserve System Fish and Wildlife Service Food and Drug Administration Geological Survey Interior Department International Commerce Bureau Interstate Commerce Commission Land Management Bureau Oil Import Administration Securities and Exchange Com m ission Small Business Administration Tariff Commission Treasury Department Detailed list of Contents appears inside. ' Volume 79 UNITED STATES STATUTES AT LARGE [89th Cong ., 1st Sess.1 Contains laws and concurrent resolu­ eluded are: a subject index, tables of tions enacted by the Congress during prior laws affected, a numerical listing 1965, reorganization plans, a proposed of bills enacted into public and private amendment to the Constitution, and law, and a guide to the legislative his­ Presidential proclamations. Also in- tory of bills enacted into public law. Price: $9.25 Published by Office of the Federal Resister, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration Order from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 daily. Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on Sundays, Mondays, or FERERAL®REGISTER_ day after an official Federal holiday), by the Office of the Federal Register, National Area Code 202 Phone 963-3261 ^rc?*ves and Records Service, General Services Administration (mail address National Federal Register Aoi"Tflnnrnmri o« ioqk ^ llding’ Washington, D.C. 20408), pursuant to the authority contained in the i s t r S e C o ^ itt ^ fn f ^ l 935 (49 Sta> ®00’ 88 amended; 44 U.S.C., ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the Admin- (1 ° h- 11 • DteWb'rt“ “ <■ A by the Superintendent advance by m^U subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in eachT dditiSil S-mm c°Pies11va^les ^ proportion to the size of the issue (15 cents for the first 80 pages and 5 cents for Govem^ent^rintiiS K ^ Ch6Ck OT m°ney order’ made Payable to the Superintendent of Documents, suanT^to^eSio^n^f^^ wfiLt^1^ herein is keyed to the Code op F ederal Regulations, which is published, under 50 titles, pur- Documents Frieda nr tJSkJw!*1*1' I?fflster ^ct’ 83 amended. The Code op F ederal Regulations is sold by the Superintendent' of Theie are i r ^ s t r i S ^ * P°cket supplements are listed in the first Federal R egister issue of each month. s on the republication of material appearing in the F ederal R egister or th e Code op F ederal R egulations. Contents AGRICULTURAL STABILIZATION Proposed Rule Making Proposed Rule Making Fresh prunes grown in designated Antioxidants used as chemical AND CONSERVATION SERVICE counties in Washington and in preservatives of fatty emul­ Rules and Regulations Umatilla County, Oregon; ex­ sifiers________ .______________ 10888 Determination of acreage and penses and rate of assessment— 10888 Cheese and cheese products; pro­ compliance; miscellaneous Irish potatoes grown in Colorado; posed amendment of identity amendments-------------------------- 10877 proposed expenses and rate of standards___________________ 10889 assessment _______________ — 10888 Drugs; official names________ — 10890 Frozen desserts; proposed amend­ AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT CUSTOMS BUREAU ment of identity standards- ------ 10889 See Agricultural Stabilization and Notices Conservation.Service; Commod­ Rules and Regulations ity Credit Corporation, Con­ Vessels in foreign and domestic Coca-Cola Co.; filing of petition sumer and Marketing Service. trades; Syrian Arab Republic; for food additive_____ —-------- 10903 special tonnage tax and light GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ARMY DEPARTMENT m o n ey _______________- 10885 Notices Rules and Regulations DEFENSE DEPARTMENT Wyoming; coal land classification Claims arising from negligence of See Army Department. (2 documents)_____ ___ 10898 military personnel or civilian employees under Federal Torts FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND Act____ ____________________ 10886 Rules and Regulations WELFARE DEPARTMENT ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Alterations: See Food and Drug Administra­ Proposed Rule Making Restricted area--------------------- 10885 tion. Transition area____ ________ _ 10885 Licensing of production and utili­ Certifications; prerequisites for INTERIOR DEPARTMENT zation facilities; technical spec­ written tests_______ — ---------- 10884 See also Fish and Wildlife Serv­ ifications for facility licenses; Restricted areas and controlled safety analysis reports------------- 10891 ice; Geological Survey; Land airspace; designation and alter­ Management Bureau; Oil Im­ ation; correction____ ____— 10885 CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD port Administration. Proposed Rule Making Notices Proposed Rule Making Transition area; proposed desig­ Administrator, Southwestern Pow­ Air taxi operations in Hawaii; re­ nation _______ ._____________ 10895 er Administration, et al.; notice moval of regulatory limitations- 10894 Notices of basic compensation------------ 10898 Notices Policy governing use of Washing­ Hearings, etc.: ton National Airport; postpone­ INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE Aerovias Condor de Colombia, ment of effective date—_____ 10905 BUREAU Ltda______________________ 10903 Aloha Airlines, Inc., and Hawai­ FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS Notices ian Airlines, Inc___ _____ L— 10903 COMMISSION Woodham T r a d in g Ltd., and, Leeward Islands Air Transport Glovet T r a d e r s Ltd.; order Services, Ltd______________ 10905 Proposed Rule Making extending temporary denial of Radio broadcast services; rebroad­ export privileges_____________ 10902 cast_________________ 10887 COMMERCE DEPARTMENT INTERSTATE COMMERCE See International Commerce Bu­ Notices reau. Hearings, etc.: COMMISSION Iowa State University of Science Notices COMMODITY CREDIT and Technology (WOI)-------- 10905 Fourth section application for T. V. Broadcasters, Inc., and relief_______________________ 10907 CORPORATION Tri-City Broadcasting Co., Notices I n c _________ ,_____________ 10905 Motor carrier temporary author­ Sales of certain commodities; Au­ ity applications______________ 10906 gust sales list__ _________ ___ 10898 FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Southern Pacific Company; ade­ Proposed Rule Making quacy of passenger service be­ tween California and Louisiana. 10907 CONSUMER AND MARKETING Foreign activities of national SERVICE banks______ 10895 LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU Rules and Regulations FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Notices Irish potatoes grown in certain Rules and Regulations Outer continental shelf off Louisi­ designated counties in Idaho Migratory game birds; open sea­ ana ; oil and gas lease sale; cor­ and Malheur County, Oregon; rection _____________________ 10898 approval of expenses and rate sons, bag limits, and possession; of assessment_____ _________ 10883 correction______ _____________ 10887 OIL IMPORT ADMINISTRATION Meat inspection regulations; re­ FOOD AND DRUG Rules and Regulations inspection and preparation of products; approval of sub­ ADMINISTRATION Oil Import Administration Bulle­ stances for use in bacon_____ 10884 Rules and Regulations tin 2; allocations—refiners and petrochemical plants______ __ 10887 Peaches grown in Mesa County, Food additive; polysorbate 80----- 10886 (Continued on next page) Colo.; expenses and rate of Nonalcoholic b e v e r a g e s ; soda assessment _________________ 10883 water_______________________ 10886 10875 10876 CONTENTS SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE SMALL BUSINESS TREASURY DEPARTMENT COMMISSION ADMINISTRATION See also Customs Bureau. Notices Notices Notices Hearings, etc.: Syracuse Regional Area; delega­ Lincoln Printing Co_________ 10905 tion of authority to conduct Bulk, crude, undried solar salt United Security Life Insurance program activities___ _______ 10908 from Mexico; determination of Co_-------- — ---------------------- 10905 sales at not less than fair value. 10898 TARIFF COMMISSION Notices Leather work shoes from Czecho­ slovakia; determination of no injury or likelihood thereof___ 10906 List of CFR Parts Affected (Codification Guide) The following numerical guide is a list of the parts of each title of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in today's issue. A cumulative list of parts affected, covering the current month to date appears at the end of each issue beginning with the second issue of the month. A cumulative guide is published separately at the end of each month, The guide lists the parts and sections affected by documents published since January 1, 1966, and specifies how they are affected. 7 CFR 14 CFR 21 CFR 718__________ _______. ____ 10877 61------------------- 10884 31 ----------------------------------------- 10886 919 — _____________ ______.10883 63---------------------------------------------10884 121------------------------ ----------------- 10886 945 . _____ 10883 65----------------------------- 10884 P roposed R ules: P roposed R ules : 71 (2 documents)_______________ 10885 73------------ ------ - ______________ 10885 5____________ 10888 924 ________10888 19 _______________ 10889 948___________________ ________ 10888 P roposed R ules: 20 ___ 10889 71-------------------------- 10895 138____________________________ 10890 298----------------- 10894 9 CFR 32 CFR 318___ _____________ .— ___ 10884 19 CFR 536—___________________ 10886 4----------------------
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