tiimmiiimiiiimiiiiiiifimiiuiiiiiimmiiiiiimiimimmii........... THE THE MALCOLM X MILITANT MURDER TRIAL Published in the Interest of the Working People — See page 2 — Vol. 30 - No. 6 Monday, February 7, 1966 Price 10c :iiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii»iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iitiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiittiiiiirttiiiinttiiH iiii(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Escalate the Antiwar Movement — Bring the Troops Back Home! By the Editors Johnson’s decision to resume bombing of north Vietnam marks a new stage in the escalation of the Vietnam war. It demonstrates conclusively that the so-called “peace offensive” was nothing but a maneuver intended to lull antiwar sentiment in the United States and the world. Even during the “peace offensive,” the U. S. escalated the war in the south through intensified bombings of villages and homes with jellied gasoline fire bombs, a massive troop buildup, and large-scale troop actions. Johnson now intends to intensify the war still further in both north and south Vietnam, sending ever greater numbers of Ameri­ can boys to kill and be killed in this unjust and counterrevolu­ tionary war. This new escalation is not only a further violation of the rights and lives of the Vietnamese people, which is horrible and inhuman enough. It is also one more step on the road to a major confrontation with China and the Soviet Union, and to the nuclear destruction of a third world war. The “ peace offensive” and the cynical use Johnson has made of the demand for “negotiations” as a cover for intensified ag­ gression have shown the impotence of this demand as a focus for the antiwar movement. The most effective demand the movement can make is the call for the immediate withdrawal of U. S. troops, in order to end the war now and allow the Vietnamese to decide their own fate and future. The day after the bombing of north Vietnam was resumed, a significant protest demonstration was held in New York. We urge everyone who is against this war to speak out and act now to oppose this new escalation. Stop the bombing of north and south Vietnam! Bring the troops home now! PROTEST ACTION. Scene at New York’s Times Square Feb. 1 as more than 1,000 opponents of U.S. war in Vietnam marched to denounce Johnson’s escalation of war through renewal of bomb­ Support Mounts ing of north Vietnam. The turnout was particularly gratifying in that the action was held on short notice day after the announcement of renewed bombing. Organized by individuals representing a wide range of antiwar and radical organizations, the protesters marched from the United Nations across 42nd St. to demonstration site. Thirty-two were arrested when they sat down in the middle For Julian Bond of Broadway stalling traffic for blocks. Earlier, pacifists held a 24-hour peace vigil at the UN. The protest generated by the The court quickly and piously racist expulsion of Julian Bond ruled that there was no evidence from his elected seat in the that Bond had been ousted because Georgia state legislature reached of his race. However, the judges a significant new point when the agreed to hear further argument chief United Nations delegates on “ the many novel and impor­ LBJ's Renewal of Bombing from 15 African nations held an tant issues” in Bond’s suit to force unprecedented luncheon in Bond’s the Georgia House of Representa­ honor. It was held in a UN din­ tives to take him in. ing room Jan. 21 w ith the press The judges said the case re­ invited. Among the guests were volved around Bond’s constitution­ Rev. M artin Luther King and Har­ Means Wider, Bloodier War ally guaranteed right of free ry Belafonte. speech but one of the judges was By Dick Roberts “ There has been considerable The argument in favor of a quick to add the assertion that Belafonte has sparked the or­ FEB. 1 — “ More men, more talk here in the last few weeks,” lim ited war which Reston himself ganization of the Citizens Com­ persons do not have the right of planes, more ships, more money, Reston wrote, “ of a tactical switch supported was advanced by a sig­ free speech when their statements mittee for Julian Bond. Dr. King more materiel, more wounded, to an American strategy of con­ nificant coalition in Washington. constitute a “clear and present joined as co-complainant in Bond’s more dead,” the New York Times centrating on the consolidation This bloc included at least the danger” to the country. legal action to have the federal stated editorially in this morning’s and defense of the United States following: 29 senators including judiciary order the Georgia leg­ Ready to Appeal paper, “ —these are the unmen­ bases and the protection of wide William Fulbright and Mike islature to restore him to the seat tioned but probable sequels to the perimeters around the major south Mansfield, the leaders of the Sen­ to which he was elected last June. If the outcome of the present resumption of the bombing of Vietnamese cities. ate Foreign Relations Committee, The 26-year-old public relations court action is unfavorable, Bond north Vietnam . President John­ “ The President, however,” Res­ 77 congressmen, and Generals director of the Student Nonviolent is expected to appeal it to the son argued that ‘if continued im­ ton continued, “ is reported to be James M. Gavin and Matthew Coordinating Committee was ex­ Supreme Court. Meanwhile he is munity’ were given to north Viet­ scoffing at this defensive strategy Ridgeway, former Chief of Staff pelled from the legislature Jan. prepared to run again for his va­ nam, ‘the cost in lives — Vietna­ as ‘slow surrender,’ though some under the Eisenhower administra­ 10 after declaring his agreement cated seat in Atlanta’s predom­ mese, Americans and allied — w ill of the highest officers of the Pen­ tion and a commander during the w ith a SNCC policy statement inantly Negro 136th District. be greatly increased.’ tagon have estimated that even Korean War. blasting the U.S. war in Vietnam. SNCC has indicated that this “ But if 100,000 or even 500,000 this strategy of linking the coastal A leak to the New York Times, At the UN luncheon, Bond de­ time he may run as an indepen­ more American troops are sent to ‘enclaves’ and protecting the cities Jan. 29, indicated that it included dent rather than as a Democrat clared the U. S. “should get out” Vietnam, as is predicted,” the would require a minimum of 500,- unnamed top officials as well: of Vietnam without waiting for as he did previously. Times editorial continued, “many 000 American soldiers and take a “President Johnson,” Max Fran- negotiations. The mounting support fo r Bond’s more lives are surely going to be minimum of five years to be ef­ kel wrote from Washington, “is fight was indicated when the List of Countries lost. What was a morass is becom­ fective. said to have been told by his sen­ Citizens Committee was able to ing a bottomless pit.” “ What the President has said in ior advisers that it would take at The countries represented at the take an advertisement of nearly This somber note is far from effect,” Reston emphasizes, “ is least six or seven years of m ili­ luncheon for Bond were Algeria, a fu ll page in the New York being a journalistic exaggeration. that the objective of the American tary action to bring about a sat­ the Congo (Brazzaville), Ethiopia, Times to appeal for aid. The ad It reflects the fact that the real force in Vietnam is to break the isfactory situation in south Viet­ Guinea, Kenya, Libya, Mali, Mal­ included statements of support for question which had been decided fighting will and power of the nam. Even this estimate of pro­ awi, Mauritania, Nigeria, the Su­ Bond by 32 Congressmen and a in Washington was not simply that enemy, and even the most con­ tracted conflict depends upon the dan, the United Arab Republic, host of notables in all walks of of resuming the bombing of north servative general officers here gradual commitment of many more Tanzania and Zambia. life. Vietnam. New York Times asso­ think the United States w ill have American troops, it is said — per­ The hearing in the court ac­ Contributions to aid in the fight ciate editor James Reston spelled to go well above half a million if haps half a m illion more.” tion initiated by Bond and Dr. may be sent to the Citizens Com­ out the full implications of the the strategy of searching out and The viewpoints of these men are K ing opened before a three-judge mittee for Julian Bond, Suite 803, bombing resumption in an article destroying the enemy is even to not to be taken light-mindedly. federal panel in Atlanta Jan. 28 100 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. from Washington of the same have a chance, let alone succeed.” Walter Lippmann stated their and was slated to resume Feb. 3. 10011. date: (Emphasis added) (Continued on Page 4) Page Two THE MILITANT Monday, February 7, 1966 Malcolm X Murder Trial By Herman Porter attended in Chicago — but could NEW YORK, Feb. 1 — Five not recall anything else about the eyewitnesses have testified so far trip, the name of the bus line he in the trial of three men accused used, the fare, or the time it took. of murdering Malcolm X, but not Most of his testimony concerned much light has been shed on some Hayer. He said that he was seated on the right side of the auditor­ of labor gangsters. The French of the questions surrounding the Mike Quill, president of the ium when a man stood up and Revolution would not have oc­ case.
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