Computer No.125891 F.No.13/5/2021 -MsDP-MOMA Government of India Ministry of Minority Affairs PMJVK Branch 11h Floor, Pt. Deendayal Antyodaya Bhavan C.G.O. Complex, Lodhi Road New Delhi-110003 Dated: 26.03.2021 To The Pay & Accounts Officer Ministry of Minority Affairs Pt. Deendayal Antyodya Bhavan New Delhi Subject: Grant in aid of 1st installment under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Pradhan Mantri Jan Vikas Karyakram to Government of Manipur. Sir, I am directed to convey sanction of the President for release of an amount of Rs. 20,06,18,000/-(Rupees Twenty Crore Six Lakh Eighteen Thousand Only) as 1st installment of Central Share to the Government of Manipur for implementing the scheme "Pradhan Mantri Jan Vikas Karyakram (erstwhile MsDP )" for Minority Concentration Areas in State of Manipur for the year 2020-21 as per the details enclosed at Annexure-I. The non-recurring grant may be released to the Govt. of Manipur through CAS, Reserve Bank of India, Nagpur. 2. The State Government should ensure that proportionate share of 50% of State share for the project mentioned at Annexure-I is released to the implementing agency along with Central share. The approval is subject to condition laid down by EC as detailed in the minutes of the meeting, conveyed to concern vide OM No. 13/62/2020-MsDP-MOMA dated 12.01.2021. 3. The expenditure is debitable to Demand No.69, Ministry of Minority Affairs Major Head- "3601" Grant-in-aid to State Government, 06- Grants for State Plan Schemes (Sub Major Head), 101 -General-(Welfare of Schedule Casts/Schedule Tribes, Other Backward Classes and Minorities) -other grants (Minor Head), 64-Pradhan Mantri Jan Vikas Karyakram for minorities, 64.00.35 Grant for creation of capital assets the year 2020-21. 4 Since it is a fresh release for the plan of PMJVK, no UC is pending. Utilization Certificate for this grant should be submitted by the State in the prescribed format within 12 months of the closure of financial year. As per the conditions contained in para 12.5 of the guideline of PMJVK, (i) Quarterly Progress Report, (ii) Utilization Certificate, (iii) Report regarding release of the State share and (iv) Photographs of the Assets so far created, should also be furnished. 5. The sanction is issued on the commitment given by the State Govt. that villages/locations having a substantial minority population will be/has been selected for the projects mentioned at Annexure-I and that duplication will not take place. ~ -~ -1-a 9Mk9%.g._,ME2$1%5 "7A" .9±±fa? '«o?:. ' c5so"'. " 0°°" 6. The State Government should ensure that a board containing information as per Template enclosed at Annexure-III is displayed at the site. After completion of projects, a permanent display would be installed. 7. This is to certify that the present sanction/ expenditure are covered under MEP for the month of March, 2021 and Integrated Finance Division (IFD) has approved the expenditure during the 4h quarter of the financial year 2020-21. 8. Funds should be released by the State Govt. to the implementing agencies immediately upon receipt of the same from Govt. of India and as per the directions of Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance; parking of funds at any level is strictly prohibited. 9. Utilization of the above-mentioned amount by the State Government is subject to the terms and conditioned at Annexure-II. 10. This sanction issues with concurrence of IFD Note No. 16 of File no. 13/5/2021 dated 22.03.2021. It is noted at S. No. 132 in the Grant-in-aid Register. Y~aithfully, Under Secretary to the·~)t. of India •••Tel: 011-24302534 Copy to:• 1. The Accountant General, Manipur 2. Manager Reserve Bank of India, Central Account Section, Nagpur-440001. 3. Secretary, Minority Affairs Department, Govt. of Manipur 4. Secretary, Finance Department, Govt. of Manipur 5. Director General of Audit, Central Revenues, AGCR Building, New Delhi-2. 6. District Magistrate/Collector, Concerned Districts of Manipur 7. Sanction folder. 8. MoMA-NIC Computer Cell (Shri Naeem Ahmed, Senior Technical Direc~r) for website updation $,8 (Shubhend~ , . ti'~~~~ 1 Under Secretarv to~, -~. 0 ti:~ef~z~•a a "91eloi>1g43e@ 534 . " oll"\il"I _ ./ ~ is',a. emn a,,+,ala, Ne" QO-.,t_O Annexure-I Project approved under Pradhan Matri Jan Vikas Karyakram in the 30h EC Meeting held on 23.12.2020 and 28.12.2020 for implementation in Minority Concentration Areas (MCAs) of Manipur. Rs. in lakhs SL N District Block/ Project Name of projec Sha No.o Unite Centr States [Total c 1st Inst 0 MCA Type t ring f Unit ost alsha hare ost alment Rati s re to be Re 0 leased In Rs. lakh 1 Chandel Chakpi PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 karong PHSC building 0 at Khubung Kh ullen 2 Chandel Machi PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 PHSC building 0 at Nungourok 3 Tengnou Machi PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 pal PHSC building 0 at Samanphai 4 Tengnou Moreh PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 pal PHSC building 0 at Kwatha Khu nou 5 Churach Hengle PHSC Construction of 90:1 1 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 andpur p PHSC building 0 atTokpa Khun OU 6 Churach Hengle PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 andpur p PHSC building 0 atSanting 7 Churach Hengle PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 andpur p PHSC building 0 at Keirap-Khull en 8 Churach Hengle PHSC Construction of 90:1 1 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 andpur p PHSC building 0 atSongdo 9 Churach Singnga PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 andpur t PHSC building 0 at G. Bualjang 10 Churach Singnga PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 andpur t PHSC building 0 at Allusingtam 11 Pherzawl[Thanlon PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 PHSC Building 0 atHanship ~ ka 1a T <asg?ssno 3$j~),1.pt@2±o,>'22'"°"'%~'" t ° cs"• 12 Pherzawl[Thanlon PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 PHSC building 0 at Milongrnun 13 Pherzawl[Thanlon PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 PHSC building 0 at Phunchongja ng 14 Pherzawl[Tipaim PHSC Construction of 90:1 1 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 ukh PHSC Building 0 at Parvachom 15 Pherzawl Tipaim PHSC Construction of 90:1 1 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 ukh PHSC Building 0 atTinsuong 16 Pherzawl[Tipaim PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 ukh PHSC building 0 atTaiphu 17 Pherzawl Vangai PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 PHSC building 0 at Buangrnun 18 Pherzawl Vangai PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 PHSC Building 0 atKangrang 19 Pherzawl Vangai PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 PHSC Building 0 at Ngampabun g 20 Senapati Mao Ma PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 ram PHSC building 0 atSadim 21 Senapati Mao Ma PHSC Construction of 90:1 1 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 ram PHSC building 0 at Rajaimei 22 Senapati Mao Ma PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 ram PHSC building 0 atChakumai 23 Kangpok Kangpo PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 pi kpi PHSC Building 0 atMakui 24 Kangpok Kangpo PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 pi kpi PHSC Building 0 at Thonglang A kutpa 25 Kangpok Saikul PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 pi PHSC Building 0 atlland 26 Tamengl Tamei PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 2832 ong PHSC building 0 M,s,e' l'l at Nurathel PH ec h 3 ef.as i,,1,;, 3°as 9" s SC \ %.,%%2 • a6°E?LA . J do «I z f a 27 Tamengl Tameng PHSC Construction of 90:1 1 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 ong long PHSC building 0 at Puching PHS C 28 Tamengl Tameng PHSC Construction of 90:1 1 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 ong long PHSC building 0 at Akhui PHSC 29 Tamengl [Tameng[PHSC Construction of 90:1 1 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 ong long PHSC building 0 at Kabonram P HSC 30 Tamengl Tousem PHSC Construction of 90:1 1 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 ong PHSC building 0 atAbenPHSC 31 [Tamengl Tousem PHSC Construction of 90:1 1 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 ong PHSC building 0 atlmpaPHSC 32 Tamengl Tousem PHSC Construction of 90:1 1 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 ong PHSC building 0 at Phaitol PHS C 33 Noney Khoupu PHSC Construction of 90:1 1 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 m PHSC building 0 at Luwanglong 34 Noney Khoupu PHSC Construction of 90:1 1 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 m PHSC building 0 atThangal 35 Noney Nungba PHSC Construction of 90:1 1 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 PHSC building 0 at Khongshang 36 Noney Nungba PHSC Construction of 90:1 1 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 PHSC building 0 at Longpi 37 Noney TamengPHSC Construction of 90:1 1 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 long PHSC building 0 atRangkhung 38 Noney Tameng PHSC Construction of 90:1 1 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 long PHSC building 0 at Nagaching 39 Noney Tameng PHSC Construction of 90:1 1 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 long PHSC building 0 atThingra 40 Ukhrul [Chingai[PHSC Construction of 90:1 1 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 PHSC building 0 atTusomCV H41 Ukhrul Chingai PHSC Construction of 90:1 1 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 PHSC building 0 at Ngainga \ H42 Ukhrul Chingai PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 PHSC building 0 at Pushing 43 Ukhrul Lungch PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 ong Mai PHSC building 0 phei at Ringui H44 Kamjong Kamjon PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 g PHSC building 0 at Sahamphung 45 Kamjong Kamjon PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 g PHSC building 0 atNambisa H46 Kamjong Phungy PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 ar PHSC building 0 at Tangkhul Hu ndung 47 Kamjong Kamjon PHSC Construction of 90:11 62.94 56.65 6.29 62.94 28.32 g PHSC building 0 at Ningthi 48 Tamengl Tameng Infrastr Construction of 90:11 1500.
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