Definit ions Cannabis A Acidic Form Natural cannabinoid form from within the trichom es of raw cannabis flowers that have a carboxyl ring or group (COOH) attached to their chain. Alcohol Ext ract ion Process by which the cannabis plant is stripped of essential oils and trichom es using ethyl or isopropyl alcohol. Once the extra plant m aterial is filtered out and the rem aining alcohol is evaporated, sticky hash oil rem ains. B Broad Spect rum Unrefined extract from the hem p plant that has not been refined to contain Hem p Oil/Ext ract only specific cannabinoids and plant parts, but one or m ore constituents (e.g. THC) has been rem oved. But ane Hash Oil Process by which cannabis flowers are treated with butane creating an Ext ract ion am ber resin known as wax or shatter. This process allows tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) to becom e soluble. C Cannabinoid Any of a group of closely related com pounds which include cannabinol and the active constituents of cannabis. C21 or C22 (for the carboxylated form s) terpenophenolic com pounds, their carboxylic acids, analogs and transform ation products that act on cannabinoid receptors within the endocannabinoid system of anim als. Cannabinoids exist in three prim ary form s, distinguished by their sources: (a) phytocannabinoids, (b) endocannabinoids, and (c) synthetically produced cannabinoids SQF Cannabis Definitions Guide 1 Definit ions Cannabis C Cannabinoid Profile The com bined am ount of each cannabinoid that m ake up the plant or product. Cannabis Cannabis is a plant genus that produces three species of flowering plants: - Cannabis sativa L. a subspecies of Cannabis, is known as Hem p (see definition). Varieties have a THC content of less than 0.3%. Hem p is a non- psychoactive form of cannabis. Cannabis sativa L. is generally tall and random ly branched, high in fibre and grain. It is low in THC. Many fibre and grain products and industrial uses have been m ade from Cannabis sativa L. (hem p) - Cannabis indica has poor fibre quality and is used to m ake drugs for recreation and m edicine. The plant is relatively short, conical and densely branched. Cannabis indica tend to have a higher ? 9- THC and a lower Cannabidiol (CBD) content than C. sativa L. Marijuana (see definition), dependent on the strain, can have THC concentrations of 18% to 38%. - Cannabis Ruderalis a low- THC cannabis variety that is prim arily selected by breeders for its CBD- rich genetics. Unlike Cannabis sativa L. and indica, which use light cycles to flower, ruderalis is an ?autoflowering? variety, m eaning it flowers with age. Originating in Russia, ruderalis is a hardy plant that can survive harsh clim ates. CBC Cannabichrom ene, CBC is a powerful, non- psychoactive cannabinoid, has the sam e origins as both THC and CBD do in that they all stem from Cannabigerolic acid (CBGA). Cannabis plants produce CBGA, the precursor to three m ajor cannabinoids: tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA), cannabidiolic acid (CBDA), and cannabichrom enic acid (CBCA). SQF Cannabis Definitions Guide 2 Definit ions Cannabis C CBD Cannabidiol, CBD is the abbreviation for cannabidiol, one of the cannabinoids found in cannabis plants. CBD does not cause psychoactive effects (the ?high?) associated with THC. CBD is an antagonist to THC and is non- psychoactive as it blocks the form ation of 11- OH- THC and m itigates the psychoactive effects of THC. CBD has becom e popular for its therapeutic effects. CBDA Cannabidiolic Acid is an active ingredient in cannabis derived from the hem p plant and m olecular precursor to CBD. CBG Cannabigerol is a non- psychoactive cannabinoid that plays an im portant role in the biochem istry of the cannabis plant. CBG acts as a chem ical precursor to other cannabinoids such as THC and CBD. CBGA Cannabigerolic Acid is, the precursor to three m ajor cannabinoids: tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA), cannabidiolic acid (CBDA), and cannabichrom enic acid (CBCA). CBN Cannabinol, com es from the Cannabis sativa plant and serves as an indication of THC content and THC degradation. CFIA Canadian Food Inspection Agency is a regulatory agency that is dedicated to the safeguarding of food, anim als, and plants, which enhance the health and well- being of Canada's people, environm ent and econom y. Working under Health Canada is it responsible for ensuring com pliance to the Safe Food for Canadians Regulation. SQF Cannabis Definitions Guide 3 Definit ions Cannabis C Concent rat e (or Refers to any m aterial created by refining cannabis flowers or by synthesizing Ext ract ) phytocannabinoids. The substance is obtained by separating naturally occurring chem ical constituents of Cannabis, such as cannabinoids, from insoluble Cannabis plant m aterial by m echanical, chem ical, or other processes. Concentrates or extracts have m uch higher cannabinoid concentration. Som etim e referred to as Cannabis Extracts. They m ay: I. Contain solvents in allowable am ounts and Ingredients used to prom ote a desired physical state, texture, or flavor in the Cannabis Concentrate, but no other Ingredients; and II. Be intended for use in the production of Cannabis- Infused Products; or III. Be a finished product intended for hum an consum ption or use. Crude Hem p Is an unrefined extract that contains all com pounds found naturally occurring Oil/Ext ract in the Cannabis plant, including terpenes, essential oils and other cannabinoids from the hem p plant that has not been refined to contain only specific cannabinoids and plant parts. Also known as Full Spectrum Hem p Oil/Extract D DEA The Drug Enforcem ent Adm inistration is a United States federal law enforcem ent agency under the United States Departm ent of Justice, tasked with com bating drug trafficking and distribution within the United States. The DEA is the lead agency for dom estic enforcem ent of the Controlled Substances Act. Decarboxy lat ion The process by which, when exposed to heat, the carboxyl ring or group (COOH) is rem oved. During decarboxylation, Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) is converted to THC and Cannabidiolic acid (CBDA) is converted to CBD (Cannabidiol). SQF Cannabis Definitions Guide 4 Definit ions Cannabis D Dosage/Dosing Individualized am ount of cannabinoids within a product. Dosing depends on titration, which is the process of increasing m edication am ounts until the desired effect is achieved. Dronabinol (Marinol A synthetic THC pharm aceutical approved in the U.S. for the reduction of and Sy ndros) nausea and vom iting in cancer chem otherapy and increased appetite in HIV- wasting disease. Dry Biom ass Dried whole of m illed plant m aterial of cultivars of Cannabis spp. DSHEA The Dietary Supplem ent Health and Education Act of 1994, is a 1994 statute of United States Federal legislation which defines and regulates dietary supplem ents. Under the act, supplem ents are effectively regulated by the FDA for Good Manufacturing Practices under 21 CFR Part 111. E Edibles (also see Edibles are m edicated edible goods that have been infused with cannabis Ingestible extracts. They are com m only baked goods such as cookies and brownies, but Cannabis- Infused options as varied as flavored coffee drinks, breads, and candies exist as well. Product) Dispensaries also often sell m arijuana- infused butters or oils for patients or consum ers to m ake their own edibles. Consum ing edibles m eans the active com ponents from the extracts require longer to take effect as they need to be absorbed through the digestive system . SQF Cannabis Definitions Guide 5 Definit ions Cannabis E Endocannabinoid Is a biological system com posed of a group of receptors that m ake up a very Sy st em (ECS) com plex regulatory system throughout the hum an brain, body, and central and peripheral nervous system s. The m ain function of the ECS is to m aintain the body?s internal stability (hom eostasis) by adjusting the flow of neurotransm itters and regulating bodily functions, including appetite, sleep, em otion, and m ovem ent. Endocannabinoids Are endogenous (m ade within the body) lipid- based retrograde neurotransm itters that bind to cannabinoid receptors, and cannabinoid receptor proteins that are expressed throughout the vertebrate central nervous system (including the brain) and peripheral nervous system . Epidiolex A cannabidiol drug, approved by the Food and Drug Adm inistration in 2018 for treatm ent of epilepsy associated with Lennox?Gastaut syndrom e or Dravet syndrom e in patients 2 years of age and older. Ext ract ion The different processes by which cannabinoids within the plant can be extracted for use. These processes include alcohol extraction, butane hash oil extraction, etc. F FDA The Food and Drug Adm inistration (or also USFDA) is a federal agency of the United States Departm ent of Health and Hum an Services, one of the United States federal executive departm ents. The FDA is responsible for protecting and prom oting public health through the control and supervision of food safety, tobacco products, dietary supplem ents, prescription and over- the- counter pharm aceutical drugs (m edications), vaccines, biopharm aceuticals, blood transfusions, m edical devices, electrom agnetic radiation em itting devices (ERED), cosm etics, anim al foods & feed and veterinary products. SQF Cannabis Definitions Guide 6 Definit ions Cannabis F Fem inized Fem inized plants com e from seeds that have been selectively bred to produce only fem ale plants. Since fem ale plants are the ones that produce flowers (which is where m ost of cannabis? cannabinoids are found), they are the only ones that are used to create cannabinoid containing products. Flow er Known as the hairy or sticky parts of the plant which are harvested for consum ption in various products, also known as the reproductive organs of the plant.
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