THE URV VALORIZATION AND CTTi 2018 URV FOUNDATION TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION COMMERCIALIZATION UNIT CLIENTS TRANSFER CENTER The Technology Transfer and Innovation Center is The UV-URV commercializes the industrial and ACEITES ESPECIALES DEL MEDITERRANEO, SA DEPARTAMENT D’EMPRESA I CONEIXEMENT. INSYLO TECHNOLOGIES, SLU ACTIVITY OVERVIEW 2018 the URV Valorization and Commercialization Unit intellectual property of the URV by protecting and ACTIVA MUTUA 2008 GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA INTELLECT LTD and is part of the Network of Valorization valorizing its assets so that they can be licensed or ADMINISTRACIÓ DE LA COMUNITAT AUTONÒMA DE LES DEPARTAMENT D’UNIVERSITATS, RECERCA I SOCIETAT DE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR DEMOCRACY & (UV-URV) ILLES BALEARS LA INFORMACIÓ. GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA ELECTORAL ASSISTANCE Units of ACCIÓ. spin-os created. AGÈNCIA CATALANA DE L’AIGUA DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN, UNIVERSIDADES E IRISON LABS, SLU AGÈNCIA DE SUPORT A L’EMPRESA CATALANA INVESTIGACIÓN. GOBIERNO VASCO ITTERIA GLOBAL SERVICES, SL transfer infrastructures (Viver CTTi and this year we have begun managing grants for AJUNTAMENT DE CAMARLES DIPUTACIÓ DE TARRAGONA JUVE & CAMPS, SA INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (IP) AJUNTAMENT DE LA POBLA DE MAFUMET DIRECCIÓ D’ATENCIÓ PRIMÀRIA DE CAMP DE TARRAGONA KAITEKI ISTITUTE Espais URV). This year the total funding the valuation of knowledge and research to AJUNTAMENT DE L’ALDEA DOW CHEMICAL IBERICA, SL KAMLEON VENTURES, SL received by the CTTi was €5,661,946, which business (R2B). As a result, 5 projects have Since its creation in 2000, the CTTi manages the protection of knowledge derived from the URV's research. The Industrial and Intellectual Property area (IP) is responsi- AJUNTAMENT DE MORA D'EBRE DR HEALTHCARE KING ABDULLAH CITY FOR ATOMIC AND RENEWABLE ENERGY includes contracts with companies and been selected and co-financed with €80,000. ble for presenting and monitoring patent applications to the Spanish Patent and Trademark Oice (OEPM), the European Patent Oice (EPO) and for filing PCT interna- AJUNTAMENT DE PALAMÓS EDITORES ASOCIADOS, SC LA CREU BLANCA, SL organisations, grants and donations AJUNTAMENT DE REUS ELIX POLYMERS, SL LABORATORIOS ROVI, SA tional protection applications, deposits to the Benelux Oice for Intellectual Property (BOIP) of works and computer programs, and other related actions, such as the received and the transfer of spaces that the Another development I would like to highli- management of license agreements and the monitoring of license returns. AJUNTAMENT DE RIUDECOLS EMPRESA DE TRANSFORMACION AGRARIA, SA LAD 91, SL AJUNTAMENT DE TARRAGONA EMPRESA MUNICIPAL DE TRANSPORTS PÚBLICS DE LALLEMAND BIO, SL CTTi manages on behalf of the URV. Also of ght in 2018 is the consolidation of the FURV’s AJUNTAMENT DE TORTOSA TARRAGONA, SA LAYMATEC TÉCNICAS INDUSTRIALES, SL Its main objectives are to sensitize the URV community, to monitor RDI activities and to identify those results that can be protected and transferred to society through note are the 5 requests for priority patents, criminal liability prevention plan, entitled: AJUNTAMENT DE VALLS EMPRESA MUNICIPAL MIXTA D’AIGÜES DE TARRAGONA, SA LEAR CORPORATION HOLDING SPAIN SLU licensing or the creation of a spin-o. the 3 license agreements signed and the 2 Corporate Compliance. This plan is an AJUNTAMENT DE XERTA ENGIQUIA, SL LIPOTEC SAU AJUNTAMENT DEL VENDRELL ENTITAT PÚBLICA EMPRESARIAL PER LA GESTIÓ DEL MAR DE FRADES, SL start-up agreements recognized. ethical imperative, an essential requirement AKO ELECTROMECANICA, SAL CICLE COMPLET DE L’AIGUA MASIA VALLFORMOSA, SL of good governance, and a legal necessity in ENTREPRENEURSHIP ALLIANCE FOR SUSTAINABLE ENERGY LLC ESSITY SPAIN, SL MDB LABORATORIS D’ANALISIS CLÍNIQUES, SA In 2018, together with the URV, we received countries where legal persons can be held APARCAMENTS MUNICIPALS TARRAGONA, SA FAIVELEY TRANSPORT IBERICA, SA MEDCOM ADVANCE, SA a co-funding grant from the European Regio- criminally liable, and it has reduced the The URV has promoted the URV Emprèn project, which combines the activities of the Chair for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship and the Creation of Companies and APLICACIONS DE LA CATÀLISI, SL FEDERACIÓN DE EMPRESAS QUÍMICAS Y PLÁSTICOS DE ARAGÓN MEDITERRANEA BEACH AND GOLF COMMUNITY, SAU nal Development Fund (ERDF) with the FURV’s overall risk level compared to the ASICS IBERIA, SL FEDERAL DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS SWITZERLAND MELVIN LOUIS, LUETKENS JR those of the CTTi Entrepreneurship area of the URV Foundation. URV Emprèn oers integral support to entrepreneurs, which includes the protection of industrial and support of the Secretariat for Universities previous year. intellectual property, the valorization of technology and the creation of companies. It also works to promote entrepreneurship among members of the URV community ASOCIACIÓN DE BODEGAS DE RIOJA ALAVESA FORMACIÓ I TREBALL FUNDACIÓ PRIVADA MESSER IBERICA DE GASES, SAU (teaching and research sta, administrative and service sta, students and graduates) and oers support to obtain funding (prizes, grants, etc.). ASOCIACIÓN NACIONAL DE PRODUCTORES DE ENERGÍA FUJIFILM EUROPE, GMBH MIGUEL TORRES, SA and Research of the Department of Enterpri- FOTOVOLTAICA FUNDACIÓ CENTRES ASSISTENCIALS I D’URGÈNCIES MINISTERIO DE CIENCIA E INNOVACION se and Knowledge of the Catalan Govern- Finally, I would like to thank everyone, The new start-ups recognized by the URV are the companies The English Workshop (an English teaching centre that applies a new methodology derived from the thesis ASOCIACIÓN NUCLEAR ASCÓ-VANDELLÒS II CAP EL VENDRELL MINISTERIO DE INDUSTRIA, ENERGIA Y TURISMO ment. The funding will ebale us to work with members of the board of trustees, written by its founder) and Emund Productions (a producer of stop motion short films and storytelling). ASOCIACIÓN PARA LA PREVENCIÓN DE ACCIDENTES FUNDACIÓ EL SOLA MURALLES SALUT, SLP ASSOCIACIÓ ASPERGER DEL CAMP DE TARRAGONA FUNDACIÓ ESTELA PER A LA DISCAPACITAT NANUSENS, SL on projects with the Catalan university units researchers, companies, entities and ASSOCIACIÓ EMPRESARIAL QUÍMICA DE TARRAGONA FUNDACIÓ EURECAT NILU-NORWEGIAN INSTITUTE FOR AIR RESEARCH dedicated to valorisation and transferring the entire CTTi team, who has More information: www.fundacio.urv.cat/en/technology-transfer/urv-empren/ AUTORITAT PORTUÀRIA DE TARRAGONA FUNDACIÓ HOSPITAL SANT PAU I SANTA TECLA PATRONAT MUNICIPAL DE TURISME I COMERÇ DE REUS I am pleased to present the 2018 Annual knowledge in order to significantly improve participated in the activities and the AZ3 OENO, SL FUNDACIÓ INSTITUT CATALÀ D’INVESTIGACIÓ QUÍMICA PERITACIONES DE SEGUROS CALZADO & ASOCIADOS, SL Report of the Technology Transfer and collaboration with the productive sector. results that are presented in this report. AZUFRERA Y FERTILIZANTES PALLARÉS, SA FUNDACIÓ INSTITUT DE RECERCA EN ENERGIA DE CATALUNYA QUSIDE TECHNOLOGIES, SL BARCELONA ACTIVA SAU, SPM FUNDACIÓ INSTITUT D'INVESTIGACIÓ SANITÀRIA PERE VIRGILI RAVAGO PLÁSTICOS, SA Innovation Center (CTTi) of the URV Founda- Our project: VALUATION AND TRANSFER INDICATORS (IP AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP) BASF ESPAÑOLA, SL FUNDACIÓ PER A LA UNIVERSITAT OBERTA DE CATALUNYA REPSOL PETROLEO, SA tion (FURV). Our organization was created in ACTION PLAN OF THE URV FOUNDATION, Lourdes Jané BASF SONATRACH PROPANCHEM, SA FUNDACIÓ PRIVADA INSTITUT CATALÀ DE PALEOECOLOGIA REUS DESENVOLUPAMENT ECONÒMIC, SA 1999 by the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) with a co-financed ERDF of €981,761.37, URV Foundation Director BCN LANGUAGES GROUP, SCC HUMANA I EVOLUCIÓ SOCIAL REUS SERVEIS MUNICIPALS, SA and its main objective is to assist the URV in aims to focus on technology and knowledge INVENTION LICENSE ENTREPRENEURS BIOCONSERVACIÓN, SA FUNDACIÓ PRIVADA PARC CIENTÍFIC DE BARCELONA RICART, SL COMMUNICATIONS AGREEMENTS ADVISED BY THE BODEGAS COOPERATIVAS DE ALICANTE, SCOOP FUNDACIÓ PUNTCAT S.E. DE CARBUROS METÁLICOS, SA its eorts to meet the technological and transfer of the URV, increase the recovery 32 3 6 UV-URV CABILDO INSULAR DE FUERTEVENTURA FUNDACIÓ ROCA GALES SAS BERTIN TECHNOLOGIES service needs of the productive sectors and and commercialization of the technologies, CABILDO INSULAR DE LANZAROTE FUNDACIÓ TARRAGONA 2017 SEENSO RENOVAL, SL the administrations. We achieve this throu- knowledge and innovations generated and PRIORITY PI REGISTRATIONS / WORKS DEPOSITED ROYALTIES CANALS NADAL, SL FUNDACIÓ VEDRUNA CATALUNYA EDUCACIÓ SERVEIS D'INCINERACIÓ DE RESIDUS URBANS, SA gh the transfer of technology and knowled- transfer them to the market. CARLOS CASTILLA INGENIEROS, SA FUNDACIÓN APWG EUROPEAN UNION FOUNDATION SILVACO ge, the management of industrial and PATENT IN THE IDEPOT OF THE BENELUX CAVAS DEL CASTILLO DE PERELADA, SA FUNDACIÓ BANCÀRIA CAIXA D'ESTALVIS I PENSIONS SIMPPLE, SL 5 APPLICATIONS 4 OFFICE FOR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 18,971 € COMUNIDAD DE PROPIETARIOS BLOQUES TAHITÍ DE BARCELONA SÍNDIC DE GREUGES DE CATALUNYA intellectual property, technology monito- With the objective of bringing the universi- DE CAMBRILS FUNDACIÓN MUTUA DE PROPIETARIOS SYNKOTECH BIOCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS, SL ring, entrepreneurship and the provision of ty's research results closer to the market, INTERNATIONAL PATENT START-UP RECOGNIZED CECA MAGAN ABOGADOS, SLP GALLARDO BOLDO, BEATRIZ TECNOLAMA, SA APPLICATIONS ON BEHALF OF BY THE URV CENTRE MUNICIPAL DE LES ARTS RAFEL MARTÍ VICIANA GENERATION RFID, SL THE CARTER CENTER CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC DE LA QUÍMICA DE CATALUNYA GERMINA FRUIT SL THE TIDES FOUNDATION 31
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