The Molecular Diversity of Luminal a Breast Tumors

The Molecular Diversity of Luminal a Breast Tumors

The molecular diversity of Luminal A breast tumors Giovanni Ciriello Computational Biology, MSKCC TCGA Annual Symposium Washington DC, 2012 Breast'Cancer'Heterogeneity Breast Cancer Intrinsic Subtypes ' Breast Cancer ' Her2-negative Her2 - positive PAM50: Her2-enriched ER - negative PAM50: Basal ER-positive PAM50: Luminal B PAM50: Luminal A ' Breast'Cancer'Heterogeneity Breast Cancer Intrinsic Subtypes ' Breast Cancer ' Her2-negative Her2 - positive PAM50: Her2-enriched ER - negative ' PAM50: Basal ' ER-positive PAM50: Luminal B ' PAM50: Luminal A ' Breast'Cancer'Heterogeneity Breast Cancer Intrinsic Subtypes ' Breast Cancer ' Her2-negative Her2 - positive PAM50: Her2-enriched ER - negative PAM50: Basal ER-positive PAM50: Luminal B PAM50 (Perou et al., 2000) PAM50: Luminal A Luminal(Heterogeneity Integrated data from: TCGA 2012, Ellis et al. 2012, Banerji et al. 2012 Curtis et al. 2012 Russnes et al. 2010 ~ 1500 Luminal tumors Copy Number Alterations Somatic Mutations mRNA expression Luminal(Molecular(Heterogeneity PAM50 vs CNA-clusters (Curtis et al., TCGA) Integrated data from: TCGA 2012, Ellis et al. 2012, Basal Her2 LumA LumB Normal Banerji et al. 2012 IC10 Curtis et al. 2012 IC5 Russnes et al. 2010 IC3 IC1 IC4 IC8 ~ 1500 Luminal tumors Curtis datset IC7 IC9 IC6 IC2 Copy Number Alterations CNA1 Somatic Mutations CNA3 mRNA expression CNA2 CNA5 TCGA datset CNA4 p < 10- 4 10 - 4 < p < 0.05 Luminal(Molecular(Heterogeneity CNA-clusters Somatic Mutations (Curtis et al., TCGA) (TCGA, Ellis et al., Banerji et al) Integrated data from: TCGA 2012, Ellis et al. 2012, Basal Her2 LumA LumB Normal Banerji et al. 2012 IC10 Her2- Curtis et al. 2012 IC5 enriched Russnes et al. 2010 IC3 IC1 Basal-like IC4 IC8 ~ 1500 Luminal tumors Curtis datset IC7 Luminal B IC9 IC6 IC2 # of mutations Luminal A per sample Copy Number Alterations CNA1 # of SigGenes ( q<0.05) Somatic Mutations CNA3 0 20 40 60 80 mRNA expression CNA2 CNA5 TCGA datset CNA4 p < 10- 4 10 - 4 < p < 0.05 Luminal(A(Clinical(Heterogeneity • Luminal A tumors have heterogenous outcome METABRIC Dataset (Curtis et al.) 7 Haque et al., 2012 Days at death death at Days 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Basal Her2 LumB LumA Luminal(Heterogeneity • Luminal A tumors have heterogenous outcome METABRIC Dataset (Curtis et al.) Haque et al., 2012 Days at death death at Days 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Basal Her2 LumB LumA Luminal A is molecularly and clinically heterogeneous Can we link outcome variability to molecular diversity? Luminal(A(Heterogeneity Figure 1 A) B) Luminal A Breast Tumors (TCGA Dataset) 50% T: TCGA data * C: Curtis data 40% a 30% * 20% %Samples 1q/16q b * * 10% * c 0 T C T C T C T C T C d * IGP p-value < 0.001 Quiet C) Copy Number e Copy NumberOverall survival Alterations (Curtis Dataset) f Chr.8 identify five major subgroups associated g h High Copy Number % Surviving i Mixed Copy Number Quiet 20 40 60 80 100 1q/16q Chr.8-associated Mixed Overlall Log-rank p = 0.015 Copy Number High CNH Log-rank p = 0.001 0 0 50 100 150 Chromosomes Months Survival Luminal(A(Heterogeneity Figure 1 A) B) Luminal A Breast Tumors (TCGA Dataset) 50% T: TCGA data * C: Curtis data 40% a 30% * 20% %Samples 1q/16q b * * 10% * c 0 T C T C T C T C T C d * IGP p-value < 0.001 Quiet C) Copy Number e Overall survival (Curtis Dataset) f Chr.8 associated g h High Copy Number % Surviving i Mixed Copy Number Quiet 20 40 60 80 100 1q/16q Chr.8-associated Mixed Overlall Log-rank p = 0.015 Copy Number High CNH Log-rank p = 0.001 0 0 50 100 150 Chromosomes Months Survival Genomic(Instability(correlates( with(poor(prognosis A) B) CNH survival (Curtis et al.) CNH Survival (Russnes et al.) CNH Others % Surviving % Surviving CNH Others Log-rank p = 4.6E-05 Log-rank p = 0.003 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 , 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 , Years Survival , Years Survival , Genomic(Instability(correlates( with(poor(prognosis A) B) CNH survival (Curtis et al.) CNH Survival (Russnes et al.) CNH Others % Surviving % Surviving CNH Others Log-rank p = 4.6E-05 Log-rank p = 0.003 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 , 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 , Years Survival , Years Survival , What are the molecular features of these tumors? CNH$Molecular$Features A) 60% ** * Luminal A 50% ** Copy Number High 40% Other 30% ** ** p < 0.01 ** p < 0.05 20% * %Samples 10% 0% 5q 20q TP53 MYC (mut) (amp) (gain) (loss) PIK3CA(mut) B) C) Luminal A Samples AURKA 8q.24 PLK1 AURKA CDC25B CCNA2 AURKB CDK1 CCNA1 CDC25B/C BIRC5 PLK1 TP53BP1 POLH POLI CDK1 MLH3 Cyclin-A/B POLK Differentially Expressed Genes Differentially Copy Number High Low High Mitosis CNH$Molecular$Features A) 60% ** * Luminal A 50% ** Copy Number High 40% Other 30% ** ** p < 0.01 ** p < 0.05 20% * %Samples 10% 0% 5q 20q TP53 MYC (mut) (amp) (gain) (loss) PIK3CA(mut) B) C) Luminal A Samples AURKA 8q.24 PLK1 AURKA CDC25B CCNA2 AURKB CDK1 CCNA1 CDC25B/C BIRC5 PLK1 TP53BP1 POLH POLI CDK1 MLH3 Cyclin-A/B POLK Differentially Expressed Genes Differentially Copy Number High Low High Mitosis What characterizes the other Luminal A subtypes? Luminal(A(Somatic(Mutations A) CNA-Quiet 1q/16q Chr.8-associated CNH Mixed PIK3CA GATA3 AKT1 MAP3K1 TP53 Samples Somatic mutations Chr. 8 - associated B) Co-occurrent (p<0.05) Copy Number Loss D) Chr. 8 Chr.16 Mutually Exclusive (p<0.05) Copy Number Gain Mutated genes PIK3CA MAP3K1 GATA3 Samples CNA 1p12 1q21 1q32 6p23 6q27 7p12 9p21 11p13 11q14 10p13 10q23 12q15 13q12 14q13 14q24 16q12 16q23 17p12 17q12 17q21 19q12 19q13 20p13 3p25.1 4p16.3 4q13.3 6q14.2 8p21.3 8p11.22 8p11.21 11p15.5 11q13.2 17p11.2 21q11.2 8q24.21 10q22.3 12p13.3 13q14.2 15q26.3 16q24.2 20q13.2 Chromosomes 8p11 Somatic mutations Amplification MAP3K1 C) PIK3CA Mutations GATA3 Mutations E) 25 20 MAP3K1 mutations 15 Mutation Type 10 10 Missense Splice-site #mutations 5 5 In Frame Del. Nonsense 0 0 1q/16q Quiet Chr.8 CNH Mixed 1q/16q Quiet Chr.8 CNH Mixed #mutations Frame-shift PIK3CA Hotspots (E545K, H1047R/L) GATA3 Hotspots (e4-2 , P409fs) Other MAP3K1 mutated samples Luminal(A(Somatic(Mutations A) CNA-Quiet 1q/16q Chr.8-associated CNH Mixed PIK3CA GATA3 AKT1 MAP3K1 TP53 Samples Somatic mutations Chr. 8 - associated B) Co-occurrent (p<0.05) Copy Number Loss D) Chr. 8 Chr.16 Mutually Exclusive (p<0.05) Copy Number Gain Mutated genes PIK3CA MAP3K1 GATA3 Samples CNA 1p12 1q21 1q32 6p23 6q27 7p12 9p21 11p13 11q14 10p13 10q23 12q15 13q12 14q13 14q24 16q12 16q23 17p12 17q12 17q21 19q12 19q13 20p13 3p25.1 4p16.3 4q13.3 6q14.2 8p21.3 8p11.22 8p11.21 11p15.5 11q13.2 17p11.2 21q11.2 8q24.21 10q22.3 12p13.3 13q14.2 15q26.3 16q24.2 20q13.2 Chromosomes 8p11 Somatic mutations Amplification MAP3K1 C) PIK3CA Mutations GATA3 Mutations E) 25 20 MAP3K1 mutations 15 Mutation Type 10 10 Missense Splice-site #mutations 5 5 In Frame Del. Nonsense 0 0 1q/16q Quiet Chr.8 CNH Mixed 1q/16q Quiet Chr.8 CNH Mixed #mutations Frame-shift PIK3CA Hotspots (E545K, H1047R/L) GATA3 Hotspots (e4-2 , P409fs) Other MAP3K1 mutated samples Luminal(A(Somatic(Mutations A) CNA-Quiet 1q/16q Chr.8-associated CNH Mixed PIK3CA GATA3 AKT1 MAP3K1 TP53 Samples Somatic mutations Chr. 8 - associated B) Co-occurrent (p<0.05) Copy Number Loss D) Chr. 8 Chr.16 Mutually Exclusive (p<0.05) Copy Number Gain Mutated genes PIK3CA MAP3K1 GATA3 Samples CNA 1p12 1q21 1q32 6p23 6q27 7p12 9p21 11p13 11q14 10p13 10q23 12q15 13q12 14q13 14q24 16q12 16q23 17p12 17q12 17q21 19q12 19q13 20p13 3p25.1 4p16.3 4q13.3 6q14.2 8p21.3 8p11.22 8p11.21 11p15.5 11q13.2 17p11.2 21q11.2 8q24.21 10q22.3 12p13.3 13q14.2 15q26.3 16q24.2 20q13.2 Chromosomes 8p11 Somatic mutations Amplification MAP3K1 C) PIK3CA Mutations GATA3 Mutations E) 25 20 MAP3K1 mutations 15 Mutation Type 10 10 Missense Splice-site #mutations 5 5 In Frame Del. Nonsense 0 0 1q/16q Quiet Chr.8 CNH Mixed 1q/16q Quiet Chr.8 CNH Mixed #mutations Frame-shift PIK3CA Hotspots (E545K, H1047R/L) GATA3 Hotspots (e4-2 , P409fs) Other MAP3K1 mutated samples Which pathways are most de-regulated? MEMo:%Mutual%Exclusivity%Modules Mutations CNA User Defined Set ● Homdel Hetloss Diploid Genes connected by Gain C24 Q1756 ● Amp ● ● Mutated ● ● ● Normal ● ● ● ● ● ● network proximity ● ● ●● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ●●●●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ●● ● BRCA1 Cases Genes Altered Not Altered . G S G S G S Gene A 54% Module t t + 1 Gene B Gene C 8% 8.5% Genes Samples MCMC Switching Permutation Gene D - preserves #alterations per sample 30.5%t - preserves #alterations per gene Ciriello et al., Genome Res. 2012 Mutual Exclusivity Module Luminal(A(Pathways((MEMo) A) 2 IGF1R ERBB2 4% 4% PTEN NF1 6% 3% PIK3CA KRAS 1% 49% PIK3R1 2% MAP3K1 AKT1 14% 4% PAK1 8% MAP2K3/6 MAP2K1/2 MAP2K4 11% JNK p38 ERK Survival Apoptosis Proliferation Activating interaction Inhibiting interaction Inactivating Activating Alterations+to+NCor/SMRT+components NCOR1 NCOR2 GPS2 ANKRD11 TBL1XR1 NCOR1 NCOR2 GPS2 ANKRD11 TBL1XR1 Fingerprint mRNA Heatmap CNA - Clusters 1q/16q Hom. Del Copy Number Quiet Chr.8-associated Somatic Low High mutation Copy Number High Mixed Alterations+to+NCor/SMRT+components NCOR1 NCOR2 GPS2 ANKRD11 TBL1XR1 NCOR1 NCOR2 GPS2 ANKRD11 TBL1XR1 Fingerprint mRNA Heatmap CNA - Clusters 1q/16q Hom.

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