August 30, 1976 EXTENS IONS OF R EMAR K S 28427 sent that following the two orders for before the Senate, I move, in accordance (major general, Regular Air Force), U .S. Air the recognition of Senators previously with the previous order, that the Senate Force. entered, the distinguished Senator from stand in recess until the hour of 11 a.m. IN TH E NA VY Vermont (Mr. LEAHY) be recognized for tomorrow. Rear Adm. Alfred J. Whittle, Jr., U .S. Navy, having been designated for commands and not to exceed 5 minutes. The motion was agreed to; and at 5:52 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without other duties of great importance and respon- p.m., the Senate recessed until tomor- sibility commensurate with the grade of vice objection, it is so ordered. row, Tuesday, August 31, 1976, at 11 a.ra. admiral within the contemplation of title Mr. ALLEN. Will the Senator yield? 10, U nited States Code, section 5231, for Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Yes. appointment to the grade of vice admiral Mr. ALLEN. It is understood, is it not, while so serving. NOMINATION that those amendments that are filed in IN TH E A IR FOR CE accordance with the order by 7:30 this Executive nominations received by the A ir Force nominations beginning Robert evening will be treated as having been Senate August 30, 1976: G. B eabout, to be lieutenant colonel, and presented to the Journal clerk as of that AMBAS S ADOR AT LAR GE ending David J. E. Strate, to be lieutenant colonel, which nominations were received by time and in accordance with the require- Graham A . Martin, of North Carolina, a ments of rule XXII? the Senate and appeared in the Congres- Foreign Service Officer of the class of Career sional Record on August 6, 1976. Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Yes. Minister, to be an A mbassador at Large to Mr. ALT,F,N For consideration if and serve as the Personal Representative of the IN TH E A R MY when cloture is invoked. President to conduct negotiations on the fu- A rmy nominations beginning Richard L. Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Yes. ture political status of the Trust Territory of A bbott, to be first lieutenant, and ending K atherine Z immerman, to be first lieuten- Mr. Ai a- FN. I thank the Senator. the Pacific Islands with the C ongress of Micronesia and other Micronesian leaders. ant, which nominations were received by the Senate and appeared in the Congressional INTER S TATE COMMER CE COMMIS S ION ORDER FOR DIVISION OF TIME Record on August 2, 1976. Richard Gilbert Quick, of Pennsylvania, to IN TH E NA VY TOMORROW be an Interstate Commerce Commissioner Navy nominations beginning Robert J. Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, for a term of 7 years expiring December 31, 1982, vice K enneth H. Tuggle, resigned. B ackman, to be permanent lieuteant (jg.) at the conclusion of the orders for the and temporary lieutenant, and ending Jona- recognition of Senators tomorrow, the than J. B ridge, to be lieutenant (jg.), which time that remains prior to the expiration nominations were received by the Senate and of the 1 hour under the cloture rule CONFIRMATIONS appeared in the Congressional Record on August 6, 1976. could be divided. Executive nominations confirmed by I, therefore, ask unanimous consent the Senate August 30, 1976: that the remaining time be divided and IN TH E A IR FOR CE WITHDRAWAL controlled by M r. HRUSKA and M r. The following officers to be placed on the Executive nomination withdrawn from ABOUREZK equally. retired list in the grade indicated under the the Senate August 30, 1976: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without provisions of section 43962, title 10 of the objection, it is so ordered. U nited States Code: INTER S TATE COMMER CE COMMIS S ION lieutenant general Warren B. Rudman, of New Hampshire, to To be be an Interstate Commerce Commissioner Lt. Gen. Donald G. Nunn, xxx-xx-xxxx FR RECESS TO 11 A.M. TOMORROW for a term of 7 years expiring December 31, ( brigadier general, Regular Air Force), 1982, vice K enneth H. Tuggle, resigned, Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, Air Force. which was sent to the Senate on February 4, if there be no further business to come Lt. Gen. James T. Stewart, xxx-xx-xxxx FR 1976. EXTENS IONS OF R EMAR K S THE YU GOSLAV-AMERICAN CLU B spected throughout southern California, Hall, as it is often called, has served as a OF SAN PEDRO reflecting as it does the pride and self- center for community activities ever awareness of the Yugoslav community since, providing a meeting place and hall of San Pedro. for all San Pedro residents. HON. GLENN M. ANDER SON The history of the Yugoslav community Today, comprised of over 700 families, the Yugoslav-American Club of San Pe- OF CALIFOR NIA in Los Angeles goes back as early as 1841, when California was still a Mexican pos- dro is as strong and as active as ever, THE HOU SE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN session. Most owned restaurants or were still embodying the principles upon which Monday, August 30, 1976 merchants; but by 1879 hearty Dalma- it was founded. On December 18, 1926, Mr. ANDERSON of California. Mr. tians were fishing the coast off L os the founders of the club issued a procla- mation which reads in part: Speaker, on May 6, 1926, a small group Angeles. This event represents a new and bright of Yugoslav Americans met in the Point Southern California, with its mild page in the annals of our activities and the Fermin Cafe in San Pedro, Calif. They coastal climate, bears a strong resem- beginning of a fruitful and unified effort for decided to form a club aimed at preserv- blance to the A driatic Coast of Y ugo- the welfare and benefit of all people. We are ing their heritage and at the same time slavia. Soon, the port town of San Pedro leaving behind us a period of insecurity and promoting patriotism as American citi- boasted a growing Slavic community. entering into a new era of manhood, stabil- zens. These were the founding fathers of Yugoslav-Americans were instrumental ity, and work. the Yugoslav-American Club at San Pe- in developing what was to become the . T herefore, we call upon all Y ugo- dro: Anton Baraka, Nicholas Baskovich, slays—the Serbs, Croats, and Slovens, to unite greatest fishing fleet on the Pacific Coast. brotherly hearts and to join us in this great Matt Bogdanovich, Steve Franetovich, By the 1920's, San Pedro's Yugoslays undertaking, thus proving by actual deeds Vincent K armelich, Steve Lakich, Joseph comprised a significant portion of the that we are true brothers who are aware of Mardesich, Miho Marinkovich, Jack Mir- our duties and obligations. kovich, James Mirkovich, Justo Pesutich, town's population. May 6, 1926, is re- L uka Sekulich, Sam Simich, Steven membered as the day the Y ugoslav- Mr. Speaker, it is in that spirit that the Stambuk, Marin Suglian, Jack Trudnich, American Club was founded; it was for- members of the Yugoslav-American Club Nick Vilicich, Joseph Yaksitch, and Jo- mally incorporated on November 30, 1927. of San Pedro have contributed to the seph Z okovick. For the first few years, meetings were good of our community. On September 4, 1976, a golden anniversary banquet and T oday, 5 0 years later, the old cafe is held regularly at the Point Ferm in C afe, ball will be held in the clubhouse to cele- still an operating business overlooking but as the club grew, the need for a b rate the 50-year history of the organi- Point Fermin Park and the Pacific Ocean. larger, permanent meeting hall became zation. A nd the Y ugoslav-A merican Club of San apparent. Funds were raised; and on L a- I would like to take this opportunity Pedro has developed into a thriving social bor Day, 1935, the Yugoslav-American to congratulate the Yugoslav-American organization that is well known and re- clubhouse was officially opened. Yugoslav Club of San Pedro on an outstanding and cxxn-1792—Part 22 28428 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS August 30, 1976 productive 50 years of existence, and to congressional district in the Family Life News of New Brunswick, N.J., entitled, wish the club and its many members con­ Movement by the Reverend Finbarr M. "Freedom Train Visit Is History": tinued productivity and good luck in the Corr, Ed.D., director of the Diocese of FREEDOM TRAIN VISIT Is HisTORY future. Paterson, Family Life Bureau, Paterson, (By Dan McCARTHY) N.J. Father Corr and his program com­ NEW BRUNSWICK.-The American Freedom mittee under the cochairmanship of Peg Train's steamdriven locomotive left here last CONGRESSIONAL SALUTE TO THE Murray and Ray Luchko have been bus­ night at about 11 and it will never be the FAMILIES OF AMERICA DURING ily prepared for the celebration of fam­ same again. OUR NATION'S BICENTENNIAL ily day on September 19. Their program Neither will the 35,000 people who either YEAR is, as follows: saw it, climbed into its cab, or clicked off FAMILY DAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1976, CLIFTON Instamatic pictures, according to David STADIUM, N.J. Christman lli, organizing chairman of the HON. ROBERT A. ROE Raritan Valley Freedom Train Committee. What: A celebration and reaffirmation of OF NEW JERSEY The locomotive puffed its way backward the concept of family-cultural, environ­ some 21 miles up the track to Newark be­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mental, spiritual and social.
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