Alt 3 2001.Pdf

Alt 3 2001.Pdf

I S S N 1 3 9 2 7 3 7 X I S B N 3447092629 Archivum Lithuanicum 3 1 2 Archivum Lithuanicum 3 KLAIPËDOS UNIVERSITETAS LIETUVIØ KALBOS INSTITUTAS ÐIAULIØ UNIVERSITETAS VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS VYTAUTO DIDÞIOJO UNIVERSITETAS ARCHIVUM Lithuanicum 3 HARRASSOWITZ VERLAG WIESBADEN 2001 3 Redaktoriø kolegija / Editorial Board: HABIL. DR. Giedrius Subaèius (filologija / philology), (vyriausiasis redaktorius / editor), LIETUVIØ KALBOS INSTITUTAS, VILNIUS, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO DR. Ona Aleknavièienë (filologija / philology), LIETUVIØ KALBOS INSTITUTAS, VILNIUS HABIL. DR. Saulius Ambrazas (filologija / philology), LIETUVIØ KALBOS INSTITUTAS, VILNIUS DR. Roma Bonèkutë (filologija / philology), KLAIPËDOS UNIVERSITETAS PROF. DR. Pietro U. Dini (kalbotyra / linguistics), UNIVERSITÀ DI PISA DR. Jolanta Gelumbeckaitë (filologija / philology), BIBLIOTHECA AUGUSTA, WOLFENBÜTTEL DR. Birutë Kabaðinskaitë (filologija / philology), VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS DOC. DR. Rûta Marcinkevièienë (filologija / philology), VYTAUTO DIDÞIOJO UNIVERSITETAS, KAUNAS DR. Bronius Maskuliûnas (filologija / philology), ÐIAULIØ UNIVERSITETAS PROF. HABIL. DR. Jochen D. Range (kalbotyra / linguistics), ERNST-MORITZ-ARNDT-UNIVERSITÄT GREIFSWALD DR. Christiane Schiller (kalbotyra / linguistics), MARTIN-LUTHER-UNIVERSITÄT HALLE-WITTENBERG PROF. DR. William R. Schmalstieg (kalbotyra / linguistics), PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY DOC. DR. Janina Ðvambarytë (filologija / philology), ÐIAULIØ UNIVERSITETAS © Lietuviø kalbos institutas 4 Archivum Lithuanicum 3 Archivum Lithuanicum This annual scholarly journal is called Archivum Lithuanicum in commemoration of the very first mention of the name Lithuania in the year 1009. Focus on old Lithuanian texts and on all other texts written in Lithuania has become more intensive in the last decade of the twentieth century. At least several critical editions of old texts are published annually. There are certain vocabularies and word in- dexes of individual authors and of individual texts in preparation. In Vilnius, The Research Institute of the Lithuanian Language is preparing a linguistic data bank of the old Lithuanian texts. Scholars in other countries, especially in Italy, Poland, Germany, and the United States also research and publish old Lithuanian texts. As the foundation of published sources for research grows wider we can see that the formation of a qualitatively new stage of research of old texts is being achieved. Theoretical evaluation of the new processes comes with a slight delay. Research methodology can not always keep pace with the growing diversified material of newly printed sources. Among the goals of Archivum Lithuanicum is the stimulation of theoretical ideas about text history. In this period of development, however, the lack of certain concrete philological analysis is still evident. Therefore, Archivum Lithuanicum aims not only at the theory but also at the data of concrete texts. Archivum Lithuanicum is a journal of traditional philology too: it pays tribute to the study of the sources of older Lithuanian writings, to the links among them, and to their genesis. Thus, one of the directions of the journal is a philological analysis of Lithuanian texts. Accordingly Archivum Lithuanicum is a forum for various disci- plines to meet. On the other hand, Archivum Lithuanicum is also focused on the social history of the Lithuanian language. Language as a social phenomenon constitutes its object, not the system of language. The social history of language concentrates on the usage of language, on the relationships among various spheres of usage, on attitudes toward language, on societal impact on language, on language influence on society. It also describes relations among language varieties (dialects, written languages, separate languages) in certain periods of time. Thus, Archivum Lithuanicum is at- tuned to the history of the social context of language as well. Linking the social and philological aspects of language, we can define the most important research directions of Archivum Lithuanicum as follows: (1) the history of written Lithuanian and its varieties; (2) the history of the ideas of the standardiza- 5 Archivum Lithuanicum tion of Lithuanian (the prescriptive aspect, especially the period before the final codification of Lithuanian), (3) the history of the research of Lithuanian, (4) the philological analysis of the older Lithuanian texts, (5) the history of translation of Lithuanian texts, (6) the history of editing of Lithuanian texts. Some of these aspects (the history of the ideas of standardization, the history of the research of Lithuanian, especially the theoretical aspect, and any history of linguistic ideas) sometimes are called linguistic historiography. Others, like the his- tory of the translation of Lithuanian texts and editing are still scarcely developed, their theoretical aspect still only poorly understood. As time goes by separate new disciplines may be formed from them. One more objective of Archivum Lithuanicum is to place the research of Lithuanian texts and sociolinguistic processes in a wider European and world context. This journal makes an effort not only to focus on the phenomena of Lithuanian philology but also to observe, reflect, and evaluate philological research or research in the social history of other languages. Archivum Lithuanicum publishes scholarly articles, reviews, discussions of all the topics mentioned above. It also accepts shorter critically prepared Lithuanian texts for publication. Vilnius, Uþupis, April 21, 1999June 17, 2001 6 Archivum Lithuanicum 3 Archivum Lithuanicum 3 Iðaugæs Archivum Lithuanicum populiarumas ir prestiþas padëjo jam susirasti naujø keliø á pasaulio mokslo visuomenæ. Ðá treèiàjá þurnalo tomà ëmësi leisti ir Europoje bei Amerikoje platinti viena garsiausiø Vokietijos mokslo leidyklø Harras- sowitz (Wiesbaden). Ið aðtuoniø èia skelbiamø straipsniø du skirti lietuviðkø giesmynø tekstologijos klausimams. Ðtai Gertruda Bense apraðo Biblijos Patarliø knygos 30,79 motyvo plëtotæ lietuviðkuose liuteroniðkuose giesmynuose. Birutë Kabaðinskaitë analizuoja XIX amþiaus pirmoje pusëje leistø liuteroniðkø giesmynø problemas. Paaiðkëjo, kad nors oficialusis Karolio Gotardo Keberio (17561835) giesmynas buvo vis perlei- dþiamas, taèiau rengëjai taisydavo, o spaustuvininkai ið naujo surinkdavo ne visà knygà, o tik kai kuriuos lankus. Visi iðlikæ egzemplioriai turi skirtingai suredaguotø lankø. Tokiu atveju teksto istorijai pasidaro aktuali ne tik viso leidimo, bet ir atskirø lankø redagavimo chronologija. Tai ið esmës keièia poþiûrá á to meto Rytø Prûsijos giesmynø leidybà, parodo spaustuviø darbo specifikà. Apie leidybines spaustuvininkø intencijas XVIXIX amþiaus Didþiojoje ir Maþo- joje Lietuvoje raðo ir Giedrius Subaèius. Lyginant iðlikusius rankraðèius su spausdin- tomis knygomis nustatyta, kad spaustuvininkai nebuvo linkæ visiðkai paraidþiui su- rinkti autoriaus teksto, net jei ðis bûdavo aprobuotas cenzûros. Jie ið dalies korega- vo didþiøjø raidþiø raðymà, tarminæ fonetikà, skyrybà, todël vertinant senuosius teks- tus darytina iðlyga, kad spaudinys nëra visiðkai tiksli autoriaus valios iðraiðka. XVIXVII amþiaus lietuviðkas knygas ir tekstus tiria Paulas Gehlas, Eglë Patie- jûnienë, Milda Luèinskienë. Gehlo straipsnis skirtas Lietuvoje tarnavusio italø kil- mës kario Domenico Moraos paraðytai ir Vilniuje iðspausdintai knygai Il Cavaliere (Riteris; 1589). Patiejûnienë analizuoja Didþiosios Lietuvos knygø antraðèiø þanrà, visø pirma renesansines, barokines antraðtes. Ji ne tik apibûdina autoriaus, paties pavadinimo, leidimo metø ir vietos komponavimà antraðtiniame lape, bet ir parodo, kaip retorikos ámantrybiø perkrautas barokines antraðtes XVIII amþiaus pabaigoje staiga iðstumia lakoniðkos, panaðios á ðiuolaikines. Luèinskienë rekonstruoja XVII amþiaus leksikos redagavimo ypatumus. Pastebëta tendencija Jono Jaknavièiaus Ewangelie polskie y litewskie (1674) atsisakyti kai kuriø ankstesniajame (1647) leidi- me buvusiø rytietybiø, t. y. retø tarminiø þodþiø, þinomø ið rytiniu raðtø variantu paraðytø tekstø bei dabartiniø rytø aukðtaièiø tarmiø. Þurnale toliau tiriama XIX amþiaus þemaièiø idëjø apie bendrinës kalbos forma- vimà tema. Dalia Cidzikaitë analizuoja Dominyko Budriko (17981873) knygelës Namø kryþius (1859) kalbà. Jos autorius sàmoningai stengësi raðyti aukðtaitiðkai, taèiau ne visada sëkmingai paliko gana daug þemaitiðkø ypatybiø (plg. straips- 7 Archivum Lithuanicum 3 nius panaðia tema ALt 1, 96105, ALt 1, 106114). Du pradingusius Jurgio Ambra- ziejaus Pabrëþos (17711849) rankraðèius Kninga turinti savëj kozonius (1822) ir Rekolekcijos dvasiðkos (1846) apraðo Giedrius Subaèius. Abu rankraðèiai po Antrojo pasaulinio karo (atitinkamai apie 1979 ir 1960 metus) dar buvo þinomi. Nors dabar rankraðèiø originalai neberandami, taèiau jø fotografuoti tekstai yra ALKAos ar- chyve Putname (JAV). Straipsnio autorius turi vilèiø, kad jo pateikiama informacija gali palengvinti ðiø mûsø kultûrai svarbiø XIX amþiaus rankraðèiø paieðkas. Publikacijø skyriuje pateikiami trys tekstai. Domas Kaunas pristato lietuviðkà Liudviko Gedimino Rëzos eilëraðtá, iðspausdintà Napoleono nugalëtojus ðlovinan- èiame poliglote Pacis monumentum (1816). Ona Aleknavièienë skelbia gana neigiamai mûsø istoriografijoje vertinamo Prûsijos mokyklø ir baþnyèiø inspektoriaus Henricho Lyzijaus (16701731) laiðkà Hallës universiteto profesoriui Hermannui Augustui Franckei. Laiðke yra ádomiø duomenø apie XVIII amþiaus pradþios Rytø Prûsijos mo- kyklø bûklæ bei ðvietimo perspektyvas.

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