Respiratory System 1 Respiratory System 2 Respiratory System 3 Respiratory System 4 Respiratory System 5 Respiratory System 6 Respiratory System 7 Respiratory System 8 Respiratory System 9 Respiratory System 10 Respiratory System 11 Respiratory System • Pulmonary Ventilation 12 Respiratory System 13 Respiratory System 14 Respiratory System • Measuring of Lung Function œ Compliance œ the ease at which the lungs and thoracic wall can be expanded œ if reduced it is more difficult to inflate the lungs œ causes: • Damaged lung tissue • Fluid within lung tissue • Decrease in pulmonary surfactant • Anything that impedes lung expansion or contraction œ Respiratory Volumes and Capacities will be covered in Lab œ 15 Respiratory System • Exchange of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide œ Charles‘ Law œ the volume of a gas is directly proportional to the absolute temperature, assuming the pressure remains constant As gases enter the lung they warm and expand, increasing lung volume œ Dalton‘s Law œ each gas of a mixture of gases exerts its own pressure as if all the other gases were not present œ Henry‘s Law œ the quantity of a gas that will dissolve in a liquid is proportional to the partial pressure of the gas and its solubility coefficient, when the temperature remains constant 16 Respiratory System • External and Internal Respiration 17 Respiratory System • Transport of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide by the Blood œ Oxygen Transport • 1.5% dissolved in plasma • 98.5% carried with Hbinside of RBC‘s as oxyhemoglobin œ Hbœ made up of protein portion called the globinportion and the heme portion which is pigmented and contains 4 atoms of Fe, each Fe can bind with 1 molecule of oxygen œ Association of Hbwith oxygen is affected by four factors » pO2 œ the greater the pO2 the more oxygen will combine with Hb, until the Hb becomes saturated » Acidity pH œ in a lower (more acidic) pH oxygen will dissociate from Hband be released (frequently related to high carbon dioxide) » Temperature œ as temperature increases, so does the the amount of oxygen released from Hb » BPG (2,3 biphosphoglycerate) œ a chemical formed inside RBC‘s during glycolysis œ the higher the levels of BPG the more oxygen is released by Hb 18 Respiratory System 19 Respiratory System œ Carbon Dioxide Transport • 9% dissolved in plasma • 13% carried by Hbas carbaminohemoglobin • 78% converted to bicarbonate (HCO-) ions 20 Respiratory System 21 Respiratory System 22 Respiratory System œ Carbon Monoxide Poisoning • Control of Respiration œ Respiratory Center • Medullary Rhythmicity Area œ controls the basic rhythm of breathing œ Inspiratory Area œ autorhythmicneurons, set normal breathing rhythm œ Expiratory Area œ usually inactive, only active during high levels of ventilation • Pontine (Pons) Areas œ coordinate the switching between inspiration and expiration œ PneumotaxicArea œ limits inspiration, facilitates expiration (prevents over expansion of the lungs, the shorter the time the faster the respiration rate œ ApneusticArea œ sends info to the inspiratory area, prolonging inspiration and inhibiting expiration 23 Respiratory System 24 Respiratory System 25 Respiratory System œ Regulation of Respiratory Center Activity 26 27 Respiratory System 28 Respiratory System 29 Respiratory System 30.
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