FlightThe Journal of the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association FEBRUARY 2020 Lysander Mk IIIa RARE WARBIRD STAYS IN CANADA INSPIRING YOUTH DE HavillaND TIGER MOTH WAYS TO PAss ON YOUR PAssION JACK SChofield’S FOR FLIGHT RECOLLECTIONS COPA CHAIR VacaNT SASKATCHEWan’S SHANE ARMSTRONG STEPS AsIDE More than 65 Classified Ads (p.38) PM#42583014 FREEDOM TO EXPLORE™ Since 1960, Wipaire® has been bringing the freedom of water flying to Canada. Wipline® floats deliver the innovation, quality, and reliability you deserve. Where will they take you? +1.651.451.1205 wipaire.com/floats coNTENTS DEPARTMENTS 4 PRESident’S CORNER A NEW DECADE: WHat WILL IT BRING? 6 NEWSLINE GIRls GO Fly : MORE flyING oppoRTUNITIES foR yoUNG womEN 10 INCIDENTS AND ACCIDENTS A BRIEF compIlatION FROM RECENT TCCA REpoRts 13 ENFORCEMENTS A BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRanspoRT CANADA EnfoRCEMENT ActION 14 YOUNGER VOICES YOUNG GUys to OLD GUys — ListEN UP 21 16 AVIATION ACCEssORIES PERsonal PIlot SAFETY: A looK at somE APPROPRIatE GEAR FEATURE 18 EXCERPTS A SHORT AVIatION stoRY LYSANDER MK IIIA by JacK SCHOFIELD This not-so-well-known, ever-so-rare and made-in-Canada warbird risked being 24 REGIONS exported, as it is the only Lysander flying in North America. A group of Canadians LOCAL NEws AND MEMBER ActIVITIES came together and purchased the aircraft, ensuring that it stays in in our country. 32 ON THE HORIZON Turn to page 21 and read what pilot Dave Hadfield says about it. MARK yoUR CALENDARS 36 BOOksHELF ON THE covER: This outstanding photograph of the Lysander Mk IIIa over the skies of BOOKS by CANADIAN AUTHORS ABOUT Southern Ontario was taken by aviation photographer Peter Handley. CANADIAN AVIatION Clark Morawetz Flight 905-809-4835, [email protected] Québec COPA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jonathan Beauchesne, Treasurer B.C. & Yukon 514-585-3959, [email protected] EDITOR David Black Steve Drinkwater 604-351-6851, [email protected] Mathieu Delorme [email protected] 514-248-5379, [email protected] 604.229.1629 Kate Klassen [email protected], 604-366-8211 GRAPHIC DESIGNER Atlantic Bill Mahoney, Eastern Vice-Chair Shannon Swanson Alberta & N.W.T. 709-685-6885, [email protected] Bram Tilroe, Western Vice-Chair DISPLAY ADVERTISING SALES 780-986-2601, [email protected] Maritimes Katherine Kjaer Brian Pound 250.592.5331 Larry Biever 902-652-2822, [email protected] [email protected] (403) 651-3048, [email protected] Debbie Brekelmans CLAssIFIED ADVERTISING SALES & PRODUCTION Saskatchewan 902-499-7941, [email protected] Roberta Drinkwater ~ Vacant ~ 1.800.656.7598 Ex-Officio Bernard Gervais, CEO and President [email protected] Manitoba & Nunavut 613-236-4901, [email protected] CONTRIBUTING WRITER Jim Bell, Secretary Janine Cross 204-293-5402, [email protected] Canadian Owners and Pilots Association ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Diana Topping Northern Ontario 75 Albert Street, Suite 903, 604.339.3612 Lloyd Richards Ottawa, ON K1P 5E7 705-267-7111, [email protected] 613-236-4901 | www.copanational.org FINANCIAL CONTROLLER Anthea Williams Find us on Facebook and Instagram AssISTANT ADMIN Rajei Gill Southern Ontario @copanational #allforflight Kevin Elwood COPA Flight is published under contract to COPA by 705-444-9461, [email protected] COPA Members $15 per year Canadian Aviator Publishing Ltd. Non-Members $30 per year Doug Ronan Single Copy Price $4.95 705-327-4730, [email protected] (includes mailing in Canada) COPA FLIGHT | FEBRUARY 2020 3 FROM THE TOP PRESident’S CORNER WITH BERNARD GERVAIS A NEW DECADE WHAT WILL IT BRING? Twenty years ago, we were stressing ones; remotely piloted aircraft systems about the Year 2000 (Y2K) bug. Does (RPAS) all over. There are already more anyone remember? I certainly do; I was ‘unattended’ aircraft in the world than a program manager for critical IT proj- those flown by humans. These RPAS ects in international telephony and had will be moving humans and doing tasks teams all over the world on alert. We we haven’t even thought of yet; the were monitoring everything to make only limit is our imagination. BAS Inc. FE 2011 BASBAS Inc. Inc. FE FE 2011 2011 sure things were going smoothly and General aviation will be a mix of our BAS Inc. FE 2011 calls were getting through. I also recall legacy systems and innovations that BASBAS Inc.Inc. FEFE 20112011 that my aircraft insurance still had a will inspire others to join us, either U S C O M B E • • L C E S S F T N clause about the potential bug up until physically or virtually all for flight. An A A R • C H P I C P a few years ago, even though it’s been integration of these must be as seam- E E E N2849A R B 20 years. We certainly couldn’t envision less as possible; safety and regulatory A I R C S R E A I drones, iPhones or ForeFlight — the flexibility are all necessary to ensure R F INC O T BAS S S S AF CE ETY AC whole world in the palm or our hand, a bright and prosperous future for all HARNESSES AND or on one small screen. I was walking aviators. BEECHCRAFT • LUSCOMBE • [email protected] • PIPER around with a Palm Pilot, which had Regardless of what that future holds nothing to do with flying if you look it for us, the value of an association like [email protected] N2849A up. So, what are we certain of and what COPA is critical for our mission and our N2849A [email protected]@[email protected]@basinc-aeromod.com can we anticipate for the next 20 years? passion. Rest assured that as long as I BAS INC Innovation and change. Lots of change. am at the helm of our organization, I will AIRCRAFT SAFETY HARNESSES AND ACCESSORIES The late 2019 test of an electric de make sure we can navigate and evolve Havilland Beaver (DHC-2) on the West accordingly to face the challenges and Coast had the whole world watching. seize the opportunities that await us. Even if advancements in classic, certi- Now, are we ready for the upcom- fied aircraft move at a glacial pace, in- ing Y2038 bug when 32-bit systems novations of that type pave the way for will reset to the year 1901 when we hit other things to come. It was just the January 19 2038 at 03:14:08 UTC? Most tip of the iceberg for what’s coming problematic are embedded systems, up in the next years. We can anticipate like we find in some of avionics, that global internet coverage via satellites can’t be changed or upgraded. I guess or some other technology; improved we still have time to upgrade or sort safety through automated highways in things out, but it’s an interesting han- the sky thanks to those satellites, re- gar conversation topic. fined avionics and space-based ADS-B; If you have any questions, please alternative fuels, but certainly electric give me a call or write me at bgervais@ aircraft and small passenger-carrying copanational.org. www.basinc-aeromod.com 4 COPA FLIGHT | FEBRUARY 2020 LE MOT DU PRÉSIDENT BERNARD GERVAIS UNE NOUVELLE DÉCENNIE Qu’APPORTERA-T-ELLE ? Il y a vingt ans, on s’inquiétait du bogue systèmes d’aéronef télépilotés (SATP) de l’an 2000. Vous vous en souvenez ? ou drone partout. Il y a déjà plus Dans mon cas, j’étais gestionnaire de d’avions télépilotés que pilotés dans le programmes pour des projets informa- monde. Ces nouveaux SATP transport- tiques critiques en téléphonie interna- eront des gens et s’affaireront à des tionale et j’avais des équipes partout tâches auxquelles nous n’avons même dans le monde en état d’alerte. Nous pas encore pensé ; la seule limite est étions à surveiller que tout se passe notre imagination. bien et que les appels transitent cor- L’aviation générale sera un mélange rectement. Je me souviens aussi que de nos systèmes du passé et des in- ma police d’assurance aviation avait novations qui inspireront d’autres à se encore une clause sur le bogue po- joindre à nous, physiquement ou vir- tentiel jusqu’à tout récemment, même tuellement, en plein ciel. Leur intégra- si cela fait 20 ans. Nous ne pouvions tion doit être aussi transparente que certainement pas imaginer des drones, possible ; la sécurité et la flexibilité des iPhones ou ForeFlight — ou trans- réglementaire sont toutes nécessaires porter le monde entier dans la paume pour assurer un avenir brillant et pros- de notre main, ou sur un petit écran. père à tous les aviateurs. Je me promenais avec un Palm Pilot, Indépendamment de ce que cet qui n’avait rien à voir avec le pilot- avenir nous réserve, la valeur d’une age si vous faites la recherche. Alors, association comme COPA est es- de quoi pouvons-nous être certains et sentielle à notre mission et à notre que pouvons-nous prévoir pour les 20 passion. Soyez assurés que tant que prochaines années ? De l’innovation je serai à la barre de notre organisa- et du changement. Beaucoup de tion, je m’assurerai que nous puissions changement. naviguer et évoluer en conséquence L’essai en fin 2019 d’un de Havil- pour relever les défis et saisir les occa- land Beaver (DHC-2) électrique sur sions qui nous attendent. la côte ouest a été suivi par le monde Maintenant, sommes-nous prêts 600, Chemin des Patriotes entier. Même si les avancements en pour le bogue de l’an 2038 à venir St-Mathias-sur-Richelieu, Quebec aviation certifiée évoluent à un rythme lorsque les systèmes 32 bits seront (450) 658-2041 [email protected] géologique, des innovations de ce type réinitialisés à l’année 1901 le 19 jan- www.aviationbl.com ouvrent la voie à plusieurs autres.
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