USDAUSDA ForestForest ServiceService NationalNational SeedSeed LaboratoryLaboratory www.nsl.fs.fed.us SeedSeed ConditioningConditioning ofof UnderstoryUnderstory ForbsForbs inin thethe LongleafLongleaf PinePine EcosystemEcosystem Jill Barbour, [email protected] Jeff Glitzenstein, [email protected] 2007 Wildflower Symposium, Orlando Florida Ground Layer Plants Project PartnerPartner withwith USUS FishFish && WildlifeWildlife (Jim(Jim Bates)Bates) groundground layerlayer plantsplants Alabama,Alabama, Georgia,Georgia, SouthSouth CarolinaCarolina SeedSeed collectioncollection (2005,(2005, 2006)2006) SeedSeed cleaningcleaning (2006,(2006, 2007)2007) LaboratoryLaboratory andand nurserynursery germinationgermination NurseryNursery propagationpropagation OutplantingOutplanting 26 Genera of Forbs Ageratina Lespedeza Amsonia Liatris Aster Manfreda Baptisia Melanthera Chamaecrista Mimosa Chrysopsis Pityopsis Coreopsis Polygonella Desmodium Silphium Erythrina Solidago Eupatorium Tephrosia Galactia Tetragonotheca Helianthus Vernonia Heliopsis Uniola Flow chart of seed conditioning Remove seed from in fluorescent First step First step with brush machine Second step Aspirate Or Use blowers Remove sticks with screens or indent cylinder Third step Remove lighter weight material with blowers Fourth step or specific gravity table Hand pick out debris for small lots Fifth step Sixth step Prepare sample for seed testing and storage Brush machine to extract seed from fruits Conditioning Equipment Brush machine Screens Aspirator Indent cylinder Scarifier Stultz General Blower Coreopsis major, tickseed Seed coming out chute GravityGravity tabletable GerminationGermination UpperUpper 32%32% LowLowerer 12%12% AfterAfter cleaningcleaning 27%27% Aspirating seed Eupatorium album , white thoroughwort FlowerFlower HandHand cleanclean ChuteChute endend TreatmentTreatment (Echaw Rd.) %Germ%Germ Bottom, bottom Stultz 16.0 Chute, top Stultz 24.0 Chute, indent 12/64” 23.0 Hand clean 33.0 BottomBottom brushbrush 21 day count on machine cleaning Helianthus atrorubens, purpledisk sunflower NoNo cleanclean 7.0%7.0% ChuteChute endend 17.0%17.0% BottomBottom 48.0%48.0% 16 day count on machine cleaning Polygonella americana, southern jointweed TetrazoliumTetrazolium 55.0%55.0% GerminationGermination 2.0%2.0% NurseryNursery 0.0%0.0% Vernonia angustifolia, tall ironweed LocationLocation unstratunstrat stratstrat EchawEchaw 1.5%1.5% 20.5%20.5% FMNFFMNF 11/1/0611/1/06 9.0%9.0% 29.5%29.5% FMNFFMNF 11/29/0611/29/06 15.0%15.0% 26.0%26.0% FMNFFMNF (Brush,(Brush, Stultz)Stultz) 78.5% Erythrina herbacea, coral bean Forsberg 100% Forsberg (clip) 93% Brush 1st run 78% Brush 2nd (unnicked) 96% Brush 2nd (nicked) 97% Lespedeza capitata TypeType %% DormantDormant CoveredCovered 14%14% 8080 GreenGreen 44%44% 4444 BrownBrown 32%32% 2424 Lespedeza hirta, hairy lespedeza TypeType %% %% DormantDormant Brown,Brown, sunksunk 3939 6060 Brown,Brown, floatfloat 2626 1919 Green,Green, sunksunk 2020 3232 Green,Green, floatfloat 3333 00 Tephrosia virginiana , Goat’s Rue HandHand cleanedcleaned 54%54% ForsbergForsberg 55%55% BrushBrush machinemachine 65%65% Tetragonotheca helianthoides Tetrazolium 88.0% Germination: unstratified 0.0% stratified 0.0% Nursery 0.0% Uniola paniculata, sea oats MantleMantle BrusBrushheess %Germination%Germination 10 square wire medium 1.27 16 square wire soft 19.0 16 light wire medium 17.0 bottom 16 light wire medium 32.0 chute end American Tree Seedling Nursery Ground layer plant nursery germination Nursery and Laboratory Germination Results Species Nursery % Lab % Comments Comments germ germ 2005 seed collections Aster linariifolius 41 30 2007 Aster tortifolius 0( 2006) 27;20 No prechill; 28 day prechill 91 (2007) 41 (2007) Winter sowing Baptisia lanceolata 2 6 Brown 61%61% dormant 11 Green 73%73% dormant Chrysopsis gossypina 1 23 40% after cleaning Chrysopsis mariana 74 59 Coreopsis major 9 32 upper 12% lower 27%27% after cleaning Desmodium spp. 12 33 Brown 22 Green Eupatorium album 0 4 40% dormant Echaw Rd. 28(2007) 19% cleaned 18 day count Helianthus atrobuens 32 7 2007 Liatris graminifolia 14 54 2007 Liatris secunda 3 62 Before cleaning 17%17% after cleaning Mimosa quadrivalvis 23 14 Pityopsis graminifolia 0 2(2(2006)2006) FMNF 84 (2007) Tephrosia virginiana 28 25 Vernonia angustifolia 2 4 After cleanniing Lab and Nursery Germination 2006 95 90 85 80 75 70 91 o65n i60 55 inat50 45 m40 e35r 30 25G %20 41 74 15 10 5 59 0 Aster 6 2 Baptisia 32 Chrysopsis 33 9 Coreopsis 12 62 Desmodium 32 4 Eupatorium 0 7 Nu Helianthus rs e 33 ry g Liatris before 17 e r m 23 Liatris after 14 Mimosa 28 25 2 Pityopsis 0 Lab ger Tephrosia 4 2 m Vernonia Percentage of Filled Cells in Nursery (2007 seed) 99 99 99 95 95 89 91.1 90 49.3 29.3 30 24.7 10.2 3.4 2.2 Solidago Agertina Pityopsis Heliopsis Vernonia Vernonia Coreopsis Chrysopsis Helianthus Eupatorium Eupatorium L. squarrosa A. tortifolius A. Aster concolor A. linariifolius linariifolius A. L. graminifolia graminifolia L. Liatris elegans elegans Liatris Species Conclusions UseUse aa softersofter mantlemantle inin brushbrush machinemachine forfor LiatrisLiatris andand otherother speciesspecies AsteraceaeAsteraceae familyfamily difficultdifficult toto cleanclean-- brushbrush machinemachine createscreates muchmuch debrisdebris LegumesLegumes cleanclean easilyeasily inin brushbrush machinemachine andand ForsbergForsberg scarifierscarifier VernoniaVernonia angustifoliaangustifolia seedseed benefitsbenefits fromfrom prechillingprechilling InsectInsect predationpredation detrimentaldetrimental toto germinationgermination (2007(2007 seedseed betterbetter thanthan 2006)2006) ExpensiveExpensive toto obtainobtain puritypurity overover 90%90% GrassesGrasses easyeasy toto cleanclean withwith brushbrush machinemachine Future of project CollectCollect moremore seedseed butbut fromfrom fewerfewer plantsplants FineFine tunetune thethe conditioningconditioning processprocess DetermineDetermine prechillingprechilling andand germinationgermination temperaturestemperatures NeedNeed storagestorage informationinformation MonitorMonitor nurserynursery propagationpropagation MonitorMonitor seedlingsseedlings inin thethe fieldfield CreateCreate seedseed productionproduction areasareas PublishPublish results,results, createcreate seedseed cleaningcleaning manualmanual .
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