V ·• · ~ ..f! .. ~ TAYPORT .1'=~~111' . Si~ SunilaY, 29t6 Ma~ 2005 • iTANNADICE PARR, DUNDEE Kicli-off 3.15 l!.m. OFFICIAL PROGRAMME £2.50 OVD Scottish Junior Cup 2003-2004 The O.V.D. Scottish Junior Cup Final First Round Tayport 6-1 Formartine United FCStoneywood 0-7 Nairn St Nairn Maryhill l -2 Maybole Juniors 1-2 KilwinningRanger s KirkmtillochRob Roy 0-l ~i:~~i1rsPrimrose LOCHEEUNITED J.F.C. TAYPORT F.C. Dundonald Bluebell 1-2 Bankso'Dee CumnockJuniors 1-1 BellshillAthletic Vale of Leven 4,1 BellshillAthletic 4-1 CumnockJur,iors Colours : Blue jerseys , blue shorts , white socks Colours : Red jerseys; black shorts , red socks Aberdeen East End 0-2 ~~;;x~ic9ic9J~~rirs Pumpherston 4-1 FraserburghUnited 1-2 Lewis United Rosyth Recreation 0-1 Port Glasgow Luncarty BrechinVics 0-0 1~ Port Glasgow• Dufftown 2-1 • ~uw~~1-oafterp ena lties WishawJuniors 6-0 r roathVics Longside', East KilbrideThistle Harthill Royal 1-4 Whitburn EastKilbrideT 1st1e: __ V Fochabers 1-6 Elmwood Dundee North End t\ 1/, ~~~W:1lonAccord Glentanar 2-0 Vale of Clyde Shotts Bon Accord · ~J. J.\ Dundee North End Dundee East Craigie 0-0 Stonehouse Violet BellshillAthletic _ -~ Hermes Stonehouse Violet 7-1 Dundee East Craigie Dundee Violet KirriemuirThistle Darvel Juniors 1-1 Greenock Juniors ArdrossanWintonR Lanark United Greenock Juniors 5-1 Oarvel Juniors Sauchie Glenrothes NeilstonJuniors G1enrothes Sauchie Third Round KirkcaldyYM Annbank United CouparAngus 1-l Lugar BoswellThistle WhitlettsVictoria Elmwood Neilston Juniors l -0 Montrose Roselea St. Andrews United Downfield Thorniewood United 1-1 Kinnoutl Downfield St Andrews United Kinnoull 1-2 Thorniewood United Parkvale Benburb BellshillAthletic 0-2 Lanark United IN THE EVENT OF A Benburb Parkvale 7-1 Irvine Victoria 1 lain ROSS DRAW A FTER NINET Y Gk Frazer FITZPATRICK AuchinleckTalbot ~t~~eEl~~~n ~~~rni~~i ;:1bi~rs 1-1 Bo'ness United CamoustiePanmure Bo'ness United• 1-1 AuchinleckTalbot 2 Tommy KING MINUTES Gk Duncan BRUCE GlenaYtonAthletic • Won S-4 on penalties If the te a ms are still level ~:~~ta~~orhfs\~~etic Kello Rovers JeanfieldSwifts 0-1 Port Glasgow Kello Rovers ArmadaleThistle• KelloRovers 0-2 Glenafton Athletic 3 Ross DORWARD at the end of ninety 2 Scott PETERS • Won4•3 after penalties Oakley United 1-1 Greenock Juniors 04-DEC-041 :4S p, 1 mi nutes, then 30 m inutes StAnthonys 4-0 DalkeithThistle GreenockJuniors• 1-1 Oakley United 4 Chr istopher TAWSE Livingston United 2'1 Scone Thistle *Won3-2onpenaltie s extra•time will be p layed 3 Grant PATERSON Arbroath SC 0-5 Kirkintil1ochRob Roy Dunipace Juniors 1-1 Clydebank and if that fails to Forres Thistle 1-2 Renfrew S Jonathan THOMPSON Clydebank 1-l DunipaceJuniors determine the winne r, the 4 John WARD 1-l WishawJuniors Beith Juniors 6-0 LochoreWelfare ~f~~~ii,,,:ters 1-0 Ellon United Pollok l-0 6 Raymond McKINNON match w ill be decided by Vale of Clyde 21 BankfootAthletic BlackburnUnited 1-0 ~~~~r~:al!deside the taking of pena lty kicks. 5 Derek WEMYSS. J,O LochgellyAlbert Sunnybank 1-1 Rutherglen Glencairn 7 Kr is WARD 1· 1 1 2-2 Sunnyl>ank 6 Lloyd YOUNG 1'f ~~:~~~1fr~~;~~rire ~~~~t}n 0~ :~~~m;s Bishopmill United SaltcoatsVictoria 0-2 Arthurlie 8 Charlie CARGILL Irvine Meadow ~6 MuirkirkJuniors Hill of Beath Hithorn 0-0 WishawJuniors 7 Allan RAMSAY West Calder 2-l Dunbar United WishawJuniors l-l Hillof Beath Hithorn• 9 Derek HAMILTON Thornton Hibs 2-l Lesmahagow • Won 5-3 on penalties 8 Steven STEWART RAF l ossiemouth 0-4 Deverons1de StAnthonys 2-l Renfrew 10 Barry Girvan F.C. 1-l LinlithgowRose Largs Thistle 0-1 LinlithgowRose FORBES SecondRound Pumpherston 1-2 Hurlford United 9 Ralph HUNTER BroughtyAthletic Sunnybank Vale of Leven 1-5 MusselburghAthletic 11 Craig ROBERTSON, ::~yowrie KilwinningRangers 1-1 lrvineMeaOow 11 Sean CHRISTIE Rutherglen Glencairn ~:O~i~~rsaen8~fett' 0-4 Arniston Rangers 12 Kenny MacMILLAN Burgheadlhi stle Lochee United Shotts BonAccord 1-2 Troon Cumbernauld United SaltcoatsVictoria Culter 2-2 Maryhill 12 Roberto MORRIS Whitehills Thorniewood United 2-1 Culter 14 Paul DURNO Irvine Victoria ~sah?:~i~ 2-l Petershill 13 Barry McNAUGHTON ~?1b?:~teeLadeside Elmwood 2-0 15 Ian McKENNA Craigmark Burntlians ~ir~Pr~t~~~~~~nians BathgateThistle l -1 ~g~~~~r2~r~nited Arthurlie Tayport l-0 St. Andrews United 16 Graeme THOMSON 14 Gareth DAILLY ~~r~~:s:7f~~~ted Glentanar 5-1 Dufftown ~~lf~is~ ffUJnited CouparAngus• Dunbar United 2-1 TurriffUnited 15 Ross GUNNION Carnoustie Panmure 1-2 Lochee United 18 Gary DAVIDSON ;e:~?e~d\:'itf:nalties 3.2 Buchanhaven Hearts Whitburn l -1 LewisUnited Lossiemouth United 0· 11 Bo'ness United Fourth Round 19 Davie EVANS 16 Gary MIDDLETON Hurlford United 5-0 DairyThistle GlenaftonAthletic 1-0 Rutherglen Glencairn • HillofBeath Hawln 2·0 St Rochs 5-0 HurlforOUnited 20 Russell BROWN 17 Robbie HENDERSON 0 Renfrew ~~i~~hfu~%~s°5e 0-2 Tayport C ~b~~3!~nn~d~~1ub gj Culter KilwinningRangers 1-l Maryhill 21 Aaron BRADFORD Kinloss 0·S Lochee Harp Troon l-2 Port Glasgow - 18 David REILLY KelloRovers 3·1 Dyce Juniors Hillof Beath Hfthorn l- 1 BlackburnUnited ~.... ForlarWestEnd 22 Andy DOW ~~ ~1:xfow 2·1 BathgateThistle 1-0 Greenock Juniors 19 Brian LIVIE 0 Blackburn United Petershill 2-0 Bo'ness United 0 Lew;, u,;ted lt Forth Wanderers NeilstonJuniors 1- 1 Glentanar 23 John McGARVEY Shotts Bon Accord S..P FC Stone O(!d Glentanar 1-2 Neilston Juniors 20 Gordon (Gus) MALONE 1-l Lugar Boswell Thistle :~~k~ ~liee~ ~~ ~e~inJ~ft~~e Star 1-1 Lochee United 24 Phillip H'\,GAN Deveronside 111 Lochee United 2- 1 Lanark United Bro,cburn 1·1 Pollok 5-0 Whitburn MANAGER - Eddie Woleck i MANAGER - Keith Burges s Clydebank 2-4 Bro,cburn Dunbar United l -2 Elmwood Forlar Albion 0-4 LinlithgowRose Renfrew 5-0 DunipaceJuniors ASSISTANT MANAGER - Ernie Scrimgeour ASSISTANT MANAGER - Stewart Car1ukeRov ers 2-B Dunipace Juniors Arthurlie F.C l-0 MusselburghAthletic Lesmahagow 2-~ Lanark United Arniston Rangers 1-2 Thorniewood United COACHES- Mark Murray (Goalkeeping Sauchie Fifth Round Williamson ~~r:t~g~;ell Thistle ----- =~ Cambuslang Rangers StAnthonys Lochee United l -l Neilston Juniors Coach); Ewan Peacock (Midfield coach); COACH - Derek Carr ~:~u~:~So'!:ngers ~:~ lslavale NeilstonJuniors 2-l Lochee United YokerAthletic 2-2 Pollok l -2 Hillof Beath Hithorn Ashfield Arthurlie 6- 1 Thorniewood United Kenny Cameron (Striker Coach) PHYSIO - Norrie Marshall Ashfield" H YokerAthletic Dunbar United 2-2 Lugar BoswellThistle • Won 5-4 on penalties 8 1 2-2 Dunbar United TEAM ADVISER - Malcolm Mcfadyen Beith Juniors 0--0 Cameron ~ui!~ 3~ij~~;ehn~lties Camelon 2-2 Beith Juniors• Troon 2-0 Petershill • Won 3-1 on penalties Tayport 0-0 GlenaftonAthletic Montrose Rosetea /,-1 BanchoryStTernan 0-0 Auchinlecklalbot 2-2 Benburb GlenaftonAthletic Tayport· Benburb 2-l AuchinleckTalbot • Won S-4 on penalties MATCH OFFICIALS Maryhill 2-2 ~:hi):rThist le Ardeerl histle OLD VA)~ St.Andrews United 1 1 0-1 TODAY'S MATCH BALL Newtongrange Star Annbank United ~i~Wtt~~J~~~: 0-0 Ren7rew Shettlesto n Kelty Hearts 4-2 REFEREEJohn McKendrick Pollok DunOeeViolet Renfrew Linlithgow Rose Stonehaven Kinnoull Quarter Final The SJFAwould like to thank MITRE SteelendVictoria DEME~ Dunbar United Lochee United 1-1 Arthurlie ASSISTANTREFEREES LarkhallThistle Mu~selburgh Arthurlie 4-4 Lochee United" Cruden Bay •wo n 5-4 on penalties 1st Official - Euan C Norris for providing the match ball Tranent ~~H~k Boswell Thistle 1-4 Tayport Glenafton Athletic RU)i 2-l Renfrew 2nd Official - Steven Nicholls IUantyreVictoria 1-1 Troon 0-1 Maryhill for tonight's semi-f inal. 5-0 Semifinal t~~~s~a : :ed 0-l 0-4 Lochee United 4th OFFICIALAlan Boyd Carnoustie Panmure l-2 ~:n7r~~ 0-2 Tayport Vale ofL l-2 Sponsors Welcome From the Secretary Welcome to this seasons O.V.D. Cup Final between Lochee United and Tayport JFC. Welcome to Tannadice for the biggest day in the Junior calendar with the long trail that 165 clubs started back in October, now about to reach a dramatic finale. This years finale brings together two of Scotti sh Junior Footb alls great names. Tayport, For the third successiveseason, the final is an all-East who are appearing in their third successive f ina l, wi ll be looking to get their hand s Region affair with Tayport appearing having made it to all back on the trophy they lost to Carnoustie Panmure in last years final. However, three. Two years, Tayport defeated Linlithgow and the Lochee United wi ll be full of confidence after lifting the East Superleague title two men from nort h-east Fife, w ho have shown such weeks ago so it really is all set up for a great game of football. consistency in this tournament since their arrival on the scene fifteen years ago, are looking to w in it for a third t ime after losing out to Tayside rivals Carnoustie Panmure There have been a few remarkable games already in this season's O.V.D. Cup, so let 's twelve months ago. That game was held at Firhill, which hope the Final lives up to expectation and produce the best of Junior football fare. May the best team has been home to this showpiece event since 1999. "- win. This competition is very special to us. O.V.D. Rum has been a sponsor of the competition for 17 years, However, we believe that moving this afternoon's game•toTan nadice is in the in what is one of football 's longest domestic sponsorships. We are delighted to support The Scottish best interest of Junior football. And I sincerely hope, as I am sure wi ll be the case, that it is well supported by the Tayside public.
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