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Edited after difficulty, and the conversational tone of the exercises."— Se/t<'olwaster. by Constantine UiiDE. In 6 Parts, Fol., containing 150 DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH AND GER- magnificent Photographs of the m> rkable Arch i tec tund MAN LANGUAGES. By Ur. Fr. Koehler. Two Parts in Monuments. Each Part £1 $s. One Volume. 1 Vol. 8vo, half calf 7s. 6./. H. GREVEL & CO., 33, KING STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON, W.C PICTORIAL ATLAS HOMERSTO ILIAD AND ODYSSEY THIRTY-SIX PLATES, CONTAINING 225 ILLUSTRATIONS FROM WORKS OF ANCIENT ART, IVITH DESCRIPTIVE TEXT, AND AN EPITOME OF THE CONTENTS OF EACH BOOK, FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND STUDENTS OF LITERATURE AND ART. DR. R. ENGELMANN. W. C. F. ANDERSON, M.A. Professor of Classics at Firth College, Sheffield. LONDON: H. GREVEL & CO., 33, KING STREET. CO VENT GARDEN, W. C. bib — : ' — PREFACE. HE present edition is about three First, those which reproduce with more or less artisans may be assumed to have possessed at least a superficial times as bulky as the original fidelity scenes described by Homer ; secondly, knowledge of his poems. work, and supplies an epitome those which throw light on the manners and " With reference to the second class of illus- of the Iliad Odyssey ; notes trations that is say, and customs of his time ; and, thirdly, those which — to those which are given on the dates, style, provenance, and present give further details of the myths he narrates to illustrate manners, customs, and antiquities home of the selected works of art ; and suffi- or alludes to. I cherish the hope that my method of showing, cient references to standard authorities to make " As to the first class, it may be taken as a not single objects or figures, but whole scenes, the book useful, not only to the advanced recognised principle that the artists of antiquity, will justify itself. It is, I believe, the general student, but also to the ordinary reader. with few exceptions (e.g., II., figs. experience of practical teachers, that individual 3, 4, 60 ; The commentary, too, has been enlarged by Od., figs. 43, 48), did not aim at ' illustrating details impress the pupil's mind much more many additional remarks on customs and art Homer. That is to say, they did not set to readily when they are presented to him as history. The titles of the illustrations no longer work to reproduce the scenes described, ac- part of a larger whole.
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