Serving The State University of Iowa and tI,e People of Iowa rity 7..~~~"la~b",U~S I~'~~' d~l~n'l~~ksI_~~ l~v~eIC~'e~n~~~~a ~~~' o~p~y --------------------------------------------------~M~m~6e~r ~oTr ~A~s~so~c~la~l~~~YT~~~---A~P~r;~~~~d~Wk~e-a-n~d~P~h~-'i-o~§~r~v~lc~e~----------------------------------------------Tto~w~a~C~lt~y.~I~a~..~sa~w~Nk~-y~ . F"e~b~r-u-a ~--9~.~J~~ '7 an urc ase --------~~~l~·~~~~.--~------~--~~------------------------------------------~----------------------- ------- 227 Acres ~ondon Bound, ~aves Dog I 'Student To Be Used ' Beck Willing But Falls ;n RiVver For Expansion ' To Testify DES MorNES t.fI - The Stat{' LONDON IA'I - Dave Beck. head Board of Reeents Friday approved of the huge Teamsters Union, new the purchase or 2n acres of farm­ to Londo n Friday night and said land for f\lturp exponsion of SUI. if the U.S. Senate wants him to The latest addlUon is a farm testify in a labor rackets investi· owned by Mr. and Mrs. Harold gation he'll be perfectly willing - W. McGinnis. who now li ve on the next month. farm . The board voted Friday to B<'c k. arriving from Nassau. the a~ept the McGinnis offer to sell Bahamas. denied during an air· port news conference that he left the m acres for $140.000. America to avoid an investigation . ~ The purl!tlase Is subject to ap­ into the affairs of his 1.400.000- Duke of Edinburgh proval by the Stale Executive member union . Council. "I will be only too ready to ap- NEW YORK t.fI - The twin tor­ Board officials said the land will penr be(ort' the Stonatc commit· men ts of ilileness and nameless an­ be paid for with non-tax fun ds tee," he said. " I don't know xi('ties explod d FrIday with dea th such as Incom > from unIve rsity wh lher I shnll bc /lb le to ht'lp in a Brooklyn home. investmenta. them - I don't kn. ow what thl'Y I A moody couple apparenlly chok- No platIJ have bet>n made (or want. t'd thei r Iitlle girl to death. police usc of the land except to have "Why should I dodge? I Mve id then jumpt'd together from space in which to grow when the got nothing to hide. I hav~ n ·t ~en the '15th-ll00r roof of th ir apart­ time come •. subpoenaed. 1 have bcell In Mlalnl ment building. fol' 10 days, If they wanl('~ to sub- 1'he d ad were Joseph Kennedy . The Regents endorse<! the pro­ poena me all they had to do was 40' hi wife Nan 42 anq their gram of the Govt'mor's Mental to walk in and serve it." da·ughler. Y;lerie. '5, • Health Committee now pending in This was Bec k's second visit to Not eVE'n the closcst relatives the Legislature. Europe in rec{'nt wee ks. Follow- could gue s the exact reason. but The program calls (or expansion ing a le ngthy tour on this side of th y noted signs of monotony and of the state Psychopathic Hospital the Atlantic h(' went to Miami morbid worries in Ule family' liC. at Iowa City as a mental health Beach and got into a qunrrel with "I'm afraid w "1\ never know (or training and research center to Sen McClellan ID-Ark.l about go- sure." said a brother. James Ken­ collaborate with the state mental Da lly Iowan P bot.o ing to Washington for testimony. nedy. "ice-pre ident of a family­ institutions which are und r the THESE THREE SUI STUDENTS, plus many mo ~, are goln9 to a lie wenl to Nas au a few days own d trucking firm. Board of Control. lot of troubl, to raill .tubbl,. Don Campbell, E3, Iowa City, top, ago Crom MiamI. either of th couple worked. "I think this proeram Is overdup Steve Mocfrlck, El, Dav,nport, center, and M,rl, Runol, E2, Fair­ 10 Iowa. " said un iversity Presi­ field are getting an early start with their beards In an IItttmpt to wi n The Senate committee investi- But they wer said to be amply 'gating the t am~ters ha invesli- provided for. by inheritance and dent Virgil M. Hancher. II prize In the M.cca wllk beanl contest. Mecell woek festivities, in. chIding the •• arch for the blam.y stone, will begin March 11 . gated transactions having to do oth r income. Dr. Paul Huston. director of with Beck's palatial Seattle home. Th· couple. especially the h~ - Psychopathic Hospi tal. said, "at The committee said it round: band. had chronic fears about the rate we are trai nin g psychiat­ That the union paid some oC Lhe health. Ilis doctor described him rists DOW it would take 35 years original construclion cost oC the to police as a hypochrondiac. to meet the ne ds of the state in­ housq ; that B ck then &O ld thc But h was bothered by periods stitutions ... ,Power of despair and un asiness. and a AtomiC Plant union under an agreement giving In other action . the regents ap­ him its usc ihdcfinitely on a free. nervous disorder hi brother called proved a $30 increa e in dormitory tax-paid. expen. e paid basis ; that "onticipation neuro is." rates at Iowa State College. he also sold th· union the furnish­ Their ol1('-bedroom apartment in the modern. well-ordered Clinton The pre nt dormitory rate is Planned for Midwest ings. including original pllintinis. $570 a year. Starting next fall it Hills development in a choic scc· MILWAUKEE fA'! - A new alOmic-,"eaCljlr plant that may produce but slill enjoys thcir use. lion u[ Brooklyn. wa com(ortlloly will be ~ . Tb rate covers board electric pow ~ r more ¢heaply tlil'ilConventional steam generation is I Beck told airport reporters his furnished. but dreary in appear­ and room for three quarters-fall. scheduled for co nstruction in the Midwest during the next five years. wit was 1lI and that he could not ance. It rented for $115 a month . wint r and spring. "This has the rcal, serious intent ot developing nuclear power until aHord to wai t in America for the Littll' Vall'rie luy In th b 'd­ College officials said the in­ it is competitive with power fro111 I'nate invl' 'Ugators to deci d ~ room. wearing blue jean and D crea e is needed to cover pay­ {o sil fuels, " said Rob{'rt S. Ste· wh n they wanted to ee him. brown jersey. a trickle o{ blood m nts on dormitory constructi on 'Soft-Soap' ve nson. president of the Allis-Chal· "[ have got a lot of work to do from h r lips. She di d aboul loans. provide for pay increases mers Manufacturing Co .• in a pr('s. in London. P~ris. Rome and Ge- lhree hours before her parents. for dormitory employes and meet . n va." he said. " If 1 waited for y Police said Ken nedy slightly rising food costs. entatIOn to nel:smrn Fr.lda . them l might be sitli ng down do- sla hed hi wriSls and his th roat. By Marin~s The plant Will be blillt by Allis· ing nothing [or Ix wtocks." Dormitory rate increases at SUI before the couple plunged off the ranging from $50 to $55 a year. Chalmers, a pion 'er developer of roof. Judging from the closeness were approved by the Regents last Says Father working reactors. Research and o( their bodies. a detective said: December. These increases. too. development will be underwritten The Weather "It loo ks as' if they w nt down are effective nexl fall . PARRIS ISLAND, S. C. IA'I - A by an association of utility com· hold ing hands." Vermont father who came to this panies (n seven 1I1idwestcrn tates. No Increase has been asked for Iowa State Teachers College. Marino training base to in vestigate Iowa Power companies partici· his son's charges of maltreatment pating in the proj('ct are: In te r­ Cloudy 4 SUI Students Dormitory rate increases of at th e hands or a drill sergeant state Power Co.. Dubuque; Iowa about $30 a year went into effect said Friday he is getting a "soft­ Power and Lig ht Co .. Des Mo ines Hurt in Car Crash at all three stale colleges last [all. soap job" from base officials. and Southern Utilities Co., Center­ and Four sur students were injured But. said Nelson F. Porter of ville. in a 2-car accident late Friday Hartford. Vl. , he feels that the Estimated cost is from $20 to $25 Warm night when their car rammed into Marine Corps is a good outfit that million. the rear of another car one and one-half miles west of Grand Communists requires tough training. although When finished in 1962, the plant . any form of brutality should be Mound. Iowa. will be owned and operated by the The fo g and dri zzle which has Injured and hospitalized was the eliminated. Northern States Power Co, Its 60.­ Porter came here Thursday night OOO-kilowatt capacit y will be fed dampened the spirits of Iowa drive,," Ed Sproat. El. Laerange. To Hold ~ 4·Day Citlans should give way to warm­ TIL ; Keith Zastrow. EI . Clinton ; to . talk with base. officials after he into the connected li ne~ of the co­ er te mperatures and cloudy skies said his son, DaVid Le~ ~orter .
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