APRIL 23, 2020 CALIFORNIA 7502B Florence Ave, Downey,OWLING CA 90240 • Website: CaliforniaBowlingNews.com • Email: [email protected] N • Office:EWS (562) 807-3600 Fax: (562) 807-2288 USBC Pushes Open & Women's Eventsby Lucas Wiseman To The Fall RENO – The United States Bowling Congress announced the USBC Open and Women’s Champion- ships will now start in the Juanita Weber fall and be conducted with a drastic reduction in the number of teams per squad. The USBC Open Cham- Dies at Age 89 pionships are now sched- by Bill Vint | PBA Media Relations uled for Sept. 12 until Nov. ST. LOUIS, Mo. – Juan- According to her story, 21 at the National Bowling ita Weber, wife of the late her future husband ap- Stadium in Reno, Nevada, Professional Bowlers Asso- proached her and said, while the USBC Women’s ciation legend Dick Weber “Don’t I know you?” That Championships is slated for and matriarch of the PBA’s inconspicuous beginning Sept. 19 through Oct. 18 at most famous family, died at grew into something much the South Point Bowling a St. Louis assisted living more serious after Dick Plaza in Las Vegas. the dates until May 1 and said in a release. “Moving our team captains through- center late Monday night. bowled in the American The moves are being then another delay until the tournaments to later in out this process.” She was 89. Bowling Congress Cham- made in connection with May 23. Now, the events the year gives our bowlers USBC also announced it Juanita Weber, born pionships Tournament, the coronavirus pandemic, have been pushed by four and their families a chance would increase social dis- on August 28, 1930, had won some money and re- which has gripped the na- months. to consider what is best for tancing for the events when been in declining health turned to Indianapolis with tion and shut down the “Our first concern is the their circumstances. We they do kick off this fall. for some time. She was marriage on his mind. They sport of bowling as a result. well-being of our mem- appreciate the amazing pa- Team squads will be lim- the mother of long-time were too young to be mar- USBC had previously bers,” USBC Executive tience and compassion that ited to one team on a pair PBA Midwest Region man- ried without parental con- announced a pushback of Director Chad Murphy we have seen from all of continued on page 7 ager Rich Weber, daughter sent but got permission and Paula Darmon, Director of were married in Indianapo- PBA50 and PBA Regional lis on Dick’s birthday, De- Tours John Weber and 37- cember 23, 1948. After The 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic time PBA Tour champion Dick and Juanita moved and Hall of Famer Pete. to St. Louis shortly thereaf- Juanita and Dick We- ter, where Dick joined the ber had met in a bowling famous Budweisers of St. – BOWLING CAME BACK – center when both were Louis and launched one of by Frank Weiler teenagers. According to the most successful careers The COVID-19 pandem- In a shortened college the story she later told her in bowling history. ic of 2020 and the resulting football season, the Uni- children, Juanita went to Juanita also bowled. “I worldwide shut down of the versities of Michigan and the bowling center with a never bowled a 300 game, economy, cultural events Pittsburgh were declared girl friend to watch a guy but I did win a state title,” and the sports world is un- co- National Champions named Curt Heady bowl she had said. precedented in our lifetimes. with identical 5-0 won-lost league. Her father, she had But her greatest claim There has been nothing like records. The University of said, didn’t want her going to fame was her behind- it in modern times since the Southern California (USC) to the “bowling alley” back the-scenes role as advisor pandemic of 1918-19, popu- went 2-2-1. Because World then because “nice girls and manager one of the larly named the outbreak of War I was ongoing, and don’t hang out in bowling most decorated families in the Spanish Flu. many athletes were war alleys.” continued on page 7 There are many differ- bound the Rose Bowl game ences between today’s pan- was won by the Great Lakes demic and that of 1918-19 Navy team 17 to 7 over the but one thing that both pan- Mare Island Marines! demics have in common is The 1918-19 NHL Hock- This Shirt Says It All! that the sport of Bowling ey season ended without a was shut down back then Stanley Cup champion. The and now. Spanish Flu pandemic came The good news is the in three waves. The first shutdown of Bowling and wave of cases and deaths the sports world in 1918-19 came in early 1918, the did not have any long-term second wave came in the negative effects on Bowling, fall of 1918 and the third other sports and the sporting wave in January 1919. The HANK MARINO, voted the greatest bowler of the first half world. third wave ended the sea- of the 20th century, survived the pandemic of 1918-19 and Of course, the short-term son’s Stanley Cup playoffs led the sport of Bowling back, better than ever. effect on Bowling and other without a champion. The defenseman and future Hall ries of 1918 was played sports was and now is dev- Stanley Cup finals began of Famer Joe Hall, passed early ending on September astating during both pan- in March 1919. The series away. The remainder of 11. Because of world events demics. Some examples of between Montreal and Se- the Stanley Cup finals was it was decided the season the sports shutdown of 1918 attle was tied at two games canceled. The entry on should be curtailed and include shortened seasons won by each team and one the Stanley Cup trophy for should be completed by the for college football, Major tie when five Montreal skat- 1918 reads “series not com- end of August. The Boston League Baseball and a can- ers were hospitalized with pleted”. Red Sox led by Babe Ruth http://www.lovetee.shop/bowling-season-2020?checkout=cart celed Stanley Cup final. high fever. One of the five, The Baseball World Se- continued on page 7 LOUSY BOWLER TOURNAMENT $20 Per Bowler PAGE 2 Lousy Bowler T-shirt included! CALIFORNIABOWLINGNEWS.COM APRIL 23, 2020 SUNDAY, MARCH 8 FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: RIVERSIDE LANES AT 1-888-590-2695 LOUSY BOWLER 12TOURNAMENTth LAUGHLIN $20 Per Bowler Lousy Bowler T-shirt included! SUNDAY,BLAST MARCH 8 FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: SeniorRIVERSIDE No–TapLANES AT 1-888-590-2695 Doubles 12thHandicap LAUGHLIN Event! Junior Gold Canceled, BLAST Senior No–Tap Doubles SUNDAY,Handicap AUGUST Event! 16 Team USA Program Suspended FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: by Lucas Wiseman A day after pushing the USBC Open and Women’s USBC reported in its release that World Bowling has SUNDAY,JOYCE DALTON–JENSEN AUGUST (619) 251–9660 16 Championships to the fall, the International Bowling pushed its world championships events to 2021 and that FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Campus made more news Thursday when it announced it appears clear there will be no international events for JOYCE DALTON–JENSENwww.Laughlinblast.com (619) 251–9660 www.Laughlinblast.com the cancelation of the Junior Gold Championships and Team USA in 2020. suspension of the Team USA program. “We know this is disappointing for our Team USA The Junior Gold Championships, the largest youth athletes who worked hard to earn the honor of represent- event in the country, had been scheduled for July 8-26 in ing our country in competition,” Team USA Head Coach BOOK SWEEPERS/GROUP RESERVATIONS/BIRTHDAYS/CORPORATE PARTIES Las Vegas with more than 4,000 participants. The cancel- Rod Ross said about suspending Team USA operations 1.888.590.2695 ation of the USA Bowling National Championships, the in 2020. “Unfortunately, we do not see any possibility of RiversideResort.com Bowling.com Youth Open Championships and the Survi- Team USA competing this calendar year. We look forward BOOK SWEEPERS/GROUP RESERVATIONS/BIRTHDAYS/CORPORATE PARTIES vor tournament were also announced. to 2021, with a stronger expanded team that includes cur- rent team members and those who make the squad at the “All of us at IBC Youth understand and share in the dis- 2021 (USBC) Team USA Trials.” RiversideLanes.Feb2020.BowlingNews.inddQuality1.888.590.2695 Tax 1 Services 2/5/20 11:28 PMappointment, as July is our time to celebrate youth bowl- Where Serving You Is Our Pleasure ing with the athletes, families, coaches, and volunteers,” Those who are members of 2020 Team USA and Ju- ElectronicRiversideResort.com Filing / RALS (Fast Refund) said Gary Brown, IBC Youth Managing Director, in a re- nior Team USA, if they remain age eligible, will be given Jim Hicklin EA lease. “But this summer is the time to ensure the focus is automatic spots on the 2021 teams. Giving those spots to Tax Preparer / Consultant / Practitioner on the safety and welfare of our bowling families.” 2020 team members will impact the 2021 Team USA Tri- Member of als, however. The moves come as USBC and the International Bowl- California Society of Tax Consultants ing Campus are working to deal with the coronavirus pan- At the trials, the top four men and four women will be By Appointment or Office: (562) 806-4557 demic that has gripped the nation. On Wednesday, USBC given Team USA spots based on performance along with RiversideLanes.Feb2020.BowlingNews.inddWalk-ins Welcome 1 Fax: (562) 806-34972/5/20 11:28 PM 10019 Tecum Road Cell: (310) 701-2690 announced the USBC Open and Women’s Championships the U.S.
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