2018 As National Stalking Awareness M;Nth for Saline County

2018 As National Stalking Awareness M;Nth for Saline County

SAUNE COUNTY EOARD OF COMM//SS'ONERS' M'NUTES Tuesdov. ldnudru 02, zotg Public Forum 7 Coll To Order Commissioner Monte Shadwick called the meeting to order at 9:m AM, lamie Allen, Saline County Clerk, called the roll ofattendance with all Commissione.s present for the following agenda. 2 Public Forum Joan Ratzlaff,9lina, stated the department updates should be in the public forum. Karen Shade, Salina, stated last year was a good year and is pleased with the Department of Senior Servicesbeing a new department with lhe county. Norman Mannel, Salina, wanted the Comrnission to be aware the Bond protection is being eliminated. 3 Approwl of Publ:tc Forum Agendo commissaoner Robert vidricks€n rhoved to remove items #2 and #3 county commission Minutes Approvalto next week public and approve the forum as amended. seconded bv commissioner Michael J white. Motion Deased 5-0. 4 Nofionol Stdlking Aworcness Month proclamotion Morgan Jones, presented DVACK, the National Stalking Awareness proclamation. Stalking is recogni:ed as intentionalharasshent, panern a ofbehavior directed at a specific person, causing that pe6on to feelfear and endangerment or endangerment ofthe person's immediate famiry. The variation in starking behavior ranges from hang_up phone calls to more directthreats toward a victim. The rikerihood ofinJury increases when the stalkinS behavior escalates over time. commuhitiescan better combat starkinB by raising awareneis, by adopting multidisciprinary responses by teams of rocar agencies and organizati;ns, and by providing more and better victim services. Morgan rones arso stated there isfiee community traininc avairabre. commissioner James L Weese rnoved to declare lanuary 2018 as National Stalking Awareness M;nth for Saline County. Seconded by Colnmissioner Rodger Sparks. Motion passed 5_0. S Ndtionol Shvery ond Humon Tnfticking prcvention Month ptoclomation courtneyTrain, DVACK presented the National slaveryand Human Trafficking prevention Month Proclarnation Millions of men, women, and chirdren are victims of human which is the second- lar8est and fasrest growing criminal industry in the wo.ld. Human Trafficking'Jfficking, denies victims basic human dignity and freedom and is based on re.ruiting, harborin& and transportin' ;eople through use of force, fraud, and/or coercion foi the purpos€ of sexual exploitation or forced labor, Th;U.S, Justice Department has identified Kansas as an originating state fo. human trafficking and most trafficking in Kansas ihvorves rocal children The Dorhestic viorence Association of centrar Kansas isjoining tot.". 'nitrr uiorr,".r;;;;;;"rr, craminaljustice officials, and concerned citizeni throughout central Kansas andthe united states to observe National siavery and Human Trafficking p.evention Month. commissioner RodSer sparks moved to decrare Jahuary 2018 as Nationar sravery and Human prevention Traffcking Month tor;line county. seconded by Commissioner Robert Vidricksen. Motion passed 5-0. 6 RFA #703-78 RFD it Lqnd purchoses David Nilson, RurarFire District *lTreasurer, discussed RFA fi103-18 RFD #1land purchases. sarine county Rural Fir€ District #1 Board ofTrustees is asking for the Commission,s approval t; p;.chase 3,6 lots (a pproximately) in Gypsurn, Ka nsas a nd 9.0 lots in carlton, Ka nsas, at a iotal cost of ss,500.0o. The .easons for this purchase areto procure sites for the construction of two hew fire stations in the nearfuture- The funds for this purchase wirr be withdrawn from the Fire oistrict's speciar Equipment accouni. David Nirson stated rast month s quoted purchase amount of56,500 was incorrect; the actualpurchase amount is SS,5O0. Commissioner Roben Vidricksen asked who the land is deeded to. O*ia flii.o" ,t"t"a it it will be deeded to the Fire District. cornmissioner Robert vidricksen moved t. nio "pproved p-urch.se *,i"r." o, a .ign the contracts to approximatery 3'6 rots in Gypsum and g rots in carrton for future firehouse satesror a totarcost of 55,500.00. Seconded by Commissioner Michael J White. Motion passed 5_0. 1964 SAUNE COUNTY BOARD (E COMM'SS'ONERS' MINUTES CONNNUED Tuesdov. tonudn 02. 2078 7 RFA B1O1-18 2018 Motor crcdeE purchose Darren Fishel, Road Supedntendent, discussed RFA f1O1-18 request forthe purchase ofthree(3) new Motor Graders. Four bids we.e received for the award ofcontract. The Bidde6were: Foley Equipment Cate rpillar Model 12M3 - Total Amount (5777,000.00), Trade Guarantee (S450,OOO.0O), Total Cost Bid for 3 Ma.hines {S327,[email protected]; Foley Equipment Caterpillar Model 120M2 , Total Amount (S789,OOO.OO), Trade Guarantee (S450,000.00), TotalCost 8id for 3 Machines (S339,OOO.0O); Murphy Tracror John Deere ModetTTOGP _ Total Amount (5844,500.00), Trade Guarantee (5488,250.00), Total Cost Bid for 3 Machines (5356,250.00); Murphy T.adorJohn Deere Model6T0GP - TotalAmount (Sm7,OOO.OO), Trade cuarantee (5436500.00|, Total Cost Bid tor 3 Machines (5370,500.00). All bid documents were checked and found to be in compliance with the specifications lnstead ofguaranteed repurchase, thes€ machines have been bid with a €uaranteed trade amount. lhis mean5 the price for a trade in is only guaranteed ifthe dealer awarded rhe contract in 2o1g is awarded the contract in 2023. This isdue to the d iscontinuatioh ofthe repurchase program by the dealerships. In future calls for bid in 2023 it will be for the disposal ofthree machines, allowing all bidderslo offer a taade value for the machines. saline county has been using theTotalcost Bidding method for purchasing motor graders since 1990. Totalcost bidding letsthe county consider allmajor cost before actuallybuyinga ma€hine. Also, this method allows the county to acquire guarantees on maximum equipment cost throuSh competitive bidding. In writing, we have the purchase price, the maximum s/e willpayfor repairs and scheduled maintenance. The three motor graders schedured for reptrr€hase are a 2013 caterpillar 140M. staff recommends accepting the low Total cost Bid and award the bid to Forey Equipment. The Totar cost Bid is 5777,00o.00 for three new 2018 caterpillar 12M3 Electronic over Hydraulic Machines, with guaranteed trade of S450,000.00 in 2023. The total bid amount would be 5777,000.00 with a 2013 repurchase amount of 5450,000.00and repurchase increase offer of S45,Om.OO for totalout ofpocket expensefor 2018 of s282,000 00. Monies wirr come from the Road and Bridge capitar outray Fund, commissioner Rodger sparks moved to award the bid to purchese 3 new 2018 Motor Grade.to Forey Equipment for the purchas€ price of 5282,000.00 out ofthe 201.8 capitaloutlay funds. s€conded by commissioner James t weese. Motion oassed 5-0. 8 R@d ond gtutge 4th euor?€r Update Darren Fishel, Road and Bridge Road Superintendent, discussed the Road and Bridge 4th quarter department update Darren Fisher updated the commission on the Administration/shop consiuction; aurar operators; Work Completed including erosion control, tree workand culvert replacement/repair; and traffic control. 9 County Engineet 4th euorter lJdote Neil Cable, County Engineer, discussed the County Engineer 4th euarter department update. Neil Cable discussed completed projects, construction that was underway, and upcoming pro;eca. lO AdJownment commissioner Rodger sparks moved to adjourn the meetihg at 10:08AM. seconded by commissionerJames L Weese. Motion passed 5-0. Meeting - Coll fo @der Commissioher Monte Shadwick called the meeting to orde. at lO:12 AM with all Commrsstoners present for the following agenda. lmryircd DtMng Deterrcnce prqrcm crcnt sheriff Ro'er 50rdan discussed the rmpaired Driving program Deterrence Grant The Sranr rs to renew the proSram for 2 years. commission€r MichaerJ white moved to auth-orize the chairto sign thegraht. by seconded Commissioner Robert Vidricks€n. Motion passed S-0. SAUNE COUN|Y B(,,,RD OF COMM'SSNNERS' MINUTES CONNNUED Tuesddv. tonuon 02. 20tg Reorgonizotion of the Sotine County @/mmissionerc lor 2OI8 The Commission discussed the Reorganization ofthe County Commission for 2018 including the election of officers; setting times, dates, etc.; and appointment ofboards for 2018. Commissioner MonteShadwick moved to elect Commissioner Robert Vidricksen as Chairman, Commissioner Rodger Sparks as Vice Chairman and Commissioner James L Weese as Secretary for the 2018 County Commission. Seconded by Commissioner Michael J White. Motion passed 5-0. Commissioner James L Weese stated he app.eciated Commissioner Monte shadwick's expertise and leadership. commissioner Rodger sparks agreed. lt wasthe consensusofthe commission to continue meeting on Tuesday's of each week. commissioner Robert vidricksen moved to have all commissioners continue with their current boerd appointments except for commissioner Monte shadwlck and himsell changing from the salina Area chamber ot commerce and the Building Authority with the chanSes taking effect on February 1, 2018. Seconded by Commissioner Rodger Sparks. Motion passed 5-0. Executlve *tsio/' commissioner Roben vidricksen moved to recess to Executive s€ssion under the Attorney/client privilege exception to the Kansas open Meetings Adfo. pending litigation. seconded by commissioherJames I weese. Motion passed 5-0. Also present were Rita Deister, County Administaator and Mike Montoya, County Counselor. The b(ecutive Session began at 1O:21AM and the regular s€ssion reconvened at 10:51 AM. No action was taken. Cou nty Adml nistra|,/s UpdoE Rita Deister, county Administrator, discussed an €thernet agreement with NexTech for the DeDartment of Senior Services; upcoming dates, sales tax and the county

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