INFECTION AND IMMUNITY VOLUME 3 . NUMBER 6 * JUNE 1971 EDITORIAL BOARD ERWIN NETER, Editor-in-Chief (1974) QUENTIN N. MYRVIK, Editor (1973) State University of New York at Buffalo Wake Forest University, and Children's Hospital, Buffalo Winston-Salem, N.C. GLADYS L. HOBBY, Editor (1972) J. W. SHANDS, JR., Editor (1973) Infectious Disease Research Institute, University of Florida, East Orange, N.J. Gainesville HERBERT R. MORGAN, Editor (1972) GUY P. YOUMANS, Editor (1974) University of Rochester Northwestern University, Rochester, N.Y Chlicago, III. el Baron (1972) Fred E. Hahn (1972) George C. Poppensiek (1972) L. Barron (1972) T. N. Harris (1971) Sidney Raffel (1972) L. Becker (1972) Leonard Hayflick (1972) H. Christine Reilly (1972) A. Benedict (1971) Mendel Herzberg (1972) Stephen H. Richardson (1973) W. Bernheimer (1972) William L. Hewitt (1971) Wallace P. Rowe (1972) Joe Berry (1971) Maurice R. Hilleman (1972) Philip K. Russell (1973) R. Bloom (1972) Dexter H. Howard (1973) Dwayne C. Savage (1972) I. Braude (1971) Milton Huppert (1973) Russell W. Schaedler (1972) lotte C. Campbell (1971) Ernest Jawetz (1972) William F. Scherer (1973) alter D. Celmer (1971) Arthur G. Johnson (1972) Leon H. Schmidt (1971) allace A. Clyde, Jr. (1973) Richard M. Krause (1972) Charles C. Shepard (1971) FAnk M. Collins (1971) Carl Lamanna (1973) Kendall 0. Smith (1973) Richard Ekstedt (1973) Edwin H. Lennette (1972) John K. Spitznagel (1971) Wtlliam W. Ferguson (1972) Mark H. Lepper (1971) David W. Talmage (1971) Richard A. Finkelstein (1973) Ralph Tompsett (1972) Maclyn McCarty (1972) Lewis W. Wannamaker (1972) Charles W. Fishel (1972) Joseph L. Melnick (1972) Marvin Fishman (1972) Dennis W. Watson (1972) Stephan E. Mergenhagen (1972) Lawrence G. Wayne (1972) Joel G. Flaks (1972) Lester A. Mitscher (1972) Rolf G. Freter (1973) William 0. Weigle (1972) Hann Friedman (1972) H. J. MuUer-Eberhard (1971) Russell S. Weiser (1972) Lrraine Friedman (1971) Abner L. Notkins (1972) Robert W. Wheat (1973) Hugh Fudenberg (1972) Philip Y. Paterson (1972) Charles L. Wisseman, Jr. (1971) Irving Gordon (1972) David Perlman (1971) George G. Wright (1971) ROBERT A. DAY, Managing Editor, 4715 Cordell Ave., Bethesda, Md. 20014 EX OFFICIO R. E. HUNGATE, President (1970-1971) MORRIS F. SHAFFER, Vice-President (1970-1971) DONALD E. SHAY, Secretary T. J. CARSKI, Treasurer Infection and Immunzity, a publication of the American Society for 20014. Correspondence from ASM members relating to membership Microbiology, 4715 Cordell Ave., Bethesda, Md. 20014, is devoted dues, member subscriptions, changes of address, incorrect address to the advancement and dissemination of fundamental knowledge incorrect journals, etc., should be directed to the American Society concerning 1) pathogenic microorganisms and infection, 2) ecology, for Microbiology, 1913 I St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006. Non- epidemiology and host factors, 3) antimicrobial agents and chemo- members of the Society should write to The Williams & Wilkins hermpy, and 4) immunology. Infection and Immunity is published Co., 428 E. Preston St., Baltimore, Md. 21202, regarding institution monthly, and the twelve numbers are divided into two volumes of nonmember subscriptions and nonreceipt of journals. Published peryear. The subscription price is $40 (foreign, $41) per year. Single monthly by the ASM at 428 E. Preston St., Baltimore, Md. 21202. copies are $4.00 (foreign, $4.25). Members of the American Society Second class postage paid at Baltimore, Md., and at additional for Microbiology may receive Infection and Immunity as part of mailing offices. their dues. Correspondence relating to reprints, defective copies, evailability of back issues, lost or late proofs, disposition of sub- Made in the United States of America. mitted manuscripts, and general editorial matters should be directed Copyright © 1971, American Society for Microbiology. to the ASM Publications Office, 4715 Cordell Ave., Bethesda, Md All Rights Reserved. INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, June 1971, p. i-ii Vol. 3, No. 6 Copyright © 1971 American Society for Microbiology Printed in U.S.A. AUTHOR INDEX Aaronson, Stuart A., 424 Cole, B. C., 24 Habig, William, 498 Actor, Paul, 444 Collier, Albert M., 694 Hadlow, W. J., 221 Allen, Anton M., 429 Colwell, Louise S., 444 Hall, Joan M., 739 Allen, Patton T., 318 Cooper, M. Robert, 66, 851 Halstead, Scott B., 193 Allen, S. L., 727 Craig, Charles P., 94 Hande, Kenneth R., 671 Allison, Marvin J., 774 Craig, Ronald A., 189 Hearn, Henry J., 504 Andersen, Burton R., 648 Csiza, C. K., 833, 838 Heinzerling, Rollin H., 358 Andrada, Juan A., 642 Cunningham, C. H., 295 Herring, Albert S., 504 Appell, Loren H., 323 Hill, David A., 323 Arbuthnott, J. P., 849 Hill, J. C., 274 Armstrong, Donald, 159 Dalton, Harry P., 774 Hinrichs, David J., 478 Auerbach-Rubin, Fran, 688 Dandeu, Jean-Pierre, 1 Hinuma, Yorio, 304 Dannenberg, Arthur M., Jr., 254 Hinze, Harry C., 350 DeChatelet, Lawrence R., 66, 851 Holmes, Marlee J., 133 Balish, Edward, 141, 481 De Clercq, Erik, 516 Holmgren, J., 747 Bang, Frederik B., 617 de Lahunta, A., 833, 838 Huang, Kun-Yen, 488 Bardana, Emil J., Jr., 524 Dietz, T. M., 378 Hudson, Bruce W., 498 Baron, L. S., 73, 500 Dossett, John H., 10 Hugh, Rudolph, 488 Baron, Samuel, 323 Douglas, Steven D., 179 Huisingh, Donald, 711 Barron, Almen L., 642 Duncan, Charles L., 167, 171 Hutchinson, Harriet D., 237 Bass, Joseph A., 51 Beggs, William H., 496 Ida, Shiroh, 304 659 Eggebraten, Laura M., 723 Benedik, A., Ehrenkranz, N. Joel, 664 Irish, Lawrence E., 478 Benyesh-Melnick, M., 45 Irvin, William S., 94 Bergdoll, Merlin S., 777, 784 Elberg, Sanford S., 361, 200 Bergman, R. K., 221 Elliott, David F., 664 Bermheimer, Alan W., 449, 603 Elliott, Stephen C., 217 Jablon, James M., 189 Berry, L. Joe, 444 Elliott, Thomas B., 488 Jacobs, A. A., 595 Bhasin, J. L., 398 El-Sharkawy, A., 711 James, W. D., 420 Blazkovec, A. A., 260 Ely, Mathew, 159 Jay, James M., 544 Bleiweis, Arnold S., 189 Escobar, Mario R., 774 Jenkins, E. M., 589 Essien, Boniface, 671 Johnson, Russell C., 723, 727 Blobel, H., 507 Everett, Bobo, Raymond A., 411 Karen A., 328 Johnston, Paul B., 793 Booth, R., 659 Julian, A. J., 559 Borden, Ernest C., 466 Fabricant, C. G., 416 Boring, John R., III, 762 Fabrikant, Jacob I., 254 Kaback, Michael M., 671 Bradley, Diane, 739 Farr, Richard S., 524 Kambara, Takeshi, 254 Broome, M. G., 268 Fair, William R., 494 Kanoe, M., 507 Brown, George L., 358, 637 Farkas-Himsley, H., 184 Kazar, J., 819, 825 Brubaker, R. R., 59, 580 Feary, Thomas W., 411 Kellog, Douglas S., Jr., 624 Burgdorfer, W., 355 Flanagan, Thomas D., 642 Kenny, George E., 510 Burger, Denis R., 478 Formal, Samuel B., 73, 500 Kigoshi, Shigeru, 705 Burmester, B. R., 295 Freeman, M. J., 398 Kim, Kwang-Shin, 449 Frenkel, J. K., 756 Kissling, Robert E., 237 Kochan, Ivan, 553 Cahill, J. F., 24 Kozel, Thomas R., 287 Caldes, G., 420 Ganaway, James R., 429 Krahenbuhl, J. L., 260 Callaway, Carey, 624 Gemski, P., Jr., 73, 500 Kramer, M. J., 333 Carpenter, Philip L., 637 Gerke, John R., 209 Kramer, T. T., 405, 815 Carrier, S. P., 405, 815 Gerone, Peter J., 323 Krautwurst, P. A., 819 Carter, William A., 671 Gibbons, R. J., 567 Kreger, Arnold S., 449, 603 Cassell, Gail H., 411 Gifford, George E., 164 Krol, Peter M., 184 Cavanaugh, Dan C., 498 Gillespie, J. H., 416, 833, 838 Kronvall, Goran, 10 Cazin, John, Jr., 287 Gillmore, J. D., 825 Krook, L., 416 Chandler, Cleo H., 803 Giron, David J., 318 Kurtz, Harold J., 678 Chandrasekhar, Saroj, 254 Golden, Carole A., 553 Chanock, R. M., 420 Good, Robert C., 87 Cheng, Shu-Lan, 548 Gordon, Francis B., 333, 819, 825 LaBrec, E. H., 73 Chester, Thomas J., 516 Grecz, N., 659 La Via, Mariano F., 810 Clyde, Wallace A., Jr., 694 Gruber, Jack, 574 Lee, Linda, 624 * . AUTHOR INDEX INFEC. IMMUN. Lehrer, Robert I., 800 Peacock, M., 355 Spicer, S. S., 179 Leong, Daniel L. Y., 308 Peavy, Duane L., 164 Stanley, Carol, 768 Lodmell, D. L., 221 Pellis, Neal R., 553 Steger, Lynn, 159 Logan, L. C., 559 Perna, Giuseppe, 171 Stenhouse, Andrew C., 193 Lonnroth, I., 747 Peterson, D., 727 Strauss, R. R., 595 Low, I. E., 80 Pierce, Alan K., 187 Strong, Dorothy H., 167, 171 Lysenko, M. G., 260 Pike, Robert M., 803 Sturtevant, Alton B., Jr., 411 Pindak, Frank F., 318 Sulen, A., Jr., 580 Prescott, B., 420 Suzuki, J. B., 659 McAllister, Julia Sue, 342 Pribnow, James F., 739 Suzuki, Kiyoshi, 702 McCall, Charles E., 66, 851 Prochownik, Edward, 671 McClatchy, J. Kenneth, 524, 530 Pruul, H., 365 Tada, Yasuko, 702 McCoy, John C., 51 Puls, Jerry L., 715 Tazaki, Tadakatu, 702 McCue, Carolyn, 193 Purchase, H. G., 295 Thompson, H. C. W., 16 McGann, Virginia, 94 Tibor, Agnes, 164 McRae, Dorothy H., 116, 121 Tizard, Ian R., 472 Magliocco, Michael V., 209 Quie, Paul G., 10 Tribby, Ilse I. E., 363 Mandelbaum, Jorge M., 540 Turner, Emily M., 624 Marcus, S., 378 Marshall, John D., Jr., 498 Rabins, Peter, 154 Ushimi, Chuzo, 373 Martin, John E., Jr., 624 Ralston, Doris J., 200, 361 Matsumoto, Seiichi, 606 Razin, S., 420 Valdesuso, J., 420 Matsuno, Takashi, 385 Reinarz, A. B. G., 268 Van Epps, Dennis E., 648 May, Bessie D., 87 Reisberg, Boris E., 540 van Houte, J., 567 Melching, Lee, 107 Rennie, R. P., 849 Vas, Stephen I., 107 Merigan, Thomas C., 516 Reynolds, B. L., 365 Vedros, Neylan A., 739 Meyer, R. C., 41, 735 Rhoades, H. E., 41, 735 Vetto, R. Mark., 478 Miller, Thomas E., 390 Richmond, Jonathan Y., 249 Minden, Percy, 524 Rightsel, Wilton A., 127 Wadstrom, T., 633 Mirikitani, Frank K., 715 Roessler, William G., 254 Walker, Duard L., 228 Mirkovic, R., 45 Rosenberg, Leon T., 521 Ward, J.
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