Appendix 1 The Voting Statistics Table Al.l Votes and seats 1945-92 (seats in italies) Electorate Total votes Welsh & Scottish Others (mainly and turnout cast Conservative l Labour Liberals Nationalists Communist N.lreland) 19453 73.3% 100%-640 39.8%-213 48.3%-393 9.1%-12 0.2% 0.4%-2 2.l%-20 IV 32836419 24082612 9577667 11 632 191 2197 191 46612 102760 525491 00 1950 84.0% 100%-625 43.5%-299 46.1%-315 9.1%-9 0.1% 0.3% 0.9%-2 "'" 34269770 28772 671 12502567 13 266 592 2621548 27288 91746 262930 1951 82.5% 100%-625 48.0%-321 48.8%-295 2.5%-6 0.1% O.l% 0.5%-3 34645573 28595668 13717538 13 948 605 730556 18219 21640 159 llO 1955 76.8% 100%-630 49.7%-345 46.4%-277 2.7%-6 0.2% 0.1% 0.8%-2 34858263 26760493 13311 936 12404 970 722405 57231 33144 230807 1959 78.7% 100%-630 49.4%-365 43.8%-258 5.9%-6 0.4% 0.1% 0.5%-1 35397080 27859241 13 749 830 12215538 1638571 99309 30897 145090 1964 77.1% 100%-630 43.4%-304 44.l%-317 11.2%-9 0.5% 0.2% 0.6% 35892572 27655374 12001396 12205814 3092878 133551 45932 169431 1966 75.8% 100%-630 41.9%-253 47.9%-363 8.5%-12 0.7% 0.2% 0.7%-2 35964684 27263606 11418433 13 064 951 2327533 189545 62 ll2 201032 1970 72.0% 100%-630 46.4%-330 43.0%-288 7.5%-6 1.3%-1 0.1% 1.7%-5 39342013 28344 798 13 145 123 12178295 2117033 381 818 37970 486557 Feo '74 78.1% 100%-635 37.8%-297 37.1%-301 19.3%-14 2.6%-9 0.1% 3.1%-14 39770724 31340 162 11 872 180 11 646391 6058744 804 554 32743 958293 Oct '74 72.8% 100%-635 35.8%-277 39.2%-319 18.3%-13 3.5%-14 0.1% 3.1%-12 A(\W7') 071 "0 1~0 17~ 1(\ dlid R17 114<;7070 Ii ~41i 7<;4 1 00<; o~R 17 d"li R0711>.1 Electorate Total votes Welsh & Scottish Others (mainly and turnout cast Conservative Labour Liberals, etc. 2 Nationalists Communist N. /reland) 1979 76.0% 100%-635 43.9%-339 37.0%-269 13.8%-11 2.0%-4 0.1% 3.2%-12 41093264 31221 361 13 697 923 11532218 4313 804 636890 16858 1043755 1983 72.7% 100%-650 42.4%-397 27.6%-209 25.4%-23 1.5%-4 0.04% 3.1%-17 42197344 30671 136 13 012 315 8456934 7780949 457676 11606 951656 1987 75.3% 100%-650 42.3%-376 30.8%-229 22.6%-22 1.7%-6 0.02% 2.6%-17 43 181 321 32536137 13 763 066 10029778 7341290 543559 6078 852368 ). 1992 77.7% 100%-651 41.9%-336 34.4%-271 17 .8%-20 2.3%-7 3.5%-17 :g 43249721 33612693 14092891 11559735 5999384 783991 4 ~ 1 176692 ;:s Notes: ~ I. Includes Ulster Unionists 1945-70. ...... 2. Liberals 1945-79; Liberal-SDP Alliance 1983-7; Liberal Democrats 1992. ;;! 3. The 1945 figures exc1ude University seats and are adjusted for double voting in the 15 two-member seats. ~ 4. Other votes in 1992 included 738,338 for Northem Ireland parties, 170,368 for the Green Party, 62,807 for the Natural Law Party, and 64,744 for the ~ Li beral Party. ~. Vl ~ <::; . ... ~. N 00 VI Table A1.2 Regional results, 1992 N 00 0'1 UNITED KINGDOM Seats won in 1992 (% change since 1987)- Share olvotes cast 1992 (percem change since 1987) Conservative Labour LibDem Nat&Other Turnout Conservative Labour LibDem Nationalist Other 319 (-39) 195 (+40) 10 England 78.1 2.7 45.5 ...{l.8 33.9 4.4 19.2 -4.6 1.4 -2.6 192 (-17) 42 (+17) 7 (+1) South 78.5 3.6 50.4 -\.4 24.9 4.1 22.9 -3.9 \.8 -2.8 74 (-12) 46 (+12) 0 Midlands 79.4 3.1 46.6 -\.2 36.3 6.3 15.9 -5.8 \.2 -3.7 53 (-10) 107 (+11) 3 (-I) North 76.5 1.1 36.9 0.3 46.0 3.9 16.1 -5.0 l.l -\.8 6 (-2) 27 (+3) 1 (-2) 4 (+1) Wales 79.7 0.7 28.6 -\.O 49.5 4.4 12.4 -5.5 8.8 \.6 0.7 -2.7 11 (+1) 49 (-I) 9 3 Scotland 75.4 0.3 25.7 1.6 39.0 -3.4 13.1 --6.1 21.5 7.4 0.8 2.5 ~ "15 336 (-40) 271 (+42) 20 (-2) 7 (+1) Great Britain 77.9 2.4 42.8 ...{l.5 35.2 3.7 18.3 -5.4 2.4 0.7 \.3 -2.1 ~ ::t 0 0 0 17 Northem Ireland 69.8 2.8 5.7 5.7 94.3 ~ 336 (-40) 271 (+42) 20 (-2) 24 (+1) United Kingdom 77.7 2.4 41.9 ...{l.4 34.4 3.6 17.9 - 4.7 2.3 0.7 3.5 -2.0 S:; • ..... REGIONS Seats won in 1992 (% change since 1987) Share olvotes cast 1992 (percent change since 1987) ~ Conservative Labour LibDem Nat&Other Turnout Conservative Labour LibDem Nationalist Other ~ ~ 154 (-11) 38 (+14) I (-2) South East 77.8 3.8 5\.2 -\.O 26.6 4.3 20.4 -4.5 \.8 -2.7 :::. 48 (-10) 35 (+12) I (-2) Greater London 73.8 3.1 45.3 -\.2 37.0 5.6 15.2 --6.1 2.5 -3.4 ::t 8 (- 5) 20 (+7) I (-2) Inner London 69.3 2.3 36.2 ...{l.8 46.0 5.1 13.2 -7.8 4.6 -2.9 C)Q VJ 40 (-5) 15 (+5) 0 Outer London 76.1 3.5 49.5 -1.5 32.9 5.9 16.1 -5.3 \.5 -3.7 S 106 (-I) 3 (+2) 0 RestofS.E. 80.2 4.0 54.5 -1.1 20.8 4.0 23.4 -3.8 \.4 -2.5 ... 56 (-I) I (+1) Outer Met. Area 80.9 4.7 ...{l.3 22.0 4.2 2 \.2 -4.7 1.3 -2.2 C;;. 0 55.5 :::. 50 2 (+1) 0 OuterS.E. 79.5 3.4 53.4 -\.9 19.4 3.7 25.7 -2.8 1.4 -2.8 I") 38 (--6) 4 (+3) 6 (+3) South West 81.1 2.8 47.6 -3.0 19.2 3.3 3 \.4 -\.6 \.8 -3.2 12 (- 2) I (+1) 3 (+1) Devon & ComwaJl 81.3 2.5 46.0 -2.8 17.5 4.6 33.9 -3.7 2.5 -3.7 '" 26 (-4) 3 (+2) 3 (+2) RestofS.W. 8 \.0 2.9 48.3 -3.2 20.1 2.8 30.2 ...{l.6 1.4 -3.0 17 (-2) 3 (+2) 0 EastAnglia 80.0 2.9 5\.0 -1.1 28.0 6.3 19.5 --6.2 \.5 -3.7 28 (-3) 14 (+3) 0 East Midlands 80.6 3.1 46.6 -2.0 37.4 7.4 15.2 -5.7 0.7 -4.7 29 (-7) 29 (+7) 0 West Midlands 78.2 3.2 44.8 ...{l.8 38.8 5.5 15.0 -5.8 \.5 -3.1 10 (-4) 21 (+4) 0 W. Mids. Met. Co. 75.5 2.9 42.1 ...{l.5 44.0 4.2 12.0 -5.2 \.9 -2.4 19 (- 3) 8 (+3) 0 Rest of W.Midlands 80.8 3.4 47.2 -1.1 34.0 6.9 17.7 --6.5 \.0 -4.0 20 (-I) 34 (+1) 0 Yorks & Humberslde 75.4 0.9 37.9 0.5 44.4 3.7 16.8 -4.8 0.9 -\.6 I 14 0 S. Yorks. Met. Co. 72.1 ...{l.5 25.6 0.9 57.9 \.8 15.8 -3.2 0.6 ...{l.5 9 14 0 W. Yorlcs. Met. Co. 76.2 0.7 38.2 0.3 45.6 4.5 15.0 -5.7 1.2 -2.1 SealS won in 1992 (% change since 1987) Share olvoles casl 1992 (percenl change since 1987) Conservalive Labour LibDem Nal&Olher Turnoul Conservative Labour LibDem Nationalisl Olher 10 (-I) 6 (+1) 0 Rest of Yorks & Humb 77.2 2.3 46.9 ~.I 32.5 4.9 20.0 -5.1 0.6 -2.5 27 (-7) 44 (+8) 2 (-I) North West 77.3 1.1 37 .8 ~.2 44.9 3.7 15.8 -4.8 1.5 -2.0 9 (-I) 20 (+1) I Gtr. Manchr. Met. Co. 75.9 0.6 35.5 ~.5 47.3 3.3 15.7 -4.2 1.6 -1.9 4 12 (+1) I (-I) Merseyside Met. Co. 74.1 -1.0 29.0 0.1 51.4 4.0 16.9 -6.5 2.7 -2.0 14 (-6) 12 (+6) 0 RestofN.W. 80.6 2.8 44.9 ~.8 39.0 4.6 15.2 -4.4 0.9 -2.7 6 (-2) 29 (+2) I Northern 76.5 1.2 33.4 1.0 50.6 4.2 15.5 -5.5 0.5 -1.6 I 12 0 Tyne & Wear Met.Co. 72.6 0.1 28.8 1.2 57.1 3.5 13 .7 -4.9 0.4 -1.1 5 (-2) 17 (+2) I Rest of Northern 78 .7 1.8 35.8 0.8 47.2 4.9 16.5 -5.9 0.5 -2.0 ~ '15 6 (-2) 27 (+3) I (-2) 4 (+1) Wales 79.7 0.7 28.6 -1.0 49.5 4.4 12.4 -5.5 8.8 1.6 0.7 -2.7 ~ 3 (-I) 21 (+1) 0 0 Industrial Wales 78.9 0.7 25.5 ~.9 59.0 4.6 10.0 -5.5 5.0 1.3 0.7 -2.8 ~ 3 (-I) 6 (+2) I (-2) 4 (+1) Rural Wales 80.9 0.8 33.8 -1.2 33.6 4.5 16.6 -5.6 15.3 1.8 0.7 -2.8 ~.
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