AHISTORYOF MODERN PSYCHOLOGY IN CONTEXT Wade E. Pickren and Alexandra Rutherford A JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC., PUBLICATION This book is printed on acid-free paper. Copyright © 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. Published simultaneously in Canada. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8600, or on the web at www.copyright.com. 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Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books. For more information about Wiley products, visit our website at www.wiley.com. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Pickren, Wade E. A history of modern psychology in context / by Wade E. Pickren & Alexandra Rutherford. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-470-27609-9 1. Psychology—History. I. Rutherford, Alexandra, 1971-. II. Title. BF81.P48 2010 150.9—dc22 2009031711 Printed in the United States of America 10987654321 To Emily and Graham, your idealism and love of living are always an inspiration to us. BRIEF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 8 ORIGINS OF A SCIENCE OF MIND 3 PSYCHOLOGY IN EUROPE BETWEEN THE WORLD WARS 178 CHAPTER 2 EVERYDAY LIFE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL CHAPTER 9 PRACTICES 24 THE GOLDEN AGE OF AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGY 208 CHAPTER 3 SUBJECT MATTER, METHODS, AND THE CHAPTER 10 MAKING OF A NEW SCIENCE 42 INTERNATIONALIZATION AND INDIGENIZATION OF PSYCHOLOGY CHAPTER 4 AFTER WORLD WAR II 238 FROM PERIPHERY TO CENTER: CREATING AN AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGY 71 CHAPTER 11 FEMINISM AND AMERICAN CHAPTER 5 PSYCHOLOGY: THE SCIENCE AND THE PRACTICE OF PSYCHOLOGY AT THE POLITICS OF GENDER 262 INTERFACE WITH MEDICINE 94 CHAPTER 12 CHAPTER 6 INCLUSIVENESS, IDENTITY, AND PSYCHOLOGISTS AS TESTERS: APPLYING CONFLICT IN LATE 20TH-CENTURY PSYCHOLOGY, ORDERING SOCIETY 118 AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGY 288 CHAPTER 7 CHAPTER 13 AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE BRAIN, BEHAVIOR, AND COGNITION AND PRACTICE BETWEEN THE SINCE 1945 310 WORLD WARS 148 CONTENTS Preface and Acknowledgments xv Summary 20 Introduction xvii Bibliographic Essay 21 Why History? Why History of Psychology? xviii CHAPTER 2 Reflexivity xix EVERYDAY LIFE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL Social Constructionism xx PRACTICES 24 Indigenization xxi Introduction 24 Other Aspects of Our Story xxii New Technologies 25 Organizational Overview xxiv Technologies of Devotion and Bibliographic Essay xxv Piety 25 Technologies of Self-Perception CHAPTER 1 and Self-Expression 26 ORIGINS OF A SCIENCE OF MIND 3 Psychological Consequences of Commercial Society 27 Introduction 3 Changes in Family Life 29 Philosophy: Descartes and Locke as Reading the Signs of the Body in the Exemplars 4 Era of Industrial Capitalism 30 Rene´ Descartes (1596–1650) 5 The First Industrial Revolution 31 John Locke (1632–1704) 6 Reading the Signs of the Body 32 The Legacy of Descartes and Physiognomy 33 Locke for Psychology 8 Phrenology 33 Physiology and Medicine: The Search Sidebar 2.1 Focus on the Fowler for Material Explanations of Brothers 36 Human Nature 8 Summary 38 Medicine and Naturalistic Bibliographic Essay 39 Explanation 8 Research in the Physiology of the Nervous System 12 CHAPTER 3 The Mechanization of the Brain 13 SUBJECT MATTER, METHODS, AND THE Sidebar 1.1 Focus on Christine MAKING OF A NEW SCIENCE 42 Ladd-Franklin 15 Darwin, Natural Selection, and the Introduction 42 Laws of Nature 16 Can Psychology Be a Science? 43 Journey to the Galapagos 17 Kant’s Challenge 43 Continuity: Humans and Natural Psychophysics and the Possibility of a Law 19 New Science 45 x CONTENTS The German Intellectual Tradition 47 American Psychologists: Organization Wilhelm Wundt and the New and Application 82 Psychology 49 Organizing for Science 82 Psychology in Britain and France 52 Making Psychology Useful 84 The New Psychology in America 53 Engaging the Public 84 William James and a Science of Education: The Pay Vein That Psychology 53 Supports the Mine 85 The Principles of Psychology 54 Psychologists in Industry 87 The Demise of Introspection in Sidebar 4.1 Focus on Lillian Moller American Psychology 56 Gilbreth 88 Thorndike, the Animal Mind, and Summary 89 Animal Behavior 57 Bibliographic Essay 91 Pavlov, Animal Learning, and the Environment 59 CHAPTER 5 Perry and Changing Beliefs About THE PRACTICE OF PSYCHOLOGY AT THE the Nature of Consciousness 59 INTERFACE WITH MEDICINE 94 Watson and the Rise of Behaviorism 60 Introduction 94 Behaviorism: Influential but Enlightenment and Madness 94 Contested 61 From Mesmerism to Hypnosis 97 Sidebar 3.1 Focus on Mary Whiton Charcot: The Napoleon of the Calkins 62 Neuroses 99 Behaviorism and American Life 63 Sigmund Freud (1856–1939) 101 Summary 65 Sidebar 5.1 Focus on Bertha Bibliographic Essay 66 Pappenheim 103 Freud’s Impact on Psychology as a Mental Health Profession 106 CHAPTER 4 Therapeutic Nihilism 106 FROM PERIPHERY TO CENTER: Psychologists, Psychoanalysis, and CREATING AN AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGY 71 Mental Health in America 107 Boundaries Between Psychology and Introduction 71 Medicine 109 American Mental and Moral Philosophy 73 Mental Testing 109 Forging a Psychological Sensibility: Psychologists and the Question of From Religion to Psychical Boundaries with Research 75 Psychoanalysis 109 Religion and Revival 76 Psychoanalysis and Psychosomatic Mesmerism and Religion 77 Medicine 110 Spiritualism 78 Psychoanalysis Outside Europe and New Thought 79 North America 112 Psychical Phenomena 79 Psychologists, Psychoanalysis, and Boundary Work and the New Mental Health in India 112 Psychology: Establishing the Psychoanalysis in Argentina 113 Center and Marking the Summary 113 Periphery 80 Bibliographic Essay 114 CONTENTS xi CHAPTER 6 Developing Developmental Psychology 157 PSYCHOLOGISTS AS TESTERS: APPLYING Sidebar 7.1 Focus on Mary Cover PSYCHOLOGY, ORDERING SOCIETY 118 Jones 159 Race, Ethnicity, Intelligence, and Introduction 118 Resistance 161 The Roots of Mental Testing in Psychologists and Scientific Racism 162 America 120 Challenges to Psychometric MentalTestsGototheFair 121 Racism 162 Lightner Witmer and the Prehistory of Sexuality Research 164 Clinical Psychology 123 Personality Psychology 165 Sorting the Sexes 124 Assessing Personality 165 Sidebar 6.1 Focus on Leta Stetter Henry Murray, the Harvard Hollingworth 126 Psychological Clinic, and the The Demise of Mental Tests and the TAT 166 Rise of the IQ 128 Personality, Personnel, and the Lewis Terman and the Americanization Management of the Worker 168 of Intelligence Testing 131 The Disciplinary Emergence of Social Army Intelligence: World War I Puts Psychology in America 169 Psychology on the Map 132 Summary 173 World War I and Its Impact on Bibliographic Essay 174 American Psychology 136 Intelligence Testing Around the World: CHAPTER 8 137 Center or Periphery? PSYCHOLOGY IN EUROPE BETWEEN THE The French Twist 137 WORLD WARS 178 The British Context 138 Dutch Society 140 Introduction 178 Germany and Psychotechnics 140 Psychology, Natural Science, and What Did the Tests Test? 142 Philosophy in Germany and Summary 142 Austria 179 Bibliographic Essay 143 Gestalt Psychology in Germany 179 Kurt Lewin (1890–1947) 184 CHAPTER 7 The Dorpat School of Religious AMERICAN
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