3012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MARCH 2 . By Mr. VINSON of Kentucky: A bill (H. ·R. 1i.552) grant- Administration for the fiscal year ending june 30, 1937, and ing a pension to Lettie Creed; to the Commitee on Pensions. for other purposes, in which it requested the concurrence of the Senate. PETITIONS, ETC. ENROLLED BILL SIGNED Under clause 1 of rule XXII. petitions and papers were The ,message also announced that the Speaker had affixed l&id on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: his signature to the enrolled bill (H. R. 7147) authorizing a 10323. By Mr. CRAWFORD: Petition of 20 residents of preliminary examination of the San Gabriel and Los Angeles Shiawassee County, relative to the 'issuance of currency; to Rivers and their tributaries; to include both drainage basins the Committee on Ways and Means. and their outlets, in Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, Calif., 10324. By Mr. GOODWIN: Petition of Schwenk's Bakery, with a view to the controlling of floods; and it was signed by Kingston, N. Y., protesting against substitute taxes in lieu the Vice President. of the processing tax; to the Committee on Ways and Means. CALL OF THE ROLL 10325. By Mr. HALLECK: Petition of the Ladies' Auxiliary Mr. ROBINSON. I suggest the absence of a quorum. of the Young Men's Christian Association, Lafayette, Ind., · The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. requesting early hearings on bills now pending in Congress The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following relating to the motion-picture industry and the distribution Senators answered to their names: of motion-picture films; to the Committee ·on Interstate and Adams Connally Keyes Radcliffe Foreign Commerce. Ashurst Coolidge King Reynolds Austin Costigan Lewis Robinson 10326. By Mr. HAINES: Resolution adopted by the Bachman Couzens Logan Russell Woman's Christian Temperance Union, of Franklin County, Bailey Dickinson Lonergan Schwellenbach Barbour Dieterich McAdoo Sheppard Pa., and containing 37 signers, urging enactment of House Barkley Donahey McG111 Smith bill 8739; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. Benson Duffy McKellar Steiwer 10327. By Mr. PFEIFER: Petition of William Moran, Bilbo Fletcher McNary Thomas, Okla. Black Frazier Maloney Thomas, Utah president, National Union .for Social Justice, Third Congres­ Borah George Metcalf Townsend sional District, New York, concerning the Frazier-Lemke bill; Brown Gerry Minton Trammell Bulkley Gibson Moore Truman to the Committee on Agriculture. Bulow Glass Murphy Tydings 10328. Also, petition of Towns & James, Inc., Brooklyn, Burke Gore Murray Vandenberg N. Y., concerning the Patman-Robinson bill; to the Com­ Byrd Guffey Neely VanNuys Byrnes Hale No-rbeck Wagner mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Capper Harrison Norris . Walsh 10329. By Mr. WERNER: Petition of patrons of star route Caraway Hastings O'l\1ahoney Wheeler Carey Hatch Overton White no. 59161, from Whitewood to Spearfish, S. Dak., favor­ Chavez Hayden Pittman ing the enactment of legislation to indefinitely extend exist­ Clark Johnson Pope ing star-route contracts and increase the compensation Mr. DIETERICH. I announce that my colleague the thereon to an equal basis with that paid for other forms of senior Senator from Illinois [Mr. LEwis] is unavoidably mail transportation; to the Committtee on the Post Office detained from the Senate. and Post Roads. - Mr. ROBINSON. I announce that the Senator from Ala­ 10330. Also, petition of patrons of star route no. 59124, bama [Mr. BANKHEAD] is absent because of illness; and that . from Meadow to Athboy, S. Dak., favoring the enactment the Senator from Nevada [Mr. McCARRANL the Senator of legislation to indefinitely extend existing star-route con­ from Washington [Mr. BoNE], the Senator from West Vir­ tracts and increase the compensation thereon to an equal ginia [Mr. HoLT], anci the Senator from Louisiana [Mrs. basis with that paid for other forms of mail transportation; LoNG] are unavoidably detained from the Senate. to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. Mr. AUSTIN. I announce that the Senator from Penn­ 10331. By Mr. WOOD: Petition of 30 citizens of Greene sylvania [Mr. DAVIS] and the Senator from Minnesota [Mr. and Polk Counties, Mo., requesting enactment of legislation SHIPSTEAD] are necessarily absent from the Senate. to extend all existing star-route contracts and increase the The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-six Senators have an.. compensation thereon; to the Committee on the Post Office swered to their names. A quorum is present. and Post Roads. 10332. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the Tennessee Lum­ SIGNING OF AN ENROLLED BILL DURING RECESS ber, Millwork & Supply Dealers' Association; to the Com­ The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-six Senators have an­ mittee on Banking and Currency. granted by the Senate on the 27th ultimo, he signed, on 10333. Also, petition of Club No. 1,_ of Pensacola, Fla.; to Friday, February 28, 1936, the enrolled bill (S. 3780) to the Committee on Rules. promote the conservation and profitable use of agricultural 10334. Also, petition of the Nebraska Home Owners• Asso­ land resources by temporary Federal aid to farmers and by ciation; to the Committee on Labor. providing for a permanent policy of Federal aid to States for such purposes, said bill having previously been signed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. SENATE COMMITTEE REPORT FILED DURING RECESS MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1936 The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, ori the expiration from the Secretary of the Senate, which was read and of the recess. ordered to lie on the table, as follows: THE JOURNAL UNITED STATES SENATE, Washington, March 2, 1936. On request of Mr. ROBINSON, and by unanimoUs consent, To the PRESIDENT oF THE SENATE: the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of the calen­ Under the order of the Senate of the 27th ultimo, Mr. HAYDEN, from the Committee on Appropriations, filed with me, as Secre­ dar day Thursday, February 27, 1936, was dispensed with, tary of . the Senate, on February 29, 1936, the bill (H. R. 10630) and the Journal was approved. · making appropriations for the Department of the Interior for t h e MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT fiscal year ending June 30, 1937, and for other purposes, with amendments and an accompanying report (no. 1615) • Messages in writing from the President of the United Very truly yours, States were communicated to the.Senate by Mr. Latta, one EDwiN A. HALsEY, Secretary. of his secretaries. PRICE DISCRIMINATION-NOTICE BY SENATOR LOGAN MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Mr. LOGAN. Mr. President, I should like to give notice A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. that tomorrow, as soon as I can obtain recognition after the Haltigan, one of its reading clerks, announced that the Senate convenes, I wish to discuss for a while the provisions House had passed a bill <H. R. 11418> making appropriations of Senate bill 3154, known as the Robinson price-discrimina­ for the Department of Agriculture and for the Farm Credit tion bill. 1936 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 3013 LOANS FOR CROP PRODUCTION--VETO MESSAGE The investigation was made by Col. Carl L. Rtstlne, who was made a special assistant to the Attorney General for the purpose. Mr. SMITH. Mr. President, I desire to make a statement. It was undertaken at the insistence of Senator BENNETT CHAMP The Committee on Agriculture met and discussed this morn­ CLARK, Democrat, of Missouri, that an impartial legal study be ing the veto message of the President on what is known as made into the · whole history of the air-mail contracts culminat­ ing in the sensational order which canceled them and put the the seed-loan bill, being Senate bill 3612, and also his carrying of the air mail for a. brief interim period into the hands Executive order. I was instructed by the committee to in­ of the Army. quire of the district managers of the seed-loan agency how QUESTION much, in their opinion, would be needed this year. Pending It has only recently been completed. The question was imme­ diately raised then whether it should be kept where it is until the replies to the telegrams sent to the district managers, a more propitious political moment, or started on a journey it was agreed that action upon the message would be de­ through Government red tape which must eventually bring it ferred and it would still be retained in the committee. out into publication. I wanted to take this occasion to make that statement, It is understood that this question was submitted to the White House itself, and that orders were issued from there "to let it because I gave notice on Thursday last that today I would come." It is expected to be made public on the ground that no call it up if the committee reported it, and, if it did not, I matter how politically damaging, it will be easier to face the would ask that it be discharged from the further considera­ report itself than another storm of criticism for suppressing tion of the matter in order that the Senate might have a something ad verse to the New Deal. This latest development follows closely on the heels of several vote on the veto message; but I will not do that until replies Incidents which have laid the administration open to the charge are received from the district managers, and then it will be of attempting to suppress politically dangerous or critical mate­ determined by the committee what action they will take. rial. There was the incident of naval officers forbidden to speak Of course, that will not bind me. at a patriotic rally which had been the sounding board for an attack by Bainbridge Colby, Secretary of State in the Wilson CANCELATION OF AIR-MAIL CONTRACTS--RISTINE REPORT administration.
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