Stmrmeat PriBtinj pt_e 91 «____an_BB DAILY BRITISH NEW WESTMINSTER, B. 0., THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 3, 1887. VOLUME a NUMBER 107 • WOLF SMITH, _.D. AUOTION 3ALE8. accomplice of Gen. D'Andlau in th* D THOS. OVENS, TURNER, BEETON & GO. On Saturday, Nov.5th. at 8_p. m„ will be BY TELEGRAPH. sale of decorations, committed suicide OFPIOB-Clirkson Street, opposite rear sold at the Colonial Hotel, Westminster, entrance of Colonial Hotel. MANUFACTURER OF MAins CIXtSE AND ARRIVE. a quantity of real estate, the property of last night to avoid arrest. HESlDKSOE-Agnee SU, opposite new Mr. R. W. Deane, consisting of city, sub­ A Srbooucr wllh $lo»,M* Werlh of Sell- KILLED FOR SEDUCTION. MERCHANTS, CLOSE urban, and rural lots. T, J. Tnipp, auc­ Baptist Church. tioneer. See adv. e«) Seal gklMnDI>iippeani.»Jeffllavl»' For Can. Pac. Ry.—Dally (except Sunday CHEYENNE, Nov. 3.-At Douglas, OKPICB HOURS-10 a. m. to 12 noon; 9 On Wednesday, Nov. Iflth, at 7 o.m., Health Much Improved. tn 5; and 6:30 to I p. m. dnolOto WHARF STREET • VICTORIA. ana Monday), at 12.-15, and on Saturday Albany county, yesterday, Harvqr (for diHpatcli Hunduy) at 22. will bo sold at Russell, McDonald * Co.'s King, a railroad man, shot and instant­ For Victoria, V. I., nnd Western U. H, Offi­ salesrooms, Vanoouver, about 6,00<> acres farming lands, the proporty of Mr. H. The i'nrllon Irlnb Exp!o,loh.»The Globe ly killed J. P. Bowman, a well driller. H. MACLHAN, B.AM H.D.IC.H. —.a—NTs ATOXt ces-Monday, 1A46; Tuesday, 8.15; Wed­ Tallin Strongly ou < linniVrlnlu'. Ap. nesday, 8,15 nnd 10; Thursday, fl.H0; Fri­ Mathers. Russell, McDonald A Co., /imr* King claimed that Bowman betrayed T. Nortli British and Mercantile day, 9.15 and 111; Saturday, 0.U0. tloneora. See adv. IMilulmciit. OFF1UK: McKensle Street, next door to For Vancouver, Moodyvllle and Burrard his wifo three years ago. There il Drill Shed. •Txr_f_.a-oasrs. Insurance Vo. Tor Mainland. Inlet—Dally (except Sunday) at8.15. talk of lynching tho murderer. BBHinKNOEr Agnes Street, third house For Port Moody—Dally (except Sunday) LAST NIDIIT'8 DESPITCHKS. $nilg ffitish Columbian IIIH CONUKMNED T.tl.K NOT EASILY KILLED. rom Mary Street. Forljadner's Liindlii-zand Lulu Island— Blacksmith and Machinist H.C. BEETON & CO., MACON, Ga., Nov. 3.—Jefferson OFKICE HOUIIS: 10 lo 12; 2 lo 5; trSO to8. Monday. V2.H0', Wednesday and Friday Ihnrrulay Krralm. Nor. 3, 1887. NEW YOBK, Nov. 2.—Herr Most, d-dol8kr 36 Finsbury Cinrns, at 10. when asked what he thought of the Davis' condition wu indeed •laming London, J*. C. For Clover Valley, Hall's Pralrlo and up till this morning, when he .rots M. COOPER, B. A..H. D., AU Kinds of Machinery, Patent Locks, Langley Prairie—Thursday, noon. anarchist decision said: "I am not H Safes, Sewing Maohines, Ac, kc, For North Arm nnd Sea Island—Thurs­ On Friday last tho Chicago and surprised. Those follows (meaning considerably improved. Theutonish- PHYSICIAN* SURGEON. Repaired. day, l*i!W. North-Westnrn Bailway Oompiiny the judges) arc in tlie pay of the mono­ ing change is attributed by hia family COME AND SEE! For Elgin ond Mud Bay—Saturday, 12.45. tu his remarkable power and nerve. OFFIOE and BESIDBNOB-Chureh St. For Plumper'-* Pass—Wednesday, 10. mado a series of experiments with polies" Most declined to say anything (next rloor to Farmers' Rome), ant BLACKSMITHING For Nanalmo (direct mail}—Tuesday, 18. Although completely exhausted yea­ ColnmblaSt.,New Westminster, B.0. W. H. HOLDEN. an airbrake on freight trains. A further. Editor Shevich, tlie Social­ In ail its branches. Farmers', Loggers', ist said: "It is possible that the terday, he is able to be about the OFFICE HOUllS-8 to 10 a.m.; 1 to 8 and Hill and Contract Work; Agricultural AVING TAKEN POSSESSION OF „ X>T7:H> stretch of road was selected for the huuse and enjoys light nourishment, 6.WI lo 8 p. m. Calls In town and coun­ Implement*, and everything ln tho H the "Temperance Honse," fronting From Can. Pac. Ry.—Dally (except Satur­ purpose, with a grade of about court had legal grounds for its notion, try promptly attended to. feSte blacksmith line made to order. on Columbia and Church Streets, opposite day) at 18. but the decision proves that tho .con­ if the family decides on starting homo twenty-four feet to the mile, and the Epiicopnl Ohuroh, and now known From Victoria—Sunday. Wednesday and stitutions! rights of the citizons have to-morrow morning phyticiana will Having secured first-class workmen, we as the Friday, lfl; Tuesday, Tnnnday and Sat­ accompany them. a. G. BROWN, feel confident of giving satisfaction. urday, 11.80. nine difibront tests were mada with practically become a sham and a lie. c. From Vancouver, Moodyvllle nnd Bur­ entire success. It was found that I am used to Russian despotism, but DENTIST. BW Horse-shoeing a specialty. FARMERS' HOME! rard Inlet—Dally (except Sunday) at 18. UNREQUITED LOVE. dw-Jly31tcl COLUMBIA ST., New WKST. From Port Moody—Daily (except Sunday) it was possible to stop a train 2,- an execution of this kind would be OwioR-Over D. 8. Curtis k Co.'s Drug Will accommodate the traveling public at IT. impossible in Russia. Vera Sassali- SAN JOSE, OaL, Nor. 3—James 000 feet in length, weighing 2,000,- Carmer committed suicide thia morn­ Man, Columbia Street. at the following rates: From Ladner's Landing and Luln Island licli, who killed General Trepoft*, was —Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, lfl. 000 pounds, and travelling at the ing by taking strychnine. He wu dwJyOOIc Board per day „.......«_ f) 00 acquitted by a Russian jury. Here HbURS-S a. m. to 7 p. m. " " week 6 00 From Clover Valley, Hall's Prairie and rate of forty miles an hour, within despondent over a love affair; aged Single Meal „ a6 Lannley Prairie—Thursday, 9. _ seven innocent men will hang, not for rOMHMMIW A MeCOLt, Beds, 26 From North Arm nml Sea Island—Thurs­ 500 feet and with very little jolting. what they have done, but for an opin­ "" years. TIE LEADING day, 12. The result of the experiment is in­ •auGood accommodation for Ladles and From Elgin and Mud Boy—Saturday, 11. ion they have expressed." BARWBT8R8, families. my9tc •From Plumper's Pass—Wednesday, 10. teresting not only ta road men but From Nanaimo (direct mall)—Saturday, THIS AFTERNOON'S BlgFlNIIS. SOLICITORS, ETC Flowers for sale to the travelling public. The air­ HYXAMITEKS AT WORK. brake has lessened the dangers of A DEADLY TEA PASTY. OBIee, Mok*n«leStre«t,New Westmlnrter, A. R. BECKETT. WM. WOLPENPEN LONIIIW, Nov. 2.—An attempt was « ml Vancouver, B.C. JySldwte BOOTiSHOE collision between passenger trains, made this afternoon to blow up the VICKSBURO, Nov. 3.—Of thepanow but the latter are as yet liable to be Carlton Club. The explosion took who were poisoned at George C. King's m O. ATKINSON, BECKETT & CO., place in the basement, and blew out party lut evening, the following have run into by freight trains, the mo­ since died: the wife of Zeke ull and ESTABLISHMENT mentum of which the ordinary all the first floor windows and injured four persons. The Carlton club is in Pall six children, (colored), A. Ford and six R ARBISTP.R, SOLICITOR, Ac. —-OP THB— brake is often insufficient to check Mall, and is considered the most children, (white)) Mrs. Louis King and UiKonsle Slrest BUILDERS AND in time to avoid collision. The suc­ beautiful club house in London. Its child, one of the Durham boys, Prince Spores and Hilliard, Butler wife and Mainland of B. C. cessful application of the sir-brake members include most of the members Iff-W!: Ho* Westminster,B.C to freight trains would be a great children. It is thought that the cook of the Houses of Lords and Commons. is the guilty one, u she is dangerously Colonial Hotel Bloek, Columbia St. step in advance of present methods. NOnXAB •OLB.H.C, The streets are filled with excited peo­ ill herself and one of her children is w. Fraser Brick Works, PortHaaey. —Mail. ple, and the police are driving all away dead. The doctor and othen ue BARBISTER.AT-LAW. o_r_rxo-_s. from the ruins. Nothing can yet be busily engaged in making an inquiry And Agent Money to Loan. Nackenile St., New Weslmlnsler. learned as to the cause of the explosion. into the case. Columbia SU, New Westminster, B. C.j $10,000 STOCK The truth is there is no "grit" BLAKE AS AN AOITATOB. Manufacturers of Macliine-miulo and THE CARLTON CLUB EXPLOSION. knd oor. Cordova A Carrall Sts., Vancou- NOW EN ROUTE. Pressed Bricks to any pattern. about our American variety of the DUBIET, Nov. 2.—Mr. Blake, ex- rer, RC. »«2t« Estimates given for Buildings nnd Pub­ miuister of the Canadian cabinet, in a LONDON, NOV. 3.—There wus great lic Works of any description. dwjyZtc Anarchist. Tha more austere and HIS HOUSE MAKES ANNUALLY speecli at Glen Sharrald, the scene of panic in Pall Mall this afternoon ic- rt — ORANT, determined members of the sect do casioned by a loud explosion at the a great reduction in prices to make not seem to come tb this country, or of the evictions from the estate of the Troom for the largest and best assortment Carlton Club. The streets have been AHUHITECT. ESTABLISHED 1859. Rev. John Delraage, a rich landlord of of Boots and Shoes over imported into else the climate und surroundings County Limerick, said, the evictions tilled during the afternoon with social­ makes them chicken hearted after ists parading and when the news wu omim- Corner Mary and Olarkson Sts.
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