70 TRIAL OF GAULEITER ARTUR GREISER 71 origin, or speaking the Polish language, and to all Polish citizens in CASE No. 74 the territory of the Free City of Danzig, this object having been achieved by the appointment by the Danzig Senate on 23rd August, TRIAL OF GAULEITER ARTUR GREISER 1939, of Albert Forster, a subordinate to the Fahrer of the Third SUPREME NATIONAL TRIBUNAL OF POLAND Reich and Gauleiter of the National-Socialist Party in Danzig, to the 21ST JUNE—7TH JULY, 1946 post of Stadtoberhaupt (Governor) of the Free City of Danzig, and who by a law of 1st September, 1939, set aside the constitution of the Free City of Danzig, and arbitrarily incorporated it to the German Criminal Organisations—Conspiracy and Aggressive War— Reich. Annexation of Occupied Territory—Genocide—The De- (c) That, during the Second World War, begun as a result of German fence of Superior Orders. aggression, in the period from 12th September, 1939, to mid-January, 1945, that is to the time of the withdrawal of the German occupying forces from the territory of the so-called " Wartheland," first as head of the office of the A. OUTLINE OF THE PROCEEDINGS civil administration attached to the German military headquarters in Poznan, and subsequently, from 26th October, 1939, as Reiclistatthalter (Governor) and simultaneously Gauleiter of the N.S.D.A.P. for the Province of Poznan 1. THE INDICTMENT (Posen) and part of those of Lodz and Pomorze (Pomeraaia) which were Artur Greiser, formerly a citizen of Danzig, was charged with the following incorporated into the Reich by the Decree of the Führer of 8th October, offences : 1939, under the name of " Reichsgau Posen " which was later changed to " Wartheland," exceeding the rights accorded to the occupying authority by (A) That, between 1930 and May, 1945, within the territories of the Third international law, and in particular violating Articles, 43, 46, 47, 50, 52, 55 Reich, of the Free City of Danzig, and of Poland, as one of the leaders of and 56 of The Hague Regulations, which were binding upon Poland and the German National Socialist Workers' Party (NSDAP) he took part in upon the German Reich, and contravening the principles of the law of the activities of a criminal organisation, which that party was, its purpose nations and the postulates of humanity and the conscience of nations, both being through violence, waging of aggressive wars and the commission of on his own initiative and in carrying out the unlawful instructions of the crimes, to establish in Europe and in particular in the states bordering on civil and military authorities of the German Reich, he acted to the detriment Germany, among them that of Poland, the national-socialist régime and to of the Polish State and of its citizens, by inciting to, and assisting in the incorporate into Germany foreign territories, in particular some of the commission of, and by committing personally the following offences : territories of which the Polish State was composed by virtue of the Treaty of Versailles. (1) Individual and mass murders of civilians and of prisoners of war ; (B) That, on behalf of the said Nazi Party (NSDAP), he was in charge of (2) Acts of ill-treatment, persecution and bodily harm against such persons, and other acts causing their ill-health ; its branch acting under the same name in the territory of the Free City of Danzig, and that in this capacity he, between 1933 and 1st September, 1939, (3) Systematic destruction of Polish culture, robbery of Polish cultural conspired with the chief government organs of the German Reich with a treasures and germanization of the Polish country and population, and view to : illegal seizure of public property ; (1) Causing warlike activities whose purpose was to separate part of the (4) Systematic and illegal deprivation of the Polish population of its territories of the Polish State, and subsequently to deprive the remaining private property. territories ofthat State of their independence, which was accomplished In particular the accused Artur Greiser -during the period and in the by the aggression against Poland begun on 1st September, 1939, and territories mentioned above : subsequently by means of the military occupation of the whole country (i) Participated in insulting and deriding the Polish nation by proclaim- carried out in violation of the principles of the law of nations ; ing its cultural and social inferiority ; (2) Arbitrarily depriving the Polish State of the rights to which it was entitled in the territory of the Free City of Danzig by virtue of Article (ii) Participated by various means, from publicly hanging to gradual 104 of the Treaty of Versailles and of the Polish-Danzig Agreement torturing to death in concentration and extermination camps, in concluded in Paris on 9th November, 1920, as well as of the Con- murders of individuals and of whole groups of the Polish population, vention subsequently concluded on the basis of the aforesaid treaty and particularly of those Poles who, in his opinion, stood in the way and agreement, and of the legally binding decisions of international to the consolidation of German power and to the germanization of bodies ; and also with the purpose of limiting the rights accorded by the territory placed under his responsibility, and selecting his victims virtue of those same treaties and agreements to all persons of Polish especially from among the educated classes or politically active members of the peasant and working classes ; PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/e963c2/ TRIAL OF GAULEITER ARTUR GREISER n TRIAL OF GAULEITER ARTUR GREISER 73 (iii) Participated in the persecution and wholesale extermination of Polish (2) for the Polish population thus deprived of public rights he citizens of Jewish race or origin, residing in the territory under his created a set of regulations known in National-Socialist jargon as authority, by : the Polenstatut, which completely deprived the Poles of all rights (1) murdering them on the spot ; to real property and permitted the confiscation of all under- (2) concentrating them in a small number of ghettos, mainly in the takings and all movable property ; deprived the Poles of the Lodz ghetto whence they were being gradually deported and ngnt to choose their employment, fixed their conditions of em- murdered, mainly in the gas-chambers of the extermination camp ployment and wages, of the scale of nourishment, terms of health at Chelmno, to which were also brought Jews from other occupied and other social services for the Poles at a considerably lower countries and from the Reich ; level than that for the Germans ; drastically limited the protec- tion of Poles by the civil courts, laid upon the Poles more severe (3) submitting the Jewish population from the very beginning of the responsibility for crimes, providing the death penalty even for occupation to every possible kind of vexation and torment, from minor offences ; prohibited to form associations of Poles and the verbal and physical effronteries to the infliction of the most entry of Poles into German associations ; forbade their taking grievous bodily harm, in a way calculated to inflict the maximum any part in cultural life or sport, and compulsorily limited the of physical suffering and human degradation ; education of Polish children to its elementary stages only ; (iv) Participated in ill-treating the Polish civilian population of that area (3) of his own initiative and will aggravated the harshness of the and in persecuting them, by : regulations issued by the central authorities of the Reich for the (1) inflicting grievous bodily harm or causing their health to break ; territory over which he had authority, by increasing the severity (2) over a long period, illegally depriving civilians of their freedom of the labour laws for the Poles, by introducing special courts, by keeping them in jails, prisons and various camps, in particular and by further raising the age for contracting matrimony ; in the concentration, extermination and forced labour camps set (vii) Persecuted the Polish population by exceeding in practice the legal up in the territory of the so-called " Wartheland " or outside it, and administrative regulations, and acted in such a way as to : which deprivation of freedom went hand in hand with torture of (1) keep the population in constant fear of life, health, and personal the individuals concerned ; ... liberty ; and of losing their remaining property ; (3) deporting to the area of the so-called " General Government " or (2) degrade the Polish population to a social status of serfs ruled by to forced labour camps in the Reich of people of whole villages and the Herrenvolk, which took the form of constant insults to the streets, and of families and individuals ; Poles on the part of the authorities ; of creating for the Poles (4) deporting Polish children and youth against the will of their extra-legal obligations towards the Germans, from raising the hat parents and guardians, and placing them in German families or to all Germans in uniform and descending off pavements, to pro- educational institutions in the Reich with the purpose of gennan- hibiting them from occupying positions in private undertakings, izing them completely, cutting them off from all contact with their where they would have to give instructions to German employees ; families and things Polish, and giving them German Christian and by allotting to the Germans to the detriment of the Polish names and surnames ; population easier conditions of life and better material comforts (v) Acted to the detriment of the civilian population by taking part in on the grounds that such were " nur für Deutsche " (for Germans widespread robberies and thefts, extortion and appropriation of the only) ; movables of Polish citizens, and of all public property in the terri- (3) deprive Poles of all confessions of the means of freely practising tories in question (especially of articles of cultural value and works their religious cult, especially the Catholics who constituted 90% of art), either by seizure, confiscation or by simply depriving of them of the population of that area.
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