Publfsfied by The mrInstitute of L-jcs in cooperation with The Bux'eau of -Schools and T4p Institub of Natbml Imgage of The Ikpartment of -ation Manila, Philippines INTrnCTIOtJ I TMD prelwnuy , vocabulary lisXnz is of the auhang dialect of Ifugaop tk language of mer SC,XO mountainchl- lers ltdng in the Ifugao sub-prwince of Mountain Prwince. T culture of this linguistic group centers around the rice krraces that they have constructed over the past 2,000 pars and more; a fact reflected in tfis listing of gener- al vocabulary items. he materijLs for this vccabuZary were gathered over a perid of &but twelve months. They were taken from oral conversations wlth Zfugnos of the Guhang barrio, from related stories, and from solicitation in establishing me* hg classes from infomts, as des- cribed below. Educh credit for this ! cabu3.a-y is givento MissLourdes :an.- banal and Miss knita Ackiangm, boih Ifugao speakers from the Gihmg bn~rLo, who patiently assisted I supplying Ifugao items and English translations, This voccbulary is to be regarded s prelhinary in nature. Wch more as- sociation dth the language, and a more camful and thorough mdysis of its maswill bc necessary before a high degree of accuracy can be assumd. It is hoped, hmer, that despite tkr; fact, making these mtefials avaLlable at this tim will aid those currently interested in the mgao lmguzge, Ortho ra r The alphabet and its az~ ---%Irqement this vocahdaqy is as fOL Seaarrbic-Classes o , Tho m 0s-of words lo"Si fi,%icJ :, 5 g,$ !,3 1 E, 9 f any language- fall into classes, In lg, 3 ?,,, 5 w, & and glottd stop. figno there is a general consciousness The latter is M-icated by a grave aec of the idea trto carry11 as expressed by cent ( ') when it occurs at the end of a the stem modon. kt beyond this, its syllable, as In tk word b.cant3 and with neaning is subdivided into specific a (-1 &en it occurs both- at the end of methcds of car-, such as to carry on a syllable and the begb-mbg of the f 03- the head, d&u, carry on the shoulder, lowing one, produohg tm cmhi&m- ~pohonJ etcxhe mearhgs of these two glottal stops word medidly, as in the latter stems, with other stem listed in word d+an on. Stress is ind5cated by thls dass, t ogetbr f om the rre axing of an xcu-& accent ( ') on words when it ia the mrd rodon, 3nd thus constitub n the ody dlstinL~iswdjffamnce b semantic class, The comon denominator tween two mrds dhemise spelled dike, of m-g of the mrds -aktu and -pohon Ia these cases it is -%.ten owon the is Itto caqyfl, This cornrnon denominator word in mhich the stmas falls on the of meaning is the central idea of the last syllable, for example,-tulud #push1 two words md the idea of mthd of c- -"vuLTXd taccompany and-mttxrnl. - rying modifies this central thought. A hyphen (-1 is used at .the beghming T word modon expmsses this c won of. n stem to indicate that it has not m&g, an= is upon this basis thzt been found to occur mitbut an affix. It smmtic clzsses my be listed. Stem cannot, therefore, be used as a mrd m may dso be grouped together zs consti- less an appropriate affix accompanies it. tuttng a semantic class evcn Pn the 2b L stem occur&g without a hyphen pre- sence of a sten expressing the cornon zeeding it has been fwnd to occur as a denominator of mmiw prmrided such n word and in so doing functions as a noun. ~mbgdm s exist throughout the clms, A slanted bar (1) occurring behen and this general meaning is the central adjacent stem indicates that they are meaning of each stern, Thus in Ifugao, synonyms or that present information as for example, we hve listed a mains , to their meanings is insufficient to d+ class, entering it under the item -abak tcrmine a semmtic distinction between Icarry on a reTatlvcly level planel, on them, the basis of the fact that the idea of navigation or motion is cmon through- out the class, with specific modifi- cations as to mthd of navigation, etc. The entries, -Muh- 'crawl on the stom Oton: The mrds listed zm only h as a -snake1, -butt I-1, &an p,diSlly classified, Uhcn m entry is ~walk1, ek. are -fore lisn unclassified, the English translation iis members of thls semantic class. given immediately follhng its occurs- rence 2n alphabetical order. When a Constituent Listings: One group of words word is classified, however, it is en- may be cLassed as constituents in that tered in alphabetical order for purposes they are parts of wholes. For exllmplc, of firding it, but the entry hmdiakly body parts, such as hair, head, fcce, f olldng it .t an Ifugao mrd. This etc. constitute parts of the body. Such identifies th section of the dictionary words a therefore listed urder the whre the word is found along with other iten of which they are constituents,prp. members of its class, For example, the vidcd they do not also function a-c- CO~F entry &a hango, lapne means that -aba 5s stitue~s-of other items, ado1- Ibod.1, listedcder hago in the dictionary,and for example, does not appear under under the sumlapne, which is also 1. !faunal althowh the term mans32 listed under han 0, body of humans, mks, etc. because it When a wo as two or more distinct also mans the trunk of trees or plants. meanings, not exp~ssedby an ifugao It is themfom listed in alphabetical word, numbers are used to distinguish orderinthevocabulary, Condtituepts these m anings. For example, also means generally cormnon to an entire class am L.sun, and On the other hand, listed inmediately after the item Wch multiple English trznslations which am by expresses the class meaning. Con~kitw set apart only cows, Micate that ents common wily to individuil listings no division of caning is kdicakd but it more than vrithin the class, appear imediately that requires one English &er that listhg. For example bUa word to @-kin the meming of the jhead hair' is listed under t '~5 Uugso entry. For example, the eatry son' rather than with the gener class- &uh 'cdy', '3111 has but ons generd ifications of body parts listed kdi- mnd ncming in Ifugao. have and b. ately after the entry ,wan. 1, since Some class listhgs s. a. sections refer to bu6 refers only to the haar of a pew sections. The oon- and to no other mmber of thc stituent listings or the listing of son b. 1, class. The word awit ttdt p&s, &ile the listings incluae other had, ocars in- general mmbers of the class or kinds. for ex- %% ample 1, listing of pads of fauna sike no ?? a. Ate , duguug twindplpc b; t rb1 one specific member of this class is ,eBb. c ,GnFiLs distinguished by this constituent, There Iwder beetle 1 , etc. is no word for +'animal" in Guhang Ifugao. The English-lfugso section is not to on/m A suffix marring tltkt upon be regarded as a vocabulary listing with whioh an action is pcrfor,,wd, or the ob- English meanings alphabetized,but rather ject of AI action" .nu ' da nan kahu 3 rcf~r~nceby which Ifugao meanings can * llthc pig is vmnt tiey%unt".~~ be located, by turning ' to ' the Ifugao criteria has yet been - found for distin- soction of the vocabulary indicated by guishing +tween the choice - of -on. or -m the cntw following each ~n~lishentry. a in constructing a verb.. pa A prefix mming l1that upon which Grmar: Affixation of stems is required an action is dlmed to take placey1,as to verbs. A few of thc more common agah fllct someone be hitt1. affjxcs are listed belows .+here,are two sets of pmnwse ~'ifiich Glass 1: occur as posbclitics to vex%*. They mun A pmfix gcncrally expressing t-he ax a3 follm: idi=Gf the initiator of an action, It Set 1 pronouns is often equivalent to the suffix er in z I Enrlish in words such as runncr, wozer, -a you (singular) h~nt~r.ek. hiya he, she, it m -An infix occurring immediately ta we (dud) fnlEkLng the first consonant of the tau we (including listener) fQ g stem ,md before the first vowel. Often -4PFO (excluding lishner) my bo translated 2s tMlL be.. .lt or w You (~1-u 'tvfill become..,lf It is cornonly used dn they Q t~ indicate the instrument which per* foms an action as umulah -nan letcng Sct 2 pronouns tlthc waie r can washll. -u I i A prefix indicatinp n state of mu you (singular) being,- a customary habitual or natural m he, she, it state, as mah-o "is cold1$ madarnot "is tc we (dual) 11c a~flt. tau we (including Listener) Class- 2:-- mi we (excluding listener) i A prefh which generally expresses yu You (P~UT~) da the- idea of the instrument or object 4 9 they ?~sedin performing an action, !!to use to Sct Z pronouns e always used nith doll or ''cause to dolt, -iali "bfingn, class 1 affixes, and set 2 pronouns with -ihh ttputtl. class 2 affixes. For example, mwlha-mg 9 * hiyatshelriu 000lr4, ih&mma-- llYl bor& !she will cook the rice -" '. Ligatures zre used :in jail* the verb -to the subject, instmcnt or ob - Q ject of the sentence when pronouns arc -sag Emom.
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